Headlines 20/03/2021 09:48 SA

Criteria for being classified as high-technology enterprises to come in use as of April 30, 2021

Ngọc Ánh

On March 16, 2021, the Prime Minister issues the Decision No. 10/2021/QD-TTg regarding criteria for being classified as high-technology enterprises.

According to this Decision, in order to be classified as high-technology enterprises, enterprises must meet criteria prescribed in Article 75 in the 2014 Law on Investment and the followings:

- Sales earned from high-technology product must make up at least 70% of total net sales each year.

- The ratio of gross expenditure on scientific and development activities to total amount of net sales minus the input value each year:

+ That ratio of the enterprise with a total capital of 6,000 billion dong and a total of 3,000 employees or more must be at least 0.5%;

+ That ratio of the enterprise other than the one mentioned above with a total capital of 100 billion dong and a total of 200 employees or more must be at least 1%;

+ That ratio of any other enterprise must be at least 2%.

- The ratio of employees directly engaged in research and development activities who hold junior college or higher degrees to total number of employees:

+ That ratio of the enterprise with a total capital of 6,000 billion dong and a total of 3,000 employees or more must be at least 1%;

+ That ratio of the enterprise other than the one mentioned above with a total capital of 100 billion dong and a total of 200 employees or more must be at least 2.5%;

+ That ratio of any other enterprise must be at least 5%.

Therefore, unlike the Decision No. 19/2015/QD-TTg the Decision No. 10/2021/QD-TTg (in force as of April 30, 2021) classifies enterprises into 03 groups, not 02 groups as currently prescribed, corresponding to specific criteria.



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