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Independence - Freedom - Happiness

No. 08/2023/TT-BTP

Hanoi, October 2, 2023




Pursuant to the Law on Notarization dated June 20, 2014;

Pursuant to Government’s Decree No. 29/2015/ND-CP dated March 15, 2015 on elaboration of the Law on Notarization;

Pursuant to Government's Decree No. 98/2022/ND-CP dated November 29, 2022 on functions, tasks, powers, and organizational structure of the Ministry of Justice;

At the request of Director of Department of Judicial Assistance,

The Minister of Justice promulgates a Circular on notarial apprenticeship.

Chapter I




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Article 1. Scope

This Circular lays down notarial apprenticeship and notarial apprenticeship management; notarial apprenticeship examination; actions against violations, resolution of complaints and whistleblowing reports on notarial apprenticeship and notarial apprenticeship examination.

Article 2. Regulated entities

This Circular applies to notary apprentices; notarial apprenticeship examinees; notary mentors; notarial practice organizations that admit notary apprentices (hereinafter referred to as notarial apprenticeship organizations); socio-professional organizations of notaries; notarial authorities and relevant entities.

Chapter II


Article 3. Registration of notarial apprenticeship

1. A list of qualified notarial apprenticeship organizations in a province or central-affiliated city (hereinafter referred to as province) shall be posted on the website of the Department of Justice of that province. A qualified person under the Law on Notarization shall apply for apprenticeship with a notarial practice organization on the list published by the Department of Justice for registration of notarial apprenticeship.

2. An application for registration of notarial apprenticeship includes:




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b) Certificate of completion of notary training course, or certificate of completion of notary re-training course, or a certificate of recognition of equivalence if the applicant has completed an overseas notary training course (a certified copy or a copy with original for comparison).

The admitted applicant shall submit an application for registration of notarial apprenticeship as specified in clause 2 of this Article, in person, by post, or via online public administration center, to the Department of Justice of province where the said notarial apprenticeship organization is located. Within 7 working days of receiving a valid and complete application, the Department of Justice shall issue and send a decision on registration of notarial apprenticeship (Form No. TP-TSCC-02) to the applicant and the notarial apprenticeship organization. If the application is rejected, a written explanation shall be provided.

4. If a qualified person is rejected although he/she has filed the application with at least 3 qualified notarial apprenticeship organizations in a province, or 1 qualified notarial apprenticeship organization in a province (if that province has up to 3 notarial apprenticeship organizations), he/she shall file the application with the Department of Justice for their designation.

Within 10 working days of receiving a valid and complete application, the Department of Justice shall designate the applicant to a specific notarial apprenticeship organization, and then issue and send a decision on registration of notarial apprenticeship (Form No. TP-TSCC-02) to the applicant and the notarial apprenticeship organization. If the application is rejected as that province does not have any qualified notarial apprenticeship organization, the Department of Justice shall provide a written explanation.  The rejected applicant may reapply in another province.

Where necessary, the Department of Justice may verify if an application for registration of notarial apprenticeship was rejected in accordance with the Law on Notarization and this Circular; the verification time limit is 10 days and does not include the time for reviewing and designating a notarial apprenticeship organization to the applicant or registering apprenticeship.

5. Any person mentioned below is not eligible to register for a notary apprenticeship:

a) A person who faces a criminal prosecution, or has been convicted of a crime under a legally effective judgment of the Court for an unintentional crime whose criminal record has not yet been expunged, or for an intentional crime;

b) A person who is subject to an administrative sanction as per law on administrative sanctions;

c) A person who is incapacitated or has limited legal capacity or has limited cognition or behavior control;




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dd) An official who is disciplined in the form of dismissal; a public employee who is disciplined in the form of removal; a commissioned officer, professional soldier, or worker in a People’s Army unit or People’s Public Security unit who is disciplined in the form of being stripped of their soldier title, People's Public Security title, or removed from the military or public security;

e) A person who is working under an employment contract for an agency, organization, or enterprise, unless that person is working under an employment contract for a notarial practice organization that he/she is serving the apprenticeship or that person signed an employment contract with an agency, organization, or enterprise with working hours that do not coincide with the working hours of the notarial apprenticeship organization.

6. People who have been registered as apprentices by the Department of Justice are called notary apprentices (hereinafter referred to as apprentices). Apprentices have rights and obligations according to the Law on Notarization and this Circular.

Article 4. Refusal to mentor apprentices

1. Notaries assigned to mentor apprentices must refuse in case they do not meet the requirements for mentoring apprentices according to the Law on Notarization or have other legitimate reasons and must notify the notarial apprenticeship organization in writing within 3 working days from the date of assignment.

2. Within 3 working days of receiving the notary's notice of refusal to mentor the apprentice, the notarial practice organization shall consider assigning another qualified notary to mentor the apprentice or report in writing to the Department of Justice if they do not have any qualified notary.  Within 7 working days of receiving such a notice from the notarial practice organization, the Department of Justice shall designate another notarial apprenticeship organization. In case there is no qualified notarial apprenticeship organization, the Department of Justice shall provide a written notice clearly stating the reason for the applicant.

Article 5. Notarial apprenticeship period

1. The notarial apprenticeship period (hereinafter abbreviated as the apprenticeship period) specified in Clause 1, Article 11 of the Notary Law is calculated from the effective date of the decision on registration of notarial apprenticeship.

2. If the apprentice changes notarial practice organizations under Article 8 of this Circular, the official apprenticeship period is the total time the apprentice was apprenticed at all of the notarial practice organizations.




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1. Skills and tasks in notarial apprenticeship include:

a) Skills in receiving and classifying notarization requests; skills in checking the authenticity and legality of documents included in the documentation seeking notarial service; skills in reviewing and identifying entities and active legal capacity of participants signing contracts and transactions;

b) Skills in dealing with notarization petitioners, behaving according to the Code of Ethics for notary practice; skills in explaining to notarization petitioners their legal rights, obligations and interests, the meaning and legal consequences of notarization; skills in explaining reasons for refusing notarization requests;

c) Skills in studying and proposing solutions to documentation seeking notarial service;

d) Skills in drafting contracts and transactions at the request of a notarization petitioner; skills in checking the authenticity and legality of draft contracts and transactions prepared by a notarization petitioner; skills in verification;

dd) Skills in notarizing translations; skills in authenticating copies and authenticating signatures in documents;

e) Skills in drafting testimonies;

g) Checking, arranging, and classifying notarized and authenticated documents for record-keeping;

h) Skills in utilizing and using notary databases and applying information technology in notary activities;




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k) Other skills and tasks related to notarization as assigned by the notary mentor.

2. Notary mentors shall instruct apprentices to perform the apprenticeship skills and tasks specified in Clause 1 of this Article.  For an apprentice with a 6-month apprenticeship period, the notary mentor must review and agree with the notarial apprenticeship organization on the required skills and tasks that the apprentice needs to be mentored in, and allocate time for each task/skill that is suitable for the apprentice.

Article 7. Change of notary mentors

1. A notary mentor is changed if he/she falls into one of the following:

a) He/she fails to perform the obligations specified in Article 14 of this Circular;

b) He/she dies, becomes incapacitated, has limited legal capacity, has limited cognition or behavior control, or has another legitimate reason for discontinuing mentorship of the apprentice;

c) He/she is temporarily suspended from practicing notary practice, dismissed as a notary, or no longer practices at a notarial apprenticeship organization;

d) He/she is disciplined, administratively sanctioned in notary practice, or found ineligible to be a mentor at the time of accepting mentorship.

2. Within 5 working days of a notary mentor falling into a case specified in Clause 1 of this Article, the notarial apprenticeship organization must assign another qualified notary to continue the mentorship and notify the Department of Justice in writing. If there are no more notaries qualified to mentor the apprentice, the notarial practice organization must notify the Department of Justice in writing.




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Article 8. Change of notarial apprenticeship organizations<0}

1. An apprentice may change their notarial apprenticeship organization in any of the following:

a) The notarial apprenticeship organization is suspended, ceases operation, is dissolved, or is converted into another type of business entity under the Law on Notarization and other relevant laws;

b) The notarial apprenticeship organization is no longer eligible for apprenticeship according to the Law on Notarization;

c) The notary mentor must be changed according to this Circular and the notarial practice organization no longer has other notaries qualified to mentor the apprentice;

d) The apprentice is an officer of a public notary office who is transferred to another public notary office;

dd) The apprentice changes their place of residence to another province and seeks to change the notarial apprenticeship organization, or falls into the cases in Points a and b and c in this clause but there is no more qualified notarial apprenticeship organization in their province.

2. In case of changing the notarial apprenticeship organization within the same province according to Points a, b, c and d, Clause 1 of this Article, the apprentice must contact the new notarial apprenticeship organization or propose the Department of Justice to arrange a new notarial apprenticeship organization according to Article 3 of this Circular.

Within 3 working days of receiving the admission of the new notarial apprenticeship organization, the apprentice shall send an application for change of the notarial apprenticeship organization (Form TP-TSCC-03) to the Department of Justice where the apprentice is registered. Within 5 working days from the date of receipt of the application, the Department of Justice shall send a notice of approval for the change to the apprentice, the old notarial apprenticeship organization, and the new notarial apprenticeship organization. If the application is rejected, the Department of Justice shall provide the applicant with a written explanation.




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3. In case of transfer to another notarial apprenticeship organization in another province according to Point dd, Clause 1 of this Article, the apprentice shall send an application for change of notarial apprenticeship organization to the Department of Justice where the apprentice has been registered.  Within 5 working days of receiving the application, the Department of Justice shall deregister the notarial apprenticeship (Form TP-TSCC-04) and then send a notice to the apprentice and the notarial apprenticeship organization. The apprentice shall contact or request the Department of Justice to designate a notarial apprenticeship organization and register apprenticeship at the new notarial apprenticeship as prescribed in Article 3 of this Circular to continue the apprenticeship. The application for registration of apprenticeship must be accompanied by a decision on apprenticeship deregistration as per this clause.

Article 9. Suspension of notarial apprenticeship

1. An apprentice may suspend their apprenticeship in any of the following cases:

a) The apprentice takes maternity leave, medical leave, or other authorized leave;

b) The notarial apprenticeship organization must suspend operations due to force majeure events, or be suspended but the apprentice does not apply for changing the notarial apprenticeship organization.

2. In the case specified in Point a, Clause 1 of this Article, the apprentice must notify the notarial practice organization where he or she is practicing in writing at least 5 working days before the suspension date and provide documentation supporting the reason for suspension.

The notarial apprenticeship organization must notify the Department of Justice in writing within 5 working days from the date of suspension in a case specified in Clause 1 of this Article; the notice must clearly state the reason and duration of suspension.

3. Apprentices with a 12-month apprenticeship period may suspend their apprenticeship up to two times for a maximum of six months each time. Apprentices with a 6-month apprenticeship period may suspend their apprenticeship up to two times for a maximum of three months each time.

4. The apprenticeship suspension period is not included in the apprenticeship period.




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Article 10. Termination of notarial apprenticeship, re-registration of apprenticeship

1. The apprenticeship ends when the apprentice falls into one of the following cases:

a) The apprentice terminates their apprenticeship;

b) The apprentice is a/an official or public employee (except an public employee working for a public notary office), any commissioned officer, professional soldier, national defense worker in a People’s Army unit; any commissioned officer, non-commissioned officer, or worker in a People’s Public Security unit;

c) The apprentice is working under an employment contract for an agency, organization, or enterprise, unless that person is working under an employment contract for a notarial practice organization that he/she is serving the apprenticeship or that person signed an employment contract with an agency, organization, or enterprise with working hours that do not coincide with the working hours of the notarial practice organization providing the apprenticeship;

d) The apprentice no longer permanently resides in Vietnam;

dd) The apprentice becomes incapacitated or has limited legal capacity or has limited cognition or behavior control;

e) The apprentice faces a criminal prosecution or is convicted of a crime under a legally effective judgment of the Court;

g) The apprentice is subject to an administrative sanction;




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i) The apprentice suspends the apprenticeship not in accordance with regulations; or suspends the apprenticeship more than the prescribed number of times, or fails to resume the apprenticeship after the apprenticeship suspension period expires;

k) The apprenticeship is terminated by the Department of Justice according to Clause 1, Article 30 of this Circular;

l) The apprentice is not eligible for registration of the notarial apprenticeship at the apprenticeship registration time.

2. Within 5 working days from the date the apprentice terminates his/her apprenticeship in the cases specified in Points a, b, c, d, dd, e, g, h, i and l, Clause 1 of this Article, the notarial apprenticeship organization must report in writing to the Department of Justice, clearly stating the reason for the apprentice's termination. Within 5 working days of receiving the report, the Department of Justice shall issue a decision on termination of the notarial apprenticeship (Form TP-TSCC-05) and then send a notice to the apprentice and the notarial apprenticeship organization.

3. The person who has their apprenticeship terminated as prescribed in clause 1 of this Article may re-register apprenticeship when he/she meets the eligibility requirements for apprenticeship as prescribed in this Circular and falls into any of the following:

a) The reason for termination of apprenticeship specified in Points a, b, c, d, dd and h, Clause 1 of this Article no longer exists;

b) A decision on suspension of investigation or suspension of the case is issued, or the legally effective judgment of the Court declares the person not guilty; his/her conviction record has been expunged, except for convictions of intentional crime;

c) He/she has finished abiding by an administrative sanction as per the law on administration sanctions;

d) After 2 years from the effective date the Department of Justice's decision on termination of the apprenticeship in the cases specified in Points k and l, Clause 1 of this Article.




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5. Apprenticeship application and procedures are carried out as similarly as those prescribed Article 3 of this Circular.

6. The apprenticeship period before the apprenticeship termination is not included in the apprenticeship period.

Article 11. Apprenticeship journal and Apprenticeship performance report

1. The apprentice must record their daily apprenticeship-related tasks in an apprenticeship journal (Form TP-TSCC-06). The apprenticeship journal is certified weekly by the notary mentor and is certified by notarial apprenticeship organization at the end of the apprenticeship period.

In case the apprentice changes the notarial apprenticeship organization, he or she must keep an apprenticeship journal for each notarial practice organization where he or she is apprenticed. Certification by notary mentor and notarial apprenticeship organization shall comply with the provisions of this Clause.

2. The apprentice shall make an Apprenticeship performance report on their apprenticeship process and performance. The Apprenticeship performance report must have all the contents and meet the requirements specified in Form TP-TSCC-07, with comments from the notary mentor and certification from the notarial apprenticeship organization at the end of the apprenticeship period.

In case the apprentice changes the notarial apprenticeship organization, he/she must make an Apprenticeship performance report to report on entire apprenticeship process at that organization. The report clearly states the names of the notarial apprenticeship organizations, details about the notary mentors and the apprenticeship performance at each organization. The final notary mentor and the final notarial apprenticeship organization is responsible for commenting and certifying the Apprenticeship performance report according to this Clause and is only responsible for the apprenticeship performance at their organization.

Article 12. Notarial apprenticeship completion

1. Within 15 days from the end of the apprenticeship period, the apprentice must submit an application for recognition of completion of the apprenticeship, accompanied by the Apprenticeship performance report and Apprenticeship journal (certified copy or copy attached with the original for comparison) to the Department of Justice where the apprentice is registered. Within 10 days from the date of receipt of the application, the Department of Justice shall issue a decision to recognize the completion of the notarial apprenticeship (Form TP-TSCC-08); in case of refusal, a written response must be provided clearly stating the reason.




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a) The apprentice meets the apprenticeship requirements and does not fall into the cases in which apprenticeship registration is not permitted;

b) The notary mentor is qualified to mentor the apprentice and is not subject to change during the mentorship process;

c) The apprentice completes the apprenticeship period; submits an Apprenticeship performance report and an Apprenticeship journal on time; meets the requirements specified in this Circular and the attached forms; and fully performs other obligations of an apprentice.

3. If a person is recognized for completing an apprenticeship and is later found ineligible, the Department of Justice shall cancel the recognition. A person whose apprenticeship performance is canceled may re-register for apprenticeship if they meet the apprenticeship requirements specified in this Circular.

Article 13. Rights and obligations of apprentices

1. An apprentice has the following rights:

a) The apprentice may receive support from the notarial apprenticeship organization to perform the apprenticeship skills and tasks as per Article 6 of this Circular;

b) The apprentice may receive mentorship from the notary mentor as to apprenticeship skills and task, performance of rights and obligations;

c) The apprentice may change the notary mentor or the notarial apprenticeship organization as per Article 7 and Article 8 of this Circular;




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dd) The apprentice may register to sit a notarial apprenticeship exam as per Article 17 of this Circular;

e) Other rights as agreed with the notarial apprenticeship organization or as per the law.

2. An apprentice has the following obligations:

a) Comply with the rules and regulations of the notarial apprenticeship organization;

b) Completely and diligently perform the apprenticeship tasks as specified in Article 6 of this Circular as assigned by the notary mentor;

c) Ensure daily apprenticeship time according to the working days and hours of the notarial apprenticeship organization;

d) Be responsible to the notary mentor and the notarial apprenticeship organization for the performance and progress of the assigned tasks;

dd) Maintain confidentiality of notarial wording and related information that he/she knows during the apprenticeship process;

e) Keep an Apprenticeship journal and Apprenticeship performance report according to Article 11 of this Circular;




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Article 14. Rights and obligations of notary mentors

1. Mentor apprentices on the apprenticeship skills and tasks as prescribed in Article 6 of this Circular.

2. Monitor and assess the performance of the apprentice they mentor; take responsibility for the performance and progress of the tasks that their apprentice has done according to their assignment and mentorship.

3. Make a certification in the Apprenticeship journal; comment and evaluate the apprenticeship in the Apprenticeship performance report and take responsibility for the accuracy, honesty, and objectivity in their certification and evaluation.

4. The rights and obligations according to the Law on Notarization and this Circular.

Article 15. Rights and obligations of notarial apprenticeship organizations

1. Assign qualified notary mentors to instruct apprentices and take responsibility for that assignment; monitor and promptly address cases where notary mentors or apprentices are no longer qualified.

2. Prepare, manage, and use notarial apprenticeship logbook of notarial practice organizations (Form TP-TSCC-09) each year.

The apprenticeship logbook must record the date of opening the book, the date of closing the book and be stamped as per the law.




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4. Manage apprentices during their apprenticeship at their organization; monitor and supervise the performance of notary mentors; ensure the performance of rights and obligations of apprentices

5. Report to the Department of Justice on the admission and mentorship of apprentices at their organization on an annual basis. The annual reporting period is from January 1 to December 31 of each year. Within 15 days from the end of the year, notarial apprenticeship organizations must send reports to the Department of Justice.

The report includes at least:

a) Number and basic information about apprentices, suspension of apprenticeship, change of notarial apprenticeship organizations, change of notary mentors, termination of apprenticeship, apprenticeship de-registration;

b) Evaluate the quality of the apprentice's apprenticeship;

c) The performance of rights and obligations of notarial practice organizations and apprentices and responsibilities of notary mentors according to this Circular;

d) Difficulties and problems in the process of implementing legal regulations on apprenticeship (if any) and suggestions and recommendations.

6. Other rights and obligations as agreed with apprentices, according to the Law on Notarization and relevant legal documents.

Chapter III




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Article 16. Contents and formats of examination

1. Examination contents include:

a) Laws on notarization and authentication, Code of ethics of notarial practice and relevant regulations on notarization;

b) Performance of notarial skills and tasks as prescribed in Article 6 of this Circular.

2. Examination formats include:

a) The first part is a written test. The allotted time is 180 minutes.

b) The second part is a computer-based multiple-choice test; or a paper-based multiple-choice test if the computer-based examination is unavailable.

The Ministry of Justice shall decide and announce the format of the second test in the proposed examination plan.

Article 17. Registration for examination




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a) He/she has received the recognition of apprenticeship completion as per Article 12 of this Circular;

b) He/she was qualified to take the previous examination but later applied to postpone participation and was approved by the Apprenticeship Examination Council;

c) He/she failed the previous examination, except that he/she failed three previous examinations but he/she has not taken another apprenticeship.

2. An apprentice may not register for an examination if:

a) He/she has not been recognized as completing the notarial apprenticeship;

b) He/she was recognized as completing notarial apprenticeship but the recognition was cancelled later;

c) He/she copied another person's apprenticeship performance report or committed fraudulent or dishonest acts to register for the examination.

3. The registrant for the examination must submit a set of registration documents to the Department of Justice where the apprentice is registered, either directly, by mail, or through the online public administrative center. Required registration documents:

a) A registration form to take the notarial apprenticeship examination (Form TP-TSCC-10);




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c) An apprenticeship performance report;

d) Proof of payment of fees for the appraisal of notary standards and requirements.

The documents specified in Points b, c and d, Clause 1 of this Article are certified copies or photocopies accompanied by originals for comparison. People who were postponed from taking the previous examination only need to submit a registration form stating the postponement.

4. Within 15 days of receiving complete and valid documents, the Department of Justice shall notify the registrant of their eligibility to request the Ministry of Justice to take the examination. In case of refusal, the Department of Justice shall provide explanation in writing.

5. The person who is notified by the Apprenticeship Examination Council as eligible to take the examination is called the examinee. A person who is ineligible to take the examination or who is qualified but does not take the examination will not have their documents and paid fees returned. If they re-register for the next examination, they must submit documents and pay fees as prescribed in Clause 3 of this Article.

Article 18. Responsibilities for conducting examinations

1. The Ministry of Justice shall conduct notarial apprenticeship examinations according to this Circular and other relevant legal regulations.

2. The expected plan for conducting the examination will be notified by the Ministry of Justice to the Departments of Justice and posted on the Ministry of Justice's website at least 2 months before the date of the examination. The Department of Justice shall publish the notice of submission of registration documents to take the examination according to this Circular and the proposed plan of the Ministry of Justice; make a list of examinees enclosed with their written requests to the Ministry of Justice to take the examination and their registration documents.

Article 19. Apprenticeship Examination Council




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2. The Examination Council is composed of 7 to 9 people:

a) The leader of the Ministry of Justice is the President of the Council;

b) The leader of the Department of Judicial Assistance is the Deputy President of the Council;

c) Council members are proposed by the Director of the Department of Judicial Assistance, including representatives of certain units affiliated to the Ministry of Justice, representatives of the Vietnam Association of Notaries, and representatives of some Notary Associations.

3. The Examination Council is assisted by the Secretariat, Examination Paper Board, Invigilation Board, Answer Sheet Heading Board, Marking Board and Review Board (hereinafter referred to as the Boards of the Examination Council).

4. Members of the Examination Council and Boards of the Examination Council cannot be relatives of examinees: including their spouses; biological parents, adoptive parents, parents-in-law, biological children, adoptive children, biological siblings, and siblings-in-law.

Article 20. Duties and powers of the Examination Council

1. Issue a plan to conduct the examination and decide amendments to the plan where necessary; issue examination regulations and documents related to the examination.

2. Establish Boards of the Examination Council.




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4. Direct the setting of exam papers; conduct the examination, mark examination scripts, review examination scripts, and announce test results.

5. Provide passing certificates to successful examinees.

6. Cancel the examination results and revoke the passing certificate when there are grounds to believe that the examinee was not allowed to register as an apprentice but was still on apprenticeship, or was ineligible to take the examination but still registered to take the examination or committed other fraudulent acts or violations that change their apprenticeship performance, the examination taking and the examination results.

In case an examinee is discovered to fall into one of the above cases at the time the Examination Council has been dissolved, the Minister of Justice shall consider cancelling the examination results and revoke their passing certificate.

7. Report and be held accountable to the Minister of Justice for the conduction and results of the examination.

8. Other tasks and powers according to this Circular.

Article 21. Duties and powers of the President of the Examination Council and members of the Examination Council

1. The President of the Examination Council has the following duties and powers:

a) Perform the tasks and powers of the Examination Council specified in Article 20 of this Circular; be accountable to the Minister of Justice for performing the tasks and powers of the Examination Council;




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c) Decide on the number of members, tasks, and powers of the Boards of the Examination Council;

d) Decide on the official examination papers to be used for each examination period;

dd) d) Set regulations and instructions on testing methods and marking scales; direct the marking of written tests, recording of examination marks, and review of examination scripts;

e) Take responsibility for management of examination scripts, test results and other relevant documents according to regulations;

g) Take actions against violations of examination regulations within their competence;

h) Resolve complaints and whistleblowing reports related to the examination within their competence.

2. Other members of the Examination Council perform tasks as assigned by the President of the Examination Council and are held accountable to the President of the Examination Council.

Article 22. Supervisory Board

1. The Minister of Justice shall establish a Supervisory Board at the request of the Director of the Department of Judicial Assistance. The Supervisory Board is composed of the Head of the Board and 2 (two) members.




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a) Supervise the conduction of examination;

b) Detect and recommend actions to be taken against violations of examination regulations;

c) Request the Examination Council to take measures to ensure that the examination takes place safely, seriously, and in accordance with regulations.

3. Matters to be supervised:

a) Supervise the implementation of regulations on examination, the performance of duties and powers of members of the Examination Council and Boards of the Examination Council;

b) Supervise the conduction of the examination;

c) Supervise the implementation of regulations of the Examination Council and the resolution of complaints and whistleblowing reports related to the examination.

4. The Supervisory Board shall be held accountable to the Minister of Justice for its supervision activities and report to the Minister of Justice on the results of supervision after each examination period.

Article 23. Rights and obligations of examinees




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2. Comply with the internal regulations of the examination and the decisions and announcements of the Examination Council; be subject to penalties for violations according to law and examination regulations.

3. Be granted a notarial apprenticeship passing certificate in case they pass the examination.

4. Other rights and obligations according to this Circular and other relevant legal documents.

Article 24. Examination marking

1. Examination scripts are marked on a 100-point scale.

Each written test script is marked independently by two members of the Examination Board according to the given instructions, answers, and marking scale, as decided by the President of the Examination Board. The mark of each test script is the average mark given by two examiners. If two examiners give marks that differ by 20 points or more, two other members of the Examination Board, as designated by the Head of the Examination Board, will re-mark the examinee's script. The mark given by the second group of examiners will be the official mark for the test.

Multiple choice test scripts are marked according to the instructions, answers, and marking scale, as decided by the President of the Examination Council.

2. Successful examinees must have 50 marks or more on each examination test.

3. Within 20 days from the end of the examination marking, the President of the Examination Council shall notify the examination results to the Department of Justice, Vietnam Notary Association and Notary Association of the locality where examinees live, and also post the examination results on the website of the Ministry of Justice.




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1. Examination scripts must be sealed immediately after the end of the examination; answer sheet headings and examination marks must be sealed at the end of each working day and immediately after finishing giving codes, cutting off, and matching of answer sheet headings, marking written test scripts, and recording examination marks.

2. Examination scripts and examination results are kept at the Ministry of Justice for a period of 3 years from the examination date.  Examination registration documents are kept for a period of 1 year from the examination date.

3. At the end of the time specified in Clause 2 of this Article, the Minister of Justice shall invalidate the kept examination scripts, examination results, and examination registration documents.

Article 26. Review of examination scripts

1. Examinees who disagree with their written or paper-based multiple-choice test marks may request a review with the President of the Examination Council within 15 days of the results being posted on the Ministry of Justice's website. Computerized-based multiple-choice test scores are not reviewable.

2. Within 15 days from the end of the deadline for receiving the review application, the President of the Examination Council shall decide to establish a Review Board. The Review Board is composed of the Head of the Board and 2 (two) members. Members of the Answer Sheet Heading Board and Marking Board cannot be members of the Review Board.

3. The marking in examination review is carried out according to Article 24 of this Circular. The results of the examination review must be approved by the President of the Examination Council and shall be final and conclusive.

Chapter IV





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1. The Department of Judicial Assistance, Ministry of Justice has the following tasks and powers:

a) Provide guidance and answer questions related to the implementation of this Circular;

b) Help the Minister of Justice build a bank of questions and answers for multiple-choice tests and other tasks to conduct notarial apprenticeship examinations;

c) Inspect, take actions against violations, and resolve complaints and whistleblowing reports regarding notarial apprenticeship as per the law;

d) Perform other rights and obligations according to the Law on Notarization, this Circular and other relevant legal documents.

2. The Ministry Inspectorate, the Judicial Academy, the Personnel Organization Department, and relevant units under the Ministry of Justice perform their duties and powers related to notarial apprenticeship and coordinate with Department of Judicial Assistance in carrying out the tasks and powers specified in Clause 1 of this Article.

Article 28. Duties and powers of the Department of Justice of provinces

1. Appoint a qualified notarial apprenticeship organization in the province; consider approval for notarial practice organization's refusal to apprenticeship, or notary mentor’s refusal to apprenticeship as per the regulations.

2. Register apprenticeship, deregister apprenticeship, change notarial apprenticeship organization, suspend apprenticeship, terminate apprenticeship, recognize completion of apprenticeship as per the regulations.




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4. Establish a notarial apprenticeship logbook of the Department of Justice; promptly update information on apprenticeship registration, change of notary mentors, change of notarial apprenticeship organizations, suspension of apprenticeship, termination of apprenticeship, recognition of completion of the apprenticeship in the apprenticeship logbook and the software that monitors notarial apprenticeship organizations of the Ministry of Justice.

5. Monitor and manage the admission of apprentices, the mentorship, and the apprenticeship according to this Circular and relevant legal regulations.

6. Inspect, take actions against violations, and resolve complaints and whistleblowing reports regarding notarial apprenticeship as per the law.

7. Perform other rights and obligations according to the Law on Notarization, this Circular and other relevant legal documents.

Article 29. Duties and powers of socio-professional organizations of notaries

1. Gather and reflect the thoughts, aspirations, constructive feedback, and recommendations related to notarial apprenticeship of apprentices, notary mentors, and notarial apprenticeship organizations to inform the notarization authorities.

2. Monitor and supervise notarial apprenticeship organizations, notary mentors and apprentices; have solutions to support apprentices and notary mentors when they have difficulties and problems; request competent authorities to take actions against violations of notarial apprenticeship as per the law.

3. Join the conduction of the notarial apprenticeship examination  at the request of the Ministry of Justice and Department of Justice.

4. Perform other rights and obligations according to the Law on Notarization, this Circular and other relevant legal documents.




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Article 30. Actions against violations in notarial apprenticeship

1. If an apprentice violates the provisions of this Circular and has been warned and requested correction in writing at least 3 times by the notarial apprenticeship organization but still continues to violate the law, then the notarial apprenticeship organization shall request the Department of Justice to consider terminating his/her notarial apprenticeship. In case a notarial practice organization intentionally covers up and does not report to the Department of Justice, the Department of Justice will conduct an inspection and take further actions as per the law.

2. If a notary mentor refuses to instruct an apprentice without a legitimate reason and violates the provisions of this Circular and relevant legal documents, he/she shall be, depending on the nature and severity of the violation, subject to a form of sanctions prescribed by law.

3. If a notarial practice organization whose name is on the list of qualified apprenticeship organizations refuses to admit apprentices without a legitimate reason, or it appoints unqualified notary mentors to instruct apprentices, or it violates other regulations of this Circular and other relevant legal documents, it shall, depending on the nature and severity of the violation, face sanctions as per the law.

Article 31. Actions against violations by members of the Examination Council, Boards of the Examination Council and Supervisory Board

If members of the Examination Council, Boards of the Examination Council and the Supervisory Board violate the provisions of this Circular and other relevant legal documents, they shall, depending on the nature and extent of the violation, be disciplined, administratively fined, or prosecuted for criminal liability as per the law.

Article 32. Complaints about notarial apprenticeship and apprenticeship examinations

1. Apprentices, notaries, and notarial practice organizations have the right to complain about administrative decisions and administrative acts regarding apprenticeship that are issued/performed the Department of Justice and competent persons of the Department of Justice when there are grounds to claim that such decisions or acts violates their legitimate rights and interests.




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2. Within 30 days from the end of the notarial apprenticeship examination, examinees have the right to complain about the decisions and acts  of the Examination Council and Council members, members of the Boards of the Examination Council when there are grounds to believe that such decisions or acts violate their legitimate rights and interests.

The President of the Examination Council shall resolve complaints within 30 days of receiving the complaint.

In case the time limit specified in this Clause expires and the complaint is not resolved, or the examinee disagrees with the complaint resolution of the President of the Examination Council or the Examination Council has been dissolved, the examinee shall have the right to lodge a complaint with the Minister of Justice.  The time limit for resolving complaints by the Minister of Justice is 30 days from the date of receipt of the complaint. The complaint-resolution decision of the Minister of Justice is final and conclusive.

Article 33. Whistleblowing reports on notarial apprenticeship

Citizens have the right to file a whistleblowing report with competent agencies, organizations, and individuals about violations of regulations on notarial apprenticeship according to the Law on Notarization, this Circular and other relevant laws.

Settlement of whistleblowing case is carried out in accordance with the law on whistleblowing reports.

Chapter VI


Article 34. Attached forms




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1a.  Application form for registration of notarial apprenticeship (Applicable to cases in which the apprentice has been admitted by a notarial apprenticeship organization) (Form TP-TSCC-01a);

1b. Application form for registration of notarial apprenticeship (Applicable to cases in which the apprentice has not been admitted by a notarial apprenticeship organization) (Form TP-TSCC-01b);

2. Decision on registration of notarial apprenticeship (Form TP-TSCC-02);

3. Application for change of notarial apprenticeship organization (Form TP-TSCC-03);

4. Decision on deregistration of notarial apprenticeship (Form TP-TSCC-04);

5. Decision on termination of notarial apprenticeship (Form TP-TSCC-05);

6. Apprenticeship journal (Form TP-TSCC-06);

7. Apprenticeship performance report (Form TP-TSCC-07);

8. Decision on recognition of notarial apprenticeship completion (Form TP-TSCC-08);




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10. Registration form to take the notarial apprenticeship examination (Form TP-TSCC-10);

11. Notarial apprenticeship logbook of the Department of Justice (Form TP-TSCC-11).

Article 35. Transitional provisions

1. People who have completed their apprenticeship before January 1, 2015 but have not been appointed as a notary before this Circular takes effect will have their apprenticeship performance recognized and must take a notarial apprenticeship examination according to this Circular.

2. People who are on apprenticeship under the provisions of Circular No. 04/2015/TT-BTP dated April 15, 2015 of the Minister of Justice at the time this Circular takes effect will have their finished apprenticeship period recognized and continue their remaining apprenticeship time according to this Circular. The apprentice shall prepare an apprenticeship journal from the time of continuing the apprenticeship according to this Circular; prepare a report on apprenticeship performance according to this Circular.

Apprentices who have suspended their apprenticeship a sufficient number of times according to Circular No. 04/2015/TT-BTP may not suspend their apprenticeship again.

3. People who are qualified for apprenticeship and have submitted an application for apprenticeship registration before the effective date of this Circular will have their apprenticeship and apprenticeship registration carried out in accordance with this Circular.

4. People who terminate their apprenticeship before the effective date of this Circular will be considered for re-registration of apprenticeship when they meet the requirements for apprenticeship registration according to this Circular.

5. People who have completed the apprenticeship according to Circular No. 04/2015/TT-BTP can register to take the notarial apprenticeship examination according to this Circular. The registration documentation to take the examination includes the documents specified in Points a, c and d, Clause 3, Article 17 of this Circular.




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7. If an apprentice completes their apprenticeship under Circular No. 04/2015/TT-BTP but is later found not to meet the requirements under Circular No. 04/2015/TT-BTP after the effective date of this Circular, the Department of Justice will issue a decision to cancel the apprenticeship performance.

8. Examination scripts and results of notarial apprenticeship examinations conducted under Circular No. 04/2015/TT-BTP that have expired for record-keeping purposes must be invalidated in accordance with Clause 3, Article 25 of this Circular.

Registration documentation to take notarial apprenticeship examinations conducted according to Circular No. 04/2015/TT-BTP are invalidated according to Clause 3, Article 25 of this Circular.

9. When connecting to the National Population Database, officials, public employees, and individuals assigned to receive and handle administrative procedures in notarial apprenticeship will use the gender information of registrants for notarial apprenticeship, notary apprentices, and apprenticeship examinees stored in that database, without requiring citizens to fill in gender information in the forms issued with this Circular.

Article 36. Entry into force

This Circular comes into force as of November 20, 2023.

Circular No. 04/2015/TT-BTP dated April 15, 2015 of the Minister of Justice on notary apprenticeship expires from the effective date of this Circular./.






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Circular 08/2023/TT-BTP notarial apprenticeship
Official number: 08/2023/TT-BTP Legislation Type: Circular
Organization: The Ministry of Justice Signer: Mai Luong Khoi
Issued Date: 02/10/2023 Effective Date: Premium
Gazette dated: Updating Gazette number: Updating
Effect: Premium

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Circular No. 08/2023/TT-BTP dated October 2, 2023 on notarial apprenticeship

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