Independence – Freedom – Happiness
Hanoi, January
20, 2020
Pursuant to the Maritime Code of Vietnam No.
95/2015/QH13 dated November 25, 2015;
Pursuant to the Code of the International
Standards and Recommended Practices for a Safety Investigation into a Marine
Casualty or Marine Incident adopted by the International Maritime Organization
Pursuant to the Government’s Decree No.
12/2017/ND-CP dated February 10, 2017 defining the functions, tasks, powers and
organizational structure of the Ministry of Transport;
At the request of the Director of Transport Safety
Department and the Director of Vietnam Maritime Administration;
The Minister of Transport promulgates a Circular
prescribing the investigation into and reporting on marine casualties.
Chapter I
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Article 1. Scope
This Circular provides regulations on the
investigation into and reporting on marine casualties.
Article 2. Regulated entities
1. This Circular applies to regulatory authorities,
organizations and individuals (hereinafter referred to as “entities”) involving
in the reporting and investigation into marine casualties in the following
a) Marine casualties involving Vietnamese-flagged
b) Marine casualties involving foreign-flagged
ships while they are operating within the port waters, internal waters and
territorial waters of Vietnam; exclusive economic zones of Vietnam if the
casualty involves Vietnamese-flagged ships, offshore structures and equipment
or causes environmental pollution.
2. Regulations herein also apply to the
investigation into casualties involving public vessels or seaplanes within the
port waters of Vietnam; inland waterway ships bearing VR-SB class notations,
floating storage units, and mobile offshore drilling units within the port
waters and territorial waters of Vietnam.
Article 3. Interpretation of
1. “marine casualty” means an event which has
occurred directly in connection with the operations of a ship and resulted in
any of the following consequences: the death or loss of, or serious injury to,
a person; the involvement of a ship in a collision; severe structural damage to
a ship; the loss, sinking, stranding or disabling of a ship; material damage to
marine infrastructure facilities or severe damage to the environment.
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2. “marine incident” means an event, other than a
marine casualty defined in Clause 1 of this Article, which has occurred
directly in connection with the operations of a ship and endangered, or, if not
corrected, would endanger the safety of the ship, its occupants or any other
person or the environment.
Article 4. Classification of
marine casualties
1. “very serious marine casualty” is a marine
casualty that has resulted in any of the following:
a) the death or loss of a person;
b) the sinking or total loss of the ship;
c) the spill of 100 tonnes of oil or over, or 50
tonnes of toxic chemicals or over into the environment; or
d) the obstruction of the navigational channel for
48 hours or longer.
2. “serious marine casualty” is a marine casualty
which does not qualify as a very serious marine casualty as defined in Clause 1
of this Article and has resulted in any of the following:
a) a fire, explosion or stranding of the ship for
24 hours or longer, or severe structural damage to the ship, rendering the ship
unfit to proceed;
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c) the obstruction of the navigational channel for
from 24 hours to less than 48 hours.
3. “less serious marine casualty” is a marine
incident or marine casualty which qualifies as neither a very serious marine casualty
defined in Clause 1 nor a serious casualty as defined in Clause 2 of this
Article 5. Responsibility of
the master, owner, agent and operator of the ship, and entities involved in a
marine casualty
1. The master, owner, agent and operator of the
ship, and entities involved in a marine casualty shall report the marine
casualty to the relevant maritime administration or the Vietnam Maritime
Administration or the Ministry of Transport in a timely and accurate manner in
accordance with this Circular.
2. The master of the ship involved in the marine
casualty shall organize rescue activities in a timely and effective manner
depending safety conditions of the ship.
3. The master and crew of the ship involved in the
marine casualty assume responsibility to protect the scene and voyage data
recorder at the time of occurrence of the marine casualty, and provide evidence
about the casualty to the investigation authority.
4. The master and crew of the ship and entities
involved in the marine casualty shall sufficient, truthful and timely
information to the investigation authority and also assume legal responsibility
for the provided information.
5. With regard to a marine casualty which has
resulted in physical damage to a seafarer, the master, owner and employer
shall, in addition to the obligation to submit reports as prescribed herein,
make statement of marine occupational accidents in accordance with law.
Chapter II
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Article 6. Marine casualty
1. Marine casualty reports include urgent reports,
detailed reports and periodic reports as prescribed in Appendix 1, Appendix 2
and Appendix 3 enclosed herewith.
2. Marine casualty reports must contain truthful
and accurate contents and submitted by the prescribed deadlines.
Article 7. Urgent reports
1. Urgent reports shall be made as follows:
a) Where a marine casualty occurs within the port
waters and the territorial waters of Vietnam, the master or the person vested
with the highest responsibility on the ship shall immediately send an urgent
report to the nearest maritime administration. In case neither the master nor
such person is able to make the urgent report, the owner or agent of the ship
involved in the casualty shall make the report.
2. In case a marine casualty involves a
Vietnamese-flagged ship operating within the territorial waters of another
State, the master or the person vested with the highest responsibility on the
ship or the ship owner shall submit report at the request of the coastal State
in whose territory the casualty occurs and send an urgent report to the Vietnam
Maritime Administration. In case of a very serious marine casualty, the master
or the person vested with the highest responsibility on the ship or the ship
owner shall also send a report to the diplomatic mission of Vietnam in that
coastal State for assistance.
3. If a marine casualty involves a
Vietnamese-flagged ship operating on the high seas, the master or the person
vested with the highest responsibility on the ship or the ship owner shall
submit an urgent report to Vietnam Maritime Administration.
4. The urgent report may be sent either directly or
through any appropriate means of communications.
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6. Vietnam Maritime Administration shall notify the
maritime authority of the flag State in case of marine casualty mentioned in
Point b Clause 1 Article 2 hereof.
Article 8. Detailed reports
Following the urgent report, the master or the
person vested with the highest responsibility on the ship shall submit a
detailed report by the deadlines prescribed below:
1. In case the marine casualty occurs within the
port waters or internal waters of Vietnam, the detailed report shall be sent to
the maritime administration responsible for such waters within 24 hours from
the occurrence of the casualty. If it is unable to send the detailed report
within 24 hours as prescribed, it must be sent thereafter within 48 hours from
the occurrence of the casualty.
2. In case the marine casualty occurs within the
territorial waters or an exclusive economic zone of Vietnam as prescribed in
Point b Clause 1 Article 2 hereof, after the casualty occurs and the ship is
anchored in the port waters of Vietnam, the detailed report shall be sent to
the maritime administration responsible for such port waters within 24 hours
after the ship is anchored as instructed. If the ship is not anchored in the
port waters of Vietnam after the marine casualty occurs, the detailed report
shall be sent to Vietnam Maritime Administration within 48 hours after the ship
or its crewmembers reach the first port.
3. In case the marine casualty involves a
Vietnamese-flagged ship operating on the high seas or the territorial waters of
another State, after the casualty occurs and the ship is anchored in the port
waters of Vietnam, the detailed report shall be sent to the maritime
administration responsible for such port waters within 24 hours after the ship
is anchored as instructed. If the ship is not anchored in the port waters of
Vietnam after the marine casualty occurs, the detailed report shall be sent to
Vietnam Maritime Administration within 48 hours after the ship reaches the
first port.
Article 9. Periodic reports
1. Each maritime administration shall, on the basis
of every six months and every year, make written reports on marine casualties
using the form in Appendix 3 enclosed herewith, and send them to Vietnam
Maritime Administration.
2. Vietnam Maritime Administration shall, on the
basis of every six months and every year, make written reports on marine
casualties using the form in Appendix 3 enclosed herewith, and send them to the
Ministry of Transport.
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a) Six-month reports made by maritime
administrations and Vietnam Maritime Administration shall be sent by June 16
and June 20 respectively of the current year; reports for the last 6 months may
be replaced by annual reports;
b) Annual reports made by maritime administrations
and Vietnam Maritime Administration shall be sent by December 16 and December
20 respectively of the current year.
Chapter III
Article 10. Marine casualty
investigation purposes and requirements
1. A marine casualty investigation means the
identification of conditions, circumstances, causes or events that would cause
a marine casualty in order to find out effective solutions for preventing
similar marine casualties in the future.
2. A marine casualty investigation is not conducted
to determine legal responsibility or liabilities of the parties.
3. A marine casualty investigation shall be
conducted into every marine casualty in a lawful, timely, comprehensive and
objective manner.
Article 11. Cases of marine
casualty investigation
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2. The investigation into less serious marine
casualties shall be conducted according to decision of the Director of the
relevant maritime administration. The maritime administration shall send report
on the marine casualty into which the investigation is not conducted to the
Vietnam Maritime Administration.
Article 12. Organization of
marine casualty investigation
1. Power to conduct marine casualty investigation
a) Directors of regional maritime administrations
shall conduct investigations into marine casualties which have occurred within
the port waters under their management and other marine casualties as assigned
by the Director of Vietnam Maritime Administration;
b) If a marine casualty occurs in the port waters
but the ship involved in the casualty is moved to a designated anchoring
location in other port waters, the Director of Vietnam Maritime Administration
shall assign the maritime administration in charge of the port waters where the
casualty occurs or where the ship is anchored to conduct investigation into
that marine casualty. When the ship is anchored in the port waters as
instructed, Director of the maritime administration in charge of that port
waters shall assign its qualified officials to examine the scene and collect
c) Director of Vietnam Maritime Administration
shall decide to assign an appropriate maritime administration to conduct
investigation into a marine casualty occurring outside the port waters of
2. After receiving information about a marine
casualty occurring within the port waters under its management, depending on
its conditions, Director of the maritime administration shall assign its
qualified officials to examine the occurrence site and get on the ship for
assessing the scene and working positions on the ship, and collect evidence
serving the investigation. The performance of these tasks must be recorded in
writing and avoid affecting the safe operation of the ship. Such record must be
certified by a competent person on the ship. The officials are sent to the
scene will be members of the investigation team prescribed in Clause 3 of this
3. Director of the maritime administration that
conducts the investigation shall issue a decision on establishment of an
investigation team.
4. During the investigation, if a crime is
suspected, Director of the relevant maritime administration must immediately
notify a competent investigation authority and transfer all documents and
evidence related to the marine casualty at the request of the investigation
authority; photocopies or certified true copies of documents must be made
before they are transferred to the investigation authority; the transfer of
documents and evidence must be recorded in writing.
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6. Vietnam Maritime Administration shall notify the
maritime authority of the flag States of the investigation into marine
casualties involving foreign-flagged ships as prescribed in Clause 1 Article 2
7. Director of the maritime administration may
detain the ship for up to 05 days to serve the collection of evidence and
investigation. The detention of the ship involved in a marine casualty
occurring in the port waters for a longer period shall be decided by the
Director of Vietnam Maritime Administration at the request of Director of the
relevant maritime administration provided the extended period of detention
shall not exceed 05 days. The extended detention of the ship involved in a
marine casualty occurring outside the port waters shall be decided by the
Minister of Transport at the request of the Vietnam Maritime Administration.
Article 13. Agreement to
conduct a marine casualty investigation
When necessary, Vietnam Maritime Administration
shall reach an agreement to conduct marine casualty investigation as follows:
1. With regard to a marine casualty involving a
foreign-flagged ship, Vietnam Maritime Administration shall reach an agreement
to conduct the marine casualty investigation with the maritime authority of the
State whose flag the ship is entitled to fly in a way that is suitable for
actual conditions, circumstances, and occurrence site of the casualty.
2. With regard to a marine casualty involving a
Vietnamese-flagged ship operating overseas, Vietnam Maritime Administration
shall reach an agreement to conduct the marine casualty investigation with the
maritime authority of the coastal State in a way that is suitable for actual
conditions, circumstances, and occurrence site of the casualty.
3. In case of failure to reach an agreement with
the maritime authority of the flag State or the coastal State, the marine
casualty investigation shall be independently conducted in accordance with this
Article 14. Investigation team
and members thereof
1. Investigation team
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b) Where necessary, Director of Vietnam Maritime
Administration shall appoint experts in relevant fields to join the
investigation team. Director of the maritime administration shall issue decide
the establishment of the investigation team according to instructions of the
Director of Vietnam Maritime Administration.
2. Members of the investigation team are required
to meet the following requirements: they must be masters, chief engineers or
engineers in ship operation, marine engine operation, shipbuilding, marine
power and marine automatic power, maritime law or similar major, have at least
05 years of practical experience in their studied majors, and have completed
training and drilling courses in marine casualty investigation.
Article 15. Duties and powers
of investigation team
1. Develop investigation plan, and make cost
estimates in accordance with this Circular and relevant laws. The investigation
plan requires an approval from Director of maritime administration. Submit
reports on the investigation process and results to Director of the maritime
administration that established the investigation team.
2. Send written notification to the master or the
person vested with highest responsibility on the ship, the owner and agent of
the ship of the marine casualty investigation. The notification shall contain
the following:
a) The marine casualty into which the investigation
is conducted;
b) Time and location of the investigation;
c) Name and address of the investigation team;
d) Rights and obligations of parties to the marine
casualty investigation.
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4. Request the parties involved in the marine
casualty to protect the scene and evidence according to marine casualty
investigation requirements.
5. Request the persons involved in the marine
casualty to make written reports on conditions, circumstances and developments
of the casualty, and entities involved in the casualty. In case such persons
have to be interviewed, they must be notified in advance of the time and
location of the interview.
6. Request the master or the person vested with
highest responsibility to provide copies of the ship logs, nautical chart of
the area where the marine casualty has occurred, and other records and
documents about the ship and equipment thereon.
7. Request the organization in charge of
classification and technical inspection of the ship, the ship owner, agent,
maritime information provider, maritime search and rescue coordination center,
vessel traffic service centers, maritime safety organizations, pilots and
relevant entities to provide information necessary for the marine casualty
8. Examine and collect copies of documents about
registration, inspection and insurance of the ship, other relevant documents
and certificates of crewmembers to service the marine casualty investigation.
9. Make audio and video recordings, surveys,
request for experts’ advice and perform other tasks that are deemed necessary
for the marine casualty investigation.
10. Carry out verification, analysis, assessment
and proposed conclusion about the causes of the marine casualty. Where
necessary, request the Director of the maritime administration to make decision
to request for advice of the organization in charge of classification and
technical inspection of the ship or other relevant specialized agencies.
11. Make report on the marine casualty
12. Retain documents and evidence related to the
marine casualty as prescribed.
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14. Consider re-opening the marine casualty
investigation according to Article 20 hereof.
Article 16. Time limit for a
marine casualty investigation
1. The investigation into a marine casualty
occurring within the port waters of Vietnam must be completed within 60 days
from the occurrence date. The maximum time limit for the investigation into a
marine casualty occurring outside the port waters of Vietnam is 60 days from
the day on which the investigation is assigned.
2. If the investigation into a marine casualty
which is so complicated cannot be completed within the time limit prescribed in
Clause 1 of this Article, at the request of the investigation team leader,
Director of the relevant maritime administration shall promptly send a written
report to Director of Vietnam Maritime Administration for making decision on
extension of the investigation time limit.
Article 17. Procedures for
marine casualty investigation
1. Establish the investigation team.
2. Develop the investigation plan.
3. Make cost estimate.
4. Notify relevant parties of the marine casualty
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6. Pursuant to regulations on maritime, carry out
the analysis of collected information, including conclusions about analyses of
exhibits and traces related to the marine casualty.
7. Make a draft report on the marine casualty
investigation and send it to relevant parties according to Article 18 hereof.
8. Publish the report on the marine casualty
Article 18. Draft report on
marine casualty investigation
1. After making a draft report on marine casualty
investigation, the investigation team shall send a copy of the draft report to
the owner, agent and/or operator of the ship, Vietnam Inland Waterways
Administration (if the casualty involves inland waterway ships) and Vietnam
Maritime Administration for comments. After receiving the draft report, Vietnam
Maritime Administration shall send a copy thereof to the maritime authority of
the State whose flag the ship is entitled to fly for comments (if the casualty
involves a foreign-flagged ship).
2. The maritime authority of the flag State, the
owner, agent or operator of the ship is not allowed to publish or grant access
to the draft report or any part thereof without the consent of the
investigation team, Director of the relevant maritime administration or Vietnam
Maritime Administration.
3. Within 30 days or another time limit as agreed
upon between the investigation team and relevant parties, which shall not be
longer than 30 days from the day on which the draft report is sent, the
maritime authority of the flag State, the owner, agent or operator of the ship
shall send comments about the draft report. If no comments are received after
the aforesaid time limit, the investigation team shall submit the report on
marine casualty investigation to Director of maritime administration for
signing and publishing.
Article 19. Report on marine
casualty investigation
1. A report on marine casualty investigation shall
contain the following information:
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b) The identity of the flag State, owner, agent,
operator as identified in the safety management certificate, and the
classification organization;
c) The details of main dimensions and engines of
the ship; a description of work routine of crewmembers and other matters
performed on the ship before the occurrence of the casualty;
d) A narrative detailing the circumstances of the
marine casualty;
dd) Analysis and comment on the causal factors of
the marine casualty;
e) Recommendations with a view to preventing
similar marine casualties in the future.
2. The investigation team shall send the report on
marine casualty investigation to the maritime authority of the flag State, the
owner, agent or operator of the ship and Vietnam Maritime Administration by the
deadline for the marine casualty investigation. Copies of the report on marine
casualty investigation may be provided to other individuals or legal entities
directly involved in the casualty at their written request.
3. The investigation team shall send a set of
photocopies (if requested) and two copies of the report on investigation into a
very serious marine casualty to Vietnam Maritime Administration.
4. With regard to serious marine casualties and
very serious marine casualties, Vietnam Maritime Administration shall send
reports to the Ministry of Transport and IMO immediately after reaching
conclusions about the casualty.
5. Vietnam Maritime Administration shall publish
the report on marine casualty investigation on its website.
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When new evidence is presented or collected which
may materially alter the analysis of causes of a marine casualty, Director of
the relevant maritime administration shall decide to re-open the investigation
into that marine casualty.
Article 21. Complaints,
denunciations and settlement thereof
Any complaints and denunciations against the marine
casualty investigation shall be settled in accordance with regulations of the
law on settlement of complaints and denunciations.
Article 22. Funding for marine
casualty investigation
Funding for a marine casualty investigation shall
be provided in accordance with law.
Article 23. Effect
This Circular comes into force from March 15, 2020.
The Circular No. 34/2015/TT-BGTVT dated July 24, 2015 and the Circular No.
39/2017/TT-BGTVT dated November 07, 2017 of the Minister of Transport are
Article 24. Implementation
1. Vietnam Maritime Administration shall organize
the implementation of this Circular.
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Nguyen Van Cong