Independence - Freedom - Happiness
Hanoi, March 29,
Pursuant to the Law on State Bank of Vietnam
dated June 16, 2010;
Pursuant to Decree No. 40/2012/ND-CP dated May
2, 2012 of the Government on money issue; preservation and transport of
valuables and valuable instruments in State Bank, credit institutions, and
foreign bank branches;
Pursuant to Decree No. 102/2022/ND-CP dated
December 12, 2022 of the Government on functions, tasks, powers, and
organizational structure of the State Bank of Vietnam;
At request of Director of Issue and Vault
The Governor of State Bank of Vietnam
promulgates Circular on managing serial number of freshly printed banknotes of
State Bank of Vietnam.
Chapter I
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Article 1. Scope
This Circular prescribes the management of serial
number of freshly printed banknotes of State Bank of Vietnam (hereinafter
referred to as “SBV”) from prefix issuance, use of prefixes in printing process
to circulation of freshly printed banknotes.
Article 2. Regulated entities
1. Entities affiliated to the State Bank of
Vietnam: Issue and Vault Department, Central Banking Department, SBV branches
of provinces and central-affiliated cities (hereinafter referred to as “SBV
2. Currency printing, minting facilities.
3. Relevant agencies, organizations, and
Article 3. Definitions
In this Circular, the terms below are construed as
1. “Prefix” of a serial number is created by 2 of
the 26 letters (including: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q,
R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z). Prefixes consist of primary prefixes and secondary
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3. “Secondary prefixes” is printed on banknotes
that replace defective banknotes.
4. “Serial number” consists of prefix and natural
number the quantity of which is specified under Clause 1 Article 5 hereof.
5. “Symbols” means elements written on seals of
packages, envelops, bundles or other packaging methods of freshly printed
banknotes stipulated by the State Bank of Vietnam. Symbols denote printing,
minting facilities; type of banknotes; prefixes; year of production; name or
code of packaging personnel, and other factors depending on production sequence
of printing, minting facilities.
6. “Freshly printed banknotes” means sealed
banknotes contained in packaging methods regulated by the State Bank of
Chapter II
Article 4. Issuance of prefixes
1. Director of Issue and Vault Department shall
issue prefixes for each type of currency to printing, minting facilities where
the number of primary prefixes are determined by number of banknotes printed
annually decided by the Governor of State Bank of Vietnam and number of
secondary prefixes are determined by economic-technical quotas of printing
process of the State Bank of Vietnam.
2. Prefixes issued to printing, minting facilities
are shown on prefix schedules and recorded in prefix logbook of the Issue and
Vault Department.
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Article 5. Serial number printing and management
rules in printing process of printing, minting facilities
1. Rules in printing serial number in printing
a) In respect of banknotes issued by the State Bank
of Vietnam before 2003, serial number consists of prefixes and a numerical
string of 7 digits from 0000001.
b) In respect of banknotes issued by the State Bank
of Vietnam from 2003, serial number consists of prefixes and a numerical string
of 8 digits where two digits following the prefixes indicate the year in which
the banknotes are produced and the subsequent six digits are in order from
c) Each banknote is given a unique serial number.
2. Serial number printing and management rules in
printing process of printing, minting facilities
a) Printing, minting facilities shall print serial
number in accordance with Clause 1 of this Article. Where a banknote is found
to be defective after having serial number printed on, printing, minting
facilities must use banknote bearing secondary prefixes. Rules for using
secondary prefixes shall conform to Clause 2 Article 9 hereof;
b) Printing, minting facilities shall store and
manage serial number of each type of banknote (including secondary prefixes),
maintain accuracy and adequacy of elements written on seals of packagings,
bundles, envelops or other packaging methods of freshly printed banknotes
stipulated by the State Bank of Vietnam, including printing, minting
facilities, type of banknotes, prefixes, year of production. Documents on
prefixes must be stored at printing, minting facilities in accordance with
Clause 2 Article 9 hereof.
Article 6. Managing serial number of freshly
printed banknotes in banknote delivery
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a) Printing, minting facilities shall delivery
freshly printed banknotes to the State Bank of Vietnam (Issue and Vault
Department); deliver and receive freshly printed banknotes from Central
Reserves; deliver and receive freshly printed banknotes between Central
Reserves and Central Banking Department and SBV branches; deliver and receive
freshly printed banknotes between SBV branches.
Transferors of freshly printed banknotes must
produce schedules of serial number of bank notes specified under Point c of
this Clause and record of delivery or notice of storage withdrawal. Recipients
of freshly printed banknotes must inspect and examine the schedules and the
contents; where errors are found, the recipients must inform the transferors to
amend and stay in line with actual delivery contents;
b) Where freshly printed banknotes are issued from
Reserve Funds for Issuance to Issuing Funds at SBV branches and vice versa,
keepers of transferors shall produce schedules on serial number of the
banknotes involved in accordance with Point c of this Clause. Keepers of recipients
must inspect and examine the schedules and the contents; where errors are
found, the recipients must inform the transferors to amend and stay in line
with actual delivery contents;
c) Schedules on serial number must be signed by
keepers of the transferors and accurately denote: The transferor, the
recipient, type of banknotes, quantity, prefixes, year of production, symbol of
packaging, envelop, bundle, or other packaging methods stipulated by the SBV.
The Schedule is made into 2 copies where the transferor and recipient keep 1
copy each.
2. Responsibility to monitor, manage, and record
information on serial number of freshly printed banknotes
a) The transferor and recipient are responsible for
monitoring, managing, and recording information on serial number of packages,
envelops, and bundles of freshly printed banknotes that they have transferred
and received;
b) Where Central Banking Department and SBV
branches issue freshly printed banknotes in sealed packages to credit
institutions, foreign bank branches, the State Treasury, and other entities,
the transferor is responsible for managing, recording information on serial
number of freshly printed banknotes issued to the aforementioned recipients.
Article 7. Data and information provision
Where SBV (Issue and Vault Department) requests
lookup or provision of data and information on serial number of freshly printed
banknotes; lookup of origin of packages, envelops, bundles or other packaging
methods of freshly printed banknotes stipulated by the SBV, relevant entities
(printing, minting facilities, Central Banking Department, SBV branches) are
responsible for promptly, accurately providing information and data to the SBV
and being accountable for said information and data.
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Article 8. Responsibilities of Issue and Vault
1. Director of Issue and Vault Department shall
issue serial number prefix to printing, minting facilities.
2. Manage, store documents on issued prefixes;
provide guidelines and inspect implementation of this Circular within the SBV
system and printing, minting facilities.
3. Act as liaison to cooperate with relevant
entities in providing information pertaining to freshly printed banknotes for
the purpose of anti-counterfeit money and investigation conducted by
investigating bodies as per the law.
4. Act as liaison to cooperate with relevant
entities in studying application of information technology in management of
serial number of freshly printed banknotes.
Article 9. Responsibilities of printing, minting
1. After submitting freshly printed banknotes in
accordance with contracts between SBV and printing, minting facilities, the
facilities shall, within 30 working days, produce reports on the use of issued
prefixes to the SBV (Issue and Vault Department).
2. Promulgate and submit regulations on management,
use, storage of serial number prefixes during production at printing, minting
facilities to the SBV (Issue and Vault Department) within 10 days from the date
on which said regulations are promulgated.
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Chapter IV
Article 10. Entry into force
1. This Circular comes into force from May 14,
2. Decision No. 28/2007/QD-NHNN dated June 21, 2007
of SBV expires from the effective date hereof.
Article 11. Organizing implementation
Chief of Office, Director of Issue and Vault
Department, Director of Central Banking Department, heads of entities
affiliated to SBV, Director SBV branches, and printing, minting facilities are
responsible for implementation of this Circular./.
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