Independence - Freedom - Happiness
June 29, 2006
Pursuant to Article 84 of the 1992
Constitution of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, which was amended and
supplemented under Resolution No. 51/2001/QH10 of December 25, 2001, of the Xth
National Assembly at its 10th session;
On the basis of considering the reports of the Government, reports of the
National Assembly's agencies and concerned bodies and the opinions of National
Assembly deputies,
The National Assembly fundamentally agrees with
the Government's report on assessment of the implementation of the 2001-2005
five-year socio-economic development plan and the orientations for 2006-2010
five-year socio-economic development with major targets, tasks, norms and
solutions; and further resolves:
1. Overall objectives:
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2. Major norms for five years
to 2010:
a/ Economically
- The GDP in 2010 at comparative prices shall
increase by more than 2.1 times over 2000. The GDP growth rate shall reach 7.5
- 8%/year, with a goal to achieve over 8%/year. The average per-capita GDP at
current prices shall be equivalent to USD 1,050-1,100.
- The GDP structure: agriculture to be around
15-16%; industry and construction, 43-44%; services, 40-41%.
- Export turnover shall increase 16%/year.
- The annual proportion of GDP contributed to
the State budget shall reach 21-22%.
- The nation's total annual investment capital
shall reach around 40% of GDP.
b/ Socially
- The population growth rate shall be around
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- Jobs shall be created for more than 8 million
laborers; the urban unemployment rate shall be under 5%.
- The poverty rate shall drop to 10-11%.
- To accomplish the universalization of lower
secondary education; trained laborers shall account for 40% of the workforce.
- The rate of malnourished under-five children
shall drop to below 20%.
c/ Environmentally
- Forest coverage shall reach 42-43%.
- The rate of population using clean water shall
reach 95% in urban centers and 75% in rural areas.
- The rate of newly-built production
establishments which are subject to the application of clean technologies or
furnished with pollution-reducing and waste treatment equipment shall be 100%;
the rate of production and business establishments reaching environmental
standards shall be over 50%; to build wastewater treatment systems in 100% of
the urban centers of grade 3 or higher, 50% of grade-4 urban centers and all
industrial parks and export processing zones; 80-90% of the solid wastes and
100% of medical wastes shall be gathered and treated to environmental
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To perfect the mechanism and policies on
administration of development investment, eliminate the ask-and-give mechanism,
overcome the state of scattered investment, combat loss, waste and outstanding
debts, and enhance the quality of management of investment projects in capital
To intensify investment and create qualitative
changes in agricultural production and comprehensive development of the rural
economy. To restructure agriculture and rural economy along the direction of
industrialization and modernization; to raise the level of research and
application of scientific and technological advances to production,
preservation and processing. To form and develop on a large sale hi-tech
agricultural production regions.
To maintain high growth rates while raising the
quality of products and efficiency of industrial production; to raise industrial
competitiveness in order to maintain and expand domestic and overseas markets.
To concentrate on the selective development of some industries with great
potential and products with hi-tech content. To step up the development of the
energy industry and industries manufacturing important means of production,
attaching importance to the development of labor-intensive industries; to boost
the development of economic infrastructure for the process of industrialization
and modernization.
To create a leap in the development of the
service sector. To raise the quality of traditional services. To develop new
services. To develop and raise the competitiveness of potential services. To
substantially renew the administrative mechanism and modes of public-service
provision- a breakthrough to take the process of socialialization of cultural
and social domains to a new stage of development.
2. To actively integrate more intensively and
extensively into the regional and world economies. To efficiently fulfill commitments
on trade, investment, services and other domains with foreign countries and
international organizations. To well prepare conditions for the performance of
commitments after our country joins the World Trade Organization (WTO). To make
full use of favorable conditions to bring into full play the advantages and
restrict the adverse impacts of integration in order to further attract
capital, advanced technologies and managerial experience.
3. To create an environment favorable for the
development of enterprises, attaching importance to raising the quality and
efficiency of their production and business activities; to quickly increase
exports, attract capital and high technology, in order to reduce production
costs and raise the competitiveness of enterprises. To accomplish the
reorganization, renewal and equitization of state enterprises under the
provisions of the Enterprise Law. To strongly develop without any restriction
on the scale of enterprises of other economic sectors, bringing the number of
enterprises to about 500,000 by 2010.
4. To further renew and perfect the institutions
and respect the objective requirements of the market economy in economic
activities. To concentrate on perfecting the institutions on development of
assorted markets for goods, services, real estate, labor, finance and science
and technology. To renew planning on socio-economic development along the
direction of bringing into the fullest play the positive impacts of markets.
5. To enhance the nation's financial potential.
To mobilize to the utmost and efficiently use the financial resources of the
state and society, at home and abroad, for development.
To renew the mechanisms of administration of
state finances and management of the state budget, ensuring the leading role of
the central budget, enhancing decentralization and increasing powers and
heightening the responsibility of different budget levels and budget-using
units. To raise efficiency, publicity and transparency in the use and
management of state budget funds, creating marked improvement in the control of
budget funds and intensifying the work of state audit in order to prevent waste
and loss of state money and property as well as corruption.
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To raise the quality and efficiency of analysis
and forecasts; to enhance measures to manage and control the situation of
market and price fluctuation, actively dealing with adverse impacts of the
fluctuation of world prices and prices of essential supplies and consumer
goods, satisfying integration requirements while controlling inflation, and
creating a stable environment for the development of production and the
improvement of people's lives.
To continue wage reform. To study and uniformly
apply the minimum wage level to domestic enterprises and foreign-invested
enterprises. To deal with irrationalities in wages and incomes of cadres and
civil servants in the apparatus of state bodies, political organizations and
socio-political organizations and the incomes of pensioners and State policy
6. To economically and socially develop
territorial regions along the direction of bringing into full play their
respective advantages and competitiveness in natural resources, geographical
position, and human resources, linking together branches and regions. To adopt
open policies to develop key economic regions into motive forces for boosting
the national economy. To attach importance to the development of mountainous
and border regions, ethnic minority areas and other difficulty-hit regions
through various mechanisms and direct support of the State, aiming to narrow
the development, income and living-standard gaps between regions and between
ethnic groups.
7. To organize the efficient and scheduled
execution of projects and important national works for which the National
Assembly has adopted investment undertakings, and approved projects and
national target programs. The execution of projects, important works and
programs must aim to achieve the socio-economic development targets set in the
2006-2010 five-year plan; to concentrate on the objectives of economic growth
and restructuring, poverty reduction, job creation, education and job-training
development; and disease and epidemic prevention and fighting and people's
8. To continue comprehensively renewing
education and training. To rationally develop and step up socialization,
standardization and modernization in order to raise the quality of education
and training. To ensure the quality and renewal of general education curricula
at all levels; to renew university education; to prioritize the development of
education and job training and ensure a rational human resource structures,
meeting the requirements of serving the national industrialization and
modernization as well as labor export. To concentrate investment on priority
objectives, national programs for education and job-training development; and
to provide support for social policy beneficiaries, ethnic minority people,
handicapped children, and people in regions with exceptional socio-economic
difficulties and in mountainous, island and border regions. To attach
importance to fostering gifted pupils and scientific talents.
To continue building the Vietnamese culture into
an advanced one imbued with national identity- the objective and spiritual
foundation of society. To conserve and promote the values of the nation's
traditional culture.
To encourage, mobilize and create conditions for
the entire society to participate in physical training and sports activities
and develop the cause of physical training and sports. To ensure conditions for
stepping up physical training in schools and the armed forces; to develop
various forms of mass sports, attaching importance to improving the health of
the elderly, disabled and children. To continue realizing and expanding the
process of professionalization of high-achievement sports.
9. To raise the capacity and renew the
mechanisms of management and organization of scientific and technological
research. To speed up technological renewal in various economic sectors,
develop high technologies and modernize traditional technologies. To
incrementally develop information technology and bio-technology into economic
branches with high growth rates, meeting domestic and export demands. To
harmonize socio-economic development with a rational and efficient use of
natural resources, environmental protection and improvement; to concentrate on
redressing environmental pollution in industrial parks, residential areas,
craft villages, and large cities; to raise the effectiveness of state
administration of environmental protection. To realize the sustainable
development strategy in Vietnam. To organize the implementation of Agenda 21 on
sustainable development at all levels and in all branches.
10. To apply measures to control population
growth. To raise the quality of population and rationally distribute population
among regions. To elaborate appropriate planning and policies with a view to
satisfying the trend of restructuring population in rural and urban areas.
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To diversify resources and modes, to well
implement the national program on hunger elimination, poverty reduction, and
job creation; to encourage people to get rich lawfully. To concentrate on
investment in construction of economic and social infrastructure and support
for poor people to improve their own lives. To step up the implementation of
the special policy on investment support for production development,
particularly supports for land for production, and for residential use, clean
water, job training and job creation for ethnic minority people, people in
deep-lying, remote and difficulty-hit regions; to prevent the relapse into
poverty; and to increase the socialization of the work on hunger elimination
and poverty reduction.
To upgrade and develop the networks of
grassroots medical establishments, preventive medicine, general hospitals of
provincial and district levels, regional medical centers, intensive-care
medical establishments for the purposes of stepping up the socialization of
medical activities. To raise the capability to oversee, detect and control
epidemics, particularly HIV/AIDS and newly arising epidemics. To implement the
policy of free-of-charge medical examination and treatment for under-six
children, free health insurance for the poor, elderly and policy beneficiaries.
To reduce through medical insurance the hospital fees for children over six
years of age from poor families. To develop and raise the quality of medical
insurance, to well implement voluntary medical insurance, and incrementally
proceed toward universal medical insurance for the entire population.
To well implement the policies of preferential
treatment towards people with merit, families of war invalids and martyrs and
policies towards the elderly, the disabled, and social policy beneficiaries. To
develop the network of social welfare. To prevent and proceed to repel social
evils of drug addiction, prostitution, and human trafficking.
11. To raise the level, material and spiritual
life of women. To provide training and fostering to women so that they
participate more in social activities and in leading and administrative
agencies at all levels; to create conditions for women to perform and promote
their role in all domains of political, economic, cultural and social life. To
prevent and fight domestic violence. To respect and guarantee for children the exercise
of their rights towards their families and society in accordance with the
International Convention on Child Rights and the Law on Child Protection, Care
and Education in Vietnam.
To well enforce the Law on Youth and the
national strategy on youth development, creating conditions for youth to
perform their role as shock force, voluntarily fulfilling their tasks. To
implement policies and law on assurance of the rights to freedom of belief and
religion. To create conditions for religious organizations to participate in
social activities, contributing to national construction and development.
12. To enhance defense and security potentials
and take initiative in coping with all contingencies, firmly defending national
independence, sovereignty, and territorial integrity and security, contributing
to firmly maintaining political stability, social order and safety.
To boost the development of the defense
industry, linking defense requirements with public welfare demands.
To create and integrate strength in foreign
affairs with a view to practically serving the objectives of firmly maintaining
political stability and security, developing the national economy, raising
competitiveness of the country in the world, and promptly and efficiently
coping with arising international issues.
13. To expeditiously perfect and ensure the
consistency of the legal system in order to satisfy the requirement of building
a socialist state ruled by law. To continue renewing and raising the quality of
legislative work, ensuring that legal provisions be specific, clear and
transparent in order to gradually reduce the promulgation of regulations
detailing and guiding implementation. To organize regular and efficient
examination, inspection and supervision of the promulgation of regulations
detailing and guiding the implementation of laws, ordinances, and resolutions,
as well as the observance of law in all aspects of social life.
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To continue implementing the strategy on
judicial reform, consolidating the organization and operation of investigate
bodies, procuracies, courts, judgment-executing bodies, and legal support
organizations and agencies, to efficiently struggle against crime of all kinds,
particularly organized crime, creating a healthy environment for socio-economic
To rationally increase the powers of
district-level courts with the organization of regional courts under the
judicial reform strategy.
15. To efficiently implement the Anti-Corruption
Law and the Law on Practicing Thrift and Combating Waste. To ensure publicity
and transparency in decisions on finance and the state budget. To resolutely
handle persons who commit acts of corruption regardless of their positions, to
apply measures to resolutely recover property belonging to the state, and to
limit damage in corruption cases. To promptly commend, reward and apply
measures to protect denouncers and people with merit in the struggle to prevent
and combat corruption. To raise the responsibility of the heads of agencies,
organizations and units in preventing and handling persons who commit acts of
corruption, cover up, obstruct the fight against corruption or abuse the
denunciation of corruption to slander and harm others, and, cause internal
disunity and difficulties for managerial officials.
To implement the 2006-2010 five-year plan on
socio-economic development is the duty of all levels, branches, agencies, units
and people of all strata.
The Government shall formulate specific programs
of action and submit annual plans to the National Assembly for decision; and
direct branches and levels to take initiative in organizing the successful
achievement of objectives and tasks of the 2006-2010 five-year plan on
socio-economic development.
The National Assembly Standing Committee, the
Nationalities Council, the Committees of the National Assembly, the delegations
of National Assembly deputies, the National Assembly deputies, the People's
Councils and deputies to the People's Councils at all levels shall increase
their responsibility to supervise the implementation of this Resolution.
The Vietnam Fatherland Front and its member
organizations shall supervise and mobilize people of all strata to bring into
play their mastery and actively implement the socio-economic development plan.
The National Assembly calls on all compatriots,
officials and combatants throughout the country and overseas Vietnamese to
heighten the spirit of patriotic emulation, promote dynamism and creativity,
and surmount all difficulties and challenges, and contribute to the
comprehensive and coordinated renewal, successfully achieving the objectives
and goals of the 2006-2010 five-year plan on socio-economic development.
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