Financial support given to children under eighteen accompanying his parents to travel abroad for public officer’s official business

19/12/2017 10:51 AM

The National Assembly has already passed the 2017 amended Law on Overseas Representative Missions of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam No. 19/2017/QH14 dated November 21, 2017.

Thanh Trúc

This Law is supplemented by the regulation on the financial support intended for spouses, minor children or other dependants accompanying staff members of Overseas Representative Missions of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam to travel abroad for official business, including the following specific provisions:  

Minor children of staff members of overseas representative missions will be eligible for financial support for a part of school fees and health insurance premiums incurred in receiving countries. 

Staff members and spouses of staff members of overseas representative missions travelling abroad for fixed-term official business will be eligible for bereavement support that covers their travel costs when their parents, parents-in-law, spouses or children die.  
In addition, this Law is also supplemented by the regulation on qualification requirements of the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary who is appointed as the head of an Overseas Representative Mission of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.

The Law No. 19/2017/QH14 is set to commence on July 1, 2018.


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