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Hanoi, October 25, 2017





Over the past few years, regulatory agencies have effectively implemented policies issued by the Communist Party on renovation of organizational and management structure, enhancement of quality and efficiency of public service providers and have recorded significant achievements. The system of public service provider with intellectual staff, scientists, educationists, culturalists have made substantial contribution to the building and defense of our country; contributed to the achievement of the sustainable poverty reduction goal, provision of pre-primary education for 5-year-old-children as well as primary education, enhancement of gender equality, improvement of civil health, sustainable development of the environment, social equality and fulfillment of principal millennium goals.

Public service provider systems have been established in almost every localities; the network of educational, cultural and sport facilities has been set up throughout the country, even in rural areas, remote and isolated areas, poor-condition areas, bordering areas and islands. Public service providers play the key role in provision of public services and implementation of social security policy. The system of legislative documents concerning public service provider is gradually completed. Autonomy and accountability mechanism of public service provider has shown positive results. The policy on private sector involvement in public service provision has also contributed to the extension of the network, increase in scale and number and enhancement of quality of non-state service providers.

2- However, the organization and operation of public service providers are still facing unsolved issues, shortcomings and challenges. Many legislative documents concerning public service providers are not promulgated on time or not timely amended. The renovation of organizational structure of public service providers is in slow progress. The planning for public service provider network is done based upon administrative units but fails to focus on sectors, fields, regional characteristics and reality. Inefficient and poor organizational structure with poor internal management of public service providers has resulted in low-quality services. State budget has spent too much on public service providers while some of them suffer losses or waste their funding. Public officials and public employees fail to be structured logically and show low productivity. The financial autonomy mechanism is inflexible and non-transparent; service charges fail to be converted to services prices and the roadmap to adjustment to public service price is not prepared timely. Private sector involvement in public service provision is still in slow progress. State management shows limitation on its effect and efficiency. There are still shortcomings in inspection, audit, supervision and handling of violations regarding operation of public service providers.

3- Above-mentioned limitations and shortcomings are due to subjective reasons. The Communist Party’s guidelines are turned into State’s policies and laws on public services slowly, insufficiently and in consistent with reality. Many Party executive committees and the heads of agencies, organizations lack awareness, political determination and drastic direction; fail to take drastic action on renovation, rearrangement and management of public service provider payrolls as well as fail to actively make public service providers operate under the autonomy mechanism. Policies and laws of the State are not thoroughly grasped and popularized regularly; people still rely too much on the State for public service provision without taking any action.





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(1) Renovation of organizational and management structure, enhancement of quality and efficiency of public service providers are deemed one of the top priority missions, a urgent and sustainable duty performed by all level of the Party executive committee, Government and the whole political system.

(2) The State must provide fundamental and essential public services for everyone enable them to get access to those services and improve the service quality based upon the maintenance and development of key roles, good nature, superiority and non-profit business of public service providers.

 Private sector involvement must be promoted, especially sectors, fields and localities that private sectors have capacity to involve in and do it well; mobilize and effectively use all resources for investment in development of public service market in a socialist-oriented market economy. The above-mentioned tasks must be done in a transparent and public manner, not for commercial purposes and ensuring equality between public service provider and private service providers.

(4) Missions and solutions brought out in the renovation of organizational and management structure, enhancement of quality and efficiency of public service providers must be done in combination with political system renovation and administrative reform, and there must be an appropriate roadmap and steps focusing on key matters; inspection, supervision and reality review are also enhanced to timely amend and complete the policy.

(5) Directions of the Communist Party, management of the State as well as autonomy and accountability for duty performance, organizational structure, personnel and finance structure of public service providers are all required; and supervisors must well perform their role in the renovation of organizational and management structure, enhancement of quality and efficiency of public service providers.

2- Objectives

2.1- General objectives

Fundamentally and consistently renovate organizational structure of public service providers in such a way that those providers could obtain logical structure, autonomy capacity, advanced management and achieve efficiency; play the key role in the public service market as well as provide fundamental and essential public services with higher quality. Decline the number of contact points, handle unconcentrated and overlapped public service providers; make redundancy in combination with restructuring and improving the quality of public officials and public employees. Dramatically decrease the proportion and promote the efficiency of state budget expenditure on public service provider for the purpose of restructuring state budget, changing payrolls and increasing incomes of public officials as well as public employees working in public service providers. Develop the public service market and attract investment of economic sectors in public service development.

2.2- Particular objectives




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- Basically complete the building of regulatory and institutional framework of Communist Party’s policies on renovation of management and finance mechanism and reorganization of public service provider system.

- Dramatically decrease the number of contact points and dissolve at least 10% of public service providers throughout the country. Dismiss at least 10% of employees earned from state budget compared to those in 2015. Terminate labor contracts inconsistent with regulations issued by public service providers, except financial autonomy service providers.

- Strive to make 10% of public service providers manage their financial affairs independently, decrease averagely 10% of expenditure from state budget on public service provider compared to that in 2011 – 2015.

- Finalize the equitization of eligible business entities and other non-business entities, except hospitals and schools

- Finalize a roadmap to charging public service including salaries, direct costs, management costs and asset depreciation for some basic services such as healthcare, education-training, vocational education.

By 2025-2030

Fully and consistently complete a legislative system for turning Communist Party's guidelines into Government’s policies on renovation of management and finance mechanism and operation of public service providers.

By 2025

- Continue to dissolve at least 10% of public service providers throughout the country and dismiss at least 10% of employees earned from state budget compared to that in 2021. Terminate labor contracts inconsistent with regulations of public service provider, except financial autonomy service providers.




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- Equitize 100% business entities and non-business entities eligible for equitization.

- Continue to averagely decrease 10% of the state budget expenditure on public service provider compared to that in 2016-2020.

By 2030

- Continue to decline the number of contact points, dissolve more public service providers until there exist only public service provider for political purposes and serving state management and those providing basic public services.

- Dismiss 10% of employees paid by state budget compared to those in 2025.

- Averagely decrease 15% of the state budget expenditure on public service provider compared to that in 2021 – 2025.


1- Promote the dissemination and propaganda about objectives, meaning, requirements and matters of the renovation of management and finance mechanism and reorganization of public service providers for the purpose of raising awareness and consistency of regulatory agencies, service providers and the whole society concerning implementation of the Communist Party's guidelines as well as policies and laws of the State; contributing to the enhancement of quality and efficiency of public service providers and promoting private sector involvement in public service provision.

2- Relocation and reorganization of public service providers




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Public service providers of particular industry and field shall be restructured and reorganized as follows:

2.1- In terms of education and training

- With regard to tertiary education: Merge, consolidate or dissolve inefficient universities, educational facilities; not every province requiring universities. Relocate, reorganize as well as build key pedagogical schools for training teachers and educational managers. The State shall focus on intensive investment in facilities, high-qualified staff of public universities specialized in regional and international fields. Military or public security schools shall only train human resources for armed forces purpose.

- With regard to pre-primary education and secondary education: Relocate and reorganize pre-primary and high schools in combination with improvement of education quality, found high schools with multiple education stages including primary and secondary education in consistent with requirements and reality of local authority and particular locality. Review, arrange and revise the class size logically; locate schools corresponding to reality of the region. Facilitate the transformation from state primary schools and high schools into non-state schools in localities with high rate of private sector involvement.

2.2- In terms of vocational education

- Relocate and reorganize the vocational training facilities in such a way that those facilities could become flexible to meet human recourse requirement of the labor market; ensure logical scale, structure of training industries and professions, qualifications, standardization and decentralization of training quality. The State shall focus on investment in high-quality vocational training facilities and vocational training facilities for particular groups of people in consistent with investment capacity of the State and the capacity to call for resources from society.

- Merge vocational training facilities at intermediate level with those at college level; dissolve inefficient intermediate and college schools for vocation education. Basically, there will be only one public contact point for vocation education. Merge continuing education centers and centers for youth employment services into vocational training centers to form a vocational training facility in every locality of districts.

2.3- In terms of healthcare

- Organize medical facilities with the aim of ensuring full development, sustainable operation and provision of 3 grade of health care from primary health care to grade 2 and 3 health care. Convert testing and calibrating departments into pharmaceutical, foods and medical equipment control departments.




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- Ensure that there will be only one general health care center in every district (except districts where grade 2 hospital or higher is located) including preventive health care services, medical examination and treatment, occupational therapy and other medical services; supervisory centers of commune medical aid stations and regional clinics (if any). Review and locate logically regional clinics. Commune medical aid stations are not permitted to be found in places where commune medical facility is already located.

- Relocate hospitals in order to enable people to reach them easily despite geographical distances. Transfer hospitals affiliated with the Ministry of Health and centrally-affiliated ministries and regulatory agencies to local authorities for management (except hospital affiliated with the Ministry of National Defense and Public Security; some leading specialized hospitals and hospitals of universities)

2.4- In terms of technology and science

- Review and restructure the technology and science system for the purpose of dramatically decreasing the number of contact points, including those in central and local government authorities, dissolving technology and science organizations sharing same research subject or same function in combination with restructuring of technology and science industry. Basically, there should be only one public service provider affiliated to Technology and Science Department. - Select and invest in fundamental and applied science research organizations which can stand on the same line with regional and international organizations. Develop and improve the capacity of technology and science service systems and develop a technology and science market in consistent with the 4th industry revolution.

- Transform technology and science organizations for applied science research whose science products are eligible for commercial purpose into enterprises or organizations affiliated to economic corporations and general companies. Strengthen the connection between technology and science organizations with universities and enterprises to integrate science research into production and business.

- Transfer some public technology and science organizations in fundamental research to universities and institutions in pursuit of tightening the relation between research and training.

2.5- In terms of culture and sport

- Relocate public performance art entities as well as increase their capacity in a professional and efficient manner. Maintain representative traditional performance art entities. There shall be only one local traditional public art troupe retained in every province and centrally-affiliated city. Other art performance entities shall be transformed into non-state entities. Moreover, the culture center shall be integrated into provincial art troupe to form a contact point.

- Reinforce public library in districts; new library is only built in locality as required when possible.




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- Merge centers serving same functions affiliated to the Department of Culture, Sport and Tourism with one another to form a contact point and also merge cultural centers, sport centers and cultural houses in districts with one another to form a contact point.

2.6- In terms of information and communication

- For press: Foster the arrangement depending on the planning for development and management of press until 2025 approved by the Politburo of 11th Central Committee for the purpose of handling overlapping and unconcentrated investment, loose management and operation inconsistent with guidelines or purposes in combination with allocation of responsibility for guiding and managing press of the Communist Party, Government, especially the head of agency in charge and press agencies.

- For publication: Transform publishing companies into revenue-generating public service providers; where necessary, those companies are permitted to be transformed into wholly state-owned single-member limited liability companies if they are eligible for the transformation as regulated by laws.

- For information technology: Strengthen the organization and increase the capacity of public service providers in charge of information safety. Reorganize other public information technology service providers including dissolution, acquisition or transformation of small-scale or inefficient public service providers or those that fail to serve the state management or those operate in fields with high-rate private sector involvement.

- For posts and telecommunications: Review and turn public service providers into the lean ones as well as increase their operational capacity for the purpose of serving the state management.

- For other fields of information and communication: Review and complete the organizational structure and operation of public service providers affiliated to central government authorities and local authorities to ensure the consistency in management, direction and operation of information and communication.

2.7- In terms of non-business economic and other non-business activities

- Equitize non-business economic entities and other non-business entities eligible for equitization. Dissolve inefficient non-business economic entities.




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- For agriculture and rural development: Rearrange and decrease the number of contact points, increase efficiency of public service providers. Unify animal husbandry and veterinary medicine stations, planting and plant protection stations with agriculture and fishery encouragement stations in districts to form a center for agriculture service affiliated with People’s Committees in districts and transfer their tasks in terms of state management to agriculture division or economic division in district. Merge agencies serving equivalent functions in district and transfer their certain tasks and functions in terms of state management to Department of Agriculture and Rural Development. Efficiently review, rearrange and strengthen the management board of protective forests.

- For environment and resources: Transfer centers for land fund development to People's Committee of districts.

2.8- Research on consolidation of local training facilities for political theory of the Communist Party and those for administrative management with the aim of achieving lean organizational structure, ensuring the consistency and building a connection among regions, increasing quality and efficiency of training public officials serving political system. Research and renovate the organizational structure of centers for political training in district, assign political schools in provinces to provide professional guidelines and appoint more part-time teaching public officials in districts.

3- Staff management and enhancement of human resources quality

- Renovate the determination and allocation of staff with the aim of tightening the management and supervision of staff working in public service providers wholly or partly funded by state budget; encourage pilot settlement of examination and hire chief executive officer for public service providers. New employees can enter into fixed term contracts for public employees (except public service providers in remote and isolated areas or areas with poor conditions for socio-economic development). Public service providers are not entitled to enter contracts for public officials with their workers, except those serving political purpose or state management purpose). Strictly carry out annual assessment and classification of staff in accordance with regulations in force in order to dismiss employees who fail to fulfill their tasks in 2 consecutive years.

- End the decision and allocation of staff in public service provider excess the number of staff appointed by competent authorities; prepare plans and solutions for settling number of public employees and worker excess the appointed one (except financial autonomy public service providers). Agencies that require the number of staff less than the appointed one must consider and frame an appropriate redundancy policy.

- Classify public employees depending on their job positions and restructure those employees in such a way that professional employees will account for at least 65% of total public employees of the service providers. Prepare plans for training, raising capacity, improving knowledge and skills of these staff as well as employing them logically and efficiently. Review, restructure the staff and discard job titles such as accountant and school nurse in primary and high schools and driver, guard, waiter in public service providers.

- Regulate and strictly abide by such regulation on number of deputy head. During the rearrangement, the number of deputy in public service providers subject to acquisition and consolidation may be more than the regulated one but those providers are not entitled to appoint additional deputy if any of their current deputies retires or is reshuffled and they must find solutions for restructuring deputies within 3 years from the date of acquisition or consolidation. In case the deputy is transferred to the lower position, his/her current allowance will be retained until the end of the appointment period.

- Renovate the mechanism and methods for recruitment, use and management of public employees including managers. Formulate a policy on calling for talents and skilled staff for public service providers. Re-train and support public employees and workers subject to redundancy policy due to acquisition, dissolution or transformation into non-state service providers.




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- Review, amend mechanisms, policies on facilitating the provision of public services through market mechanism and promoting private sector involvement in public service provision including: (1) Determining public service providers guaranteed by state budget, especially those in remote and isolated areas, minor ethnicity areas, areas with poor conditions for socio-economic development; other public services not funded by state budget, calculating service prices depending on the market price; the service providers may decide service prices and revenues to reasonably meet their expenditures and set up funds for attracting the investment of non-state sectors; (2) Formulating incentive policies on lands, taxes, charges, credit, etc which enable non-state sectors and investor engage in investment, enhancement of service quality; (3) Formulating a policy for equality between public and private service providers in terms of public service provision; non-state service providers are entitled to engage in the bidding for public service provision held by the State.

- Foster the transformation from public service providers into financial autonomy ones including independence in terms of investment costs, current costs, costs for management and accounting. Entities funded by the State for providing public services shall include input cost (even depreciation) in the service price. Entities having capacity to cover costs for investment and current costs on their own may decide the number of staff and pay depending on operation results and may receive funding from the State to pay taxes and fees for the purpose of increasing financial capacity and self-balance capacity.

- Equitize public service providers eligible for equitization. Do not divide or transfer vocational training facilities and medical examination and treatment facilities in corporations, state corporations before those corporations are equitized.

- Encourage autonomy mechanism and private sector involvement in tertiary educational facilities, vocational training facilities and medical facilities, technology and science institutions in localities with high rate of private sector involvement. Formulate a policy on pilot settlement of renovation depending on the roadmap, promote private sector involvement in pre-primary and high school in localities with high rate of private sector involvement for the purpose of extend the training range as well as raise the training quality meeting society requirements, especially education requirements in large cities having rapid growth of population due to immigration.

- Transform eligible public service providers into autonomy and accountability providers applying enterprise accounting regime, transform public service providers likely to be subject to private sector involvement to financial autonomy service providers in such a way that the State must develop a roadmap to finance those service providers in a certain period.

- Promote the foundation of non-state service providers, especially those providing services of education and training, vocational training, health, technology and science.

- Formulate a mechanism, policy on facilitating the foundation of parent companies in research institutions, universities for the purpose of applying and commercializing research products and providing public services.

- Strengthen the connection between vocational training facilities with enterprises with the aim of encouraging those enterprises to develop their own vocational training facilities for labor in order to satisfy the human resources demand of enterprises themselves and the labor market. Formulate a policy that enables the enterprise engage in vocational education as ordered by the State as well as other enterprise; participate in the making of the list of training industry and profession, development of training programs, education in vocational training facilities and assessment of students‘ learning outcome.

- Develop a policy that enables technology and science organizations to own research products as well as reasonably share benefits from the results of research funded by state budget, facilitates and promote private sector involvement in commercialization and application of research products.




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5- Improving management capacity of public service providers

- Change the management method, improve the management capacity of public service providers in order to ensure the firm management of those service providers and contribute to enhancement of public service provision quality as well as satisfy social requirements.

- Review and complete organizational structure of every public service provider with the aim of creating more value for customer with less resources, dramatically decrease the number of contact point, discarding intermediary agencies, encouraging the application of advanced information and technology as well as advanced technology-science and application of international management norms and standards.

- Raise the quality of public property and finance management of public service providers. Promulgate regulations on finance and public property management, demonstrate the authority and responsibility of every department, individual, especially responsibility of the head. Complete the creation of accounting regime, supervise and record financial activities of those service providers in a public and transparent manner.

- Apply business management model in public service providers self-covering investment costs and current costs. Improve the effectiveness, efficiency of school councils in universities in such a way that the school committee is the highest de facto government in the university; the secretary of the Communist Party, concurrently the chairperson of school council

- Inspect, assess and rank public service providers, especially universities and hospitals

6- Perfect the financial mechanism

- Complete the preparation of the law concerning autonomy mechanism applied to public service providers based on their financial autonomy rate, increase decentralization and improve proactivity of public service providers.

- Set up an appropriate financial mechanism to mobilize all social resources for investment in public service provision, especially for health and education including investment in forms of PPP, joint venture or partnership.




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- Accelerate the progress of changing from service charge to service price in such a way that the State quotes the service price, gradually includes all costs in the prices of basic and essential services and adopts an appropriate support policy for the poor and people subject to such policy. The prices of public services not funded by state budget shall be decided by the service providers in such a way that all costs are meet and accumulate fund is set up.

- Renovate the mechanism for allocating resources, managing and providing state budget. State budget is use to guarantee investment in basic and essential public services such as pre-primary education, secondary education; preventive healthcare, basic healthcare, examination and treatment of leprosy, tuberculosis and psychiatry; basic science research; culture, traditional art, training national sport coaches and athletes; society protection and care of people with distinguished achievement, etc, and finance public service providers in remote and isolated areas and areas of ethnic minority.

Transfer state budget that funds public service providers to the poor or people subject to the support policy when they using basic and essential services; transfer from average service provision from provision as order or assigned by the State based upon the output quality or bidding for public service provision. Transfer funding and properties to public service providers; develop a system of data on finance and public properties of public service providers throughout the country.

- Classify public service providers according to different level of financial autonomy. Service providers that independently manage their financial affairs shall pay employees based upon their business results while those that can only self-cover current cost shall pay according to salary scale, salary grade or job position and grant allowance in accordance with regulations in force and may use revenue surplus, saving from expenditures to set up a fund for the purpose of supplementing their income and developing business operation. Service providers operating under financial autonomy mechanism as required shall balance their finance within from 3 to 5 years according to the plan for revenues and expenditures approved by competent authorities. Government-guaranteed service providers shall promote the fixed funding mechanism.

- Review tax regulations for the purpose of encouraging financial autonomy as well as accumulation for investment. Financial autonomy service providers may calculate their payroll based upon their revenues or the fund for piecework pay to determine their income tax.

- Develop a mechanism or policy strict enough to facilitate and encourage redundancy program and making more employees paid by state budget redundant. Ensure the funding for giving allowances to employees subject to the redundancy policy due to relocating and reorganizing public service providers and implementing the redundancy policy, specifically as follows: as for public officials and public employees working in public service provider that self-cover current costs, allowances will be derived from revenues of the provider; as for those working in public service providers funded wholly or partly funded by state budget, allowances will be derived from the funding received. In case the funding of the provider is not inadequate, the deficit will be financed by state budget in accordance with the regulation on budget allocation in force.

7- Improving effectiveness and efficiency of state management

- Amend the law on public officials, public employees, teachers and relevant law provisions. Promote the decentralization or authorization of financial autonomy to public service providers with the aim of distinguishing between state management and management of the public service provider as well as public service provision.

- Transfers public service providers affiliated to ministries to local government; ministries shall only manage those that perform the task of state management assigned by the ministry or intensive or key service providers.




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- Promulgate economic-technical restrictions applied to each type of public service; criteria for classifying public service providers and assessing results of task performance and quality of services of different sectors and fields; a standard system of titles of employees working in public service providers; the authority and responsibility of the chief manager or chief executive officer of public service providers, a mechanism for supervising and inspecting the head's responsibility. The results of annual redundancy policy implementation shall be deemed as criteria for assessing and ranking job performance of the head of the central committee and public service provider.

- Strengthen the collaboration between the professional state management agency and agency in charge of state management for investment and finance of all levels in management of state budget spent on public service providers, improve the efficiency of state budget use and prevent expenditures on same matters or wasting. Regulate rights with obligations of the head of ministries, local authority, agency, especially the head of the public service provider. Promote publicity, transparency and presentation responsibility of entities providing public services.

- Foster inspection, supervision and handling of violations or impose sanction on public service providers intentionally avoiding or failing to perform the assigned tasks. Establish organizations for independent inspection and assessment of quality of public services according to different sectors and fields.

8- Strengthen the guiding role of the Communist Party; fulfilling the civil role, roles of Fatherland Front and political-social organizations

- The central committee and Communist Party must pay attention to the head of public service providers as well as promulgate regulations on the leading role of the central committee and the Party in public service providers.

- Develop the civil role, roles of the Fatherland Front and political-social organizations in supervision and social feedbacks regarding the organization and operation of public service providers.


1- The Party sub-committee of National Assembly shall guide the amendments to the Program for formulating laws and Ordinances; prioritize bills directly serving implementation of the Resolution; tighten supervision of renovation of management and organization system and enhancement of quality and efficiency of public service providers from National Assembly, Standing Committee of National Assembly, Council for Ethnic Minority Affairs and committees of National Assembly.

2- Party executive committees of provinces, cities, Party committees, staff committee, union of the Communist Party and Party central committee shall develop a program and plan for implementing the Resolution with the roadmap and allocate responsibilities for implementation to agencies, entities depending on particular condition of each sector, field, local authority and entity.




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4-Vietnamese Fatherland Front and political-social organizations shall develop a program or plan for supervising the implementation of the Resolution.

5- The Central Economic Commission shall preside over and cooperate with the Office of the Party Central Committee and relevant agencies in regularly supervising, inspecting, encouraging the implementation of the Resolution, periodically undertaking preliminary reviews and official reviews and sending reports to the Politburo, Secretariat Committee./.




Nguyen Phu Trong


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