Independence - Freedom – Happiness
Hanoi, September
30, 2024
on the application of interest rates of
deposits in US dollars of organizations and individuals at credit institutions
and foreign bank branches
Pursuant to the Law on State Bank of Vietnam
dated June 16, 2010;
Pursuant to the Law on Credit Institutions dated
January 18, 2024;
Pursuant to the Ordinance on Foreign Exchange
dated December 13, 2005; and the Ordinance dated March 18, 2013 on amendments
to certain Articles of the Ordinance on Foreign Exchange;
Pursuant to Decree No. 70/2014/ND-CP dated July
17, 2014 of the Government of Vietnam elaborating the Ordinance on Foreign
Exchange and Ordinance on amendments to the Ordinance on Foreign Exchange;
Pursuant to Decree No. 102/2022/ND-CP dated
February 12, 2022 of the Government on function, tasks, powers and organizational
structures of the State Bank of Vietnam;
At the request of the Director of the Financial
Policy Department;
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Article 1. Scope
1. This Circular provides for the application of
maximum interest rates of deposits in US dollars of organizations (excluding
credit institutions and foreign bank branches) and individuals at credit
institutions and foreign bank branches.
2. Deposits in the forms specified in clause 27
Article 4 of the Law on Credit Institutions.
Article 2. Regulated entities
1. Commercial banks, cooperative banks, general
finance companies, specialized financial companies, foreign bank branches
(hereinafter referred to as “credit institutions”) operating in Vietnam
according to the provisions of Law on Credit Institutions.
2. Organizations (excluding credit institutions)
and individuals making deposits at credit institutions (hereinafter referred to
as “clients”).
Article 3. Interest rates
1. A credit institution shall apply interest rates
on deposits in US dollars not exceeding the maximum interest rates decided by
the Governor of the State Bank of Vietnam in each period for:
a) Deposits of organizations.
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2. The maximum interest rate on a deposit in US
dollar specified herein shall include payments for sale promotion in any form
and be applicable to a term deposit on which interest rate is paid at the end
of the deposit period and another deposit on which interest rate is paid by
another method that is converted into deposit on which interest rate is paid at
the end of the deposit period.
3. A credit institution shall post publicly its
interest rates on deposits in US dollars at a lawful transaction location
within the operation network of the credit institution and be posted on the
website of the credit institution (if any). The credit institution, when
receiving deposits, is not allowed to do promotions in any form (in cash,
interest rates and other forms) in contravention of the provisions of law.
Article 4. Implementation clauses
1. This Circular comes into force from November 20,
2. This Circular replaces Circular No.
3. Regarding agreements on interest rates on
deposits in US dollars made before the effective date of this Circular, credit
institutions and clients shall continue to comply with the agreements until the
expiration of the terms of such deposits. When the agreed term expires, if any
client does not come to collect the deposit, the credit institution shall apply
the interest rate on the deposit as prescribed in this Circular.
Article 5. Organization of implementation
The Chief of Office, the Director of the Monetary
Policy Department, heads of units affiliated to the State Bank of Vietnam,
credit institutions and foreign bank branches are responsible for organization
of implementation of this Circular./.
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Pham Thanh Ha