Independence - Freedom - Happiness
Hanoi, April 6,
Pursuant to the Law on
Vocational Education dated November 27, 2014;
Pursuant to the Government's
Decree No. 115/2020/ND-CP dated September 25, 2020 on recruitment, employment
and management of public employees;
Pursuant to the Government's
Decree No. 15/2019/ND CP dated February 1, 2019 on elaboration of the Law on
Vocational Education;
Pursuant to the Government’s
Decree No. 14/2017/ND-CP dated February 17, 2017 defining the functions, tasks,
entitlements and organizational structure of the Ministry of Labor, War
Invalids and Social Affairs;
At the proposal of the
Director of the General Department of Vocational Education;
The Minister of Labor, War
Invalids and Social Affairs promulgates a Circular on pedagogical retraining
programs for vocational teachers and vocational pedagogical certificates.
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1. Scope
This Circular set forth the
pedagogical retraining programs for teachers at college, intermediate and
elementary levels; certificate template, certificate copy template; printing
and managing blank certificate templates; issuing, modifying, withdrawing and
canceling pedagogical certificates at college, intermediate and elementary
Article 2. Regulated
This Circular applies to
institutions providing pedagogical retraining programs for vocational teachers
(hereinafter referred to as pedagogical institutions); learners of pedagogical
training programs at college, intermediate and elementary levels (hereinafter
referred to as trainees) and other relevant organizations and individuals.
Article 3. Pedagogical
retraining program for teachers at college and intermediate levels
1. Contents of the pedagogical
retraining program for teachers at college and intermediate levels prescribed
in this Circular: Objectives, eligible entities, program duration and time
unit, list of modules and program schedule, program of modules and instructions
(See Appendix I for details).
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Article 4. Pedagogical
retraining program for teachers at elementary level
1. Contents of the pedagogical
retraining program for teachers at elementary levels prescribed in this
Circular: Objectives, eligible entities, program duration and time unit, list of
modules and program schedule, program of modules and instructions (See Appendix
II for details).
2. Based on the annual plan for
pedagogical training and retraining, the pedagogical institution shall offer
retraining courses according to the program specified in Clause 1 of this
Article. Upon completion of the retraining program, if a decision on
recognition of graduation is issued by the head of the pedagogical institution,
then a certificate in pedagogy at elementary level is issued.
Article 5. Pedagogical
certificate templates for teachers at college, intermediate, elementary levels
1. The pedagogical certificate
for teachers at college, intermediate, elementary levels (hereinafter referred
to as pedagogical certificate) is printed on both sides with 4 pages, each page
is 210 mm x 148 mm; pages 1 and 4 are the cover of the certificate; pages 2 and
3 are the contents of the certificate.
2. The font used in the
pedagogical certificate template is the Vietnamese font of the Unicode
character set according to Vietnamese standards TCVN 6909: 2001, Times New
Roman font.
3. Pages 1 and 4 of the
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b) Pages 1 and 4 of the
pedagogical certificate at elementary level are in red, letters printed on the
cover are yellow. The content printed on page 1: Vietnamese official name and
motto are 02 lines "SOCIALIST REPUBLIC OF VIETNAM" and
"Independence - Freedom - Happiness" 15mm from the top edge, in
uppercase, vertical, bold, font size 14. The emblem is circular, 40 mm in
diameter, 65 mm from the top edge, centered. The words “PEDAGOGICAL CERTIFICATE
AT ELEMENTARY LEVEL” are centered, single line spacing, 86 mm lower edge,
uppercase, vertical, bold, font size. 16. Page 4 does not print text and
4. Pages 2 and 3 of the
pedagogical certificate have a white background, a bronze drum image is
imprinted in the middle in light yellow. Content printed on page 2: the words
CERTIFICATE AT ELEMENTARY LEVEL” are presented in red letters, centered, single
line spacing, capital letters, font size 14, bold, vertical font. The content
printed on page 3: Vietnamese official name and motto are 02 lines
"SOCIALIST REPUBLIC OF VIETNAM" and "Independence - Freedom -
Happiness" centered, black letters, single line spacing ; the words
"SOCIALIST REPUBLIC OF VIETNAM" are 14 mm from the top edge,
presented in capital letters, font size 14, bold, vertical font; the second
line "Independence - Freedom - Happiness" is presented in lowercase,
font size 14, bold, vertical font; the first letters of the phrases are
capitalized, between the phrases there is a hyphen (-), there is a space for
letters; below there is a horizontal line, solid line, the length is equal to
the length of the text.
5. The certificate template and
how to write the content on the pedagogical certificate are specified in
Appendix III and IV issued together with this Circular.
Article 6. Template of
pedagogical certificate copy for teachers at college, intermediate, elementary
The template of pedagogical
certificate copy must comply with Article 5 of this Circular and add the words
"COPY" in yellow on page 1 and red color on page 2, capital letters,
vertical and bold font, font size 16 on page 1 and 14 on page 2 (specified in
Appendix V and Appendix VI issued together with this Circular). The contents of
the pedagogical certificate copy shall comply with Article 5 of this Circular.
Article 7. Printing blank
pedagogical certificates
1. Based on the template of
blank pedagogical certificate specified in Articles 4 and 5 of this Circular,
the head of the pedagogical institution shall choose a template of blank
pedagogical certificate and send it to the General Department of Vocational
Education affiliated to the Department of Labor, War Invalids and Social
Affairs, the police office of the province or and centrally-affiliated city
where the pedagogical institution is headquartered to report; be responsible
for the content printed on the blank certificate and print it.
2. The printing of blank
pedagogical certificates must be rigorous and safe and must be recorded in a
management book.
Article 8. Management of
blank pedagogical certificates
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a) The number of the
pedagogical certificate shall be made continuously according to natural numbers
from small to large during the entire operation of the pedagogical institution
from self-printing of blank certificates; ensuring identification of the number
of each type of certificate;
b) The reference number in the
certificate issuance book shall be made consecutively according to the natural
numbers from small to large each year from January 1 to the end of December 31;
ensuring identification of the reference number of each type of certificate,
the year of issue and the pedagogical institution.
2. For blank certificates that
are damaged, misprinted, miswritten or not yet used due to the change in the
template, the pedagogical institution must set up a council for handling and
have a cancellation record, specifying the quantity, reference number and
status of the certificate before they are cancelled. The cancellation minutes
must be kept in the management record and the cancellation must be reported to
the Department of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs where the pedagogical
institution is headquartered within 15 days from the date of cancellation of
blank certificates for monitoring and management. This provision also applies
to signed or stamped certificates that are miswritten or misprinted.
3. In case blank pedagogical
certificates are lost, the pedagogical institution must make a record and
report it to the police agency, the Department of Labor - Invalids and Social
Affairs in the province where it is headquartered for timely actions.
Article 9. Issuance of
pedagogical certificates, pedagogical certificate copies
1. Principles of management and
issuance of pedagogical certificates to teachers at college, intermediate and
elementary levels:
a) The pedagogical certificates
for teachers at college, intermediate and elementary levels shall be uniformly
managed with autonomy and self-responsibility assigned to the pedagogical
b) The original of the pedagogical
certificate shall be issued once to the trainee;
c) All acts of fraud in the
issuance and use of certificates are strictly prohibited;
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2. Heads of pedagogical
institutions have the responsibility to:
a) Sign the certificate
according to the specimen signature notified to the competent authority and
clearly state full name and title; stamp on the signature of the person
competent to issue the certificate shall be affixed in accordance with
applicable regulations on clerical work; issue pedagogical certificates to
trainees who have completed a pedagogical retraining program at college,
intermediate, and elementary levels as prescribed in this Circular within 30
days from the date of completion of the retraining course;
b) Make a book to monitor the
issuance of pedagogical certificates and pedagogical certificate copies
according to Clause 1, Article 8 of this Circular. The certificate issuance
book must be accurately and fully recorded in Vietnamese, such as the original
certificate issued by the pedagogical institution, page numbering, fan
stamping, not erased, ensuring strict management and permanent storage.
3. When granting pedagogical
professional certificates to trainees, the pedagogical institution must glue
photos of the trainees with granted certificates; affix the pedagogical
institution’s seal on the photo; write or print fully, accurately and clearly
the contents of the pedagogical certificate on pages 2 and 3.
4. In case a trainee has
certified the receipt of a pedagogical certificate, but it is lost or damaged;
he/she may request for a certificate copy to be issued. A pedagogical
certificate copy is valid as the original. The head of pedagogical institution
that has issued the certificate and is managing the certificate issuance book
is competent to issue pedagogical certificate copies. In case the pedagogical
institution has merged, divided, split or had adjustment in terms of competent
persons, the person competent to decide to issue a copy of the certificate is
the head of the agency that is managing the certificate issuance book.
5. The procedures for granting
pedagogical certificate copies shall comply with Articles 16 and 17 of Decree
No. 23/2015/ND -CP dated 16/02/2015 of the Government on issuance of copies
from master register, authentication of copies from originals, authentication
of signatures and authentication of contracts and transactions.
Article 10. Revisions to
pedagogical certificates
1. A trainee with a granted
pedagogical certificate may request a revision to the certificate in any of the
following cases:
a) The trainee has certified
receipt of the certificate, but the content on the certificate is miswritten
through no fault of the trainee;
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2. The trainee who requests a
revision to their pedagogical certificate must provide necessary documents as
proofs corresponding to the cases specified in Clauses 1 and 2 of this Article
1 in order for the pedagogical institution to consider revising such
pedagogical certificate.
3. The decision on revision to
the pedagogical certificate must include at least the following: Full name; the
date of birth of the trainee whose certificate is revised; certificate number,
certificate number, reference number in the certificate issuance book,
certificate issue date to be revised; content and reasons for revision;
validity period and responsibility for implementing the decision.
4. The head of pedagogical
institution that has issued a certificate and is managing the certificate
issuance book is competent to issue a decision on revision to the pedagogical
certificate. In case the pedagogical institution has merged, divided, split or
had adjustment in terms of competent persons, the person competent to decide to
revise the certificate is the head of the agency that is managing the
certificate issuance book.
Article 11. Revocation and
cancellation of pedagogical certificates
1. A pedagogical certificate is
revoked or cancelled in any of the following cases:
a) The holder of certificate is
found to be ineligible, commits fraud in studying, taking exams or in making
application to be granted the pedagogical certificate;
b) The pedagogical certificate
is granted by an unauthorized person;
c) The pedagogical certificate
is erased or modified.
d) The holder of the
pedagogical certificate let others use his/her certificate.
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Article 12. Responsibilities
of the General Department of Vocational Education
Guide the offering of
retraining in pedagogy in teaching at college, intermediate and elementary
levels; synthesize and manage the granting of professional certificates
Article 13. Responsibilities
of Departments of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs of provinces and centrally-affiliated
Inspect and supervise the
process of printing and using blank certificates; the issuance, modification,
revocation and cancellation of certificates of pedagogical institutions under
their management or in the province.
Article 14. Responsibilities
of pedagogical institutions
1. Based on the pedagogical
retraining program for teaching at college, intermediate and elementary levels
promulgated together with Articles 3 and 4 of this Circular, the head of the
pedagogical institution shall formulate, appraise and issue detailed programs
and teaching materials for the institution and publish it on the pedagogical
institution’s website for trainees to choose.
2. Publicly announce the
granting of pedagogical certificates on the website of the pedagogical
institution and update the data into the state management database of the
Ministry of Labor - Invalids and Social Affairs (General Department of
Vocational Education). Contents of public information include the contents
recorded on the pedagogical certificate and must be accurate compared with the
certificate issuance book; must be regularly updated and stored on the website
of the pedagogical institution that has granted the pedagogical certificate;
ensure ease of management, access and search. The disclosure of information
about the grant of certificates does not apply to trainees of the Public
Security, Army and some other cases as prescribed by competent authorities.
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4. Prescribe symbols for
identifying the blank pedagogical certificate of the pedagogical institutions
to serve the confidentiality, identification and anti-counterfeiting purposes.
5. Coordinate with printing
establishments to ensure the safety of printing and managing blank pedagogical
6. Regularly inspect and
supervise their own printing, granting, revocation and cancellation of
pedagogical certificates.
7. Ensure facilities and
equipment for fire safety to preserve blank pedagogical certificates.
8. Annually report in writing
(in paper and electronic copies) the process of printing and using blank
certificates; the quantity of printed blank certificates, the quantity of used blank
certificates, the issuance, modification, revocation and cancellation of
certificates in the year before January 15 of the following year to the General
Department of Vocational Education, the agency directly managing the
pedagogical institution and the local Department of Labor, War Invalids and
Social Affairs where its head office is located, using the form specified in
Appendix VII issued with this Circular.
9. The pedagogical institution
is responsible for printing blank pedagogical certificates as prescribed in
Articles 5 and 6 of this Circular. Be accountable to regulatory authorities
when there are violations in printing and management of blank certificates;
grant and revoke pedagogical certificates as prescribed.
Article 15. Responsibilities
of trainees
1. Accurately and fully declare
personal information in the application for registration to attend a retraining
course or issuance of a pedagogical certificate.
2. Manage issued certificates;
not lease or lend certificates; do not erase the certificate. Take legal
responsibility if there is a case of consenting to use illegally the issued
pedagogical certificate.
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Article 16. Transitional
For pedagogical retraining
courses offered before the effective date of this Circular but have not been
completed, the pedagogical institutions shall continue to offer the retraining
program and grant pedagogical certificates according to regulations of Decree
No. 38/2017/TT-BLDTBXH dated December 29, 2017 of the Minister of Labor, War
Invalids and Social Affairs on pedagogical retraining program for teachers at
elementary level; certificate template, certificate copy template; management
of blank pedagogical certificates; Circular No. 28/2018/TT-BLDTBXH dated
December 25, 2018 of the Minister of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs on
pedagogical retraining program for teachers at intermediate and college levels;
certificate template and regulations on management, granting pedagogical
certificates at intermediate and college levels.
Article 17. Entry in force
1. This Circular comes into
force as of June 1, 2022.
2. Circular No.
38/2017/TT-BLDTBXH dated December 29, 2017 of the Minister of Labor, War
Invalids and Social Affairs on pedagogical retraining program for elementary
level teachers; certificate template, certificate copy template; management of
blank pedagogical certificates at elementary levels; Circular No.
28/2018/TT-BLDTBXH dated December 25, 2018 of the Minister of Labor, War
Invalids and Social Affairs on pedagogical retraining program for teachers at
intermediate and college levels; certificate template and regulations on
management, granting pedagogical certificates at intermediate and college
levels shall cease to be effective from the effective date of this Circular.
Article 18. Implementation
Ministers, heads of
ministerial-level agencies, heads of governmental agencies, heads of central
agencies of socio-political organizations having vocational education
institutions; Presidents of People's Committees of provinces and centrally
affiliated cities; Directors of Departments of Labor - Invalids and Social
Affairs of provinces and centrally affiliated cities; Chief of Office of the
Ministry, General Director of the General Department of Vocational Education;
Heads of pedagogical institutions, heads of relevant agencies shall implement
this Circular./.
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