Independence - Freedom - Happiness
Hanoi, December
16, 2014
Pursuant to the Law on fire prevention and
fighting dated June 29, 2001; the Law on amendments and supplements to a number
of articles of the law on fire prevention and fighting dated November 22, 2013;
Pursuant to the Decree No. 79/2014/NĐ-CP
detailing the implementation of a number of articles of the law on fire
prevention and fighting and the Law on amendments and supplements to the number
of articles of the law on fire prevention and fighting;
Pursuant to the Decree No. 106/2014/NĐ-CP dated
November 17, 2014 defining the functions, tasks, entitlements and
organizational structure the Ministry of Public Security;
At the proposal of General Director of
Department of Fire Prevention, Fighting, Relief and Rescue;
The Minister of Public Security promulgates the
Circular detailing the implementation of a number of articles of the Decree No.
79/2014/NĐ-CP detailing the implementation of a number of articles of the Law
on fire prevention and fighting and the Law on amendments and supplements to
the number of articles of the Law on fire prevention and fighting (hereinafter
referred to as the Decree No.79/2014/NĐ-CP).
Chapter I
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TVPL Pro để sử dụng được đầy đủ các tiện ích gia tăng liên quan đến nội dung TCVN.
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Article 1. Governing scope
This Circular regulates appraisal, inspection, verification,
acceptance, training in competence, statistics, reports, safety rules, fire
prevention and fighting control documents; transport of inflammable and
explosive commodities; notification of safety conditions to be ensured for fire
prevention and fighting; firefighting plans; mobilization of human force, means
and assets to get involved in fire prevention and fighting activities;
activities of nigh-watch teams, intramural and professional fire prevention and
fighting forces; temporary and permanent suspension and restoration of
operation of facilities and motor vehicles, households and individuals;
certificates of fulfillment of conditions for fire prevention and fighting
service business activities; list of facilities, residential areas likely to catch
fire and explode for which the Fire department is responsible for building the
firefighting plan and forms used in fire prevention and fighting.
Article 2. Regulated entities
This Circular applies to:
1. Military officers, fire fighters
2. Police from units and localities
3. Agencies, organizations, households and
individuals concerning fire prevention and fighting activities
Chapter II
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Article 3. Fire prevention and
fighting control documentation
1. Fire prevention and fighting control
documentation prepared and stored by heads of facilities at risk of fire and
explosion, residential areas includes:
a) Regulations, rules, procedures, directives and
guidance on fire prevention and fighting;
b) Design documents, written approval of design,
inspection of fire prevention and fighting (if any); written notice about
safety conditions to be ensured for fire prevention and fighting (if any);
c) Process chart, technical system, facilities’
inflammable and explosive materials; chart of series of houses easy to catch
fire; position of emergency water in the residential area;
d) Decision on the establishment of night-watch
teams, intramural and professional fire prevention and fighting teams;
dd) Facilities’ approved fire plan; the Fire
department's fire plan; reports on fire prevention and fighting practice;
e) Inspection record of fire prevention and
fighting; written proposals about fire prevention and fighting tasks; offence
notice and decision on the settlement of administrative violations of fire
prevention and fighting (if any);
g) Logbook of propaganda, training in competence in
fire prevention and fighting, activities of night-watch forces, intramural and
professional fire prevention and fighting teams; logbook of fire prevention and
fighting equipment;
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2. Fire prevention and fighting control documents
prepared and stored by heads of the facilities that are not at risk of fire,
explosion according to the provisions set out in Points a, d, dd, e and g,
Clause 1 of this Article.
In case any facility the scale and nature of which
is changed into the facility posing high risk of fire, explosion, head of such
facility must prepare fire prevention and fighting control documents according
to the provisions set out in Clause 1 of this Article.
Article 4. Statistics, reports
on fire prevention and fighting
1. Statistics on fire prevention and fighting
a) Statistics on frequency of inspection,
propaganda, training in competence and handling of violations of fire
prevention and fighting;
b) List of officers, night-watch members, members
of intramural, professional fire prevention and fighting team;
c) Statistics on fire prevention and fighting
d) Statistics on the duration of learning and
practice in fire plans; number of fire cases, fire fighting tasks and other
issues relating to fire prevention and fighting activities.
2. Reports on fire prevention and fighting
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b) Reports on fire prevention and fighting tasks
(six-month, annual basis):
c) Reports on preliminary and general summing-up of
fire prevention and fighting tasks
3. Periodical statistics, reports on fire
prevention and fighting must be sent to upper-level agencies, organizations In
case there are changes concerning fire prevention and fighting safety to any
agency or organization, such agency, organization should make early notice to
the Fire department.
Article 5. Safety rules,
direction map, instruction signs for fire prevention and fighting
1. Safety rules for fire prevention and fighting
include the following information such as management and use of fire and heat
sources, inflammable and explosive substances, fire, heat generating equipment;
prohibited acts according to the provisions of the Law on fire prevention and
fighting; regulations on management, storage, maintenance, employment of means,
equipment of fire prevention and fighting; things to be done to prevent and
fight fire, explosion.
2. Direction map of fire prevention and fighting
must present work items, internal road system, escape path, position of
emergency water and fire fighting equipment. Depending on nature and
characteristics of specific operation of the facility, the guiding map of fire
prevention and fighting can be made into separate maps to present one or some
of the aforesaid information.
3. Prohibition signs, notice signs and guiding
signs about fire prevention and fighting, including:
a) No fire sign, no smoking sign, no blocking sign,
do not use water on fires sign... As for places where explosive materials, LPG,
petrol are manufactured, managed, stored and used and other places running high
risk of fire, explosion, it is required to set up secondary signs prohibiting
carriage and use of sulfur, mobile phone, transmitters and receivers, and other
devices likely to generate heat, spark or fire
b) Notice signs about materials running risk of
fire, explosion;
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4. Size, forms of prohibition sign, notice signs
and guiding signs about fire prevention and fighting shall follow TCVN 4879:
Fire prevention – Safety signs. In case validity of prohibition sign, notice
sign and guiding sign needs to be defined, secondary signs should be set up.
5. Safety rules, guiding maps, prohibition signs,
notice signs and guiding signs about fire prevention and fighting must be
disseminated and set up at easy-to-notice places.
Article 6. Transport of
inflammable and explosive materials
1. Conditions for vehicles transporting inflammable
and explosive materials
Vehicles transporting inflammable and explosive
materials must be internal combustion engines or explosion-proof engines and
meet the following conditions:
a) Engines of vehicles must be separated from
material storage compartment by a fire-proof material or a buffer chamber as
b) Exhaust pipe of engines must be placed at an
separated position, or covered to ensure fire and explosion safety;
c) Electricity system (including battery) must
ensure no generation of spark; copper core electric wires must be insulated and
have cross section according to the design;
d) Floor, structure of material storage compartment
and other spaces of the vehicle within range of possible fire and explosion must
be made of fire-proof material and ensure no generation of spark due to
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e) Vehicles transporting inflammable and explosive
liquid must be grounded Particularly for LPG trucks, Vietnam’s Standards TCVN 6484:
LPG – trucks – safety requirements for design, manufacture and usage shall be
g) Fire prevention and fighting equipment is
adequate as regulated;
h) Conditions of technical safety and environmental
protection must be ensured as regulated;
i) Vehicles transporting inflammable and explosive
materials by road, railway must be stuck with a notice about fire, explosion
(form No. PC01) at front or the two sides of vehicles during the
k) i) Vehicles transporting inflammable and explosive
materials by road, railway must be stuck with a notice about fire, explosion
(form No. PC01) at front screen or the two sides of vehicles during the
transportation; Size, standards of flag and signal must follow the regulations
promulgated by the Ministry of Transport.
2. Conditions for drivers and people working on the
a) Drivers must have driver’s license as regulated
by the Law on road, railway, inland waterways traffic, and certificate of
competence in fire prevention and fighting;
b) People working on the vehicle must have
certificates of competence in fire prevention and fighting.
3. Procedures for issuance of inflammable and
explosive material transporting permit
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- Application for issuance of inflammable and
explosive material transporting permit (form No. PC02);
- An authenticated copy or a copy accompanied by an
original for comparison with respect to the following papers: Certificate of
vehicle registration; certificate of technical safety and environmental
protection (with respect to motor vehicles); certificate of technical safety
and environmental protection (with respect to inland watercraft); certificate
of conformity with respect to packages, containers, tanks storing inflammable
and explosive materials as regulated by the Ministries, departments (if any);
contract of transport for inflammable and explosive material.
b) Within 10 working days since receipt of eligible
documentation, the Fire department shall be responsible for organizing the
inspection of fire safety for vehicles (form No. PC05) and issuing inflammable
and explosive material transporting permit (form No.PC01); in case the permit
is not issued, a written reply should be given with proper reasons stated.
4. Director of the Fire department of
central-affiliated cities and provinces (hereinafter referred to as the Fire
department of provincial level), heads of Department of fire prevention,
fighting, relief and rescue of central-affiliated provinces and cities
(hereinafter referred to as the Department of fire safety, relief and rescue)
shall be responsible for issuing the inflammable and explosive material
transporting permit to organizations, individuals whose facilities are situated
in the administrative division.
5. Inflammable and explosive material transporting
permit is effective throughout the country and valid once for vehicles with
contract of affreightment; valid for 12 months for vehicles transporting inflammable
and explosive materials by plans or contracts of transport.
Article 7. Design, valuation of
design on fire prevention and fighting
1. Any project, work as defined in the list shown
in the Appendix IV enclosed together with the Decree No. 79/2014/NĐ-CP that is
developed, renovated or has its function changed; any motor vehicle with
special fire safety requirements that is constructed or renovated must be
designed in such a way to ensure fire safety according to the provisions and
must be executed by a qualified organization as regulated by Article 41 of the
Decree 79/2014/NĐ-CP.
2. Examination and approval of fire safety designs
are to check solutions and issues concerning the designs of projects, works and
motor vehicles with special fire safety requirements against technical
regulations and standards, Vietnamese laws concerning fire prevention and
fighting, foreign, international standards on fire prevention and fighting
applicable in Vietnam.
3. Examination and approval of fire safety designs
shall be done according to the provisions set out in Clauses 4, 7 of Article 15
of the Decree No. 79/2014/NĐ-CP.
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4. For any project, works only part of which is
renovated and such renovation does not affect safety conditions for fire
prevention and fighting of the project or works, the examination and approval
of fire safety designs shall be done only for the renovated part.
5. Decentralizing examination and approval of fire
safety designs
a) The Department of Fire Prevention, Fighting,
Relief and Rescue shall carry out the examination and approval of fire safety
designs with respect to projects and works of national level, group A
investment and construction projects (except projects invested by the
provincial level using state budget); projects, works with building height at
least 100 meters; special-use trains transporting passengers, petrol, gas, LPG,
explosives, inflammable and explosive material; special-use ships of at least
50 meters in length transporting petrol, gas, LPG, explosives, inflammable and
explosive material, chemicals with dead weight at least 1,000 tons; investment
and construction projects proposed by the Fire department of provincial level,
Department of Fire Prevention, Fighting, Relief and Rescue of provincial level
or the Investor.
b) The Fire department of provincial level,
Department of Fire Prevention, Fighting, Relief and Rescue of provincial level
shall carry out the examination and approval of fire safety designs with
respect to investment and construction projects, motor vehicles with special
fire safety requirements that are out of authorities of Department of Fire
Prevention, Fighting, Relief and Rescue in the administrative division, and the
cases authorized by Department of Fire Prevention, Fighting, Relief and Rescue.
6. Transitional handling
a) For any project, works as defined in the
Appendix 3a of the Decree No. 46/2012/NĐ-CP dated May 22, 2012 amending and
supplementing a number of articles of the Decree No. 35/2003/NĐ-CP dated April
04, 2003 detailing the implementation of the Law on fire prevention and
fighting (hereinafter referred to as the Decree No. 46/2012/NĐ-CP) and on the
list of projects, works as defined in the Appendix IV enclosed together with
the Decree No. 79/2014/NĐ-CP with fire safety designs being examined, approved
and put into construction by the construction management organization, investor
themselves before the Decree No. 79/2014/NĐ-CP takes effect, such construction
management organization, investor shall continue the inspection and be
responsible for ensuring fire safety for the project, works;
b) For any project, work as defined in the Appendix
3a of the Decree No. 46/2012/NĐ-CP and on the list of projects, works as
defined in the Appendix IV enclosed together with the Decree No. 79/2014/NĐ-CP
with fire safety designs being examined and approved but not yet put into construction
by the construction management organization, investor themselves after the
Decree No. 79/2014/NĐ-CP takes effect, the investor must make the submission of
fire safety design documents according to the provisions set out in Clause 3,
Article 15 of the Decree No. 79/2014/ NĐ-CP to the Fire department for
examination and approval;
c) For any project, works with fire safety designs
being examined and approved but not yet put into construction or in
construction, if there are any new technical regulations and standards on fire
prevention and fighting to be issued, the investor shall continue the
construction according to the approved designs on fire prevention and fighting.
In this case, in reliance on real-life circumstance, the investor shall make
adjustments in conformity with issued technical regulations and standards.
Article 8. Acceptance of fire
prevention and fighting
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2. Within 07 working days since receipt of notice
from the investor, vehicle owner, the fire Department shall be responsible for
carrying out the inspection and acceptance of fire prevention and fighting
according to the provisions set out in Point c, Clause 2, Article 17 of the
Decree No. 79/2014/NĐ-CP. Inspection must be documented (form No. PC05)
3. Inspection and acceptance of fire prevention and
fighting shall include:
a) Information about the works or vehicle;
construction site; investor or vehicle owner;
b) Issues to be inspected and accepted on fire
prevention and fighting:
c) Other requirements (if any)
Article 9. Notice about
satisfaction of safety conditions for fire prevention and fighting
1. Before any facility as defined in the Appendix
III enclosed together with the Decree No. 79/2014/NĐ-CP and motor vehicle with
special fire safety requirements is put into operation, head of the facility
and vehicle owner must issue a written notice to the fire Department about the
satisfaction of safety conditions of fire prevention and fighting (form No.
PC06), and at the same time enclose some documents proving satisfaction of
safety conditions of fire prevention and fighting according to the provisions
set out in Clause 1, Article 7 and Clause 1, Article 10 of the Decree
2. Before any facility or motor vehicle that is
subject to notification as regulated in Clause 1 of this Article and is under
renovation or change of function is put into operation, heads of such facility
or motor vehicle must issue a written notice to the fire Department.
3. The written notice about satisfaction of safety
conditions for fire prevention and fighting may be sent by post or directly to
the fire Department in the locality where the facility or vehicle is directly
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Article 10. Procedures for the
inspection of fire prevention and fighting safety
1. Persons who are responsible for inspecting fire
prevention and fighting safety as regulated in Points a, b, Clause 2, Article
18 of the Decree No. 79/2014/NĐ-CP shall define time and frequency of regular
inspections of fire prevention and fighting safety within their own management
in reliance on real-life conditions, circumstances as well as requirements for
fire prevention and fighting safety.
2. Regular inspection
Persons who are responsible for carrying out
regular inspection of fire prevention and fighting safety must build plans and
issues of inspection before starting the inspection.
3. Regular, unregular inspection
a) Persons who are responsible for carrying out
regular inspection must make a written notification to those subject to
inspection about the time, content and members of the Inspectorate before three
working days;
b) Persons who are responsible for carrying out
unexpected inspection of fire prevention and fighting safety must provide
reasons for inspection to those subject to inspection. Before starting
unexpected inspection, members from the fire Department must present letter of
introduction issued by the agency directly in charge.
c) Those subject to inspection must make adequate
preparations for the inspection as notified and arrange competent and
responsible persons to work with the Inspectorate members upon receipt of
notice about the inspection.
4. Upon conducting regular or unregular inspections
of fire prevention and fighting safety with respect to facilities,
administrative divisions managed by lower levels, heads of upper-level
agencies, organizations, Presidents of the People’s Committee of central or
provincial-affiliated districts, communes (hereinafter referred to as
Presidents of the People’s Committees of districts) must make a written notice
to such facility, administrative division. In case of necessity, the management
level to such facility, administrative division is required to join the
Inspectorate, providing documents and developments concerning fire prevention
and fighting at the facility and administrative division inspected. Results of
inspection shall be notified to the management level of such facility and
administrative division.
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Article 11. Procedures for
temporary, permanent suspension and restoration of operation with respect to
facilities, motor vehicles, households and individuals
1. Procedures for temporary suspension of operation
a) Upon detection of the cases subject to temporary
suspension according to the provisions set out in Clause 1, Article 19 of the
Decree No. 79/2014/NĐ-CP, the competent person as defined in Clause 6, Article
19 of the Decree No.79/2014/NĐ-CP has the power to ask organizations,
individuals to stop operation or terminate acts of violation and execute the
followings :
- Make written records to determine the risk of
causing fire, explosion or acts of violation of the regulations on fire
prevention and fighting;
- Issue decision or make reports to competent
persons for decision on temporary suspension of operation.
b) Issuance of decision on temporary suspension
must be made in writing (form No.PC07). In case of urgency, decision may be
made orally but must be made in writing after that. When a oral decision on
temporary suspension is made, full name, title, organization, scope of
activities that result in temporary suspension must be clearly announced.
Persons who issue a decision on temporary
suspension shall be responsible for following up remedial work to eliminate
possible generation of fire, explosion.
2. Procedures for the suspension of operation
a) When the time limit for temporary suspension
expires, competent persons who issued previous decision on temporary suspension
shall be responsible for organizing the inspection of the facilities, motor
vehicles, households and activities of individuals being temporarily suspended
to consider and eliminate possible generation of fire, explosion or to tackle
violations of the regulations on fire prevention and fighting. The inspection
must be documented (form No. PC05);
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3. Procedures for the restoration of operation
a) During the period of temporary suspension or
when the time limit of temporary suspension expires, upon finding that signs of
possible generation of fire, explosion are eliminated or violations of the
regulations on fire prevention and fighting are tackled, heads of the
facilities, households, motor vehicle owners, and individuals must make a
written request (form No. PC09) to competent persons who gave previous decision
on temporary suspension for consideration and decision on the restoration of
operation (form No. PC10);
b) Facilities, households, motor vehicles and
activities of individuals that are temporarily suspended shall be considered
for the restoration of operation if later they are found to have met all safety
conditions of fire prevention and fighting and want to start operation again.
However, heads of such facilities, households, motor vehicle owners and
individuals must make a written request (form No. PC09) to the competent
persons for consideration and decision;
c) Within five working days since receipt of the
written request for the restoration of operation, persons who gave previous
decision on temporary or permanent suspension must organize the inspection to
find out ways to tackle risks of causing fire, explosion and violations of the
regulations on fire prevention and fighting or safety conditions of fire
prevention and fighting. The results of inspection must be documented (form No.
In case risks of causing fire, explosion are
eliminated, or violations of the regulations on fire prevention and fighting
are tackled or the safety conditions of fire prevention and fighting are met, a
decision of the restoration of operation shall be given (form No.PC10).4.
Decisions on temporary, permanent suspension or
restoration of operation must be delivered to subjects under temporary or
permanent suspension, to management levels directly above such subjects (if
any); district-level People’s Committee where subjects under suspension are
headquartered or reside; in case temporary or permanent suspension involving a
multiple of subjects, each subject must be delivered a decision.
Article 12. Fire fighting
1. Construction of fire fighting plans
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b) Fire fighting plans of the fire Department (form
c) Fire fighting plans must be re-examined and
approved by competent persons when the most complicated fire detail is changed
or there are at least two typical fire details being changed.
In case there is only one fire detail being
changed, fire fighting plans shall be examined and approved by head of the
facility that construct such fire fighting plans.
2. The fire Department that constructs the fire
fighting plan for nuclear facility, other facilities on the administrative
division of commune-level neighboring the two central-affiliated provinces, and
residential areas as regulated in Article 13 hereof must make a written notice
about the time for construction of fire fighting plans to heads of the
abovementioned facilities and residential areas before three working days.
Heads of facilities, the Presidents of the People’s Committee of communes,
wards, and towns (hereinafter referred to as Presidents of People’s Committees
of communes) shall be responsible for providing necessary documents,
information concerning the construction of fire fighting plans as required by
the fire Department, arranging people to get involved and ensuring conditions
for the construction of fire fighting plan.
3. Authorities to approve
fire fighting plan
a) Presidents of People’s Committees of communes,
heads of agencies, organizations shall approve the fire fighting plan for
facilities that are not defined in the Appendix II enclosed together with
Decree No. 79/2014/NĐ-CP within their scope of management ;
b) Heads of the Fire department affiliated to the
Fire department of provincial level shall approve the fire fighting plans
prepared by facilities as defined in the Appendix II enclosed together with the
Decree No.79/2014/NĐ-CP within the administrative division; the fire fighting
plans prepared by the fire Department for facilities within their scope of
c) Head of the Department of fire safety, relief
and rescue shall approve the fire fighting plans prepared by facilities as
defined in the Appendix II enclosed together with the Decree No.79/2014/NĐ-CP;
the fire fighting plans prepared by the fire Department for facilities,
residential areas within their administrative division; in special
circumstances, the fire fighting plans shall be approved by Director of
provincial police department;
d) Director of the fire Department of provincial
level shall approve the fire fighting plans prepared by the fire Department
that mobilizes human forces and means from at least two subordinate fire
Departments or mobilizes human forces and means from many agencies,
organizations outside the administrative division of one subordinate fire
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e) General Director of the Central Department of
Fire Prevention, Firefighting, Relief and Rescue shall approve the fire
fighting plans by the fire Department that mobilizes human forces and means
from many central-affiliated provinces and cities.
4. Fire fighting plan practice
a) The fire fighting plans by facilities as defined
in Clause 2, Article 21 of the Decree No.79/2014/NĐ-CP must be developed for
regular practice. Number of practices shall be decided by a competent person
who develops the fire fighting plan but shall not be less than once a year; the
fire fighting plan can be developed into one or more different situations but
ensures all the situations in the plan are practiced;
b) The fire fighting plan by the Fire department
shall be practiced at the request of the competent person who approves the fire
fighting plan as stipulated in the Points b, c, d, dd and e, Clause 3 of this
Article; The competent person who requests practice of the fire fighting plan
must make a written notice to the President of People’s Committee of commune,
head of the facility where the practice is expected to take place at least 30
working days prior to the practice, and send request for mobilization of human
forces and means for agencies, organizations and locality at least 20 working
days before the practice takes place. The President of People’s Committee of
commune, head of the facility where the practice is expected to take place
shall be responsible for ensuring necessary conditions for the organization of
the practice of fire fighting plan;
c) The fire fighting plan shall be put into
unexpected practice in the preparation for special political, cultural and social
events at local or national levels at the request of the competent person who
approves the fire fighting plan according to the provisions set out in Clause 3
of this Article.
Article 13. List of
facilities, residential areas posing high risk of fire, explosion
Enclosed together with this Circular is the list of
facilities, residential areas posing high risk of fire, explosion to which the
fire Department shall be responsible for constructing the fire fighting plans
(Appendix I).
Article 14. Procedures for the
mobilization of human forces, means and properties for fire fighting
1. The mobilization of human forces, means and
properties for fire fighting must be carried out by orders (form No. PC13); in
case of urgency, such orders may be given orally but must be made in writing no
later than three working days.
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Section 15. Activities of
night-watch forces, human force for prevention and fighting at intramural and
professional levels
1. Organization, staff of night-watch teams
a) Night-watch teams from 10-20 staff shall be
arranged with one captain and one vice-captain; from 20 to 30 staff, an
additional vice-captain shall be promoted. Night-watch teams can be divided
into sub-teams from 5-10 staff with one captain and one vice-captain;
b) Officials, members of the night-watch teams are
those who are permanently present at their residence;
c) The President of People’s Committee of commune
shall decide the appointment of captains, vice-captains of the night-watch
teams and sub-teams;
d) Police authorities of communes shall act as an
advisor for the President of the People’s Committee of the same level in the
direction of night-watch teams.
2. Organization and part-time staff of intramural
fire fighting team
a) If any facility, motor vehicle has less than 10
permanent staff, all the staff working in such facility, motor vehicle shall be
considered as members of intramural fire fighting team under the command of the
head of such facility, motor vehicle;
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c) If any facility, motor vehicle has from 50-100
permanent staff, the number of staff as members of the intramural fire fighting
team shall be at least 15 with one captain and one vice-captain;
d) If any facility, motor vehicle has from 100
permanent staff and over, the number of staff as members of the intramural fire
fighting team shall be at least 25 with one captain and two vice-captains;
dd) If any motor vehicle or facility has more than
one independent workshop, department, or operates in shifts, each department,
workshop, and shift must have one intramural fire fighting team with at least
from 05-09 staff with one captain and one vice-captain.
Head of the agency or organization directly
superior to facilities, motor vehicles shall decide the appointment of
captains, vice-captains of the intramural fire fighting team.
3. Organization and full-time staff of intramural
fire fighting team
a) Number of full-time staff of intramural fire
fighting team must ensure requirements for fire prevention and fighting of the
facility and be suitable for nature and characteristics of fire, explosion in
such facility. Head of the agency or organization directly superior to
facilities shall consider and give decision on the organization and full-time
staff of the intramural fire fighting team. Full-time staff of intramural fire
fighting team shall work in shifts around the clock. Leaders of the team
include one captain and one vice-captain;
b) Equipment of fire prevention and fighting for
intramural fire fighting teams shall be decided by the Ministry of Public
Security; Agency of fire prevention and fighting shall provide guidance on fire
fighting competence.
4. In addition to the facilities that need the
establishment of the professional fire fighting team according to the
provisions set out in Clause 25, Article 1 of the Law on amendments and
supplements to a number of articles of the Law on fire prevention and fighting,
other facilities such as national reserve and petrol stores with capacity of at
least 50,000 m³, nuclear power plants and power plants with capacity of at
least 200 MW, paper production facilities with capacity of at least 25,000 tons
per year, nitrogenous fertilizer production facilities with capacity of at
least 180,000 tons per year, textile factories with capacity of 20 million m2
per year; oil refineries, industrial zones, processing and exporting zones with
an area of at least 50 ha must establish the professional fire fighting team.
Number of staff of professional fire fighting team
must ensure requirements for fire prevention and fighting of the facility and
be suitable for nature and characteristics of fire, explosion in such facility.
Head of the agency or organization directly over facilities shall consider and
give decision on the organization and staff of the professional fire fighting
team. The professional fire fighting team shall work shifts around the clock.
Leaders of the team include one captain and one vice-captain;
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Article 16. Training in fire
prevention and fighting competence
1. Trainees
a) Fire fighting commanders as defined in Clause 2,
Article 37 of the Law on fire prevention and fighting;
b) Officials, members of night-watch team,
intramural and professional firefighting team;
c) Staff who work in the environment posing risks
of fire, explosion or are frequently in contact with inflammable and explosive
d) Ship, train and plane captains, persons working
on motor vehicles with at least 30 seats, transporters of substances and
commodities posing risk of fire, explosion.
dd) Persons who work in fire prevention and fighting
equipment manufacturers
e) Other individuals who need training in fire
prevention and fighting competence.
2. The President of the People’s Committee of all
levels, heads of agencies, organizations and facilities shall be responsible
for organizing training courses in fire prevention and fighting for the
subjects within scope of management. Heads of automobile driver training
institutions shall be responsible for introducing knowledge of fire prevention
and fighting into the training course.
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3. Time for the training in ire prevention and
fighting competence
a) Time for the first training is from 16 to 24
hours with respect to the subjects as defined in Clause 1 of this Article;
b) Time for re-training for replacement of the
expired certificate of fire prevention and fighting competence is 16 hours at a
4. Application for the issuance of the certificate
of fire prevention and fighting competence submitted to the fire Department is
as follows:
a) For agencies, organizations and facilities that
organize the training themselves, the documents include:
- Written request for inspection and issuance of
certificate of fire prevention and fighting competence;
- Training plan and program
- Resumes of participants in the training course
b) For agencies, organizations and facilities that
are not able to organize the training themselves, the documents include:
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- Resumes of participants in the training
e) Other individuals who need to take part in the
training and apply for the certificate of fire prevention and fighting
competence must submit the application for attendance in the training course
(form No. PC14).
5. Procedures for issuance, re-issuance and
replacement of certificates of fire prevention and fighting competence
a) After completing the training with satisfactory
results, the subjects as defined in Clause 1 of this Article shall be issued
the certificates of fire prevention and fighting competence by the competent
fire agency.
b) In case the certificate becomes torn, lost or
invalid, a written request for re-issuance or replacement must be submitted.
The time for issuance, re-issuance and replacement
of certificates of fire prevention and fighting competence is five working days
since the result is confirmed as satisfactory or a written request for
re-issuance and replacement is submitted.
6. Certificates of fire prevention and fighting
competence issued by General Director of Central Department of Fire Prevention,
Fighting, Relief and Rescue, Director of provincial fire Department, Head of
provincial Department of Fire Prevention, Fighting, Relief and Rescue are valid
across the country for a period of two years since the date of issuance. After
this period, re-training is compulsory for re-issuance of certificate.
Article 17. Procedures for
mobilization of night-watch teams, intramural and professional fire prevention
and fighting forces in the activities of fire prevention and fighting
1. Upon request for participation in propaganda,
marches, and manoeuvres about fire prevention and fighting, practice of fire
prevention and fighting plans; participation in the remedy of possible
generation of fire, explosion, aftermath of fire cases and other activities,
the night-watch teams, intramural and professional fire prevention and fighting
teams shall be responsible for complying with the competent person’s requests.
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3. Decision on mobilization shall be sent to those
who are responsible for execution and filing.
Article 18. Assessment of fire
prevention and fighting equipment
1. Content of assessment
a) Assess types, designs of fire prevention and
fighting equipment
b) Assess technical specifications concerning
quality of equipment
2. Method of assessment
a) Inspect origins, time of manufacture, serial
number and technical specifications of equipment;
b) Inspect types and designs of equipment;
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d) Valuation of results and establishment of
written records of vehicle assessment (form No. PC18);
3. Each fire prevention and fighting equipment
shall be inspected once and issued certificate of fire prevention and fighting
equipment assessment (form No.PC19) and stuck with an “assessed” stamp (form
No.PC20) on the equipment if the result is satisfactory.
4. Procedures for assessment of fire prevention and
fighting vehicles
a) Application documents for assessment includes:
- A written request for assessment of equipment
(form No. PC17);
- Technical materials of the equipment proposed for
- Certificate of equipment quality (if any);
- Equipment’s factory certificate
If the application documents for assessment of
equipment are in a foreign language, a translation in Vietnamese must be
included and agencies, organizations, and individuals that request the
assessment must be responsible for accuracy of such translation. Agencies,
organizations, and individuals must submit one set of application documents for
assessment of equipment and provide a sample of equipment to be assessed to the
agency of fire prevention and fighting.
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b) Within five working days at the latest since
receipt of an official dispatch accompanied by the minutes of assessment issued
by the assessing organization as stipulated in Point c, Clause 5 of this
Article, the competent agency of fire prevention and fighting must review and
issue the certificate of equipment assessment. In case the certificate is not
issued, a written reply must be issued with proper reasons stated.
5. Decentralization in assessment and issuance of
certificates of fire prevention and fighting equipment
a) General Director of Central Department of Fire
Prevention, Fighting, Relief and Rescue shall carry out the assessment and
issue the certificate of fire prevention and fighting equipment assessment as
stipulated in the Appendix V enclosed together with the Decree No.
b) Director of the Fire department of provincial
level shall carry out the assessment and issue the certificate of fire
prevention and fighting equipment assessment according to the provisions set
out in Sections 2, 7, 8 and 9 of the Appendix V enclosed together with the
Decree No. 79/2014/NĐ-CP with respect to the fire pumps possessed by agencies,
enterprises and facilities situated in the administrative division and other
fire prevention and fighting equipment assessed under the authorization by the
fire Department;
c) Other organizations allowed by the Ministry of
Public Security to carry out the assessment of the fire prevention and fighting
as defined in the Appendix V enclosed together with the Decree No.
79/2014/NĐ-CP; After the result of assessment is available, an official request
accompanied by the minutes of assessment must be sent to General Director of
Central Department of Fire Prevention, Fighting, Relief and Rescue or Director
of the fire Department of provincial level for assessment and issuance of the
certificate of assessment.
6. The Department of Fire Prevention, Fighting,
Relief and Rescue shall construct and promulgate procedures for assessment,
management and guidance on the assessment of fire prevention and fighting
Article 19. Procedures, powers
to issue, re-issue and replace certificates of satisfaction of conditions for
provision of fire prevention and fighting services
1. Procedures for issuance, re-issuance and
replacement of certificates of satisfaction of conditions for provision of fire
prevention and fighting services
a) Within seven working days since receipt of the
written request (form No. PC21) and eligible papers as defined in the Points b,
c, d and dd, Clause 1, Article 48 of the Decree No. 79/2014/NĐ-CP, the
competent agency of fire prevention and fighting shall organize the inspection
of the satisfaction of conditions of location, material facilities, vehicles
and equipment for business activities. The result of inspection shall be
documented (form No.PC05). In case enterprises, facilities meet the conditions
as required, the competent agency of fire prevention and fighting shall issue
the certificate of satisfaction of conditions for provision of fire prevention
and fighting services (form No. PC22) or make a written reply with proper
reasons stated in case of refusal to issue the certificate.
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- Re-issuance or replacement due to loss or damage:
No later than five working days since receipt of the request form;
- Replacement due to changes in name, head,
representative, location, and activities of fire prevention and fighting
services: in this case, the documents shall include the followings: A written
request for replacement of the certificate; authenticated copy of Certificate
of Business registration or Certificate of operation registration after
changes. Time limit for settling replacement of the certificate shall not
exceed five working days since the agency of fire prevention and fighting
receives all the eligible documents;
2. Powers to issue, replace, and re-issue
certificates of satisfaction of conditions for provision of fire prevention and
fighting services.
a) General Director of Central Department of Fire
Prevention, Fighting, Relief and Rescue shall issue, replace, re-issue
certificates of satisfaction of conditions for provision of fire prevention and
fighting services to enterprises, facilities that belong to the ministries,
departments, or foreign-invested enterprises;
b) Director of the fire Department of provincial
level, Head of provincial Department of Fire Prevention, Fighting, Relief and
Rescue shall issue, replace and re-issue certificates of satisfaction of
conditions for provision of fire prevention and fighting services to
enterprises, facilities at local level and cases authorized by General Director
of Central Department of Fire Prevention, Fighting, Relief and Rescue.
Article 20. Certificates of
fire prevention and fighting
1. Certificates of fire prevention and fighting
issued by fire prevention and fighting training institutions shall be valid
throughout the country.
2. Procedures for issuance of the practising
certificate of fire prevention and fighting consulting (hereinafter referred to
as the practising certificate)
a) The application documents for issuance of the
practising certificate shall include two sets (enclosed with two color photos
3x4 size), specifically:
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- An authenticated copy of degrees, certificates in
relevant areas;
b) Within 35 working days since receipt of eligible
documents according to the provisions set out in Point a of this Clause,
Central Department of Fire Prevention, Fighting, Relief and Rescue shall be
responsible for consideration and issuance of the practising certificate to
relevant individuals (form No. PC24).
3. Procedures for re-issuance of the practising
certificate in case of expiration or loss; replacement of the practising
certificate in case of damage or any individual has request for supplements
made to his/her practising activities, specifically:
a) In case of re-issuance of the practising
certificate, individuals must submit a request form (form No. PC23) to the
agency of fire prevention and fighting that previously issued the certificate
to them.
b) In case of replacement due to damage, in
addition to a request form, the damaged certificate must be submitted;
c) In case of replacement due to some supplements
made to the practising activities, the documents shall include: A request form
(form No. PC23); an authenticated copy of degrees, certificates in relevant
d) Time limit for re-issuance, replacement of the
practising certificate
- The time limit for re-issuance or replacement of
the practising certificate due to damage is five working days since receipt of
the request form;
- The time limit for replacement of the practising
certificate when an individual has a request for supplements made to his/her
practising activities is 35 working days since receipt of all eligible
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Article 21. Forms
Enclosed herewith are forms used in fire prevention
and fighting tasks (Appendix II); specifically:
1. Permit for transport of substances, commodities
posing risk of fire, explosion (form No. PC01).
2. Request form for issuance of permit for
transport of substances, commodities posing risk of fire, explosion (form No.
3. Certificate of approved fire safety design (form
4. Specimen seal of fire safety approval (form
5. Inspection record of fire prevention and
fighting (form No.PC05);
6. Written notice about fire safety condition
assurance (form No.PC06);
7. Decision on temporary suspension of operation
(form No. PC07).
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9. A request form for restoration of operation
(form No. PC09);
10. Decision on the restoration of operation (form
No. PC10);
11. Fire fighting plans made by facilities (form
12. Fire fighting plans made by the fire Department
(form No.PC12);
13. Orders given to human forces, means and
properties for fire fighting (form No. PC13).
14. Application form for attendance in the fire
safety training course (form No. PC14)
15. Certificates of fire prevention and fighting
competence (form No. PC15)
16. Decision on mobilization of night-watch teams,
intramural and professional fire prevention and fighting forces in the
activities of fire prevention and fighting (form No. PC16).
17. A request form for assessment of fire
prevention and fighting equipment (form No. PC17).
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19. Certificates of fire prevention and fighting
equipment assessment (form No. PC19).
20. Stamp of fire prevention and fighting equipment
assessment (form No. PC20).
21. A request form for issuance, re-issuance and
replacement of certificates of satisfaction of conditions for provision of fire
prevention and fighting services (form No. PC21).
22. Certificates of satisfaction of conditions for
provision of fire prevention and fighting services (form No. PC22).
23. A request form for
issuance/re-issuance/replacement of the practising certificate and a track
record in activities of fire prevention and fighting (form No. PC23);
24. The practising certificate (form No. PC24)
The forms as defined in this Article must be
uniform in A4 size paper when they are made (printed) by local police
authorities (except such forms as PC01, PC03, PC04, PC15, PC19, PC20, PC22,
PC24 to be printed and delivered by General Department of Fire Prevention,
Fighting, Relief and Rescue) without discretionary modification to content or
format accepted. Local police authorities shall be responsible for managing the
production, delivery and use of the forms.
Chapter III
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This Circular shall take effect since February 06,
2015 and replace the Minister of Public Security’s Circular No. 11/2014/TT-BCA
dated March 12, 2014 detailing the implementation of a number of articles of
the Decree No. 35/2003/NĐ-CP dated April 04, 2003, the Decree No. 46/2012/NĐ-CP
dated May 22, 2012 detailing the implementation of a number of articles of the
Law on Fire Prevention and Fighting and Chapter III of the Minister of Public
Security’s Circular No. 35/2010/TT-BCA dated October 11, 2010 regulating the
issuance of permit for transport of industrial explosives and dangerous
Article 23. Responsibilities
1. General Director of Central Department of Fire Prevention,
Fighting, Relief and Rescue shall be responsible for instructing, inspecting
and speeding up the implementation of this Circular.
2. General directors, heads of agencies,
organizations affiliated to the Ministry of Public Security, directors of fire
departments of central-affiliated provinces, cities, and relevant
organizations, individuals shall be responsible for executing this Circular.
Local police authorities, agencies, organizations,
and individuals should report difficulties that arise during the implementation
of this Circular to the Ministry of Public Security (via Central Department of
Fire Prevention, Fighting, Relief and Rescue) for early instruction.
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Independence - Freedom - Happiness
No. PC11 (Issued together with Circular No. 66/2014/TT-BCA dated December 16,
(For internal circulation only)
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of facility; village…(1)
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Geographic location:(3)....................................................................................................
Bordering to the
Bordering to the West:
Bordering to the South:
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Traffic system for firefighting:(4)
Water supply system for firefighting:(5)
supply system
(m³) or flow (l/s)
and remoteness of water resource
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Internal firefighting team:(7)
Organization of internal firefighting team
Standing firefighting team
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TVPL Pro để sử dụng được đầy đủ các tiện ích gia tăng liên quan đến nội dung TCVN.
Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ:
ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66
Firefighting equipment:(8)
Plan for worst-case scenario:
Presumptive worst-case scenario:(9)
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TVPL Pro để sử dụng được đầy đủ các tiện ích gia tăng liên quan đến nội dung TCVN.
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ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66
Performance of firefighting activities:(10)
Diagram of firefighting forces and equipment:(11)
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TVPL Pro để sử dụng được đầy đủ các tiện ích gia tăng liên quan đến nội dung TCVN.
Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ:
ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66
Plan for typical scenarios
Scenario 1:
Scenario 2:
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TVPL Pro để sử dụng được đầy đủ các tiện ích gia tăng liên quan đến nội dung TCVN.
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ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66
maker’s signature
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TVPL Pro để sử dụng được đầy đủ các tiện ích gia tăng liên quan đến nội dung TCVN.
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ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66
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TVPL Pro để sử dụng được đầy đủ các tiện ích gia tăng liên quan đến nội dung TCVN.
Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ:
ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66
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TVPL Pro để sử dụng được đầy đủ các tiện ích gia tăng liên quan đến nội dung TCVN.
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ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66
of training program and practice
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TVPL Pro để sử dụng được đầy đủ các tiện ích gia tăng liên quan đến nội dung TCVN.
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ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66
and results
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TVPL Pro để sử dụng được đầy đủ các tiện ích gia tăng liên quan đến nội dung TCVN.
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ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66
Approved by (16)……………..
(Signature, full name and seal)
Made by (17)……………..
(Signature and full name)
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TVPL Pro để sử dụng được đầy đủ các tiện ích gia tăng liên quan đến nội dung TCVN.
Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ:
ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66
Notes: The
number of pages of the firefighting plan template may vary depending on
detailed contents.
(1) – Name
of facility; village, forest, special motor vehicles according to their
trading names.
(2) – Site
plan: sizes, names, and characteristics of work items, houses,
constructions, traffic system, and water supply system in the facility;
location and size of roads; location and reserves of adjacent water supply
for firefighting. (A paper of A4-size or larger may be used).
A vertical
section diagram and a typical ground floor are also required regarding
high-rise buildings.
(3) -
Geographic location: area, distance to the district center (km);
constructions, roads, rivers, lakes, etc. bordering to the East, West, South,
and North.
(4) – Traffic
system for firefighting: features of main routes for the firefighting
(5) – Water
supply system for firefighting: statistics on water supply directly
serving the internal firefighting and bordering the facility: seas, lakes,
ponds, rivers, streams, canals, etc. and supply capacity in seasons in a year
and periods in a day; location and remoteness of outside water supply.
(6) – Nature
and danger of fire, explosion, or toxicity: architecture, construction
and arrangement of work items (number of items, number of stories, fire
resistance level, floor area, materials of buildings components (walls,
columns, ceilings, floors, roofs, etc.); functions of work items related to
danger of fire, explosion, or toxicity, features of production line, number
of regular people; danger of fire or explosion of flammable substances: types
of flammable substances, location, quantity, volume, characteristics, toxic
factors, possibility of fire spread.
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TVPL Pro để sử dụng được đầy đủ các tiện ích gia tăng liên quan đến nội dung TCVN.
Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ:
ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66
(8) –
Internal firefighting equipment: types, quantity, location (only
qualified equipment be listed)
(9) –
Worse-case scenario: Assuming a fire scenario occurring in a bush fire
prone area, which threatens to cause loss of lives, causing serious damage to
property and preventing the firefighting that need mobilizing more people and
equipment, fire time, locations where fire and flammable substance derived
mainly, causes of fire, time of freedom fire and scale, fire zone until the
performance of internal fighting teams; predictable factors affecting major
impacts on the fighting, such as: high temperatures, a lot of smoke,
poisonous gases, collapsed buildings .....; predictable locations and number
of people to be trapped or injured in the fire zone.
(10) –
Performance of firefighting: tasks of fire commander and each person and
department in fire alarm, power cuts and perform measures for extinguishing
the fire, preventing the fire spread, guidelines for escape and rescue of
people, rescue and evacuation of assets; welcoming the forces mobilized by
competent authorities for firefighting; ensure logistics and perform service
activities other fire fighting activities: protection of the site and
recovery from negative effect of the fire.
(11) –
Diagram of firefighting forces and equipment: location and size of a fire
in the work items in construction or specific areas in the facility;
prevailing wind direction; layout positions of forces and equipment to
extinguish fires and against fire spread, guidelines for self-escape and
rescue of people and evacuation of assets; the main assault, etc.
(Signs and drawings shown on the diagram shall comply with regulations of
(12) – Tasks
of the internal fire commander as presence of a fire department: tasks of
the internal fire commander, including reports on condition of the fire,
performing firefighting activities and related tasks to the fire commander of
the fire department as their presence, subsequent tasks and assurance of
necessary conditions in case of prolonged fire.
(13) – Plan
for typical scenarios: Assuming a number of fire scenarios occurring in
each area, work item in danger of fire and explosion with various fire levels
and firefighting plans; scenarios shall be sorted in order of "Scenario
1, 2, 3, .."; the contents of each scenario summarized according to
order and quantity of forces and equipment to be mobilized and tasks and
location of forces; summary basic duties of the commander and team members
(similar to the worse-case scenario and diagram attached)
(14) –
Revision to firefighting plans: changes in organization of firefighting
not leading to major changes in the firefighting plan. If there are major
changes affecting the firefighting plan, another firefighting plan is
(15) –
Training program and practice of firefighting plans: training program and
practice, diagram of forces and equipment and attached plan.
(16) – Position
of the plan approver.
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TVPL Pro để sử dụng được đầy đủ các tiện ích gia tăng liên quan đến nội dung TCVN.
Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ:
ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66