Independence - Freedom - Happiness
Hanoi, November 23, 2000
In furtherance of Articles 46, 47 and 48 of the
Law on Sciences and Technologies, Articles 7, 9, 10, 17 and 23 of the Ordinance
on Representations of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam and Articles 4, 5, 7,
12, 15 and 20 of the Government’s Decree No.183/CP of November 18, 1994
detailing the implementation of the said Ordinance, and on the basis of
Decision No.280-CP of September 1st, 1990 of the Government Council on the
setting up of scientific and technological sections attached to the embassies
of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam in foreign countries, the Ministry for
Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment jointly
provide the following implementation guidance to the representations of the
Socialist Republic of Vietnam (hereinafter referred to as the representations
for short) and scientific and technological sections in foreign countries, as
Sections managing scientific and technical
activities, previously attached to the representations, shall be uniformly
titled Bo phan Khoa hoc va Cong nghe Dai su quan nuoc Cong hoa Xa hoi chu
nghia Viet Nam (Bo phan Khoa hoc va Cong nghe for short). They shall have
the following uniform transaction name in English: Scientific and Technological
Section of the Embassy of the S.R.V. (where the Vietnamese embassy is not set
up yet, they shall be named after the name of the representations there).
1. To perform tasks assigned by the State
management agency in charge of science, technology and environment and the
heads of the representations.
2. To firmly grasp the guidelines, policies and
principal measures for socio-economic, scientific and technological development
and environmental protection, as well as the external relation lines of our
Party and State.
Please sign up or sign in to your Pro Membership to see English documents.
3. To help the representations’ heads manage the
implementation of the scientific and technological cooperation plans already
signed between the Vietnamese Government and the governments of the host
countries or the international scientific and technological organizations based
in such host countries (hereinafter collectively referred to as the host
countries). To base themselves on the host countries’ situation and
capabilities for scientific, technological and environmental protection
activities as well as our country’s demands and capabilities therefor to
propose on their own initiative appropriate cooperation directions, contents
and forms, and take part in the formulation of plans, programs and projects for
cooperation on scientific research, technological development and environmental
protection between our government and the host countries’ governments.
4. To step by step satisfy the requirements for
technological warning, paying attention to the gathering and research into
advanced technologies and those compatible with the domestic production level
in geographical areas they are in charge of, then send proposals thereon back
home for application (through getting access to documents, inviting experts, executing
cooperation projects, conducting negotiations among parties or trading in
copyright, etc.).
5. To prepare for and participate in meetings
and negotiations on scientific research, technological development and
environmental protection cooperation between the two countries, which are held
in the host country. To participate in and support meetings, negotiations and
signing ceremonies held at home under decisions of the Minister of Science,
Technology and Environment.
6. To manage and support activities of
delegations and individuals coming from home to work in the host country within
the framework of agreements signed between the two states on scientific,
technological and environmental protection cooperation; and make periodical
reports, comments and recommendations on organizing delegations to work abroad.
To coordinate with the bodies of the Ministry of Education and Training as well
as the concerned agencies in organizing the training of scientific and
technological personnel in geographical areas they are in charge of.
7. To propose on their own initiative to the
representations’ heads the participation in conferences, workshops, exhibitions
and other activities related to the scientific research, technological
development and environmental protection, which are held in the host countries.
To contact research institutes, scientists, including those in the Vietnamese
community in the host countries to gather necessary information and report them
to the representations’ heads and other concerned agencies at home, and at the
same time to make full use of their assistance to build and develop cooperation
ties between the representations, scientific and technological agencies at home
and the host countries’ scientific organizations and scientists.
8. To base themselves on particular working
conditions in each geographical area and specific guidance of specialized
sections of the representations to make annual estimates of funds for
performing their assigned tasks and report them the representations’ heads for
inclusion into the estimates of the general operation funds of such
9. To propose to the representations’ heads for
consideration and decision the extension of scientific research, survey and
practice durations for delegations and individuals in the host country within
the framework of agreements between the two states on scientific, technological
and environmental protection cooperation, after consulting the managing
agencies at home and on the basis of professional requirements, for their
accomplishment of scientific research, survey and practice.
10. To build up friendly, cooperative and
mutually reliable relations with other sections of the representations and the
concerned agencies of the host countries.
11. To send periodical (biannual and annual)
reports through the representations’ heads to the Ministry of Science,
Technology and Environment and the Ministry for Foreign Affairs on the
situation and result of the performance of the above-said assigned tasks.
Please sign up or sign in to your Pro Membership to see English documents.
1. The Scientific and Technological Sections
shall submit to the direct and constant direction of the representations’ heads
regarding the external political affairs and internal management work, and at
the same time to the professional direction by the Ministry of Science,
Technology and Environment. The chiefs of the scientific and technological
sections shall have to notify the representations’ heads of the guidelines and
directives of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment, ask for the
latter’s comments on their working programs, plans and undertakings and report
to them on the performance result, and at the same time make the best use of
the representations’ support for the accomplishment of their assigned tasks.
2. The Scientific and Technological Sections
shall be regularly supplied by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs and the
Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment necessary information and
documents in service of the performance of their tasks. The contact body of the
Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment is the External Relations
Department. The External Relations Department is tasked to assist the
leadership of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment in
transmitting necessary information and the Ministry’s directing opinions to the
Scientific and Technological Sections through the heads of the Vietnamese
representations in the host countries.
3. Conferences of members of the Scientific and
Technological Sections shall be held once every two years for exchange of
working experiences, briefing on guidelines, policies and plans for scientific
and technological development and environmental protection, proposal of
measures to promote the scientific, technological and environmental protection
cooperation between our country and the host countries. The Minister of
Science, Technology and Environment shall decide such conferences’
participants, dates and venues after consulting the Ministry for Foreign
4. The Scientific and Technological Sections may
be staffed with diplomats ranking from attaché to counsellor and, when deeming
it necessary, added with some more employees. Officials and employees of the
Scientific and Technological Sections shall be recommended by the Ministry of
Science, Technology and Environment, agreed upon and decided by the leaderships
of the two ministries after obtaining the Government’s approval. Officials to
be sent to act as chiefs of the Scientific and Technological Sections must
satisfy the following requirements:
- Having worked for at least 5 years after their
university graduation;
- Being capable of independently handling work;
- Knowing at least 2 foreign languages, with the
good command of one main working foreign language;
- Having good health for discharging their
assigned tasks in working, living and climatic conditions of places where they
- Having an intermediate political knowledge
level upward, and being not subject for examination for law violations;
Please sign up or sign in to your Pro Membership to see English documents.
- Being aware of operation and organization of
the scientific, technological and environmental research and management system
at home;
- Knowing well the host country and grasping
firmly the cooperation relationship between the two countries as well as the
scientific and technological development of the geographical areas they are
destined for;
- Having good communication skills and a good
knowledge of diplomatic regulations;
- Having an appearance acceptable for the
external affairs.
Particular cases which are beyond the above
criteria shall be agreed upon and decided by the leadership of the two
5. The Ministry of Science, Technology and
Environment shall base itself on the payrolls approved by the Government, the
criteria prescribed in Article 5 of the Government’s Decree No. 183/CP of
November 18, 1994 and the task-discharging capabilities of personnel of the
scientific and technological sections to consider, select and recommend their
officials and employees to the Ministry for Foreign Affairs. The Ministry for
Foreign Affairs shall examine the foreign language knowledge and foster the
political knowledge of such officials, ensuring that only qualified persons
shall be appointed to working positions.
Diplomatic titles of officials sent to work
abroad shall be decided by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs on the basis of
agreement between the two ministries, in compliance with the Ordinance on
Diplomatic Titles and Ranks and taking into account the specific situation of
the concerned representations and the work seniority of the to be-sent
6. The working term of members of scientific and
technological sections shall be 3 years.
In special cases, basing itself on the need of
the work and opinions of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment,
the Minister for Foreign Affairs shall issue a decision to extend the working
term of a member of a scientific and technological section after consulting the
concerned representation’s head. The extension must not exceed 18 months. Those
having their working terms extended shall enjoy the cost-of-living allowance,
clothing allowance and other regimes provided for by the State corresponding to
the extended period.
Please sign up or sign in to your Pro Membership to see English documents.
1. The representations’ heads shall have to
arrange working places, accommodations and working facilities for officials and
employees of scientific and technological sections according to the budgetary
capabilities of their representations.
2. Basing themselves on the annual operation
fund levels to be allocated to the representations and the funding estimates of
the scientific and technological sections, the representations’ heads shall
determine the funding limits of the scientific and technological sections. The
scientific and technological sections shall have to implement the already
approved expenditure plans and comply with specific guidance of the
representations on the basis of the current regulations. In case of irregular
expenditures beyond the estimates, due to particular requirements of scientific
and technological activities, the scientific and technological sections shall
report such in detail to the heads of the representations for consideration and
1. This Circular takes effect 15 days after its
2. Should any problems arise in the course of
implementation of this Circular, they must be reported by the representations
to the Ministry for Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Science, Technology and
Environment for coordinated settlement.
Chu Hao
Chu Tuan Cap