Headlines 27/12/2018 11:11 SA

Certain provisions of 2012 Labor Code will be amended

Ngọc Nhi

The Law on Amendments and Supplements to 37 Laws relating to planning and the XIVth National Assembly’s Resolution No. 72/2018/QH14 prescribes certain contents of the 2012 Labor Code which have been and will be amended or supplemented, including:

- Delete the word “planning” in clause 2 of Article 235 on state management of labor.

- Intend to amend and supplement Chapter XIII on trade unions with a view to giving permission for establishment of employees’ representative organizations which are not subordinate to the Vietnam General Federation of Labour, including the following regulations: 

+ Regulation on the employee’s right to establish and accede to representative organizations which are not subordinate to the Vietnam General Federation of Labour;

+ Principles-based regulation on requirements and processes for establishing, authority to register, operations and dissolution of employees’ representative organizations.

- Intend to supplement Chapter V, Chapter XIII and Chapter XIV relating to trade unions, employees’ representative organizations, right of discussion at workplace, collective bargaining agreements, resolution of collective labor disputes and strikes.

This also includes the regulation on resolution of labor disputes that may arise in the context of multiple representative organizations in existence, such as disputes between representative organizations about the right of collective bargaining, etc.

Read more at Laws on Amendments and Supplements to 37 Laws relating to planning and the Resolution No. 72/2018/QH14 dated November 12, 2018.



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