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Independence – Freedom – Happiness

No. 11/QD-BXD

Hanoi, January 11, 2023





Pursuant to the Law on Science and Technology dated June 18, 2013;

Pursuant to the Government’s Decree No. 52/2022/ND-CP dated August 08, 2022 on functions, duties, powers and organizational structure of the Ministry of Construction; 

Pursuant to Decision No. 804/QD-BXD dated June, 30 2021 of the Minister of Construction on promulgation of the action plan of construction industry for implementation of Resolution of the 13th National Congress of the Communist Party;

Pursuant to Decision No. 569/QD-BXD dated May 11, 2022 of the Prime Minister on promulgation of the strategy for development of science, technology and innovation by 2030;

Pursuant to Resolution No. 29-NQ/TW dated November 17, 2022 of the Central Committee at the 6th meeting of the 13th Central Committee of the Communist Party on acceleration of the national industrialization and modernization to 2030 with a vision to 2045;




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Article 1. The strategy for development of science, technology and innovation in construction industry by 2030 (hereinafter referred to as “ the Strategy), with the following contents, is promulgated:


- Science, technology and innovation are the important driving force to develop modern productive force, innovate growth models and improve productivity, quality and competitiveness of the economy; closely connect with production and management practices in construction industry towards applied research and transfer of advanced technology in the world; contribute to good performance of the tasks of construction industry in industrialization and modernization and the objectives set out in Resolution No. 29-NQ/TW dated November 17, 2022 of the Central Committee at the 6th meeting of the 13th Central Committee of the Communist Party on acceleration of the national industrialization and modernization to 2030 with a vision to 2045;

- Develop science, technology and innovation with specific focus and goals to create the driving force for the development of construction industry, natural resource saving, environmental protection and response to climate change.

- Ensure resources for the development of science, technology and innovation in construction industry. Among them, State resources play the leading role and social resources play the decisive role to focus on development of the science and technology market.


1. General objectives

- Achieve objectives for assurance about capacity for design and construction of modern and complex works in sectors with all scales; master technology and develop production of construction materials into a strong economic sector which reaches an advanced and modern level and basically meets domestic demand; limit and proceed to stop construction materials production activities that ineffectively use natural resources and cause environmental pollution, give priority to the development of green and new eco-friendly materials; gradually complete mechanisms and policies to promote construction of green and energy efficient buildings.




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- Develop a sustainable urban system towards a green and smart city, adaption to climate change, prevention and control of natural disasters and epidemics, high network connectivity and close association with industrialization and modernization.

- Promote scientific research and application and technology development. In particular, the priority is given to development of technology with high applicability in conformity with Vietnam's conditions.

- Innovate mechanisms and methods of scientific research and application towards specificity and practicality, quantification of results and promotion of selection and commission of scientific research.

- Improve the autonomy of research institutes according to the roadmap, pilot the transformation of some institutes into a model of science and technology enterprise.

2. Specific objectives

- Master the design and construction of large-scale works with complex technical requirements (underground space, underground works, tube-shaped and point-shaped underground structures with the depth of more than 30m, buildings with the height of more than 150m,..).

- Apply and transfer advanced construction technology, ensure resource and energy saving, environmental protection, adaptation to climate change, thereby contributing to reduction in net emissions according to the Government's roadmap.

- Research and develop new construction materials with high performance, effectiveness, energy saving, and environmental friendliness and protection; study application of recycled materials in construction works.

- Innovate and complete construction planning methods; complete regulations relevant to urban management, urban and rural architecture, towards sustainability, modernity, identity in conformity with the development conditions of each local area.




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- Research into innovation and completion mechanisms, policies, economic and technical norms in conformity with reality, thereby contributing to promotion the development of construction industry.

- Study scientific and practical bases to complete the compilation of a set of national technical regulations on construction and a system of national standards for the construction industry according to the approved roadmap.

- Study the practical basis to complete management system, laboratory certification; innovate and strengthen management of measurement of the quality of products and goods in the construction industry.

- Ensure the quantity and quality of human resources in science and technology on par with other countries in the region and the world to meet the development needs of the construction industry.


1. Design, construction of works and construction technology

- Study and update database on natural impacts in Vietnam for construction and sustainable development (flood, flash flood, inundation, thunderstorms, tornado, temperature, climate, earthquake, tsunami, topography, geology, landslide, corrosion and other natural impacts  including zoning maps, data tables, etc).

- Study and achieve mastery of design and construction of large-scale and important works, works on sea and islands (high-rise buildings, large-span works, important works for construction and protection of the country, works with other complex technology and techniques, etc.).

- Research into new technologies for foundation treatment (shallow foundation, pile foundation, slurry wall, basement and deep excavation pit of high-rise buildings in urban areas, foundation reinforcement, construction on complex geological areas, etc.); technologies for construction of urban underground works (tube-shaped and point-shaped underground structures) with great depth.




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- Research into advanced structures in construction with new and high-performance materials (concrete structures with strength of 60 MPa or more, prestressed concrete structures, assembled and semi-assembled structures, light steel structures, high-strength steel structures, steel-concrete composite structures, other modern and intelligent structures, cladding structures and non-structural components, etc.).

- Promote application of digital technology, BIM and achievements of Industry 4.0 in the field of structure and construction technology.

- Study application of advanced and modern technologies to construction management, construction safety, construction and installation of new equipment on works, ....

- Study and apply design principles and solutions to typical structure, architecture and material to ensure fire and explosion safety in an effective manner for houses and buildings, industrial parks and urban areas.

- Assess old houses, houses and dangerous structures; inspect, repair, reinforce, carry out maintenance, dismantle and demolish houses and construction works.

- Monitor construction works (subsidence, cracking, seepage, deflection/displacement, oscillation, ...); take testing of structures and components; carry out experiment with models of houses and buildings.

2. Construction materials and mechanics

2.1. Study and achieve mastery of technology for production of basic and high-grade construction materials for advanced construction technology:

- Research into improvement of the quality, forms and models of construction material products (sanitary ware, tiles, interior and exterior decoration materials, etc.).




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- Study application of technology for production of active mineral admixtures for high performance concrete (Silicafume, Puzolan, thermoelectric fly ash, blast furnace slag, etc.).

- Apply modern methods in testing and inspection of the quality of construction materials; modernize laboratory facilities, system of technical standards in construction materials and components.

2.2. Research and apply advanced technologies for production of construction materials to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, save energy and natural resources:

- Research into improvement of the effectiveness of production of safety, energy-saving and decorative glass products.

- Study application of new materials which are effective in use and energy saving in conformity with Vietnam's conditions.

- Research into production of unbaked construction materials to replace baked bricks. In particular, the production of unbaked construction materials accounts for 35-40% of the total number of bricks by 2025 and 40 - 45% of the total number of bricks by 2030; ensure the proportion of unbaked construction materials used for construction works according to regulations.

- Research into production of decorative and insulation paints for civil and industrial construction.

2.3. Research and apply new and effective technology for production of construction materials:

- Study application of technology for collection of raw materials to production of high water-reducing chemical additives and special additives for advanced concrete technology and concrete pumping technology for high-rise buildings.




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- Research into renewable construction materials in conformity with both structural and finishing construction, especially, finishing construction materials to meet requirements for architecture towards simulation of traditional materials existing in nature.

- Study application of nanotechnology and nanomaterials to production of construction materials with special features including anti-bacterial, anti-virus paint and coating, air purification, mold prevention and self clean ...

2.4. Study application of technology to recycling and reuse of construction waste in conformity with specific needs of Vietnam:

- Study application and achieve mastery of technology for waste recycling to produce construction materials and protect environment, save resources. It is possible to replace natural sand, clay and other natural coarse aggregates, etc.

- Research into technological solutions to use about 15-20 million tonnes of waste to produce unbaked construction materials.

2.5. Construction mechanics:

- Achieve mastery of design, manufacturing and assembly of some machines and equipment to meet requirements for construction in Vietnam, gradually master the domestic market.

- Research into manufacturing and achieve mastery of technology for pumping and transport of concrete for construction of high-rise buildings, lifting equipment, transfer of some suitable equipment to gradually develop synchronous production in Vietnam.

- Research into manufacturing, improvement, modernization, automation and application of Industry 4.0 technologies to the system of equipment and technologies for production of construction materials towards improvement of the quality of products in order to ensure competitiveness, meet domestic demands and promote export.




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3.1. Urban and rural planning:

- Study and develop urban and rural planning in association with socio-economic development; promote the role of large urban zones, large urban areas, economic corridors, key economic regions, form national growth poles with international competitiveness.

- Study urban and rural planning solutions to ensure national defense and security and harmonize the interests of the country, regions, local areas and the people in conformity with the development context in Industry 4.0 era.

- Study environmentally sustainable urban and rural development in association with natural conditions, response to climate change, epidemics prevention, natural resources and energy saving, synchronous infrastructure, gradual modernization and conformity with conditions for the development of each local area.

- Research and develop a rural development program towards sustainability, close linkage between urban areas and rural areas, connection between urban areas and rural areas, ecological and environmental stability, maintenance of national green infrastructure system, effective use of natural resources and land, environmental protection and ecological balance.

- Research and develop an urbanization process in order to ensure positive effects, increase incomes, reduce poverty and promote economic growth via transformation of economy, administration, population, space and social welfare; effectively solve problems arising in the process of urbanization, challenges in case of rapid development of new urban areas, residential areas in urban areas and old urban areas.

- Study methods of urban and rural development management in order to ensure science, predictability, feasibility, thrift and effective use of resources of the country.

- Research into innovation of methods of urban development planning and management in conformity with socialist-oriented market economy, international integration and strengthening the effectiveness of State's management in control of urban development.

- Study application of digital technology, GIS and Industry 4.0 to formulation and management of urban and rural planning.




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- Study architectural forms in urban development to ensure modernity and integration.

- Study the architectural order of the whole urban area or sub-zones in order to ensure strict and unified control and individual creation, ensure urban architecture beauty and obtain its own identity via use value and artistic value.

- Study creation of the beauty of urban architecture, harmonizing architectural works, technical infrastructure works and nature.

- Study landscape architecture for works and urban areas, preserve and embellish valuable architectural heritages and natural landscapes.

- Design architecture in order to ensure spatial connectivity, unity of architectural form, use of space, new materials, new structures, natural resource saving, land saving and environmental friendliness.

- Study development of traditional values ​​and unique identities of traditional architecture, creatively absorb architectural trends in the world for rural areas and peri-urban villages.

- Study application of the achievements of Industry 4.0 in architectural design including virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), ...

4. Construction engineering, environment and energy saving

4.1. Water supply and drainage in buildings and works:




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- Study application of advanced technology to wastewater recovery and treatment.

- Research into technology for reuse of water sources for different purposes.

4.2. Energy efficient buildings, green buildings and environmental protection

- Study application of intelligent and advanced technology to management and operation of buildings to ensure health, environment, economical and effective use of energy.

- Research into application of new technologies with renewable energy (solar power, wind power, geothermal energy, etc.) to operation of buildings, production and business.

- Study development of energy consumption norms for buildings with over 2500 m2 of floor area and application of energy saving labels to some types of buildings (apartments, offices, hotels, hospitals, schools, trade and services, etc.).

- Research into completion of green construction technology and application of green building labels to buildings with evaluation criteria in conformity with Vietnam's conditions.

- Study application of simulation of energy consumption to buildings.

- Study promotion of the model of low-energy buildings and developing nearly zero energy building.




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- Study and apply high-performance building engineering systems, apply intelligent control technology in order to economically and effectively use energy in buildings (air-conditioning and ventilation systems, water supply system, lighting, elevators, building management systems (BMS), communications, etc.).

- Study and apply modern lightning protection system and safe grounding system in construction.

- Study and apply modern, safe and effective fire and explosion prevention technologies to construction works, urban areas and industrial zones, etc.

5. Technical infrastructures

5.1. Water supply:

- Research into completion of regulations on management of water industry, application of technical advances, energy saving and environmental friendliness; apply modernization and automation technology to water supply industry to ensure quality, stability and sufficient flow.

- Research into completion of planning, investment in technology, development, maintainance and management of operation of water supply system.

- Study solutions to manage and use of water sources to adapt to climate change; complete the planning for water resources, manage, monitor and protect water sources; control discharge into water sources.

- Research into proposal for construction of the system of rainwater and surface water storage reservoirs and works for prevention of saltwater and discharge of floods with account taken of climate change.




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- Make drainage planning for large urban centers and coastal urban areas to adapt to climate change; develop urban inundation maps according to climate change scenarios; develop regulations on management of detention basins, optimize and synchronize water regulation with ecology, landscape and other functions.

- Develop technical framework in drainage and treatment of wastewater for collection and re-treatment of rainwater.

- Develop drainage systems in large urban areas, urban areas in river basins heavily affected by natural disasters (floods, inundation, high tides...) which cause great impacts on environment and life.

5.3. Urban lighting:

Apply energy-saving technologies, strengthen the use of renewable energy in urban lighting.

5.4. Urban transport infrastructure, urban underground construction management:

- Study solutions to effective use of urban space for land clearance, limitation of overload of infrastructure system, development of infrastructure for prevention of congestion, enhancement of connectivity and assurance about adaptation to climate change, sea level rise and flood prevention.

- Research into planning, construction and management of extraction of underground space to ensure the effectiveness in land use, economical use of natural resources and energy and environmental protection in order to meet requirements for people's livelihood, national defense and security.

- Research into integrated use of multi-storey underground space in connection with other urban technical infrastructure works to ensure interoperable operation of technical infrastructure system.




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- Study application of digital technology, geographic information system and Industry 4.0 to urban technical infrastructure management.

- Research into completion and innovation in the cost and price management mechanism to meet objectives of socialization and improve the effectiveness of extraction and use of urban technical infrastructure systems.

6. Construction economy, building information modeling (BIM), digital transformation and application of achievements of Industry 4.0 to construction

6.1. Construction norms and economy:

- Research, innovate and develop construction norms and economy to keep pace with the development of the construction industry, ensure international integration and conform to practice in Vietnam.

- Research into supplement and completion of the system of instruments, economic - technical indicators, economic - technical norms, prices of construction products to meet requirements for completion and innovation of the mechanism for determination and management of costs and prices of construction products by 2030.

6.2. Construction consultancy:

- Study solutions to design and new materials for construction of high-rise buildings, important public and industrial works, construction works in complex conditions.

- Study typical design solutions, reduce construction price to serve the national housing development strategy.




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6.3. Building information modeling (BIM), digital transformation and application of the achievements of Industry 4.0 to construction:

- Build a database of the construction industry integrated in sectors including planning, architecture, construction to serve statistics, forecast about supply and demand for human resources of the construction industry, construction materials, housing, and real estate market etc. from central level to local level in order to serve as the basis for development of the policy, management of construction market and real estate market.

- Carry out digital transformation and successfully construct the e-Government of the Ministry of Construction, complete the entire digital database to serve the e-Government of the Ministry of Construction.

- Develop BIM in construction activities and project operation management. Promote the application of information technology to management, extraction and operation of infrastructure system in design, organization of construction and operation of works.

7. Urban development, climate change and natural disaster management

- Research into theoretical and practical bases for identification of objectives, targets or framework programs for urban green growth development and response to climate change, and development of smart urban areas in conformity with Vietnam’s conditions.

- Research into development of training and refresher training programs and carry out refresher training in professional knowledge about urban green growth development, response to climate change and development of smart urban areas.

- Study application of technologies and techniques to urban green growth development and response to climate change, development of smart urban areas in conformity with Vietnam's conditions.

8. Technical regulations and standards in construction




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- Review and update existing standards and complete construction standards according to the orientation of the Prime Minister's Project 198 in 2018 before 2030.

- Study and develop national standards for new and recycled materials.

9. Measurement, quality of products, goods of construction materials

- Study solutions to strengthen management of the system of construction laboratories, promote interlaboratory evaluation and improve the quality of operation of construction laboratories.

- Research into completion and innovation in methods of assessment of the quality of construction products and goods. Promote assessment and certification of standard conformity and technical-regulation conformity in order to improve management of the quality of products and goods of construction materials.

- Increase the capacity and equipment of laboratories, focus on investment in some key laboratories to serve State management of the construction industry.

10. Training and development of human resources in science and technology in construction industry

- Research into innovation in training programs and curricula towards advances and integration in association with programs and projects of the Ministry of Construction.

- Research into improvement of the capacity of lecturers, teachers, officials and researchers at academies, universities and research institutes under the Ministry in order to get qualifications on par with other countries in the region and the world, experience, reputation for knowledge and foreign languages, and meet the development needs of the construction industry.




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The list of key tasks in implementation of the Strategy for development of science, technology and innovation in construction industry by 2030 is elaborated in the Appendix attached to the Decision and serves as a basis for making an annual list of tasks in science and technology of the Ministry of Construction.

Article 2. Implementation

1. Science - Technology and Environment Department:

a) Take charge and cooperate with relevant agencies and units in implementation of the Strategy; organize dissemination, guidance and development of the implementation plan of the Strategy; inspect, supervise, urge, summarize and report implementation of the Strategy on an annual basis to the Minister; organize a preliminary and final review of implementation of the Strategy by 2031.

b) During the process of implementation, the Department of Science, Technology and Environment, according to actual situation of implementation, shall propose adjustment and supplement to the tasks of science and technology.

2. The Department of Planning and Finance shall ensure allocation and mobilization of financial resources to carry out tasks, programs, schemes, projects and topics to achieve the objectives set out in the Strategy.

3. Research institutes and training institutions under the Ministry

a) Organize the implementation of the Strategy within the scope of their assigned functions and tasks according to applicable regulations of the Law.

b) Specify the objectives, orientations to relevant the tasks and measures in the Strategy for development of science, technology and innovation by 2030 of the Ministry into the 5-year, annual development strategy and plan.




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Article 4. Chief of the Office, Director of Science - Technology and Environment Department, Director of Department of Planning and Finance and Heads of relevant agencies and units shall be responsible for the implementation of this Decision./.




Nguyen Thanh Nghi



(Enclosed with Decision No. 11/QD-BXD dated January 11, 2023 of the Minister of Construction)


Name of tasks




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I. Design, construction of works and construction technology


Study and update database on natural impacts in Vietnam for construction and sustainable development (flood, flash flood, inundation, thunderstorms, tornado, temperature, climate, earthquake, tsunami, topography, geology, landslide, corrosion and other natural impacts including zoning maps, data tables, etc.)



Study and achieve mastery of design and construction of large-scale and important works, and works with other complex technology and techniques, etc for development of the country (high-rise buildings, large-span works, etc.)



Research into new technologies for foundation treatment (pile foundation, pile raft foundation, slurry wall, basement and deep excavation pit of high-rise buildings in urban areas, foundation reinforcement, construction on complex geological areas, etc.); technologies for construction of urban underground works (tube-shaped and point-shaped underground structures with a depth which may be more than 30m, interconnected underground spaces of works or clusters of high-rise buildings); pile testing technology in conformity with high-rise buildings in urban areas.




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Study impacts of wind storm, tornado, earthquake and solutions to prevention and minimization of damage caused by wind storm and earthquake for houses and construction works (new and existing works).



Research into advanced and effective structures in construction with new and high-performance materials (concrete structures with strength of 60 MPa or more, prestressed concrete structures, assembled and semi-assembled structures, light steel structures, high-strength steel structures, steel-concrete composite structures, other modern and intelligent structures, large block concrete structures, aluminum structures, cladding structures and non-structural components, etc.).



Study application of digital technology, BIM, the achievements of Industry 4.0 and functional design to construction technology and structure.





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Study application of advanced and modern technologies in management, construction and installation of new equipment, construction safety.



Study and apply design principles and solutions to typical structure, architecture and material to ensure fire safety in an effective manner for houses and buildings, industrial parks and urban areas.



Survey, assess old houses, houses and dangerous structures; inspect, repair, reinforce, carry out maintenance, dismantle and demolish houses and construction works.






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Build some key laboratories on reinforced concrete structures, steel and aluminum structures, glass walls and facades, and fire and explosion laboratories of the Ministry of Construction in Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City and other big cities.


II. Construction materials and mechanics


Research into improvement of the quality, forms and models of construction material products (sanitary ware, tiles, insulating glass, interior and exterior decoration materials, etc.).






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Research and manufacture new-generation chemical additives, nano-additives and additives with special features to serve advanced construction technology, manufacture materials and components with special features.



Study application of technology for collection of smoke and dust from steelmaking furnaces to produce active mineral admixtures for concrete.



 Study and apply high-strength concrete of 80 MPa or more in construction; study manufacturing/application of concrete with special features that can adapt to climate of Vietnam.




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Study application of 3D printed concrete to fabricate and manufacture prefabricated houses and construction components.



Study application of materials and solutions to protection of works in marine environment and anti-corrosion.



Study application of nanotechnology and nanomaterials to produce construction materials with special features including anti-bacterial, anti-virus paint and coating, air purification, mold prevention and self clean ...





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Research into manufacturing/application of green, environmentally friendly, energy-saving materials... Study solutions to use of materials in green and energy-saving construction works



Build some key laboratories on construction materials that are capable of conducting research/testing of the characteristics and features of major construction materials, new construction materials with special features ...



Research into manufacturing of hoists, cranes, elevators and escalators.






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Study application of Industry 4.0 to production and use of construction materials; research into development of a database on construction materials for digital transformation of the construction industry, traceability and assurance about the quality of products and goods of construction materials,...


III. Urban and rural architecture, planning


Research into completion of mechanisms and policies on urban and rural development in conformity with socio-economic conditions.






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Study forecast criteria, economic - technical indicators for orientation to urban development zones and urban network distribution.



Predict development trends, development scenarios and climate change that directly affect the development of the national urban and rural system by 2030.



Study solutions to improvement of the role of driving force and growth pole in urbanized areas and large urban areas in order to increase the capacity of economy.




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Research urban development models to respond to climate change, low emission urban areas, green growth urban areas, smart urban areas according to socio-economic development characteristics and regions.



Develop construction planning information management system; build a national database on urban and rural planning



Research the model of planning for construction and development of new rural areas to respond to climate change according to socio-economic development characteristics and regions.





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Study application of digital technology, GIS and Industry 4.0 to formulation and management of urban and rural planning.



Study solutions to preservation of architectural and cultural identity and improvement of the quality of life in urban and rural architecture.



Study solutions to improvement of the appearance of urban architecture and its own identity in terms of architectural form, modernity, construction technology, integration via use value and artistic value.






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Study traditional values ​​and unique identities of traditional architecture, creatively absorb architectural trends in the world for rural areas and peri-urban villages.



Study application of the achievements of Industry 4.0 to architectural design including virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), ...


IV. Construction engineering, environment, energy saving and green buildings





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Study application of advanced technology to wastewater recovery and treatment.



Study technology for reuse of water sources for different purposes.



Study application of intelligent technology to management and operation of buildings to ensure health, environment, economical and effective use of energy.




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Research into application of new technologies with renewable energy (solar power, wind power, etc.) to operation of buildings, production and business.



Research into energy consumption norms for buildings with over 2500 m2 of floor area and application of energy saving labels to some types of buildings (residential houses, apartments, offices, hotels and industrial houses, etc.).



Research into completion of green construction technology and application of green building labels to buildings with evaluation criteria in conformity with Vietnam's conditions.





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Study the model of low-energy buildings and development of nearly zero energy building (utilization of renewable energy sources including: solar power, wind power, geothermal power, etc.).



Research and apply high-performance building engineering systems, apply intelligent control technology in order to economically and effectively use energy in buildings (air-conditioning and ventilation systems, water supply system, lighting, elevators, building management systems (BMS), communications, etc.). Study application of simulation of energy consumption to buildings.



Study and apply BIM to design and construction of the mechanical and electrical system in sync with the architecture and structural system of the work.






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Disseminate solutions, technologies, models and applications in construction engineering, environment and energy saving, green building


V. Urban technical infrastructure


Study and apply technology to treatment of saltwater and brackish water, reuse of rain water for areas affected by saline intrusion and areas with difficulties in water resources.






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Research into proposal for construction of the system of rainwater and surface water storage reservoirs and works for prevention of saltwater and discharge of floods with account taken of climate change.



Study flood drainage models with variety of functions, solutions to improvement of the capacity of drainage systems and prevention of flooding in big urban areas in conformity with climate change scenarios.



Study and select wastewater and sludge treatment technology in conformity with natural conditions and load capacity of the receiving source.




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Study solutions to separation of rainwater from domestic water and technology for reuse of rainwater.



Research into maps of underground works, databases and management of urban underground spaces in an effective manner.



Research into planning, construction and management of extraction of underground space in a reasonable manner to ensure natural resource saving and environmental protection for fulfillment of requirements for people's livelihood, national defense and security.





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Study solutions to development and integration of multi-storey underground space, interconnection and anti-congestion in big urban areas.



Develop urban technical infrastructure information management system; build a database on urban technical infrastructure


VI. Construction economy, building information modeling (BIM), digital transformation and application of achievements of Industry 4.0 in construction


Research, innovate and develop construction norms and economy to keep pace with the development of the construction industry, ensure international integration and conform to practice in Vietnam.





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Research training programs, update and supplement knowledge, and carry out refresher training in professional skills for consultants in key sectors of the construction industry; strengthen the framework of program for training in human resources and pilot implementation.



Study application of construction management science towards regional and international integration.



Research into development of information infrastructure and application of modern technologies, methods, models and specialized software to construction consultancy in major sectors.






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Implement the plan for digital transformation of the construction industry, complete the construction of a digital database system for construction management and consultancy.



Study application and development of BIM and achievements of Industry 4.0 in construction.


VII. Urban development, climate change and natural disaster management





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Build a system of national standards for the construction industry to serve the development of smart urban areas.



Study material solutions and techniques for maintenance, repair and reinforcement of houses with historical value in urban areas affected by climate change (Hoi An, Hue, ...).



Cooperate in construction and extraction the national database on natural disasters for the construction industry to ensure the safety of works, residential areas and urban areas.




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Study typical solutions for small-scale houses to management of natural disasters.



Approach the issue of "Green technology" from planning to develop urban areas in Vietnam towards green, sustainable and smart urban areas.



Build national resources (human resources, mechanisms and policies, eco-technology...) for the development and application of green technology.





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Prevent and mitigate incidents caused by fire, explosion, earthquake and other natural disasters, prevent environmental incidents in big urban areas



Expand and improve capacity for theoretical and experimental research in fire safety for houses and buildings to meet development needs.



Develop urban development information management system, urban development monitoring system according to planning; build a database on urban development management


VIII. Technical regulations and standards in construction




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Review and update existing standards and regulations towards innovation, fulfillment of practical needs and development of the construction industry.



Research into compilation of "National Technical Regulations on Construction" to meet requirements for state management and development of the construction industry.



Research into compilation of "National Technical Standards of Construction" to meet requirements for state management and development of the construction industry.






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Develop a database system of the system of standards and regulations on construction; put design standards into commercial software for design and construction.



Develop international cooperation on standards and regulations on construction.


IX. Measurement, quality of products, goods of construction materials





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Study solutions to improvement of interlaboratory evaluation activities in the construction industry.



Research into completion and innovation in methods of assessment of the quality of construction products and goods.



Research into development of a database on a system of laboratories in construction, interlaboratory evaluation activities and mutual recognition.




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X. Training and development of human resources in science and technology in construction industry


Innovate programs and curricula of training in management and professional skills towards advances in association with the practical development of science and technology in the country and the world.



Develop programs for training and refresher training for managers in the construction industry according to sectors to meet requirements for digital transformation and the fourth industrial revolution.



Carry out refresher training and training and improve the capacity and qualifications of managers, teachers and researchers in research and training institutions of the construction industry towards approach and mastery of advanced science and technology




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Invest facilities and research equipment for research and training institutions to meet requirements that have been set out.



Research into innovation in mechanisms and policies to attract high-quality human resources in science and technology in connection with training for human resources in science and technology to meet requirements of the construction industry.



Address: 17 Nguyen Gia Thieu street, Ward Vo Thi Sau, District 3, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
Phone: (+84)28 3930 3279 (06 lines)

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Editorial Director: Mr. Bui Tuong Vu Protection Status