Independence - Freedom - Happiness
No. 02/2025/TT-BCT
Hanoi, February
01, 2025
Pursuant to the Law on
Electricity dated November 30, 2024;
Pursuant to the Law on
Product and Goods Quality dated November 21, 2007;
Pursuant to Decree No.
96/2022/ND-CP dated November 29, 2022 of the Government on functions, tasks,
powers, and organizational structures of the Ministry of Industry and Trade;
Decree No. 105/2024/ND-CP dated August 1, 2024 of the Government on amendment
to Decree No. 96/2022/ND-CP dated November 29, 2022 of the Government and
Decree No. 26/2018/ND-CP dated February 28, 2018 of the Government on
Regulation on organization and operation of Vietnam Electricity (EVN);
At request of the Director
of the Industrial Safety Techniques and Environment Agency;
The Minister of Industry and
Trade promulgates Circular on protection of electricity works and safety in
electrical sector.
Chapter I
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Article 1. Scope
This Circular elaborates the
Law on Electricity pertaining to protection of electricity works and safety in
electrical sector, including: Clause 4 and Clause 5 Article 69, Clause 4
Article 70, Point d Clause 1 Article 71 of the Law on Electricity.
Article 2. Regulated
This Circular applies to:
1. Electricity
entities, including: Electricity generators, transmission system operators,
distribution system operators, electricity sellers;
2. Organizations
and individuals conducting experiments, tests, inspections, construction,
repair of electricity works, electrical equipment and appliances;
3. Organizations
and individuals using electrical equipment and appliances that must be
inspected according to regulations of the Ministry of Industry and Trade.
4. Agencies,
organizations, and individual using electricity;
5. Other
relevant organizations and individuals.
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In this Circular, the terms
below are construed as follows:
1. Electricity
works owner means an organization or individual that owns power generation
structures, electrical substations, electrical transmission stations,
electrical distribution stations.
2. Electricity
works operator means an entity that directly engages in electric operations
under assignment of electrical structure owner to manage, operate power
generation structures, electrical substations, electrical transmission
stations, electrical distribution stations.
3. Individual
operating, experimenting, testing, inspecting, building, repairing power line
or electrical equipment means an employee of an entity that generates electricity,
transmits electricity, distributes electricity, conducts experiments, tests,
inspections, carries out construction and repair services, uses electricity for
manufacturing (with separate electrical sub-stations) who directly operates,
experiments, tests, inspects, builds, repairs power line or electrical
4. Use of
electricity as a direct protective measure means the use of electricity of
appropriate voltage connected directly to metal structure of a fence, an
obstacle, an obstruction (hereinafter referred to as “electric fence”) to
prevent unauthorized access to protected areas.
5. Inspecting
body means an organization specializing in technical safety inspection of
electrical equipment and appliances, certified by the Ministry of Industry and
Trade to conduct quality inspection of products and goods in accordance with
product and goods quality laws, and entitled to evaluate and accredit
electrical equipment and appliances satisfactory to quality standards as per
the law.
Chapter II
Section 1. USE OF
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Agencies, organizations, and
entities shall only use electricity as a direct protective measure if all other
protective measures are ineffective and if:
1. The
Ministry of Public Security or Ministry of National Defense (in case of
military entities) permit in accordance with regulations of the Ministry of
Public Security and Ministry of National Defense.
2. The
design, construction, and installation of electric fences shall conform to
technical requirements under Article 5 hereof.
3. Electric
fences shall only be operated if project developers have finished commissioning
process as per the law, have delivered all documents and dossiers relevant to
construction of the electric fences to operators who have prepared adequate
personnel as per the law.
4. Prior
to operating electric fences, project developers shall have the responsibility
to develop and promulgate procedures, schedules for the purpose of operation,
inspection, maintenance of electric fences, and electrical safety procedures.
Article 5. Technical
requirements of electrical fence system
1. Electric
fences shall be so designed and installed safely to avoid unwanted contact with
humans and cattle, not affect normal operations of electrical systems, not
endanger nearby areas or living environment, be sturdy during heavy weather,
and conform to general aesthetics.
2. Electric
fences can be incorporated with other protective fences or as standalone fences
while meeting requirements below:
a) Where electric fences are
incorporated with other protective fences, electric fences shall be above the
other fences; objects carrying electricity shall be located at a minimum height
of 2,5 m from the ground;
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3. Sign
shall be installed along the length of electric fences on both sides in
accordance with regulations on electrical safety signs. Signs shall be
permanently installed at a height of 1,7 - 2 m from the ground; each sign shall
be at most 20 m away from the other.
4. Voltage
of electric fences shall be:
a) Under 1.000 V in case of
alternating current;
b) Not required in case of
direct current.
5. Working
areas of guards shall be outfitted with audio and light alarm systems. Alarm
system shall automatically activate in case of power failure of the fence or
the current is grounded or short circuited. The alarm shall only be deactivated
by guards. Examination of operation of alarm system shall be carried out
in-between shifts via the use of buttons.
6. Conducting
materials shall meet technical requirements below:
a) Conducting materials of
electric fences can be metal sheet, net, or wire. Where galvanized steel wire
or steel mesh is used, cross section of steel wire shall be at least 6 mm2.
Single thread steel wire shall not contain joints between posts. Where joint
connection is necessary, 2 wire ends shall be wrapped around ceramic insulator
after which the wire ends are joint by connectors, binders, or welding.
b) Conducting materials shall
be fixed onto the ceramic insulator. Length-wise distance between 2 ceramic
coils supporting conducting materials shall not be greater than 5 m. Gap
between conducting materials of 2 adjacent wires or between the lowest wire and
the ground shall be at most 0,2 m.
c) Ceramic insulators are
usually placed at a 45o angle relative to vertical plane. Where the
aforementioned angle must be greater than 45o, reinforced ceramic
insulators shall be used.
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Article 6. Electricity
generation structures of which technical safety assessment is mandatory
1. Thermal
power plant;
2. Wind
power project;
3. Offshore
wind power project;
4. Solar
power project (other than rooftop solar power project; self-producing and
self-consumption rooftop solar power project).
Article 7. Technical safety
assessment cycle for power generation structures
1. Initial
technical safety assessment:
a) In respect of active power
generation structures: Conduct initial assessment within 3 years from the date
on which this Circular enters into force.
b) In respect of power
generation structures that have not entered into official operation: Conduct
initial assessment within 5 years from the date on which the structures enter
into official operation as per the law.
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Article 8. Details of
technical safety assessment of power generation structures
1. Technical
safety assessment shall be conducted via direct inspection and assessment of
power generation structure owners or operators in combination with inspection
results of inspecting bodies and consist of:
a) Assessment of safety level
of electrical equipment and appliances that require inspection (according to
the latest periodic inspection results and visual inspection results).
b) Assessment of safety level
of equipment and machinery under strict safety requirements in accordance with
occupational safety and hygiene (according to the latest periodic inspection
results and visual inspection results).
c) Assessment of equipment
maintenance and repair, safety of structures/work items during operation and
d) Assessment of causes of
incidents that occur during inspection interval on the basis of records on
maintenance, incident rectification and handling results during reporting
periods; structure conditions, and other incident causes (if any).
dd) Assessment of safety and
incident risks during operation of power generation structures and incident
response plans.
2. Handling
of inspection and assessment results
a) Upon discovering any
irregularity, defect, or issue that may causes safety problems, reinforcement,
repair, or replacement (if necessary) shall be carried out to maintain safety
during operation and use. Where immediate reinforcement, repair, replacement is
not feasible due to practical conditions, appropriate warning measures or
handling plans and roadmap shall be adopted.
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c) When necessary or at request
of competent authorities, agencies that receive reports on technical safety
assessment shall examine technical safety assessment results in accordance with
electricity laws and other relevant law provisions.
Article 9. Report on
technical safety assessment results
1. Before
December 15 of the reporting period, power generation structure owners or
operators shall compile and send report using form under Appendix I attached
hereto to agencies under Clause 2 of this Article.
2. Agencies
that receive the reports
a) The Industrial Safety
Techniques and Environment Agency shall represent the Ministry of Industry and
Trade to receive reports on technical safety assessment of power generation
structures of level I or higher and power generation structures located on 2
provinces or higher.
b) Departments of Industry and
Trade of provinces and central-affiliated cities shall receive reports on
technical safety assessment of power generation structures in their provinces
and cities other than those mentioned under Point a Clause 5 of this Article.
3. Report
submission method
Power generation structure
owners or operators shall submit reports in-person or via post service or via
electronic system.
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1. Inspection
of compliance with regulations on protection corridors of electricity works,
a) Inspecting compliance with
regulations on protection corridors of overhead lines.
b) Inspecting compliance with
regulations on protection corridors of underground cables.
c) Inspecting compliance with
regulations on protection corridors of electrical substations.
d) Inspecting compliance with
regulations on protection corridors of wind power works and other power
generation works.
2. Inspecting
compliance with electrical safety laws.
3. Inspecting
compliance with regulations on technical safety inspection of electrical equipment
and appliances.
Article 11. Details of
safety inspection in electricity consumption
1. Safety
inspection of electricity consumption for manufacturing purposes consists of:
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b) Inspecting installation of
prohibitory signs and warning signs relating to electrical safety as per the
c) Inspecting training,
examination, and issuance of electrical safety training card to employees
constructing, repairing, renovating, managing, and operating electrical system
of manufacturing facilities.
d) Inspecting management and
use of electrical equipment and appliances under list of electrical equipment
and appliances for mandatory technical safety inspection.
dd) Inspecting compliance with
other provisions of electrical safety laws.
2. Safety
inspection of electricity consumption for domestic, service purposes consists
a) Inspecting conditions of
electrical system for domestic, service purposes relative to information
registered by electricity users to electricity sellers as per the law.
b) Inspecting quality control
of electrical equipment and appliances installed within electrical system for
domestic, service purposes of electricity users in accordance with product and
goods quality laws.
c) Inspecting safety assurance
and measures taken to prevent fire from spreading to other items and equipment
in case of power outage or fire of power supply system in residential
buildings, structures.
dd) Inspecting compliance with
other provisions of electrical safety laws.
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Article 12. List of
electrical equipment and appliances to be inspected
1. Electrical
equipment used in areas where the risks pertaining to combustible gas and dust
with nominal voltage above 1 kV, including:
a) Lightning arresters.
b) Transformers.
c) Circuit breakers.
d) Electric cables.
dd) Disconnectors, grounding
2. Electrical
appliances to be inspected: Discharge rods.
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Inspection shall conform to
inspection procedures detailed under Appendix II attached hereto corresponding
to individual type of electrical equipment and appliances.
Article 14. Inspection
1. Initial
inspection shall be conducted prior to operation and use of electrical
equipment, appliances.
2. Periodic
inspection shall be conducted during operation and use of electrical equipment,
a) In respect of electrical
equipment in active process that cannot be isolated for separate inspection,
inspection shall be carried out in accordance with major equipment maintenance
b) In respect of electrical
equipment on national electrical system where project developers adopt
condition-based or reliability-centered repair and maintenance plans under
corresponding standards, project developers shall rely on equipment condition
analysis and evaluation results to determine inspection interval and criteria
with a maximum inspection interval of 72 months.
c) In respect of electrical
equipment and appliances not specified under Point a and Point b of this
Clause, such electrical equipment and appliances shall undergo periodic
inspection in accordance with regulations of manufacturers with a maximum
inspection interval of 36 months.
3. Irregular
a) Shall be conducted at
request of competent authority.
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Article 15. Inspection
1. Inspecting
bodies shall have the responsibility to following inspection steps under
promulgated procedures.
2. Handling
of inspection results
a) Electrical equipment and
appliances passing inspection shall have inspection seal applied thereto on
such location that is visible and avoids unfavorable environmental impacts and
shall be issued with physical or electronic certificate of inspection.
b) Electrical equipment and
appliances not passing inspection shall not be issued with certificate of
inspection while previous inspection seal (if any) is removed and inspection
record stating reasons for unqualification is issued.
c) Where location of electrical
equipment and appliances does not facilitate application of inspection seal in
accordance with Point a of this Clause, certificate of inspection shall be issued
after inspection concludes.
3. Within
10 working days from the date on which inspection concludes, inspecting bodies
shall have the responsibility to issue inspection records and certificate of
inspection to organizations, individuals using, operating inspected electrical
equipment and appliances. Certificate of inspection conforms to Form II.7 under
Appendix II attached hereto.
Article 16. Responsibilities
of organizations, individuals using, operating electrical equipment and
1. Prepare
list of electrical equipment and appliances to be inspected.
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3. Adopt
safety measures to protect inspectors of inspecting bodies during inspection
and relevant electrical system in accordance with the Law on Electricity and
guiding documents related to electrical safety.
4. Maintain
and ensure conformity of electrical equipment and appliances during use after
inspection concludes to Vietnam’s technical regulations, technical standards or
foreign technical regulations and technical standards applicable in Vietnam.
5. Keep
physical or electronic dossiers on inspection results. Keep records of at least
2 consecutive inspection intervals.
Article 17. Responsibility
of inspecting body
1. Inspecting
body shall meet requirements under Article 9 of Decree No. 107/2016/ND-CP dated
July 1, 2016 of the Government and obtain registration of technical safety
inspection of electrical equipment and appliances as per the law.
Application and procedures for
certificate of registration of technical safety inspection of electrical
equipment and appliances in shall conform to Article 10, Article 11, Article 12
of Decree No. 107/2016/ND-CP amended by Clause 3 Article 3 of Decree No.
154/2018/ND-CP dated November 9, 2018 of the Government.
2. Promulgate
and send inspection procedures on the basis of procedures detailed under
Article 15 hereof and product, goods quality laws to agencies issuing
certificate of inspection registration for management, examination, and
3. Carry
out inspection of electrical equipment and appliances within the scope of
certificate of inspection registration and in accordance with registered
inspection procedures while maintaining inspection quality and time.
4. Ensure
accuracy of application for inspection operation and maintain inspection
eligibility satisfactory to requirements for conformity assessment services in
accordance with goods and product quality laws.
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6. Employ
inspectors affiliated to other inspecting bodies for inspection purposes only
after entering into written cooperation agreement with the other inspecting
bodies and employment contracts with the inspectors.
7. Assume
legal responsibility for inspection results produced by inspectors under their
authority and inspectors affiliated to cooperating inspecting bodies under
written agreements.
8. For the
purposes of inspecting electrical equipment and appliances of a minimum voltage
of 110 kV, employ at least 4 inspectors having undergraduate education level or
higher in technical major appropriate to inspection subject, having 24 months
or higher of experience in fields of inspection or relevant majors, having
completed the required training course and examination pertaining to technical
safety inspection of inspection subject.
9. Provide
professional training and issue inspector card for technical safety inspection
of electrical equipment and appliances as per the law.
10. Submit
periodic reports on inspection results of the previous year to Ministry of
Industry and Trade before January 30 of each year or irregular reports on
inspection results at request of competent authority.
11. Submit
reports on changes related to registered inspection eligibility within 15 days
from the date on which such changes occur.
12. Comply
with this Circular, regulations of the law pertaining to conformity assessment
service eligibility, and other relevant law provisions.
Article 18. Responsibility
of the Industrial Safety Techniques and Environment Agency
1. Assign
Industrial Safety Techniques and Environment Agency to act as authority to
receive and appraise application for issuance, renewal, revision, and
re-issuance of certificate of inspection registration of inspection bodies in
accordance with Article 10, Article 11, and Article 12 of Decree No.
107/2016/ND-CP dated July 1, 2016 of the Government amended by Clause 3 Article
3 of Decree No. 154/2018/ND-CP dated November 9, 2018 of the Government and
provisions pertaining to field-specific inspection.
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2. Publicize
list of inspecting bodies on website of the Ministry of Industry and Trade and
send such list to the Ministry of Science and Technology within 15 days from
the date on which certificate of inspection registration is issued.
3. Inspect
and examine compliance with regulations of the law in technical safety
inspection of electrical equipment and appliances of inspecting bodies, organizations,
individuals using, operating electrical equipment and appliances.
4. Provide
guidelines on implementation of regulations on technical safety inspection of
electrical equipment and appliances.
Article 19. Responsibilities
of People’s Committees of provinces
Inspect and examine technical
safety inspection of electrical equipment and appliances of inspecting bodies,
organizations, individuals using, operating electrical equipment and appliances
in their provinces and cities.
Chapter IV
Article 20. Entry into force
1. This
Circular comes into force from February 01, 2025.
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a) Circular No. 13/2022/TT-BCT
dated August 25, 2022 of the Ministry of Industry and Trade.
b) Circular No. 05/2021/TT-BCT
dated August 2, 2021 of the Ministry of Industry and Trade.
c) Circular No. 33/2015/TT-BCT
dated October 27, 2015 of the Ministry of Industry and Trade.
d) Decision No. 07/2006/QD-BCN
dated April 11, 2006 of the Ministry of Technology.
3. Annul
Article 3 of Circular No. 28/2017/TT-BCT dated December 8, 2017 of the Ministry
of Industry and Trade from the effective date hereof.
Article 21. Transition
1. Certificate
of inspection registration issued by the Ministry of Industry and Trade before
the effective date hereof shall remain valid until new issuance, renewal,
revision, or re-issuance.
2. Applications
submitted by applicants for technical safety inspection of electrical equipment
and appliances and being appraised by the Ministry of Industry and Trade (via
Industrial Safety Techniques and Environment Agency) before the effective date
hereof shall comply with regulations of the law applicable as of the date of
application. Where competent authority request revision or addition to the
application after the effective date hereof, the applications shall then
conform to this Circular.
Article 22. Organizing
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2. Where
documents referred to in this Circular are amended or superseded, the newer
versions shall prevail.
3. Difficulties
that arise during implementation of this document shall be promptly reported to
the Ministry of Industry and Trade (via Industrial Safety Techniques and
Environment Agency)./.
Truong Thanh Hoai