Independence – Freedom – Happiness
Hanoi, December
31, 2014
Pursuant to Decree 32/2008/ND-CP dated March 19,
2008 of the Government on functions, tasks, powers and organizational structure
of the Ministry of Education and Training;
Pursuant to Decree No. 75/2006/ND-CP dated
August 2, 2006 of the Government on elaborating to Law on Education;
Decree No. 31/2011/ND-CP dated May 11, 2011 of the Government on
amendments to Decree No. 75/2006/ND-CP dated August 2, 2006 of the Government
on elaborating to Law on Education; Decree No.07/2013/ND-CP dated January 9, 2013
of the Government on amendments to Point b Clause 13 Article 1 of Decree No.
31/2011/ND-CP dated May 11, 2011 of the Government on amendments to Decree No.
75/2006/ND-CP dated August 2, 2006 of Government on elaborating to Law on
Decree No. 141/2013/ND-CP dated October 24, 2013
of the Government on elaborating to Law on Higher Education;
Pursuant to Joint Circular No.
36/2014/TTLT-BGDDT-BNV dated November 28, 2014 of Minister of Education and
Training and Minister of Home Affairs on standard codes and titles of lecturers
in public higher education institutions;
At the request of Director General of Teachers
and Educational Managers Department,
Minister of Education and Training promulgates
Circular on working policies of lecturers.
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Article 1. Scope and regulated
1. This Circular prescribes working policies for
lecturers, including: Tasks of lecturer titles; regulations on working hours,
classroom hours and scientific research hours.
2. This Circular applies to lecturers of national
universities, regional universities, institutes, universities and junior
colleges the national education system (hereinafter referred to as “higher
education institutions”) and relevant organizations and persons.
Article 2. Purposes
1. As the basis to enable heads of higher education
institutions to assign, designate, use and improve quality and effectiveness of
operation of lecturers.
2. As the basis to enable education managing
agencies to examine, appraise, evaluate and develop policies and programs of
training and enhancing lecturers.
3. As the basis to enable lecturers to develop
schemes for teaching, conducting scientific research, studying and enhancing
professional level.
4. As the basis to enable heads of higher education
institutions to assess and rank lecturers on a yearly basis and ensure
transparency, equality and democracy in implementing policies, rights and
obligations of lecturers.
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1. Tasks of lecturer titles shall comply with Joint
Circular No. 36/2014/TTLT-BGDDT-BNV dated November 28, 2014 of Minister of
Education and Training and Minister of Home Affairs on standard codes and
titles of lecturers in public higher education institutions;
2. Lecturers holding positions of associate
professors or professors must execute tasks specified in Decision No.
174/2008/QD-TTg dated December 31, 2008 of Prime Minister on standards and
procedures for assignment and dismissal of associate professor and professor
titles in addition to lecturer tasks specified in Clause 1 of this Article;
Decision No. 20/2012/QD-TTg dated April 27, 2012 of Prime Minister on
amendments to Regulations on standards and procedures for assignment and
dismissal of associate professor and professor titles attached to Decision No.
174/2008/QD-TTg dated December 31, 2008 of Prime Minister.
Chapter II
Article 4. Regulations on
working hours
1. Working hours of lecturers shall comply with the
policy of 40 hours per week and shall be determined in each academic year.
2. Total working hours of a lecturer in an academic
year for teaching, conducting scientific research, studying and executing other
tasks in universities shall be 1,760 hours after subtracting from number of
permitted leave.
Article 5. Regulations on
classroom hours and conversion to classroom hours
1. Regulations on classroom hours
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b) Classroom hours for a lecturer in an academic
year shall be 270 classroom hours; in which, hours of lecturing on class shall
account for no less than 50% of the total required amount.
2. Conversion to classroom hours
a) A period of theory lecture on class for 40
students shall equal 1.0 classroom hour. Depending on scale of the classes and
specific working conditions for classes on other disciplines, a period of
theory lecture on class may be multiplied by no more than 1.5 when calculated
for classroom hour;
b) A lecture on major or theory for classes of
master degrees or doctor degrees and a lecture in foreign languages on subjects
other than foreign languages shall equal to 1.5 to 2.0 classroom hours;
c) A period of guiding exercises, practicing,
performing experiments or discussing on class shall be no more than 1.0
classroom hour;
d) Internship guidance: 1 working day shall be no
more than 2.5 classroom hours
dd) Instruction on thesis and higher education
graduation thesis shall be no more than 25 classroom hours per thesis;
e) Instruction on master theses shall be no more
than 70 classroom hours per thesis;
g) Instruction on doctoral dissertations shall be
no more than 200 classroom hours per dissertation.
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Article 6. Classroom hours
applicable to lecturers holding leader titles or performing additional managing
affairs, Communist Party-related affairs and association affairs in higher
education institutes
Lecturers assigned with leader titles or assigned
with addition tasks related to managing affairs, Communist Party-related
affairs and association affairs in higher education institutes are obliged to
deliver lectures satisfactory to values below (calculated based on % of
classroom hours specified in Point b Clause 1 Article 5 of this Circular):
holding managerial titles
Directors of national universities, regional
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Chairpersons of councils, vice principals of
higher education institutions and equivalent; heads of national universities
and regional universities:
Deputy heads of national universities and
regional universities; heads of division and equivalent:
Deputy heads of division and equivalent:
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Heads and vices of faculty and equivalent:
With respect to a faculty with 40 lecturers or
more or 800 learners or more:
- Head of faculty:
- Vice of faculty:
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With respect to a faculty with less than 40
lecturers or less than 800 learners:
- Head of faculty:
- Vice of faculty:
Heads of departments:
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Vices of departments, department consultants,
class teachers and class consultants:
Party Committee Secretary, Chairpersons of unions
of higher education institutions where specialized officials are assigned to;
Party Committee Secretary, Chairpersons of unions
of higher education institutions where specialized officials are not assigned
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Deputy Party Committee Secretary, Vice
Chairperson of unions, Chiefs of People’s Inspection Boards, Chiefs of women
associations, Chairpersons of war veteran associations in higher education institutions
where specialized officials are assigned to;
Deputy Party Committee Secretary, Vice
Chairperson of unions, Chiefs of People’s Inspection Boards, Chiefs of women
associations, Chairpersons of war veteran associations in higher education
institutions where specialized officials are not assigned to;
Secretaries of divisions, Chairpersons of faculty
unions and equivalent;
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Lecturers participating in part-time national
defense and military affairs specified in Decree No. 119/2004/ND-CP dated May
15, 2004 of Government on national defense of ministries, ministerial
agencies, Governmental agencies and agencies in provinces and central-affiliated
Lecturers who are in reserved forces or
self-defense forces and summoned for annual training and drills, duration of
training and drill shall be converted into classroom hours as specified in
Point d Clause 2 Article 5 of this Circular.
Lecturers participating in youth unions, student
associations, and youth federations shall comply with Decision No.
13/2013/QD-TTg dated February 6, 2013 of Prime Minister on policies for members
of Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union, Vietnam Student Association and Vietnam
Youth Federations in education institutions and vocational education
Article 7. Regulations on
scientific research
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2. Assignment and implementation of scientific
research of lecturers must conform to conditions, scientific capacity,
scientific and technological development orientations of higher education
institutions and specialized capacity of the lecturers. Heads of higher
education institutions shall specifically assign scientific research tasks for
lecturers under their management.
3. On a yearly basis, lecturers must complete
scientific research tasks assigned depending on their current titles or
positions. Results of scientific research of lecturers shall be assessed based
on specific scientific research products, at least 1 scientific research topic
on institution level or equivalent that is inspected and classified as
qualified or an article published on academic journals with review or a science
report at a specialized science seminar.
4. With respect to lecturers that fail to finish
the scientific research as per the law, heads of higher education institutions
shall rely on level of severity and conditions on a case-by-case basis to
assess results of task implementation in the academic year, rank emulation and
handle relevant policies.
Article 8. Application clauses
1. Lecturers during their internship shall fulfill
up to 50% of the values specified in Point b Clause 1 Article 5 of this
2. Lecturers who teach, conduct scientific
research, specialized activities and other tasks exceeding the required value
shall benefit from excess work policies as per the law.
3. Lecturers holding simultaneously many titles
shall be applied with the lowest classroom hour applicable to all held titles
specified in Article 6 of this Circular.
4. Lecturers during maternity/paternity leave or long-term
medical treatment shall be relieved from tasks an amount equivalent to total
leave period receiving social insurance benefits. Female lecturers having
small children shall receive reduction in tasks corresponding to amount of
working hours reduced according to applicable Labor Code.
Chapter III
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Article 9. Responsibilities of
heads of higher educational institutions
Heads of higher education institutions shall rely
on this Circular, properties of each subject, training majors and specific
conditions to issue documents specifying working policies of lecturers under
their management.
Article 10. Implementation
1. This Circular comes into effect from March 25,
2015 and replaces: Decision No. 64/2008/QD-BGDDT dated November 28, 2008 of
Minister of Education and Training on working policies of lecturers; Circular
No. 36/2010/TT-BGDDT dated December 15, 2010 of Minister of Education and
Training on amendments to working policies of lecturers attached to Decision
No. 64/2008/QD-BGDDT dated November 28, 2008 of Minister of Education and
Training; Circular No. 18/2012/TT-BGDDT dated May 31, 2012 of Minister of
Education and Training on working policies for lecturers operating in art,
music pedagogy and fine art pedagogy.
2. Chief of Office, Director General of Teachers
and Educational Managers Department, heads of relevant entities affiliated to
Ministry of Education and Training and heads of higher education institutions
are responsible for implementation of this Circular./.
Bui Van Ga