- Freedom – Happiness
June 23, 2009
Pursuant to the Government's
Decree No. 189/2007/ND-CP of December 27, 2007, defining the functions, tasks,
powers and organizational structure of the Ministry of Industry and Trade;
Pursuant to the Kimberley Process Certification Scheme for rough diamonds,
concluded on November 5, 2002, in Interlaken, Switzerland;
Pursuant to the Government's Decree No. 118/2008/ND-CP of November 27, 2008,
defining the functions, tasks, powers and organizational structure of the
Ministry of Finance;
In furtherance of the Prime Minister's Directive No. 1600/2002/CT-QHQT-VPCP of
December 13, 2002, on Vietnam's participation in the Kimberley Process
Certification Scheme for import and export of rough diamonds;
The Ministry of Industry and Trade and the Ministry of Finance jointly guide
the certification of and procedures for import and export of rough diamonds in
implementation of the Kimberley Process Certification Scheme as follows:
Article 1.
Scope of regulation
This Joint Circular guides the
certification of and procedures for import and export of rough diamonds in
implementation of the Kimberley Process Certification Scheme (below referred to
as the KP Certification Scheme).
Article 2.
Subjects of application
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TVPL Pro để sử dụng được đầy đủ các tiện ích gia tăng liên quan đến nội dung TCVN.
Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ:
ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66
Article 3. Interpretation
of terms
1. Conflict diamonds means rough
diamonds used by rebel movements or their allies to finance conflicts aimed at
undermining legitimate governments, as described in relevant United Nations
Security Council (UNSC) resolutions still in effect, or in other similar UNSC
resolutions which may be adopted in the future, and as understood and
recognized in United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) Resolution 55/56, or in
other similar UNGA resolutions which may be adopted in the future;
2. Country of origin means the
country where rough diamonds have been mined or extracted;
3. Country of provenance means
the last Participant from where rough diamonds were exported, as recorded on
import documentation;
4. Diamond means a natural
mineral consisting essentially of pure crystallized carbon in the isometric
system, with a hardness on the Mohs (scratch) scale of 10, a specific gravity
of approximately 3.52 and a refractive index of 2.42;
5. Exporting authority means the
authority or body designated by the country of provenance which is authorized
to validate the Kimberley Process Certificate;
6. Importing authority means the
authority or body designated by an importing country to conduct all import
formalities and particularly the verification of the accompanying Kimberley
Process Certificate;
7. Kimberley Process Certificate
(below referred to as KP Certificate) means a forgery resistant document with a
particular format which identifies a shipment of rough diamonds as complying
with the requirements of the KP Certification Scheme;
8. Parcel means one or more
diamonds that are packed together and that are not individualized;
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ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66
10. Participant means a state or
a regional economic integration organization for which the
KP Certification Scheme is
11. Regional economic
integration organization means an organization comprising sovereign states that
has been transferred competence in respect of matters governed by the KP
Certification Scheme;
12. Rough diamonds means
diamonds that are unworked or simply sawn, cleaved or crude and fall under
subheadings 7102.10, 7102.21 and 7102.31 of the Harmonized Systems (HS);
13. Shipment means one or more
parcels that are physically imported or exported.
Article 4.
Rough diamonds banned from import or export
The import or export of conflict
diamonds is prohibited.
Article 5.
Conditions for import or export of rough diamonds
1. Traders may only import rough
diamonds from or export rough diamonds to Participants in the KP Certification
Scheme (Annex I, not printed herein). In case of any change in the KP
Certification Scheme's Participants, the Ministry of Industry and Trade shall
update, modify and supplement this list.
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3. Shipments of rough diamonds may
be imported from a Participant only with valid KP certificates issued by a
competent agency of the country of provenance being a Participant.
4. Imported or exported
shipments of rough diamonds must be transported in anti-theft containers with
unbroken seals.
Article 6.
Transit of shipments of rough diamonds
Traders are required neither to
produce KP Certificates nor carry out any procedures specified in Section II or
III of this Circular for shipments of rough diamonds transiting the Vietnamese
territory but shall observe the Vietnamese law on goods transit.
Article 7.
Agencies confirming import and issuing KP Certificates
Agencies confirming the import
of imported shipments of rough diamonds and issuing KP Certificates for
exported shipments of rough diamonds include the Industry and Trade Ministry's
Regional Import-Export Management Sections based in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City
(below referred to as Import-Export Management Sections). Detailed information
on these Sections is provided in Annex III (not printed herein).
Article 8.
Responsibilities of importers and exporters of rough diamonds
Importers and exporters of rough
diamonds shall:
1. Make and submit trader
dossiers to Import-Export Management Sections;
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3. Prove that imported rough
diamonds are imported from Participants in the KP Certification Scheme and
exported rough diamonds are exported to Participants in the KP Certification
Scheme, and create favorable conditions for Import-Export Management Sections
to verify the origin of goods;
4. Take responsibility before
law for the accuracy and truthfulness of details declared in trader dossiers
and dossiers of application for import confirmation or dossiers of application
for KP Certificates as well as the origin of imports and exports, even in case
of authorization;
5. Promptly report to
Import-Export Management Sections of localities where traders have applied for
KP Certificates on the shipments rejected by importing countries even though
they have been issued Vietnamese KP Certificates (if any);
6. Keep purchase, sale, import
and export documents; list names of buyers or sellers, numbers of permits of
buyers or sellers, quantity and value of sold, exported or bought, imported
diamonds; and keep other documents within five (5) years from the date of
registration of customs declarations.
Article 9.
Responsibilities of Import-Export Management Sections
Import-Export Management
Sections shall:
1. Provide instructions to
traders upon request;
2. Receive and examine trader
dossiers and dossiers of application for import confirmation or dossiers of
application for KP Certificates;
3. Verify the actual origin of
products, when necessary;
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ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66
5. Keep import confirmation
dossiers or issue KP Certificates within five (5) years;
6. Keep all detailed information
on shipments of imported and exported rough diamonds in a computerized
7. Send specimens of signatures
of persons authorized to sign KP Certificates and specimens of seals of
Import-Export Management Sections to the Ministry of Industry and Trade (the
Import-Export Department) under regulations of the Ministry of Industry and
8. Settle according to their
competence complaints related to KP Certificates;
9. Keep confidential dossiers
and documents related to KP Certificates;
10. Exchange information on the
registration of trader dossiers and other matters related to import
confirmation or issuance of KP Certificates;
11. Comply with the reporting
regime and other requests under regulations of the Ministry of Industry and
Article 10.
Responsibilities of customs agencies
Customs agencies shall:
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ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66
2. Keep dossiers of imported and
exported shipments of rough diamonds within five (5) years from the date of
registration of customs declarations;
3. Keep all detailed information
on shipments of rough diamonds in a computerized database;
4. Collaborate with the Ministry
of Industry and Trade in settling cases arising in the management of import and
export of rough diamonds.
Article 11.
Registration of trader dossiers
1. Persons who apply for the
first time for confirmation of the import of shipments of rough diamonds and
for KP Certificates for exported shipments of rough diamonds may have relevant
procedures carried out only after they have completed procedures for
registration of trader dossiers. A trader dossier comprises:
a/ Registration of the specimen
of the signature of the person authorized to sign the application for import
confirmation and the application for KP Certificate, and the specimen of the
trader's seal (Annex IV, not printed herein);
b/ Trader's business
registration certificate (a true certified copy);
c/ Tax identification number
registration certificate (a true certified copy):
d/ List of the trader's
production and processing establishments (Annex V not printed herein);
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ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66
2. Any change in trader dossiers
must be notified to Import-Export Management Sections with which they have been
registered prior to applying for import confirmation and KP Certificates. In
case of no change, trader dossiers must still be updated every two (2) years.
3. In case the application for
import confirmation and the application for KP Certificates are made in places
other than those where trader dossiers had previously been registered,
applicants shall give written plausible reasons for not applying for import
confirmation and KP Certificates in the places where trader dossiers had
previously been registered. After being accepted to have trader dossiers
registered at an Import-Export Management Section other than that with which
trader dossiers had previously been registered, traders shall register new
trader dossiers.
Article 12.
Procedures for the import of rough diamonds at customs agencies
1. For traders
When carrying out procedures for
the import of rough diamonds, a trader shall submit to the customs agency the
a/ Original of the KP
Certificate issued by a competent agency of the country of provenance being a
Participant and two (2) copies signed and certified true by the head or
authorized person of the trader;
b/ Other papers as provided for
by the customs law.
2. The customs agency shall:
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ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66
b/ Carefully check dossiers and
goods to ensure that imported shipments of rough diamonds are consistent with
information shown in the KP Certificate and information supplied by a competent
agency of the country of provenance (if any);
c/ Keep in the import customs
dossier one (1) copy of the KP Certificate, signed and certified true by the
head or authorized person of the trader;
d/ Within three (3) working days
after completing customs procedures for imported shipments of rough diamonds,
issue a certificate of imported rough diamonds, comprising three (3) copies
made according to a form provided in Annex VI to this Circular (not printed
herein), one (1) of them shall be sent to the Import-Export Management Section,
one (1) copy kept in the customs agency's import dossier, and one (1) copy sent
to the trader. Send through email details of the KP Certificate and the
certificate of imported rough diamonds to the Import-Export Management Section
(made according to a form provided in Annex III. not printed herein) and to [email protected]. Such an email contains information on
the weight, value, country of origin, country of provenance, exporter, importer,
and number of the KP Certificate.
Article 13.
Procedures for import confirmation at Import-Export Management Sections
1. For traders
Within three (3) working days
after the customs agency issues a certificate of imported rough diamonds, a
trader importing rough diamonds shall make import confirmation at the
Import-Export Management Section and submit the following:
a/ Application for confirmation
of the import of rough diamonds, committing that imported rough diamonds are
not conflict diamonds (the original signed and stamped by the head or
authorized person of the trader);
b/ KP Certificate, comprising
one (1) original and three (3) copies;
c/ Certificate of imported rough
diamonds, issued by the customs agency;
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Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ:
ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66
2. Import-Export Management
Sections shall:
a/ Within three (3) working days
after receiving complete and valid papers specified in Clause 1 of Article 13
and an email from the customs agency, confirm import on the right side of the
KP Certificate and three (3) copies;
b/ After confirming import in
three (3) copies of the KP Certificate, keep one (1) copy, and send one (1)
copy to the Import-Export Department (the Ministry of Industry and Trade) and
one (1) copy to the trader. Cut the KP Certificate's original into two sections
and send the import confirmation section to the KP Certificate-issuing agency
of the country of provenance, and keep the country of provenance's confirmation
section for reference upon issuance of KP Certificates for exported shipments
of traders;
c/ Within three (3) working days
after confirming import in the (original) KP Certificate, send through email to
a competent agency of the country of provenance details of the KP Certificate
with import confirmation and to the Import-Export Department of the Ministry of
the Industry and Trade at kimberley[email protected] for
monitoring. Such an email contains information on the weight, value, country of
origin or country of provenance, exporter, and number of the KP Certificate.
Article 14.
Procedures for the issuance of KP Certificates
1. For traders
When carrying out procedures for
applying for KP Certificates for exported shipments of rough diamonds, a trader
shall submit to the Import-Export Management Section the following:
a/ Application for KP
Certificate, committing that exported rough diamonds are not conflict diamonds
(the original signed and stamped by the head or authorized person of the
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c/ Import KP Certificate with
import confirmation by the Import-Export Management Section;
d/ Export customs declaration
for which customs procedures have been completed (a copy signed and certified
true by the head or authorized person of the trader and enclosed with the
original for comparison);
e/ Bill of lading (a copy signed
and certified true by the head or authorized person of the trader and enclosed
with the original for comparison);
f/ Commercial invoice (a copy
signed and certified true by the head or authorized person of the trader and
enclosed with the original for comparison);
g/ Packing slip (a copy signed
and certified true by the head or authorized person of the trader and enclosed
with the original for comparison);
h/ Processing contract and
processing norms already registered with the customs agency (a copy signed and
certified true by the head or authorized person of the trader and enclosed with
the original for comparison);
If having plausible reasons, the
trader may submit later the export customs declaration for which customs
procedures have been completed and the bill of lading within fifteen (15)
working days after a KP Certificate is issued.
2. For Import-Export Management
a/ The Import-Export Management
Section shall issue a KP Certificate to a trader within three (3) working days
after accepting a complete and valid dossier of application for KP Certificate.
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c/ The trader shall send the
original KP Certificate to the importer for submission to a competent agency of
the importing Participant. One (1) copy shall be kept by the Import-Export
Management Section and two (2) others handed over to the trader. Upon request
of the importing Participant, the trader may request the Import-Export
Management Section to issue more than three (3) copies.
d/ When necessary, the
Import-Export Management Section may conduct inspection at the production place
if deeming that dossier examination does not provide sufficient grounds for the
issuance of a KP Certificate or when detecting violations of law with regard to
previously issued KP Certificates. Examination results must be made in a record
to be signed by the examination officer and KP Certificate applicant. If the KP
Certificate applicant refuses to sign the record, the examination officer shall
sign for confirmation after stating the reason. In this case, the time limit
for issuing a KP Certificate is five (5) working days after the applicant
submits a complete dossier.
e/ Within three (3) working days
after a trader submits the export customs declaration for which customs
procedures have been completed, the Import-Export Management Section shall send
through email details of the issued KP Certificate to a competent agency of the
importing country and to the Import-Export Department of the Ministry of
Industry and Trade at [email protected]
for monitoring. Such an email contains information on the weight, value,
country of origin or country of provenance, importer, and number of the KP
Article 15.
Procedures for the export of rough diamonds at customs agencies
1. For traders
When carrying out procedures for
the export of rough diamonds, a trader shall submit to the customs agency the
a/ Original and one (1) copy of the
KP Certificate, issued by the Import-Export Management Section.
b/ Other papers provided for by
the customs law.
2. The customs agency shall:
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b/ After checking and
comparison, return the original of the KP Certificate to the trader and keep a
copy of this Certificate in the export customs dossier;
c/ Within three (3) working days
after completing customs procedures for an exported shipment of rough diamonds,
send through email details of the KP Certificate to the Import-Export
Management Section and to [email protected].
Such an email contains information on the weight, value, country of origin,
exporter, importer, and number of the KP Certificate.
Article 16.
Effect of KP Certificates
A KP Certificate is valid for
two (2) months after it is issued. In case a shipment of rough diamonds has
been issued a KP Certificate but not yet exported within this time limit, the
trader shall return the KP Certificate to the Import-Export Management Section
which has issued it.
Article 17.
Tasks and powers of the Ministry of Industry and Trade
The Ministry of Industry and
Trade, which is the focal point for managing the import and export of rough
diamonds, has the following tasks and powers:
1. To guide and examine import
confirmation or issuance of KP Certificates to ensure that such confirmation
and issuance comply with regulations;
2. Inform Participants through
the Chair of specimens and characteristics of Vietnamese KP Certificates, and
specimens of signatures of officers and seals of Import-Export Management
Sections authorized to issue KP Certificates;
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4. To supply other Participants
through the Chair with information in English on Vietnamese legal documents
concerning the implementation of the KP Certification Scheme, and update that
information upon request;
5. To compile and make available
to other Participants through the Chair statistics in line with the principles
set out in the KP Certification Scheme;
6. Exchange experience and other
relevant information, including on self-assessment, in order to arrive at the
best practice in given circumstances in implementing the provisions of the KP
Certification Scheme;
7. Consider favorably requests
from other Participants for assistance to improve the functioning of the KP
Certification Scheme within their territories;
8. To inform another Participant
through the Chair if it considers that legal documents of that Participant do
not ensure the absence of conflict diamonds in the exports of that Participant;
9. To cooperate with other
Participants to attempt to resolve problems which may arise from unintentional
circumstances and which could lead to non-fulfillment of the minimum requirements
for the issuance or acceptance of KP Certificates, and inform all other
Participants of the essence of the problems encountered and of solutions found;
10. To closely cooperate with
law enforcement agencies and customs agencies of Participants;
To make known the names of
individuals or companies convicted of violations of the provisions of the KP
Certification Scheme to all other Participants through the Chair;
11. To be encouraged to ensure
that all cash purchases of rough diamonds are routed through official banking
channels, supported by verifiable documentation.
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TVPL Pro để sử dụng được đầy đủ các tiện ích gia tăng liên quan đến nội dung TCVN.
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1. To guide customs procedures
and conduct customs inspection of imported and exported shipments of rough
diamonds under regulations;
2. To guide the reporting, and
report, on the import and export of rough diamonds;
3. To settle arising problems
and complaints related to the import and export of rough diamonds;
4. To cooperate with competent
domestic and foreign agencies and international organizations in investigating
and verifying imported and exported rough diamonds;
5. To collaborate in performing
tasks and exercising powers of a Participant.
Article 19.
Regulations on reporting and information update
1. Import-Export Management
Sections shall quarterly update information on import confirmation and issuance
of KP Certificates according to a form provided by the Ministry of Industry and
Trade and email such information to the Import-Export Department of the
Ministry of Industry and Trade at [email protected].
2. The Ministry of Finance shall
quarterly update information on the import and export of shipments of rough
diamonds according to a form provided by the Ministry of Industry and Trade and
email such information to the Ministry of Industry and Trade at
[email protected].
3. Based on the data supplied by
Import-Export Management Sections and the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of
Industry and Trade shall sum up and report to the Working Group on data of the
KP Certification Scheme.
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This Circular takes effect 45
days from the date of its signing.
This Circular replaces the Trade
Ministry's Circular No. 11/2002/TT-TM-XNK of December 26, 2002, guiding the
management of import and export of rough diamonds, and relevant decisions and
guiding documents amending and supplementing Circular No. 11/2002/TT-TM-XNK.
Any problems arising in the
course of implementation should, depending on their nature, be promptly
reported to the Ministry of Industry and Trade or the Ministry of Finance for
settlement, at the following addresses:
Ministry of Industry and Trade
(Import-Export Department)
54 Hai Ba Trung street, Hoan
Kiem district, Hanoi
Tel: 04.2.2205444
Fax: 04.2.2202525
Ministry of Finance (General
Department of Customs. Supervision and Management Department)
162 Nguyen Van Cu, Long Bien
district, Hanoi
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TVPL Pro để sử dụng được đầy đủ các tiện ích gia tăng liên quan đến nội dung TCVN.
Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ:
ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66
Fax: 04.3.8725909
Do Hoang Anh Tuan
Nguyen Thanh Bien