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Independence - Freedom - Happiness

No. 48/2022/TT-BGTVT

Hanoi, December 30, 2022




Pursuant to the Law on Efficient Use of Energy dated June 17, 2010;

Pursuant to the Government’s Decree No. 21/2011/ND-CP dated March 29, 2011, elaborating on and providing measures for implementation of the Law on Efficient Use of Energy;

Pursuant to the Prime Minister’s Decision No. 04/2017/QD-TTg dated March 9, 2017, providing for the list of vehicles and equipment subject to regulatory requirements concerning energy labeling, application of the minimum energy efficiency ratio and the plan for implementation thereof;

Pursuant to the Government’s Decree No. 56/2022/ND-CP dated August 24, 2022 on the functions, duties, powers and organizational structure of the Ministry of Transport;

Upon the request of the Director of the Department of Science, Technology and Environment, and the Director of the Vietnam Register;

The Minister of Transport promulgates the Circular setting down instructions for energy labeling for electric or hybrid electric cars, motorcycles and mopeds.




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Article 1. Scope

1. This Circular provides instructions about energy labeling for electric or hybrid electric 9-seater (including driver) cars (shortly called car(s)), motorcycles or mopeds, including hybrid electric cars, pure electric cars, hybrid electric motorcycles, pure electric motorcycles, pure electric mopeds (hereinafter collectively referred to as vehicle(s)), which are manufactured or assembled from separate parts; completely brand-new; or imported as new ones.

2. This Circular shall not apply to the following:

a) Manufactured, assembled or imported vehicles directly used for national defence and security purposes by the Ministry of National Defense and the Ministry of Public Security;

b) Vehicles temporarily imported for re-export; vehicles in international transit or in the entrepot trade; diplomatic or consular vehicles;

c) Vehicles whose structures and technologies are not responding to domestic tests;

d) Vehicles imported for non-commercial purposes;

dd) Vehicles imported according to the Prime Minister’s particular regulations;




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Article 2. Subjects

This Circular shall apply to vehicle manufacturing or assembling plants; vehicle importing entities or persons; institutions, entities or persons involved in energy labeling for vehicles.

Article 3. Definitions

For the purposes of this Circular, terms used herein shall be construed as follows:

1. Electric power train is a system consisting of one or more electrical energy storage devices (e.g. accumulators, batteries, electromechanical flywheels or supercapacitors); one or more power stabilizers; one or more electrical devices used to convert stored electrical energy into mechanical energy which is transmitted to the wheels as the driving force for a vehicle to move.

2. Hybrid electric power train is a drive system that consumes energy from both energy sources stored in a vehicle as follows:

a) Fuel;

b) Electrical energy storage device.

3. Pure electric vehicle (PEV) is a vehicle driven by an electric power train.




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5. Off-Vehicle (Off-board) charging hybrid electric vehicle (OVC-HEV) is a hybrid electric vehicle that can be recharged by plugging into an external source of electricity.

6. Not off-vehicle (off-board) charging hybrid electric vehicle (NOVC-HEV) is a hybrid electric vehicle that cannot be recharged by an external source of electricity.

7. Maximum 30 minutes power is as defined in point 2.5 of Article 2 of TCVN 9725:2013 - Road vehicles - Measurement of the net power of internal combustion engines and the maximum 30 minutes power of electric drive/power trains - Requirements and test methods in type approval.

8. Maximum 30 minutes speed is the average value of the maximum speed set by the manufacturer that the vehicle can maintain for 30 minutes.

9. Energy consumption label of a vehicle (hereinafter referred to as energy label) is a label describing information relating to types of fuel used, energy consumption levels and relevant information of the following vehicles:

a) For pure electric cars, pure electric motorcycles and pure electric mopeds: Electricity consumption;

b) For off-board charging hybrid electric cars and motorcycles: Types of fuel used, fuel consumption, electricity consumption;

c) For not off-board charging hybrid electric motorcycles: Types of fuel used, fuel consumption.

10. Energy consumption of a vehicle is defined as follows:




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b) For off-board charging hybrid electric cars and motorcycles: Amount of fuel and power used by a vehicle over a distance travelled, corresponding to the specified test cycle and conditions;

c) For not off-board charging hybrid electric motorcycles: Amount of fuel used by a vehicle over a distance travelled, corresponding to the specified test cycle and conditions.

11. Quality control body is the Vietnam Register directly under the Ministry of Transport.

12. Manufacturing and assembling plant is an entity specializing in manufacturing and assembling vehicles (hereinafter referred to as assembly plant) which is established and operates under laws.

13. Importing entity is an entity importing vehicles (hereinafter referred to as importer).

14. Vehicle business is a legal or natural person selling and distributing vehicles into the market.

15. Facility or laboratory testing energy consumption of vehicles (hereinafter referred to as test facility) is a specialized testing entity that conforms to the requirements specified in Article 5 in the Government’s Decree No. 107/2016/ND-CP dated July 1, 2016, prescribing licensing requirements for conformity assessment services, or has been accredited according to the standards of Vietnam Laboratory Accreditation Scheme (VILAS) or by accreditation organizations already entering into mutual recognition agreements (e.g. International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC), Asia Pacific Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (APLAC)).

Article 4. General instructions

1. Vehicles of the same type




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b) For hybrid electric motorcycles and pure electric motorcycles, vehicles of the same type are defined as vehicles having the same basic features, including: those vehicles that are owned by the same industrial owner; share the same trademark, design and technical specifications; are manufactured by the same production line; whose equivalent inertial mass is determined according to the corresponding standard mass shown in Table D.12-4 of TCVN 13062:2020, even including the characteristics of vehicles and engines specified in Appendix V hereto;

c) For pure electric mopeds, vehicles of the same type are defined as the vehicles having the same basic features, including: those vehicles that are owned by the same industrial owner; share the same trademark, design and technical specifications; are manufactured by the same production line; whose equivalent inertial mass is determined according to the corresponding standard mass shown in Table 3 of point 3.7.1 of Article 3 in QCVN 04:2009/BGTVT - National technical regulation on emission of gaseous pollutants from assembled or manufactured motorcycles and mopeds; motorcycles and mopeds imported as new ones, released with consent from the Minister of Transport, even including the characteristics of vehicles and engines specified in Appendix V hereto.

2. After submitting the completed Publication Form of energy consumption as referred to in Appendix II or Appendix III hereto to the quality control body, assembly plants or importers shall attach energy labels to each vehicle before making them available for sale. Energy labels must stay attached to vehicles until assembly plants, importers and businesses deliver these vehicles to their customers.

3. For not off-vehicle charging hybrid electric cars, the energy labeling shall be as prescribed in the Joint Circular No. 43/2014/TTLT-BGTVT-BCT dated September 24, 2014 of the Minister of Transport, and the Minister of Industry and Trade, stipulating the energy labeling for 7-seater cars, or the Circular No. 40/2017/TT-BGTVT dated November 9, 2017 of the Minister of Transport, stipulating the energy labeling for passenger 7-9 seater cars.

Chapter II


Article 5. Instructions about test methods for pure electric cars and hybrid electric cars

1. Main information and specifications of vehicles provided by assembly plants or importers shall be as follows:

a) For pure electric cars: As defined in Appendix IV hereto;




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2. Test methods

a) For pure electric cars:

Measurement of power consumption shall be conducted according to the test method and cycle specified in Appendix E of TCVN 7792:2015.

b) For off-vehicle charging hybrid electric cars

Measurement of fuel and power consumption shall be conducted according to the test method and cycle specified in Appendix F of TCVN 7792:2015. Fuel consumption of OVC – HEV is calculated according to Appendix I hereto. Value of distance travelled to consume power which is used for calculating fuel consumption and power consumption is sourced from the documents provided by manufacturers, or measured according to the process specified in Appendix G to TCVN 7792: 2015.

Measurement of energy consumption of a vehicle shall be conducted independently or in combination with the test of gaseous pollutants. In the latter case, the value of fuel consumption is calculated as stated in point D.1.4.3 of Appendix D to TCVN 7792:2015 by the carbon balance method using results of measured CO2 emission and other related carbon emissions (e.g. CO and HC).

c) Assembly plants or importers may apply any of the test methods pursuant to the Regulations of the European Commission (EC)/United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (ECE) or the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) instead of the test method specified in TCVN 7792:2015 to measure energy consumption for the above vehicles.

3. Units of measure and methods for rounding of energy consumption measures

a) Units of measure of fuel consumption may be one of the followings: liters (l)/100 kilometers (km) for gasoline, LPG, ethanol (E85) and diesel fuel; cubic meters (m3)/100 kilometers (km) for natural gas (NG/biomethane and H2NG); kilograms (kg)/100 kilometers (km) for hydrogen fuel. Fuel consumption measure shall be rounded to its nearest hundredth.




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Article 6. Instructions about test methods for pure electric cars, pure electric motorcycles and hybrid electric motorcycles

1. Main information and specifications of vehicles provided by assembly plants or importers shall be as defined in Appendix V hereto.

2. Test methods

a) For pure electric mopeds

Measurement of power consumption shall be conducted according to the test method specified in Article 7 of TCVN 12776-1:2020, and the test cycle specified in Appendix A to TCVN 12776-1:2020.

b) For pure electric motorcycles

Measurement of power consumption shall be conducted according to either of the following methods: The test method specified in Article 7 of TCVN 12776-1:2020 with the test cycle specified in Appendix B to TCVN 12776-1:2020, or the test method specified in Appendix G.2 to TCVN 13062:2020.

c) For hybrid electric motorcycles

Measurement of fuel and power consumption shall be conducted according to the test method and cycle specified in Appendix G.3 to TCVN 13062:2020. Value of distance travelled to consume power which is used for calculating fuel consumption and power consumption is sourced from the documents provided by manufacturers, or measured according to the process specified in Appendix G.6 to TCVN 13062:2020.




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d) Assembly plants or importers may apply any of the test methods pursuant to the Regulations of the European Commission (EC)/United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (ECE) or the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) instead of the test method specified in TCVN 12776-1:2020 or TCVN 13062:2020 to measure energy consumption for the above vehicles.

3. Units of measure and methods for rounding of energy consumption measures shall be as defined in clause 3 of Article 5 herein.

Article 7. Content of the energy consumption test report

1. The test method and cycle specified in the energy consumption test report shall follow the instructions set down in Article 5 or 6 of this Circular.

2. The content of each energy consumption test report issued by a test facility to the tested vehicle shall be as defined in Appendix VI and VII hereto. For vehicles to which assembly plants or importers apply the test methods specified in point c of clause 2 of Article 5 or point d of clause 2 of Article 6, the test report tailored for the applied test method shall be used.

Chapter III


Article 8. Disclosure of information about energy consumption

1. Assembly plants and importers shall be required to disclose information about energy consumption of vehicles before energy labeling.




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3. For the types of manufactured or assembled or imported vehicles that are determined to be the same as the ones of which energy consumption is disclosed, assembly plants and importers may use the disclosed values of energy consumption to obtain registration without needing any energy consumption retest.

4. Disclosure of information relating to energy consumption shall be carried out in either of the following methods:

a) Sending the Publication of energy consumption of the type/model of vehicle to the quality control body in order for it to be posted on its website;

b) Posting energy consumption measures on the websites of vehicle assembly plants, importers and businesses (if any).

5. Disclosed information shall remain available for public access during the period of offer of vehicle types or models for sale in the market.

Article 9. Energy labeling

1. Assembly plants and importers are allowed to freely print energy labels by using the template of energy label approved by the Ministry of Industry and Trade.

2. For vehicles using the same energy consumption test report, assembly plants and importers may print information on the same energy label.

3. Energy label placement




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b) For pure electric mopeds, pure electric motorcycles and hybrid electric motorcycles: An energy label shall be attached to a visible position.

Article 10. Re-disclosure of information about fuel consumption and energy re-labeling

1. Assembly plants and importers shall be required to re-test and re-disclose information about energy consumption and affix energy labels in one of the following cases:

a) Incorrect information about energy consumption has been disclosed;

b) Results of the inspection and supervision conducted under the instructions given in Article 11 establish that the actual energy consumption exceeds 4% of the energy consumption disclosed by assembly plants or importers.

2. Assembly plants or importers shall be required to carry out the re-disclosure, but not the re-test if any change of disclosed information about vehicles of the same type does not affect their energy consumption data (e.g. commercial name, ergonomics and aesthetics of a vehicle).

3. Content and method of re-disclosure of information about energy consumption and energy re-labeling shall follow the instructions given in Article 8 and 9 hereof.

Article 11. Inspection and supervision of energy labeling

The quality control body shall conduct the inspection and supervision of energy labeling as follows:




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2. Carry out the surprise inspection visit in case of receiving any allegation or complaint about suspected acts of violation against regulations on energy labeling committed by vehicle assembly plants or importers. Where the violation related to the disclosed information about energy consumption is clearly confirmed, the quality control body shall have the powers to request assembly plants or importers to conduct the energy consumption re-test and carry out the re-disclosure of energy consumption information.

Chapter IV


Article 12. Responsibilities of the quality control body

1. Receive and disclose information relating to energy consumption of vehicles according to the instructions given herein on their websites.

2. Cooperate with competent authorities in handling complaints, disputes, and sanctioning violations relating to the disclosure of energy consumption data and energy labeling.

3. In the course of inspection and supervision, when detecting any administrative violation, a written notice shall be sent to the competent authority for any sanction to be imposed under the provisions of the Government’s Decree No. 134/2013/ND-CP dated October 17, 2013 on sanctioning of administrative violations arising from activities of electricity, safety of hydropower dams and efficient use of energy, and the Government’s Decree No. 17/2022/ND-CP dated January 31, 2022 on amendments or modifications to a number of Articles of the Decree, stipulating penalties for administrative violations in the field of industrial chemicals and explosives; electricity, safety of hydroelectric dams and efficient use of energy; commercial activities, production and trading of counterfeit and banned goods, and protection of consumers' interests; oil and gas operations, petroleum and gas trading activities.

4. Integrate labeling inspection results into the report to be submitted to the Ministry of Transport upon request.

Article 13. Responsibilities of test facilities




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Article 14. Responsibilities of vehicle assembly plants, importers and businesses

1. Carry out the disclosure of information about energy consumption and energy labeling under the provisions of this Circular before making vehicles available for sale in the market.

2. Bear legal liability for accuracy and fidelity of disclosed energy consumption test reports and data.

3. Vehicle assembly plants and importers shall store documents relating to the disclosure of energy consumption information, including Publications of energy consumption; copies of Reports on energy consumption corresponding to vehicle types, for at least 3 years from the date of suspension of manufacturing, assembling and import of vehicle types.

4. Vehicle assembly plants and importers shall prepare periodic reports for submission to the quality control body, including the following information:

a) Report title: Periodic report on energy labeling;

b) Information required to be included in a report: Number of vehicle types to which energy labels are attached; the average energy consumption per year of each vehicle assembly plant or importer;

c) Report maker: Vehicle assembly plant or importer;

d) Report recipient: Vietnam Register;




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e) Submission deadline: By December 20 each year at the latest;

g) Reporting frequency: The report is submitted on an annual basis;

h) Data cutoff duration: From December 15 in the year preceding the reporting period to December 14 of the reporting period;

i) Report form: Shown in Appendix X hereto.

5. Vehicle assembly plants and importers shall be responsible for reporting to the quality control body in case of any change relating to the disclosed energy label information to seek its action.

Article 15. Entry in force

1. This Circular shall enter into force as from July 1, 2023. Entities manufacturing and assembling; entities and persons importing cars, motorcycles, mopeds; and other relevant entities and persons are encouraged to apply this Circular earlier than the aforesaid effective date.

2. Grandfather clauses

a) Manufactured or assembled vehicles with ex-factory quality inspection certificates issued before the effective date of this Circular shall be exempted from the energy labeling requirement set out in this Circular;




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3. Where legislative documents, technical standards and regulations used as references in this Circular are amended, supplemented or replaced, new versions thereof shall govern.

Article 16. Implementation responsibilities

The Chief of the Ministry’s Office, the Ministry’s Chief Inspector, Directors of Departments, Director of the Vietnam Register, Heads of entities, organizations or individuals concerned, shall be responsible for implementing this Circular./.




Le Dinh Tho



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Circular No. 48/2022/TT-BGTVT dated December 30, 2022 on providing instructions for energy labelling for electric or hybrid electric cars, motorcycles and mopeds
Official number: 48/2022/TT-BGTVT Legislation Type: Circular
Organization: The Ministry of Transportation and Communications Signer: Le Dinh Tho
Issued Date: 30/12/2022 Effective Date: Premium
Gazette dated: Updating Gazette number: Updating
Effect: Premium

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Circular No. 48/2022/TT-BGTVT dated December 30, 2022 on providing instructions for energy labelling for electric or hybrid electric cars, motorcycles and mopeds

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