Notable polices coming into force from the end of January 2018

23/01/2018 15:15 PM

From January 21 to January 31 2018, multiple polices on employment, state finance, criminal investigation will come into force. For instance:

Quỳnh Như

1. Region-based minimum wages increased from January 01, 2018

Decree No. 141/2017/ND-CP, which comes into force from January 25, 2018, specifies region-based minimum wages of employees working under employment contracts:

- Region I: 3.980.000 VND/month (increased by 230.000 VND compared to Decree No. 153/2016/ND-CP) />
- Region II: 3.530.000 VND/month (increased by 210.000 VND);

- Region III: 3.090.000 VND/month (increased by 190.000 VND);

- Region IV: 2.760.000 VND/month (increased by 180.000 VND).

Decree 141 also changes classification of some districts:

- Long Khanh town in Dong Nai province is converted from Region II to Region I;

- Thu Thua district in Long An is converted from Region III to Region II;

- Phu Ninh district in Quang Nam province is converted from Region IV to Region III.

2. New specimens of documents serving criminal investigations

This is a notable content of Circular No.
61/2017/TT-BCA, which is promulgated by the Ministry of Public Security and comes into force on January 29, 2018.

Circular provides 284 specimens of documents and instructions on how to use them for criminal investigation from January 01, 2018.

The Circular also abrogate specimens provided by the Ministry of Public Security before January 01, 2018.

Documents that are issued before January 01, 2018 are still valid until the cases are closed.

3. 2018: Domestic oil and gas to account for 37,2% of total consumption

On December 15, 2017, the Ministry of Finance promulgated Circular No. 132/2017/TT-BTC on preparation of the 2018 state budget estimate.

According to the Circular, the ratio (%) of oil and gas domestically produced and sold in 2018 must be maintained at a stable level as in 2017. To be specific:

- The ratio of oil and gas domestically produced and sold in 2018 is expected to be 37,2% of total consumption;

- The ratio of imported oil and gas is 62,8% of total consumption;

- 100% of environment protection tax on oil and gas will be transferred to central government budget.

Circular 132 also specifies that redundant revenue, if any, should be spent on education, vocational training, healthcare, agriculture and climate change response.

4. Cases of dismissal of military investigators

Circular No. 299/2017/TT-BQP prescribes that a military investigator will be dismissed if he/she:

- commits a violation during the criminal investigation;

- commits a violation against Article 14 of the Law on Organization of investigation bodies;

- incurs a disciplinary penalty that is dismissal or demotion;

- violates the code of ethics.

The dismissal of military investors will be decided by Deputy Minister of the Ministry of National Defense on behalf of the Minister of National Defense in accordance with Article 18 of the Circular.

Circular No. 299/2017/TT-BQP comes into force from January 30, 2018 and replaces Circular No. 78/2007/TT-BQP dated January 23, 2007.


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Địa chỉ: 17 Nguyễn Gia Thiều, P. Võ Thị Sáu, Q.3, TP.HCM
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