Independence - Freedom - Happiness
No. 04/2025/TT-BTNMT
Hanoi, February 28, 2025
Pursuant to the Law on
Standards and Technical Regulations dated June 29, 2006;
Pursuant to the Law on
Environmental Protection dated November 17, 2020;
Pursuant to the
Government’s Decree No. 08/2022/ND-CP dated January 10, 2022 on elaboration of
several Articles of the Law on Environmental Protection and Government’s Decree
No. 05/2025/ND-CP dated January 06,
2025 on amendments to certain Articles of the Government’s Decree
No. 08/2022/ND-CP dated January 10, 2022 on elaboration of several
Articles of the Law on Environmental Protection;
Pursuant to the
Government’s Decree No. 127/2007/ND-CP dated August 01, 2007 elaborating some
Articles of the Law Standards and Technical Regulations and Government Decree
No. 78/2018/ND-CP dated May 16, 2018 on amendments to certain Articles of the
Government’s Decree No. 127/2007/ND-CP dated August 01, 2007 elaborating some
Articles of the Law Standards and Technical Regulations;
Pursuant to the Government’s
Decree No. 68/2022/ND-CP dated September 22, 2022 defining the functions,
tasks, powers and organizational structure of the Ministry of Natural Resources
and Environment;
At the request of the
Director General of the Pollution Control Department, the Director General of
the Department of Science and Technology;
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Article 1. Promulgated together with this Circular is the National
technical regulation on the effluent of livestock (QCVN 62:2025/BTNMT).
Article 2. Effect
1. This Circular comes
into force from September 01, 2025.
2. The Circular No.
04/2016/TT-BTNMT dated April 29, 2016 of the Minister of Natural Resources and
Environment shall cease to have effect in accordance with the transitional
clauses specified in Article 3 and the roadmap for application specified in
Article 4 of this Circular.
3. From the effective
date of this Circular, in case an effluent discharge zone has yet to be
determined, Column B specified in Table 1 of QCVN 62:2025/BTNMT shall apply.
Article 3.
Transitional clauses
1. Any livestock facility
which has been put into operation or any livestock investment project which has
been issued with the decision on approval of result of environmental impact
assessment report appraisal or of which a sufficient and valid application for
appraisal of environmental impact assessment report, issuance of environmental
license or environmental registration has been received by the competent
authority before the effective date of this Circular may continue to apply QCVN
62-MT:2016/BTNMT - National technical regulation on the effluent of livestock
and regulations of the local government (including local environmental
technical regulation on wastewater) until December 31, 2031.
2. In case a competent
authority promulgates regulations on change of functions of receiving water
bodies, the entities specified in clause 1 of this Article shall follow the
roadmap prescribed by the competent authority upon promulgating the
abovementioned regulations.
Article 4. Roadmap for
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2. As of January 01,
2032, the entities specified in clause 1 Article 3 of this Circular shall
comply with the requirements specified under QCVN 62:2025/BTNMT.
3. The entities specified
in clause 1 Article 3 of this Circular are encouraged to apply the regulations
set out under QCVN 62:2025/BTNMT from the effective date of this Circular.
Article 5. Organizing
1. Ministries,
ministerial agencies, People’s Committees at all levels, Departments of Natural
Resources and Environment of provinces and central-affiliated cities, and
organizations and individuals concerned are responsible for the implementation
of this Circular.
2. Difficulties that
arise during the implementation of this Circular should be promptly reported in
writing to the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment for consideration
and resolution./.
Le Cong Thanh
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QCVN 62:2025/BTNMT
QCVN 62:2025/BTNMT is developed by the Pollution Control Department, submitted
by the Department of Science and Technology for approval; appraised by the
Ministry of Science and Technology, and promulgated by the Minister of Natural
Resources and Environment together with the Circular No. ……/2025/TT-BTNMT dated
… (dd) … (mm), 2025.
QCVN 62:2025/BTNMT supersedes QCVN 62-MT:2016/BTNMT - National technical
regulation on the effluent of livestock.
1.1. Scope
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1.2. Regulated
This Regulation applies
to regulatory agencies, organizations and individuals (hereinafter referred to
as “organizations and individuals”) related to the discharge of effluent of
livestock into water receiving bodies.
1.3. Definitions
For the purposes of this
Regulation, the terms below shall be construed as follows:
1.3.1. Livestock
facility means a place where domestic animals are raised or bred. Livestock
facilities include livestock farms and family farms.
1.3.2. Livestock facility
means a place where domestic animals are raised or bred.
1.3.3. Column A,
Column B, Column C (effluent discharge zones) in Table 1 of this Regulation
are prescribed as follows: Column A specifies
permissible limit values of pollution parameters in effluent when discharged
into water receiving bodies having the function of supplying water for domestic
purposes or for the purpose of managing and improving water quality to satisfy
the requirements of Level A in Table 2 and Table 3 QCVN 08:2023/BTNMT -
National technical regulation on surface water quality or regulations of
provincial People's Committees. Column B specifies
permissible limit values of pollution parameters in effluent when discharged
into water receiving bodies with the aim of managing and improving water
quality to satisfy the requirements of Level B in Table 2 and Table 3 QCVN
08:2023/BTNMT - National technical regulation on surface water quality or
regulations of provincial People's Committees.
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2.1. Permissible
limits of pollution parameters in the livestock effluent of investment projects and livestock farms
Pursuant to the
regulations in 1.3.3 of this Regulation, permissible limit values of pollution
parameters in the investment projects and livestock farms’ livestock effluent
when discharged into water receiving bodies are specified in Table 1.
Table 1. Permissible limit values of pollution parameters
in livestock effluent of investment projects and livestock farms
Pollution parameter
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6 - 9
6 - 9
6 - 9
Biochemical oxygen
demand (BOD5 at 20oC)
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≤ 60
≤ 100
Chemical oxygen demand
≤ 65
≤ 150
≤ 250
or Total Organic Carbon
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≤ 35
≤ 70
≤ 130
Total Suspended Solids
≤ 40
≤ 100
≤ 120
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Total Nitrogen (T-N)
≤ 20
≤ 60
≤ 120
Total Phosphorus (T-P)
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Receiving bodies being
lakes, ponds, lagoons (collectively called as “lakes”)
≤ 2,0
≤ 3,0
≤ 4,0
Receiving bodies being
rivers, streams, creeks, canals, ditches (collectively called as “rivers”)
≤ 4,0
≤ 14
≤ 30
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≤ 4,0
≤ 14
≤ 40
Total Coliforms
MPN or CFU/100 mL
≤ 3 000
≤ 5 000
≤ 5 000
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2.2. Regulations on
measures for treatment and management of livestock effluent of investment
projects and family farms
2.2.1. Pursuant to the
regulations in 1.3.3 of this Regulation, permissible limit values of pollution
parameters in the investment projects and livestock farms’ livestock effluent
when discharged into water receiving bodies shall satisfy the requirements set
forth in Table 1 of this Regulation, except the case specified in 2.2.2 of this
2.2.2. Investment
projects and family farms shall, when discharging their effluent into water
receiving bodies corresponding to Column B or Column C in Table 1 of this
Regulation, may select one of the following measures for treatment or
management of livestock effluent: Treat the
effluent in a manner that meets permissible limit values of pollution
parameters in the livestock effluent corresponding to Column B or Column C in
Table 1 of this Regulation. Collect and
transport effluent to the biogas equipment/plant or compost/sedimentation tank
with a total effective capacity of at least 1.5 m3 per one (01) livestock unit.
The biogas equipment/plant or compost/sedimentation tank must be waterproof and
prevent effluent from leaking into soil.
3.1. Methods and techniques
for sampling effluent and determining pollution parameters in livestock
effluent are specified in the Appendix to this Regulation.
In case multiple
different test (analysis) methods are used to test a pollution parameter and an
arbitration method is needed to handle a dispute, complaint or lawsuit, the
test method first listed in Column 3 of the Appendix to this Regulation shall
be used.
3.2. Other test methods
(not referred to in Column 3 in the Appendix to this Regulation), including:
newly promulgated TCVN; national standard methods of one of the countries in
the Group of Seven (G7), European Committee for Standardization (CEN/EN),
Standards of the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), member
countries of the European Union, South Korea or the International Organization
for Standardization (ISO) or Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and
Wastewater (SMEWW) may be accepted.
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4.1. Pollution parameters
and permissible limit values of pollution parameters in the investment projects
and livestock facilities’ livestock effluent when discharged into water
receiving bodies must be indicated in the Decision on approval for result of
environmental impact assessment report appraisal, environmental license and environmental
protection document. The environmental protection document must contain
adequate information about one of the measures for treatment or management of
livestock effluent specified in 2.2 of this Regulation.
4.2. The discharge of
livestock effluent into a water receiving body will be assessed for compliance
and conformance with this Regulation if the pollution parameter monitoring and
analysis results do not exceed the permissible limit values specified in
Table 1 of this Regulation, except the case specified in of this
4.3. The method for
assessing the compliance and conformance with this Regulation shall involve
monitoring and analyzing samples of effluent before being discharged into water
receiving bodies.
4.4. The monitoring of
pollution parameters specified in Table 1 of this Regulation for the purpose of
providing information and data to regulatory agencies must be carried out by an
organization granted a Certificate of eligibility to provide environmental
monitoring services in accordance with the law. The use of automatic and
continuous effluent monitoring results shall be subject to regulations of law.
4.5. In case an
investment project or family farm opts for effluent treatment using biogas
equipment/plant or compost/sedimentation tank, the requirements set forth in of this Regulation must be met.
4.6. The results of
assessment of compliance and conformance with this Regulation shall serve as
the basis for regulatory bodies to consider taking actions as prescribed by
4.7. When connecting
livestock effluent to the system for collection and treatment of domestic and
municipal wastewater, the regulations laid down by the
investor, manager or operator of such system or by the local government must be
4.8. When connecting
livestock effluent to the system for collection and treatment of wastewater of
a concentrated production, business and service area or industrial cluster, the
regulations laid down by the investor in construction and commercial operation
of infrastructure of the concentrated production, business and service area or
industrial cluster must be satisfied.
4.9. Effluent generated
from feeding operations of livestock and poultry slaughterhouses shall, when
mixed together with effluent generated from slaughtering operations, be managed
in the same manner as industrial effluent prescribed in QCVN 40:2025/BTNMT -
National technical regulation on industrial effluent.
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4.11. Livestock effluent
shall, when mixed with industrial effluent, be managed in the same manner as
industrial effluent prescribed in QCVN 40:2025/BTNMT - National technical regulation
on industrial effluent.
The investment project
owner or livestock facility owner shall ensure that values of pollution
parameters do not exceed the permissible limit values specified in Table 1 of
this Regulation or implement the effluent treatment or management measures
specified in of this Regulation in case of opting for effluent
treatment using biogas equipment/plant or compost/sedimentation tank.
6.1. Each provincial
People’s Committee shall review and adjust its promulgated local environmental
technical regulation on the effluent of livestock in line with law, situation
of local socio-economic development and this Regulation.
6.2. Environmental
protection authorities shall provide guidance on and inspect the implementation
of this Regulation.
6.3. In the
cases where any of the documents and regulations referred to in this Regulation
is amended or replaced, the newest one shall apply./.
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Sampling, pollution parameter
Test method and standard code
Sampling effluent,
storage and transport of effluent samples
TCVN 6663-1:2011
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TCVN 6663-3:2016
Effluent sampling for
microbiological analysis
TCVN 8880:2011
TCVN 6492:2011
SMEWW 4500 H+.B:2023
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TCVN 6001-1:2008
TCVN 6001-2:2008
SMEWW 5210B:2023
Chemical oxygen demand
TCVN 6491:1999
SMEWW 5220B:2023
SMEWW 5220C:2023
SMEWW 5220D:2023
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Total Organic Carbon
TCVN 6634:2000
SMEWW 5310B:2023
SMEWW 5310C:2023
SMEWW 5310D:2023
Total Suspended Solids
TCVN 6625:2000
SMEWW 2540D:2023
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Total Nitrogen (T-N)
TCVN 6624:1-2000
TCVN 6624:2-2000
TCVN 6638:2000
Total Phosphorus (T-P)
TCVN 6202:2008
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Total Coliforms
SMEWW 9221B:2023
TCVN 6187-2:2020
TCVN 6187-1:2019
TCVN 8775:2011
- TCVN: National
Standard of Vietnam.
- US EPA Method: Method
of the United States Environmental Protection Agency.
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- ISO: International
Organization for Standardization.