Independence - Freedom – Happiness
No. 2/1998/QD-TTg
Hanoi, January
6, 1998
NOW TO 2010
to the Law on Organization of the Government of September 30, 1992;
At the proposal of the Chairman of the State Council For Evaluation of
Investment Projects in Official Dispatch No. 3202-BKH/HDTD of May 31, 1997.
Article 1.-
To approve the socio-economic development master plan for the north eastern
region till 2010, including 13 provinces of Ha Giang, Tuyen Quang, Cao Bang,
Lang Son, Lao Cai, Yen Bai, Bac Can, Thai Nguyen, Phu Tho, Vinh Phuc, Bac
Giang, Bac Ninh and Quang Ninh, with the following principal contents:
1. To strive for to achieve an annual GDP growth
rate of over 10% from now till the year 2010, with about 10% for the period
from now to 2000, so as to achieve the tempo of a per- ita GDP by 2000 being
equal to 1.6 times that of 1994 and a per- ita GDP by 2010 equal to 2.5 times
that of 2000. To ensure harmonization in the fast, effective and sustainable
development, hunger must be basically eliminated before the year 2000 and the
number of poor households must be reduced by 30-40% as compared with the
present time.
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3. The export value shall rise at the rate of
22-23%/year for the period from now till 2010. The export value of the north
eastern region shall account for about 4% of the national export value by the
year 2010
4. By 2010, the sedentarization shall be
basically completed.
5. To raise the people's physical strength and
intellectual level; to ensure a higher and higher cultural and spiritual living
standards and a more and more civilized life style for the people. To minimize
epidemics and dangerous diseases like malaria, goiter, child malnutrition and
social evils such as superstition, drug addiction and injection, prostitution,
6. To rehabilitate and better the environment;
to increase the percentage of the forest coverage of natural land areas from
22.8% now to 60% by 2010 (including the areas under perennial industrial plants
and fruit trees); to protect the lands es and the ecological environment,
especially in big cities, industrial parks, seaports and tourist resorts.
7. To coordinate with the forces of the central
level in maintaining the political security, social order and safety, national
sovereignty and territorial integrity on the land and sea areas, contributing
to the creation of stability necessary for the process of the regional and
national development.
1. Regarding industrial development:
- To strive for an average annual growth rate of
about 14-15% throughout the period from now to 2010.
- To form leading industries or industrial
products, of which some shall play as the spearhead on the basis of the raw
material and market advantages, such as the ore exploiting and selecting and
mineral refining industry, (coal, iron and non-ferrous metals); the
construction material industry; the agricultural and forestrial and marine
product processing industry; the metallurgical and mechanical manufacture
industry; medium and small thermo and hydro-electric projects; the fertilizer
and chemical industry; the consumer goods industry.
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- To maintain and develop handicraft trades and
occupations, especially the production of fine arts products of high export
2. Regarding agricultural development:
- To strive to achieve an agricultural growth
rate of about 4% for the whole period of 1996-2010 .
- To renovate the agricultural structure: to
restructure the plant cropping along the direction of producing commodities
(reducing the ratio of food crops and increasing the ratio of industrial
plants, fruit trees and vegetables); to develop food production along the
direction of intensive farming so as to meet the local demand to the possible
extent. To boost the expansion of areas specialized in certain plants to
produce great quantities of marketable products. To restructure the raising of
domestic animals. To attach importance to the development of areas under
specialty trees.
- To renew the existing breeds and strains and
produce sufficient quantities of animal breeds and plant strains and at the
same time apply scientific and technical advances, also to the post-harvest
3. Regarding forestrial development:
- To develop forestry along the direction of
socialization, to perform the function of protecting headwater forests,
planting new forests and preserving the environment and the ecological system.
- To renew the plant strains and restructure the
cropping of plants to meet the market demand for forest products.
- To build areas of materials for paper
industry, of pit-prop wood, cinnamon and anise trees,
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- The trade service should be strongly developed
to shift to the commodity economy. The GDP of the trade service is expected to
reach 9% of the region's GDP and 21.6% of the GDP of all services by 2000 which
will rise to 13% and 26% respectively by the year 2010. To speed up the export
of goods through the border with China. To attach importance to the import of
machinery, equipment and supplies for production. To strongly develop the network
of trade centers and border gate economic zones. To promote trade activities in
the highland, remote and deep-lying areas as well as islands. To give maximum
encouragement to various kinds of investment in production, business and
service sectors so as to narrow the gap between these areas and others.
- Tourism: To strongly develop tourism so as to
increase its ratio in the region's GDP to 6% by 2000 and 10% by 2010. To boost
marine tourism and build a number of tourist resorts, clusters and intra-regional,
inter-regional and international tours. To invest in building the material base
for the tourist branch and at the same time promote the training of its
managerial personnel.
- To develop other forms of service such as
transit transportation, finance, banking, technology transfer, information and
communication service, etc.
- To step up the development of border-gate
areas, creating the basis for raising the acity of railway and road transit
5. Regarding the social development:
- Education and training:: Priority shall be
given to educational and training development in highland border and island
areas. To diversify the educational forms to attract more and more school-age
children to schools and classes.
- Health: To improve the material conditions for
medical establishments to ensure the quality of primary health care, medical
examination and treatment, substantially reduce maternal and child
malnutrition. To control malaria, eradicate goiter, cretinism and iodide
deficiency-related diseases by 2000. There shall be no commune without a health
center before 2010.
- Culture and information - radio and
television: during the period from now to 2000 every province in the region
strives to have a cultural center or a cultural-sports center, a complete
museum and build their radio and television stations in accordance with the
master plan already approved by the Government.
To attach importance to, preserve and bring into
full play the cultural identities of various ethnicities, to strive to satisfy
the audio-visual needs of the people in the region at the country's average
level in the period 2001-2010.
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- The development of key infrastructure must be
prioritized and carried out one step ahead. To concentrate on developing the
traffic network. Apart from the materialization of the communication program
till 2000 of the Ministry of Communications and Transport, it is necessary to
continue upgrading National Highways 2, 3, 1 and 70. Besides, the belt roads of
National Highways 4, N1 and N2 shall be restored and upgraded before 2005 to
form a complete network of roads for the entire north eastern region. 70% and
90% of the communes shall have access to electricity by 2000 and 2010
respectively. To build step by step the irrigation network in service of
production and the water supply system for the cities, provincial and district
towns, townships and industrial parks, to supply clean water for rural areas,
with attention paid to highland areas inhabited by ethnic minority people. To
develop the post and telecommunications network with 75% and 100% of the
communes to have telephones by 2000 and 2010 respectively.
7. Regarding the environment:
Importance must be attached to the environmental
issues in parallel with the socio-economic development: To regreen waste land
and bare hills and mountains, giving priority to headwater areas and areas in
need of protective forests; to combat air, land and water source pollution, to
preserve and protect the environment in the coastal areas, cities, industrial
centers, the Quang Ninh colliery area as well as other mining areas.
8. Regarding security and defense:
To consolidate and build strong border, coastal
and island defense lines, to materialize the Party's resolutions on the task of
ensuring security and defense. To combine this task with economic development
so as to perform the strategic tasks in the north-eastern region.
1. To realize the master plan there must be a
series of comprehensive measures to mobilize all resources inside and outside
the country for the socio-economic development of the north-eastern region. The
major socio-economic development orientations and tasks stated in the plan must
be reflected and concretized in five-year and annual plans of each province in
the north-eastern region through specific development programs and investment
projects. The areas that should be given priority for development include: the
network of urban centers, economic corridors, border and rural corridors (especially
rural, mountainous areas and islands).
- For the provinces having the national border,
they should step up the development of border gate areas into economic and
trading centers. At the same time attention should be paid to the construction
of the material base of border guard stations and posts so as to create
conditions to support the socio-economic development of the border areas. The
integration and coordination of the programs should be studied with a view to
stepping up the development of mountainous and border areas and areas facing
special difficulties. This requires a close coordination between the Central
Government and the provinces to ensure the comprehensiveness, concentration and
effectiveness of these programs.
2. To concretize the solutions regarding the
ital, human resources, science, technology, environment and market expansion
through various mechanisms and policies suited to the characteristics of the
entire region and each province and submit them to the Prime Minister for
consideration and decision in order to well achieve the socio-economic
development objectives and fulfill the tasks stated in the master plan.
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Article 2.-
The ministries and branches at the central level and the People's Committees of
the northeastern provinces shall have to draw up detailed five-year and annual
plans so as to organize and direct the implementation of the programs and
projects that fall under the scope of their direction according to the
development objectives and orientations stated in the Decision to approve this
master plan.
The presidents of the People's Committees of the
northeastern provinces shall have to closely coordinate with the ministries and
branches of the central level in elaborating the set programs and projects and
organizing the implementation.
Article 3.-
In the course of implementing the master plan on the development of the
northeastern region, the Ministry of Planning and Investment shall, together
with the concerned ministries and branches and the People's Committees of the
northeastern provinces, sum up, evaluate and draw experiences so as to promptly
adjust and supplement the master plan to ensure its compliance with the
national master plan.
Article 4.-
This Decision takes effect 15 days after its signing.
The presidents of the People's Committees of the
northeastern provinces and the concerned ministers, heads of the
ministerial-level agencies and heads of the agencies attached to the Government
shall have to implement this Decision.
Phan Van Khai