Independence - Freedom – Happiness
No. 38/2014/ND-CP
Hanoi, May 06, 2014
Pursuant to the Law on
Government organization dated December 25, 2001;
Pursuant to the Law on
Chemicals November 21, 2007;
Pursuant to the Decision
No. 167 HD/CTN dated August 24, 1998 of the President of Vietnam on the
approval for the Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production,
Stockpiling and Use of Chemical Weapons and on their Destruction;
At the request of the
Minister of Industry and Trade,
The Government issues
the Decree on the management of the chemicals governed by the Convention on the
Prohibition of the Development, Production, Stockpiling and Use of Chemical
Weapons and on their Destruction;
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1. Scope of regulation
This Decree imposes
regulations on the production, business, process, use, stockpiling, import and
export of the chemicals controled in the Socialist Republic of Vietnam which
are governed by the Convention on the Prohibition of the Development,
Production, Stockpiling and Use of Chemical Weapons and on their Destruction
(hereinafter referred to as Chemical Weapons Convention or CWC)
2. Regulated objects
This Decree is applied to
the organizations and individuals involved in the production, business,
process, use, stockpiling, import and export of the chemicals governed by the
3. Regulated laws
1. The activities related
to the chemicals governed by the CWC must comply with the regulations of this
Decree and other relevant law regulations.
2. Cases which are not
prescribed in this Decree or prescribed differently from the CWC, they shall be
implemented in accordance with the CWC.
4. Interpretation of terms
In this Decree, these
terms shall be construed as follows:
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2. “ Precursor” means any
chemical reactant which takes part at any stage in the production by whatever
method of a toxic chemical. A precursor participates in the chemical reaction
that produces a toxic chemical and plays the key role in term of the toxicity
of that toxic chemical
4. “Riot Control
Agent" means any chemical not listed in a Schedule, which can produce
rapidly in humans sensory irritation or disabling physical effects which
disappear within a short time following termination of exposure.
5. “Other chemical” mean
any chemical not listed in a Schedule which is classified as DOC and DOC-PSF,
of which:
a) DOC means any chemical
belonging to the class of chemical compounds consisting of all compounds of
carbon except for its oxides, sulfides and metal carbonates.
b) DOC-PSF means any
unscheduled discrete organic chemical containing one or more elements
phosphorus, sulfur or fluorine.
6. "Production"
of a chemical means its formation through chemical reaction.
7. "Processing"
of a chemical means a physical process, such as formulation, extraction and
purification, in which a chemical is not converted into another chemical.
"Consumption" of a chemical means its conversion into another
chemical via a chemical reaction or the presentation of the chemical is
necessary in the process of the formulation of another chemical.
9. “Stockpiling” of a
chemical means the stockpiling or maintenance of an unused chemical or
remaining chemical in the specialized warehouse, cask or basin in chemical
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a) Schedule 1 chemical
facilities, Schedule 2 chemical facilities, Schedule 3 chemical facilities are
the places where one or more than one activities related to the production,
business, process, use, stockpiling, import and export of Schedule 1, Schedule
2, Schedule 3 chemicals take place.
facilities are the facilities which produce DOC and DOC-PSF.
11. "Production
Capacity" means the annual quantitative potential for manufacturing a specific
chemical based on the technological process actually used or, if the process is
not yet operational, planned to be used at the relevant facility. It shall be
deemed to be equal or exceeding the manufacturing output, processing or
consumption of that facility.
12. “Data verification”
is the assessment and comparison of the investment data of the facilities
producing, trading, processing, using, brokering, exporting and importing the
Schedule chemicals from the licensed suppliers which is declared in order to
reconfirm the conformability of the declared data or to detect errors needing
adjusting to ensure the obviousness, accuracy and trueness of the declaration.
13. “Verification” is an
on-site inspection carried out by the Organization for the Prohibition of
Chemical Weapons at a facility subject to verification which is declared to the
Organization in order to verify the conformability of the declared information
and confirm the compliance with the regulations of the CWC of the chemical
facility, of which:
a) “Initial verification”
is the first verification of the Organization of any chemical facility subject
to verification;
c) “Re-verification” is
the verification conducted by the Organization after the initial verification
of a Schedule chemical, DOC or DOC-PSF facility to verify the conformability of
the declaration which is submitted to the Organization by the State Party.
c) “Systematic
Verification” is the verification periodically conducted after the initial
verification at a Schedule 1 or Schedule 2 facility according to a particular
agreement on such chemical facility in order to verify and re-confirm the
conformability of the declaration which is submitted to the Organization by the
State Party.
d) “Surprise
verification" is the verification conducted at any chemical facility in
any territory under the jurisdiction of a State Party at any time in order to
deal with the accusation of the violation of the CWC at such chemical facility.
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16. “State Party” to the
CWC is any country which has signed, approved or participated in the CWC and
officially become a member of the CWC after 30 days from the day on which the copy
of the approval is deposited or the notification of the participation of the
CWC is submitted to the UN Secretary-General.
17. “Vietnam National
Agency” in charge of the implementation of the CWC (hereinafter referred to as
Vietnam National Agency) is an interdisciplinary organization of which the
establishment is approved by the Prime Minister.
18. “Accompanying
delegation” is an group of experts assigned by the Vietnam National Agency to
cooperate with the Inspectorate of the Organization during the verification of
the Inspectorate in Vietnam.
19. “Copy” is an
photocopy certified or sealed by an organization or individual (if it is sent
by post), a photocopy attached to the original one in order to be compared (if
it is submitted directly), a scan copy of the original one (if it is submitted
via the Internet)
5. Form and purposes of the Schedule 1 chemical facilities
Schedule 1 chemical
facilities include: Single small-scale facilities and other facilities.
1. Single small-scale
Single small-scale
facilities are established to serve the research, medical, pharmaceutical or
protective purposes. The production at a single small-scale facility shall be
carried out in reaction vessels in production lines not configured for
continuous operation. The volume of such a reaction vessel shall not exceed 100
litres, and the total volume of all reaction vessels with a volume exceeding 5
litres shall not be more than 500 litres.
2. Other facilities:
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b) Production of Schedule
1 chemicals in quantities of more than 100 g per year may be carried out for
research, medical or pharmaceutical purposes outside a single small-scale
facility in aggregate quantities not exceeding 10 kg per year per facility;
c) Synthesis of Schedule
1 chemicals for research, medical or pharmaceutical purposes, but not for
protective purposes, may be carried out at laboratories in aggregate quantities
less than 100g per year per facility.
6. Chemical weapons
Chemical weapons include
one, two or all of these:
1. The toxic chemicals
and their precursors, except for the ones used for the purposes which are not
prohibited in the CWC with the quantity and types conformable with those
2. Munitions and
equipment that are specially designed to use the toxicity of the toxic
chemicals and precursors as prescribed in Clause 1 of Article in order to cause
death or other evils.
3. Any equipment that is
specially designed to directly use the munitions and equipment prescribed in
Clause 2 of this Article.
7. List of Schedule chemicals
The List of the Schedule
1, Schedule 2 and Schedule 3 chemicals is issued together with this Decree. The
Ministry of Industry and Trade shall take charge and cooperate with regulatory
Ministries in considering and submitting the amendments to such List to the
Government according to the administration requirements of each stage and the
conformity with the CWC.
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1. Activities prohibited
under the CWC
a) Development,
production, acquirement, acquisition, use, import or export of the chemical
weapons directly or indirectly of any organization or individual; engagement
with any military preparation using chemical weapons; encouragement or
incitement to any organization or individual in any form to take part in any
activities prohibited under the CWC; use of the riot control agent as war
b) Development,
production, acquirement, acquisition, use, import or export of the Schedule 1
chemicals, except for the research, medical, pharmaceutical or protective
purposes which are approved by the competent authorities; import or export of
the Schedule 1 chemicals of any individual or organization in any nation that
is not a State Party of the CWC; re-import or re-export of the Schedule 1
chemicals of any organization or individual in a third country;
b) Development,
production, acquirement, acquisition, use, import or export of the Schedule 2
chemicals, except for the purposes which are approved by the competent
authorities and unprohibited under the CWC; import or export of the Schedule 1
chemicals of any individual or organization in any nation that is not a State
Party of the CWC;
b) Development,
production, acquirement, acquisition, use, import or export of the Schedule 3
chemicals, except for the purposes which are approved by the competent
authorities and unprohibited under the CWC; import or export of the Schedule 1
chemicals of any individual or organization in any nation that is not a State
Party of the CWC without the end use certificate issued by the competent
authorities of such nation;
dd) Production of DOC,
DOC-PSF, except for the purposes not prohibited under the CWC.
2. Purposes Not
Prohibited Under this Convention:
a) Industrial,
agricultural, research, medical, pharmaceutical or other peaceful purposes;
b) Protective purposes, namely
those purposes directly related to protection against toxic chemicals and to
protection against chemical weapons;
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d) Law enforcement
including domestic riot control purposes.
9. Functions and responsibilities of the Vietnam National Agency
1. The Vietnam National
Agency shall:
a) Consult the Government
and the Prime Minister on the implementation of the CWC;
b) Ensure the consistent,
close and effective cooperation among the Ministries, regulatory authorities
and relevant authorities in implementing the CWC;
c) Supervise and inspect
to ensure the compliance with the CWC;
d) Act as a contact
between Vietnam and the Organization.
2. Permanent authority of
the Vietnam National Agency
The Ministry of Industry
and Trade is the representative and permanent authority of the Vietnam National
Agency and in charge of dealing with every issues related to the CWC on behalf
of the Vietnam National Agency.
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1. The Governing shall
take measures to ensure the consistent implementation of the CWC;
a) Promulgate or request
the Government to consider promulgating the legislative documents to implement
the CWC;
b) Issue, suspend or
revoke the Certificates of the production, business, process, use, stockpiling,
import and export of the chemicals governed by the CWC.
c) Administer the
production, business, process, use, stockpiling, import and export of the
chemicals governed by the CWC; inspect these activities in the chemical
facilities within its ambit of competence;
d) Disseminate the CWC
and related legislative documents.
dd) Take charge of the
international cooperation within the framework of the CWC.
3. Responsibilities of
relevant Ministries and regulatory authorities
a) The Ministry of
Finance shall collect the biannual and annual import and export data of the
Schedule chemicals to send a report to the Ministry of Industry and Trade to
submit an national declaration to the Organization for the Prohibition of
Chemical Weapons (hereinafter referred to as the Organization).
b) The Ministry of
National Defense, the Ministry of Public Security shall assess the activities
related to the CWC in the units affiliated to the armed forces; cooperate with
the Ministry of Industry and Trade in implementing the CWC;
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d) Ministry of Foreign
Affairs shall cooperate with the Ministry of Industry and Trade and the
Ministry of Public Security in fulfilling the commitment of Vietnam to
implement the CWC and ensure the international cooperation in accordance with
the CWC; issue the visas many times or temporary residence cards whose
effective periods are 2 years to the inspectors and inspection assistants of
the Organization as well as send the list of the inspectors and inspection
assistants that have been issued visas to the Organization.
11. Inspection
1. The Vietnam National
Agency shall cooperate with the Ministries, regulatory authorities and relevant
authorities in inspecting the activities related to the chemicals governed by
2. The inspections shall
be conducted according to current law regulations Surprise inspections shall be
conducted when:
a) The competent
authorities find any information and material that are likely to violate the
regulations of the CWC, this Decree and relevant laws through their
b) Any violation is
reported or denounced;
c) The Vietnam National
Agency or the Organization makes a request.
12. Information security
1. Every member of the
Vietnam National Agency shall protect the confidential information while conducting
the missions in accordance with the regulations of the CWC and national
information security.
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3. The confidential
information about the chemical facilities may only be disclosed to the persons
in charge to perform duties prescribed in the CWC and for emergencies related
to the community safety.
13. Declaration of change in name of Riot Control Agent
1. In case any chemical
used as the Riot Control Agent is changed, the regulatory authorities related
to the administration and use of the Riot Control Agency must report the
information of the chemical used to replace the abovementioned chemical to the
Vietnam National Agency, such information includes: Name of the chemical (the
name prescribed by the IUPAC, trade name or common name); chemical formula and
CSA registry number. This report must be sent to the Vietnam National Agency
before 30 days from the date such chemical is used as the Riot Control Agent.
2. The Vietnam National
Agency shall notify the Organization of the regulations in Clause 1 this
14. Annual declaration of the defense and voluntary contribution programme
The Vietnam National
Agency shall cooperate with the relevant regulatory authorities in making
annual declarations on the defense and voluntary contribution programme to
request the Prime Minister to consider approving and notify the Organization.
1. Chemical facilities are classified as Schedule 1 chemicals, Schedule 2
chemicals, Schedule 3 chemicals
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1. Organizations and
individual must not produce the Schedule 1 chemicals, unless they are produced
to serve the purposes of scientific research, maintenance of national defense
and security, prevention and combat of epidemic diseases. Any Schedule 1
chemical producer must:
a) Have the Enterprise
registration certificate or Investment certificate or Business registration
Certificate which covers chemical business, issued by the competent
b) Have a written
commitment on the production of the Schedule 1 chemicals in accordance with the
regulations in Point b Clause 1 Article 8 of this Decree
c) Have the location,
area, workshop, machinery, equipment, technological process and storehouse
suitable to produce the Schedule 1 chemicals up to quality standards.
d) Have a laboratory for
testing and analysis or having reached agreement with an appointed or
accredited testing unit which has registered for testing in accordance with law
on product and goods quality for the purpose of quality control.
dd) Have a waste
treatment system to ensure that the waste treatment conformable with the
national technical regulations and standards of environment;
e) Have transports to
carry the chemicals from the production facility to the receivers suiting such
chemicals. Sign a contract with a company eligible to provide transport
services if the producer does not have means of transportation.
g) Satisfy all of the conditions
for fire and explosion safety, environment protection, occupational safety and
hygiene in accordance with the relevant law regulations.
d) Employ a technical
director or deputy director having at least a Bachelor’s Degree in chemistry.
Employ the management, technology and administration personnel whose major is
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2. Any organization or
individual producing the Schedule 1 chemicals satisfying all of the conditions
prescribed in the Clause 1 shall be approved by the Prime Minister.
3. Applications,
procedures and time for the approval of the production of the Schedule 1
chemicals are prescribed in the Article 17 of this Decree.
4. The Ministry of
Industry and Trade shall give instructions on the implementation of the
production conditions of the Schedule 1 chemicals which are prescribed in
Points c, d, dd, e, g, h, i in Clause 1 this Article.
16. Production conditions for Schedule 2 chemicals, Schedule 3 chemicals
1. Any Schedule 2,
Schedule 3 chemical producer must:
a) Have the Enterprise
registration certificate or Investment certificate or Business registration Certificate
which covers chemical business, issued by the competent authorities.
b) Have the written
commitment on the production of the Schedule 2, Schedule 3 chemicals in
accordance with the regulations in Points b and c Clause 1 Article 8 of this
c) Satisfy the
requirements for facilities in accordance with the regulations in Points c, d,
dd, e, g Clause 1 Article 15 of this Decree;
d) Satisfy the
requirements for manpower in accordance with the regulations in Points h and i
Clause 1 Article 15 of this Decree;
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3. Applications,
procedures and time for the approval of the production of the Schedule 2 and
Schedule 3 chemicals are prescribed in the Article 17 of this Decree.
17. Applications procedures and processing time for the issuance of the
Production Certificates of Schedule 1, Schedule 2 and Schedule 3 chemicals
1. An application consists
a) A written request for
the issuance of the production certificate of the applicant using the
prescribed form;
b) A copy of either the
Enterprise registration certificate, Investment certificate or Business
registration Certificate.
c) The written commitment
on the production of the Schedule 1, Schedule 2, Schedule 3 chemicals in
accordance with the regulations in Points b and c Clause 1 Article 15; point b
Clause 1 Article 16 of this Decree.
d) Documents that satisfy
the conditions prescribed in Points c, d, dd, d, e, h, i Clause 1 Article 15 of
this Decree;
2. Procedures for the
issuance of the Certificates
a) Each Schedule 1,
Schedule 2 or Schedule 3 chemical producer shall file 1 (one) application to
the Ministry of Industry and Trade directly or by post;
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3. Processing time for
the issuance of the Certificates
a) The processing time
for the issuance of a Production Certificate of the Schedule 1 chemicals is 10
(ten) working days as a maximum from the receipt of an valid application. The
Ministry of Industry and Trade shall examine, assess, and request the Prime
Minister for the approval. In case of disapproval, the Ministry of Industry and
Trade shall be authorized by the Prime Minister to send back a written reply
giving specific reasons;
b) The processing time
for the issuance of a Production Certificate of the Schedule 2, Schedule 3
chemicals is 10 (ten) days as a maximum, from the receipt of a valid
application. The Ministry of Industry and Trade shall assess the application
and issue the Certification. In case of disapproval, the Ministry of Industry
and Trade shall send back a written reply giving specific reasons.
4. Contents of a
Production Certificate
a)Name, address of the
head office of the Schedule chemical production facility;
a) Location for
c) Information about the
chemicals (Names, CAS registry number, chemical formulas; content,
d) Production purposes
dd) Duties of the
facility which is issued the Certificate.
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a) The Certificates are
re-issued when they are lost, wrong or damaged.
b) The Certificates are
adjusted when either of their the business registration, location, operation
conditions, information related to the producer registering, production
capacity, chemicals is changed.
c) An application for the
re-issuance of or adjustment to the Certificate consists of: A written request
for the re-issuance of or adjustment to the Production Certificate (with
specific reasons) using the prescribed form; documents proving the changes
(applied to the Certificate needs adjusting); the Production Certificate
(unless the Certificate is lost).
d) The authorities in
charge of issuance shall assess the application and reissue or adjust the
Certificate to the eligible producers using the prescribed forms within 07 (seven)
days from the receipt of the valid applications prescribed in Point c this
Clause. In case of disapproval, the authorities in charge of issuance shall
send back a written reply giving specific reasons;
6. The Ministry of
Industry and Trade provides the forms, Certificate forms, reissued or adjusted
Certificate forms, documents satisfying the production conditions for the
Schedule 1, Schedule 2, Schedule 3 chemicals prescribed in this Article.
18: Declaration of production, business, processing, stockpiling and use of
Schedule 1, Schedule 2 chemicals, Schedule 3 chemicals
1. Declaration of the
production, business, processing, stockpiling and use of Schedule 1, Schedule 2
chemicals, Schedule 3 chemicals
Anyone who produces,
trades, processes, use or stockpile the Schedule 1, Schedule 2, Schedule 3
chemicals must submit a declaration to the Ministry of Industry and Trade using
the prescribed form. The deadline for the declaration is prescribed as follows:
a) Each organization or
individual must submit the first declaration of the Schedule 1 chemical
facilities not later than 210 days before the operation of such facility
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c) Each organization or
individual must submit an annual declaration of the plan for the following year
of such Schedule 1 facility before February 28.
d) Each organization or
individual must submit the declaration not later than 210 days before the
adjustment or change in the current activities in such Schedule 1 facility.
2. Declaration of the
production, business, processing, stockpiling and use of Schedule 2 chemicals,
Schedule 3 chemicals
Anyone who produces,
trades in, processes, use or stockpile the Schedule 2, Schedule 3 chemicals
must submit a declaration to the Ministry of Industry and Trade using the
prescribed form when the output of such facility approximates or exceeds these
following limits:
a) With regard to the
production, processing, use, stockpiling of the Schedule 2, Schedule 3
chemicals: 01 kg/year for some Schedule 2A chemicals; 100 kg/year for some
Schedule 2A chemicals; 01 tonne/year for some Schedule 2B chemicals; at lease
30 tonnes/year for the Schedule 3 chemicals;
b) With regard to the
business of the Schedule 2, Schedule 3 chemicals: at least 1% concentration for
the Schedule 2A and 2A*chemicals; at least 30% concentration for the Schedule
2B chemicals; at lease 30% concentration for the Schedule 3 chemicals;
3. Deadline for the
declaration of the production, business, processing, stockpiling and use of
Schedule 2 and Schedule 3 chemicals:
a) Each organization or
individual must submit the declaration not later than 60 days with regard to
the Schedule 2 chemicals and not later than 30 days with regard to the Schedule
3 chemicals before the operation of such facility begins.
b) Each organization or
individual must submit an annual declaration of the activities in the previous
year before February 28.
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d) Each client must
submit the declaration of the supplementation not later than 30 days before the
adjustment or change in the current activities in such facility.
4. The Ministry of
Industry and Trade provides forms for the declaration of the production,
business, processing, stockpiling and use of Schedule 1, Schedule 2, Schedule 3
chemicals of this Article.
19. Import and Export of Schedule 1, Schedule 2, and Schedule 3 chemicals
1. Any importer and
exporter must:
a) Have either the
Enterprise registration certificate or Investment certificate or Business
registration Certificate which covers chemical business, issued by the
competent authorities.
b) Be permitted by the
Prime Minister to import or export the Schedule 1 chemicals;
c) Be issued with the
Import Permit or Export Permit by the Ministry of Industry and Trade for the
Schedule 2, and Schedule 3 chemicals.
2. An application for the
issuance of the Permit consists of:
a) A written request for
the issuance of the permit using the prescribed form;
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c) The contract or
agreement on trading the Schedule 1, Schedule 2 and Schedule 3 with the
organizations that are Members of the Organization.
3. Procedures for the
issuance of a Certificate
a) Each importer or
exporter of Schedule 1, Schedule 2 and Schedule 3 chemicals shall file 1 (one)
application and send it to the Ministry of Industry and Trade directly or by
b) The Ministry of Industry
and Trade shall notify each importer or exporter of the sufficiency and
validity of the application and request the importer or exporter to complete
the application once within at most 03 (three) working days from the receipt of
the application. The time for notification and completion of the application is
not included in the processing time of the issuance of the Certificates of
import or export as prescribed in points a and b Clause 4 this Article.
4. Processing time for
the issuance of the Certificates
b) The processing time
for the issuance of a Certificate of import or export of the Schedule 1
chemicals is 10 (ten) days as a maximum, from the receipt of a valid
application. The Ministry of Industry and Trade shall assess the application
and request the Prime Minister to consider approving. In case of disapproval,
the Ministry of Industry and Trade shall be authorized by the Prime Minister to
send a written reply giving specific reasons;
b) The processing time
for the issuance of a Certificate of import or export of the Schedule 2,
Schedule 3 chemicals is 7 (ten) days as a maximum, from the receipt of a valid
application. The Ministry of Industry and Trade shall assess the application
and issue the Certification. In case of disapproval, the Ministry of Industry
and Trade shall send a written reply giving specific reasons;
c) In case the Schedule
1, Schedule 2, Schedule 3 chemicals are imported or exported to serve the
specialist purposes (medical, pharmaceuticals, agriculture, protection) the
Ministry of Industry and Trade shall collect the written opinions of the
regulatory Ministry before issuing the permits when necessary. The time for the
opinion collection is not included in the processing time prescribed in Points
a and b this Clause.
5. Contents of a Permit
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c) Information about the
chemicals (Names, CAS registry number, chemical formulas; content,
c) Import or export
d) Import or export
dd) Name of the importing
or exporting countries;
dd) Name of the border
checkpoint of export or import;
c) Expiration of import
or export;
h) Duties of the facility
which is issued with the Permit.
6. Each import or export
permit for the Schedule 1, Schedule 2, and Schedule 3 chemicals shall only be
issued once per a contract in at most 12 months and shall not be extended. The
issued permits must not be transferred to other importers or exporters.
7. Any organization and
individual that has been issued with the Import Permit for the Schedule 1,
Schedule 2 and Schedule 3 chemicals is not required to implement the
regulations on the issuance of the written Confirmation of the report on the
chemicals in the List of the chemicals needing reporting in accordance with the
regulations of the Law on chemicals and other guiding documents on the
implementation of the laws.
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a) With regard to the
Schedule 1 chemicals: not later than 45 days before the start of the import or
export, a declaration of the import or export of the Schedule 1 chemicals must
be submitted; before January 31 every year, a declaration of the import, export
and domestic distribution of each Schedule 1 chemical during the previous year
must be submitted using the prescribed form.
b) With regard to the
Schedule 2 chemicals: Before February 28 every year, a declaration of the
mixture of Schedule 2A* and 2A chemicals whose concentration is at least 1% and
Schedule 2B whose concentration is at least 20% must be submitted using the
prescribed form;
b) With regard to the
Schedule 3 chemicals: Before February 28 every year, a declaration of the
mixture of Schedule 3 chemicals whose concentration is at least 30% must be
submitted using the prescribed form;
9. In case the Schedule 3
chemicals are exported to any organization or individual in any country which
is not a State Party to the CWC, an end use certificate which is issued by the
competent authorities of such country is required. The certificates of the last
use must be included in the applications for the issuance of the Export
10. The import or export
data of any Schedule 1, Schedule 2 and Schedule 3 chemical importer or exporter
shall be assessed by the Organization or the Ministry of Industry and Trade in
cooperation with the Vietnam National Agency when required.
11. The Minister of
Industry and Trade provides forms of the request for the issuance of the
permits, the import or export permit form for the Schedule chemicals, the
declaration forms for the Schedule 1, Schedule 2, and Schedule 3 chemicals
prescribed in this Article.
20. Production of DOC and DOC-PSF
1. Any organization and
individual producing DOCs and DOC-PSFs must
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b) Have the written
commitment on the production of the DOCs, DOC-PSFs in accordance with the
regulations in Point dd Article 8 of this Decree.
c) Satisfy the
requirements for facilities in accordance with the regulations in Points c, d,
dd, e, g Clause 1 Article 15 of this Decree;
d) Satisfy the requirements
for manpower in accordance with the regulations in Points h and i Clause 1
Article 15 of this Decree;
2. Any DOC and DOC-PSF
producer that satisfies all of the conditions prescribed in the Clause 1 this
Article shall be issued with the Permit by the Ministry of Industry and Trade.
3. Applications,
procedures and processing time are the same as those for the Schedule 2,
Schedule 3 chemicals as prescribed in the Article 17 of this Decree.
21. Declaration of DOC and DOC-PSF facilities
1. Any producer whose DOC
output is at least 200 tonnes/year and DOC-PSF output is at least 30
tonnes/year must submit these following documents to the Ministry of Industry
and Trade using the prescribed forms:
a) The first declaration
of the DOC and DOC-PSF facility (not later than 30 days before the operation of
such facility begins).
b)An annual declaration
of the activities in the previous year in the DOC and DOC-PSF facility ( before
February 28).
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2. The Minister of
Industry and Trade provides the forms for the declaration of the DOC and
DOC-PSF facilities.
22. Verified objects
1. c) The Schedule 1
chemical facilities are the objects subject to the systematic and initial
verification of the Organization due to the corresponding facility agreement.
2. c) The Schedule 2
chemical facilities are the objects subject to the systematic and initial
verification of the Organization when their output is equal to or more than:
a) 10kg of a 2A* chemical
per year;
a) 1 tonne of a 2A
chemical per year;
c) 10 tonnes of a 2B
chemical per year.
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4. The DOC and DOC-PSF
facilities whose output is at least 200 tonnes/year are the objects subject to
the initial verification and re-verification of the Organization.
5. The organization may
carry out surprise verification at any Schedule 1, Schedule 2, Schedule 3, DOC
and DOC-PSF facility when any violation of the CWC is reported.
23. Responsibilities of verified facilities
1. Comply with the
regulations on verification activities of the Organization; follow the
instructions given by the accompanying delegation during the verification at
the facilities; facilitate the Inspectorate of the Organization to perform
their tasks prescribed in the inspection order.
2. Equip the Inspectorate
with offices, filling cabinets with locks, international roaming landline
telephones, fax machines and shredders.
3. Assign experts in
charge of the activities of the Schedule chemical facilities such as:
management, technology, business, finance, environment, occupational safety to
cooperate with the Inspectorate.
4. Prepare the necessary
documents, material, diagrams, and designs to facilitate the Inspectorate.
5. Provide samples for
the Inspectorate when required.
6. All of the expenses
shall be returned to the facilities by the Secretariat of the Organization by
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1. With regard to the
Schedule 1 chemical facilities
b) Inspect the activities
in the facilities pursuant to the regulations in part VI of the Verification
Annex of the CWC;
b) Inspect the
implementation of the regulations on the declaration of the Schedule 1
c) Evaluate the potential
risks of the activities related to chemicals in the facilities.
2. With regard to the
Schedule 2 chemical facilities
b) Inspect the activities
in the facilities pursuant to the regulations in part VI of the Verification
Annex of the CWC;
b) Inspect the
implementation of the regulations on the declaration of the Schedule 2
c) Evaluate the potential
risks of the activities related to chemicals in the facilities.
3. With regard to the
Schedule 3 chemical, DOC and DOC-PSF facilities
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b) Inspect the Schedule
chemicals produced in the facilities pursuant to the regulations in part VI of
the Verification Annex of the CWC;
25. Reception and working with Inspectorate of the Organization
The Vietnam National
Agency shall
1. Welcome and work with
the Inspectorate of the Organization; exercise the inspection rights pursuant
to Clause 29 Section c Part II of the Verification Annex of the CWC to ensure
the suitability of the equipment carried to Vietnam by the Inspectorate.
2. Facilitate the
Inspectorate to fulfill its duties in accordance with the regulations on the
verification order of the Organization.
3. Cooperate with the
verified facilities in imposing protective measures for the facilities,
information and figures irrelevant to the inspection purposes and content.
4. Cooperate with the
representatives of the facilities during the initial verification in
negotiating with the Inspectorate for the facility agreement in the systematic
verification at the facilities after the initial verification with regard to
the Schedule 1 and Schedule 2 chemical facilities.
26. Processing time for verification
1. With regard to the
Schedule 1 chemical facilities
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b) The duration for the
verification activities to be carried out at the facilities depends on the
potential risks to the objectives and purposes of the CWC.
2. With regard to the
Schedule 2 chemical facilities
a) The decision on the
verification shall be announced at least 48 hours before the arrival at the
entry location;
b) The duration for the
verification activities to be carried out at the facilities is 96 hours which
can be extended according to each specific agreement.
3. With regard to the
Schedule 3 chemical, DOC and DOC-PSF facilities
a) The decision on the
verification shall be announced at least 120 hours before the arrival at the
entry location;
b) The duration for the
verification activities to be carried out is 24 hours which can be extended
according to each specific agreement.
27. Procedures for verification
1. Methods of
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b) Review the documents
and applications;
c) Discuss and interview;
d) Collect and analyze samples
if necessary.
2. Verification
a) Attend the
presentations on the facilities given by their representatives. Such
presentations include: activities of the facilities, site plans of the
factories and shops subject to verification; chemical reactions; technology
process; production materials balance; waste treatment; measures for protecting
the environment, ensuring the occupational safety and maintaining health;
b) Examine the items of
the facilities;
c) Make consistent
verification plans and contents;
d) Examine the production
areas; review the documents on the supply of materials, products and
production; examine the warehouses, waste treatment areas, and storage areas
for substandard chemicals; examine the laboratories (if any); review the
The documents that are
reviewed includes: documents on the technology process (technology process
diagram, power, company diagrams, factory maps); factory operation diaries,
documents on patches, documents on quality inspection including the analyzed
data, documents on the warehouses and transportation (both inside and outside);
documents on the health, safety and environment maintenance, Material Safety
Data Sheets (MSDS) of the chemicals, Standard Operation Process (SOP),
regulations on safety of each facility, regulations on the limits on the
contact with the chemicals in the facilities, warnings of potential risks;
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3. With regard to the
Schedule 1, Schedule 2 chemical facilities
a) During the initial
verification, the Inspectorate shall negotiate with the Vietnam National Agency
for the uniformity of the content of the draft agreements related to the
inspections at the facilities. Such agreements shall be submitted to the
Organization and the Government of Vietnam to be concluded.
b) The re-verification
activities of the Schedule 1, Schedule 2 chemical facilities shall be carried
out the same as those of the Schedule 3 chemical, DOC and DOC-PSF facilities as
prescribed in the Point b Clause 13 Article 4 of this Decree.
4. Surprise verification
a) Surprise verifications
are carried out to deal with the accusation of the violation of the CWC
regulations made by an State Party against any chemical facility under the
management of another State Party.
a) The decision on the
surprise verification shall be announced at lease 12 hours before the arrival
at the entry location; b) The duration for the verification activities to be
carried out at the facilities is not more than 84 hours which can be extended
according to agreement with the inspected nation.
28. Incentives and exemptions
1. During the
verification in Vietnam, the members of the Inspectorate shall be provided
incentives and granted diplomatic immunity according to the regulations of the
CWC on the incentives and exemptions of the UN dated 1946.
2. Samples and equipment
in the list of the equipment approved by the Conference for the State Parties
of the CWC which are carried to Vietnam by the Inspectorate to conduct
verification activities shall be given exemption from report, customs
inspection, import and export tax.
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29. Transitional regulations
Within 01 (one) year from
the effective date of this Decree, any organization or individual that are
producing, trading, processing, using, stockpiling, importing and exporting the
Schedule 1, Schedule 2, Schedule 3 chemicals and producing DOC and DOC-PSF
without satisfying all the conditions prescribed in this Decree must completely
fulfill all of those conditions . Any organization or individual who have not
completely fulfilled all of the conditions shall be suspended until all of the
conditions are fulfilled completely.
30. Effect
This Decree takes effect
from July 01, 2014. This Decree shall replace the Decree No. 100/2005/ND-CP
dated August 03, 2005 of the Government on the implementation of the Convention
on the Prohibition of the Development, Production, Stockpiling and Use of
Chemical Weapons and on their Destruction.
31. Implementation Organization
1. The Ministry of Industry
and Trade shall provide guidelines for the clauses assigned thereto in this
The Ministry of Finance
shall cooperate with the Ministry of Industry and Trade in promulgating
regulations within their authority or requesting the competent authorities to
promulgate regulations and provide instructions on customs procedures for
export and import of Schedule chemicals in accordance with the regulations of
the CWC.
Ministers, Heads of
ministerial-level agencies, Heads of Governmental agencies, the President of
the People’s Committees of central-affiliated cities and provinces shall
implement this Decree./.
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Nguyen Tan Dung
(Issued together with the Decree No. 38/2014/ND-CP dated June 05, 2014 of
the Government)
Name of the chemical
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HS Code
Toxic chemicals
O-Alkyl (<C10, incl.
cycloalkyl) alkyl
(Me, Et, n-Pr
or i-Pr)-phosphonofluoridates
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Soman: O-Pinacolyl
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O-Alkyl (<C10, incl.
cycloalkyl) N,N-dialkyl
(Me, Et, n-Pr
or i-Pr) phosphoramidocyanidates
Tabun: O-Ethyl
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O-Alkyl (H or <C10,
incl. cycloalkyl) S-2-dialkyl
(Me, Et, n-Pr or
i-Pr)-aminoethyl alkyl
(Me, Et, n-Pr or i-Pr)
phosphonothiolates and corresponding alkylated or protonated salts
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Sulfur mustards:
Mustard gas:
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Lewisite 1: 2-Chlorovinyldichloroarsine
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Lewisite 2:
Lewisite 3:
mustards: HN1: Bis(2-chloroethyl)ethylamine
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e.g: DF:
Methylphosphonyl difluoride
O-Alkyl (H or <C10,
incl. cycloalkyl) O-2-dialkyl
O-Alkyl (H or
<C10, incl. cycloalkyl) O-2-dialkyl (Me, Et, n-Pr or i-Pr)-aminoethyl
alkyl (Me, Et, n-Pr or i-Pr) phosphonites and corresponding alkylated or
protonated salts
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QL: O-Ethyl
O-2-diisopropylaminoethyl methylphosphonite
O-Isopropyl methylphosphonochloridate
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Name of the chemical
CAS Registry Number
HS Code
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(Me, Et, n-Pr or i-Pr)
phosphonothiolates and corresponding alkylated or protonated salts
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3-Quinuclidinyl benzilate (*)
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Chemicals, except
for those listed in Schedule 1, containing a phosphorus atom to which is bonded
one methyl, ethyl or propyl (normal or iso) group but not further carbon
e.g. Methylphosphonyl
Fonofos: O-Ethyl S-phenyl ethylphosphonothiolothionate
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(Me, Et, n-Pr or i-Pr) phosphoramidic dihalides
(Me, Et, n-Pr or i-Pr) N,N-dialkyl
(Me, Et, n-Pr
or i-Pr)-phosphoramidates
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Arsenic trichloride
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N,N-Dialkyl (Me,
Et, n-Pr or i-Pr) aminoethyl-2-chlorides and corresponding protonated salts
N,N-Dialkyl (Me,
Et, n-Pr or i-Pr) aminoethane-2-ols and corresponding protonated salts
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N,N-Dimethylaminoethanol and corresponding protonated salts
and corresponding protonated salts
N,N-Dialkyl (Me, Et,
n-Pr or i-Pr) aminoethane-2-thiols and corresponding protonated salts
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alcohol: 3,3-Dimethylbutan-2-ol
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Name of the chemical
CSA Registry number
HS code
Toxic chemicals
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75- 44-5
Cyanogen chloride
506- 77- 4
Hydrogen cyanide
74- 90- 8
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76- 06- 2
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10025- 87- 3
7719- 12- 2
10026- 13- 8
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121- 45- 9
122- 52- 1
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868- 85- 9
Diethyl phosphite
762- 04- 9
10025- 67- 9
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Sulfur dichloride
10545- 99- 0
Thionyl chloride
7719- 09- 7
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139- 87- 7
105- 59- 9
102- 71- 6
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Note: Those abovementioned chemicals are the main substances
(substrates), their derivatives are listed in the Handbook of Chemicals by the
Organization. There are 894 derivatives that have been widely
used in commerce from December 2002. The information about the abovementioned
derivatives shall be provided by Ministry of Industry and Trade according to
specific request. F