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Independence - Freedom - Happiness

No.: 94/2022/ND-CP

Hanoi, November 07, 2022




Pursuant to the Law on Government Organization dated June 19, 2015; the Law on Amendments to the Law on Government Organization and the Law on Local Government Organization dated November 22, 2019;

Pursuant to the Law on Statistics dated November 23, 2015; the Law on amendments to certain articles and appendix on the List of national statistical indicators of the Law on Statistics dated November 12, 2021;

At the request of the Minister of Planning and Investment of Vietnam;

The Government promulgates a Decree prescribing statistical indicators listed in national statistical indicator system and compilation of gross domestic product and gross regional domestic product of provinces and provinces and central-affiliated cities.

Article 1. Scope and regulated entities

1. This Decree deals with the contents of statistical indicators listed in the national statistical indicator system and the process of compilation of gross domestic product (GDP) and gross regional domestic product of provinces and provinces and central-affiliated cities (GRDP).




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Article 2. Contents of statistical indicators listed in National statistical indicator system

1. Contents of each statistical indicator: Definition, calculation methodology, major classifications, release period and data sources of the statistical indicator and regulatory authority in charge of data collection and aggregation.

2. Contents of statistical indicators listed in the National statistical indicator system are elaborated in the Appendix I enclosed herewith.

Article 3. Process of GDP and GRDP compilation

GDP and GRDP compilation process is comprised of the following 6 steps:

1. Collect input information serving the GDP and GRDP compilation.

2. Make calculations serving the GDP and GRDP compilation.

3. Compile the GDP and GRDP.

4. Review and reassess the GDP and GRDP data.




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6. Retain the GDP and GRDP data.

Article 4. Rules for GDP and GRDP compilation

1. Ensure that the compilation is made in a concentrated and consistent manner at the Ministry of Planning and Investment of Vietnam (via the General Statistics Office of Vietnam).

2. Ensure the consistency and transparency in compilation and release of the GDP and GRDP data; ensure the easy, convenient and fair access and use of the GDP and GRDP data.

3. Ensure the synchronicity, systematization and connectivity at all steps of the compilation process.

4. Ensure the logicalness, compatibility and suitability between the GDP and GRDP data and other macroeconomic indicators.

Article 5. Scope of GDP and GRDP data

1. The GDP data is compiled for the whole country.

2. The GRDP data is compiled for each province or central-affiliated city.




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Article 6. GDP and GRDP compilation methodology and period

1. The GDP data is compiled adopting the production method or consumption method for a period of a quarter, 6 months, 9 month or a year; or the income method for a period of 5 years.

2. The GRDP data is compiled adopting the production method for a period of a quarter, 6 months, 9 month or a year.

3. Major compilation indicators: size, structure and growth rate of the GDP or GRDP.

Article 7. Data sources for GDP and GRDP compilation

1. Information directly collected, processed and consolidated by the Ministry of Planning and Investment of Vietnam (General Statistics Office of Vietnam).

2. Information collected, processed and consolidated by ministries, regulatory authorities and provincial People's Committees.

3. Information processed and consolidated by state-owned groups or corporations.

Article 8. Collection of input information for GDP and GRDP compilation




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2. Ministries and regulatory authorities shall provide information serving the GDP and GRDP compilation in accordance with regulations on national-level statistical reporting.

3. Provincial People's Committees shall provide information serving the GDP and GRDP compilation using Form 01/TKQG, Form 02/TKQG, Form 03/NLTS, Form 04/NLTS, Form 05/CNXD and Form 06/TMDV provided in Appendix II enclosed herewith.

4. State-owned groups or corporations shall provide information serving the GDP and GRDP compilation using Form 01/TCT, Form 02/TCT, Form 03/TCT, Form 04/TCT, Form 05/TCT, Form 06/TCT, Form 07/TCT, Form 08/TCT, Form 09/TCT and Form 10/TCT provided in Appendix II enclosed herewith.

Article 9. Calculations serving GDP and GRDP compilation

The Ministry of Planning and Investment of Vietnam (General Statistics Office of Vietnam) shall:

1. Consolidate and process input information which has been collected as prescribed in Article 8 of this Decree.

2. Make calculation of indicators within the nationwide scope:

a) Asset accumulation;

b) Final consumption;




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d) Value of imports and exports of services;

dd) Production value;

e) Value of intermediate consumption;

g) Price index;

h) Product taxes, product subsidies and other statistical indicators.

3. Make calculation of indicators within the scope of a region, province or central-affiliated city:

a) Production value;

b) Value of intermediate consumption;

c) Price index;




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4. Complete and provide explanation about calculation results of indicators serving the GRDP compilation upon reaching an data agreement between central and provincial governments.

Article 10. GDP and GRDP compilation

The Ministry of Planning and Investment of Vietnam (General Statistics Office of Vietnam) shall:

1. Compile the GDP data at current prices and constant prices adopting the production method and consumption method; examine the logicalness and compatibility between the GDP data and other relevant macroeconomic indicators.

2. Compile the GRDP at current prices and constant prices adopting the production method; examine the logicalness and compatibility between the GRDP data and the GDP data and other relevant macroeconomic indicators; complete and provide explanation about calculation results upon reaching an the GRDP data agreement between central and provincial governments.

Article 11. GDP and GRDP review and reassessment

1. The Ministry of Planning and Investment of Vietnam (General Statistics Office of Vietnam) shall annually review the GDP and GRDP.

2. Every 5 years, the Ministry of Planning and Investment of Vietnam (General Statistics Office of Vietnam) shall play the leading role and cooperate with relevant ministries, regulatory authorities and provincial governments in reviewing the GDP and GRDP sizes; submitting reports on review results to the Government that shall then request the National Assembly to consider and make decision on GDP and GRDP reassessment.

3. The GDP and GRDP review and reassessment shall include the following 5 steps:




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b) Review and complete price indexes;

c) Review and update the value of intermediate consumption;

d) Reassess the GDP and GRDP according to reviewed production value, price indexes and value of intermediate consumption;

dd) Provide completed the GDP and GRDP reassessment results.

Article 12. Release and dissemination of GDP and GRDP data

1. The GDP data is released as follows:

a) Estimated data of Quarter I: March 29 every year;

b) Estimated data of Quarter II and 6 months; preliminary data of Quarter I: June 29 every year;

c) Estimated data of Quarter III and 9 months; preliminary data of Quarter II and 6 months: September 29 every year;




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dd) Preliminary data of Quarter IV and entire year: March 29 of the following year;

e) Official data of entire year and quarters of the reporting year: September 29 of the second year following the reporting year.

2. The GRDP data is released as follows:

a) Estimated value of Quarter I: March 25 every year;

b) Estimated data of Quarter II and 6 months; preliminary data of Quarter I: May 29 every year;

c) Estimated data of Quarter III and 9 months; preliminary data of Quarter II and 6 months: September 25 every year;

d) Estimated data of Quarter IV and entire year; preliminary data of Quarter III and 9 months: November 25 every year;

dd) Preliminary data of Quarter IV and entire year: March 25 of the following year;

e) Official data of entire year and quarters of the reporting year: September 29 of the second year following the reporting year.




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Article 13. Retention of GDP and GRDP data

The Ministry of Planning and Investment of Vietnam (General Statistics Office of Vietnam) shall carry out digitalization and concentrated retention of GDP, GRDP data and other indicators serving the GDP and GRDP compilation.

Article 14. Implementation organization

1. The Ministry of Planning and Investment of Vietnam (General Statistics Office of Vietnam) shall play the leading role and cooperate with relevant ministries, regulatory authorities and provincial governments in:

a) developing and revising methods for information collection of the statistical indicators listed in the national statistical indicator system;

b) collecting, consolidating and disclosing statistical information included in the national statistical indicator system to ensure the provision of adequate, accurate and timely data in order to meet international comparison requirements;

c) applying information technology to collection, use, consolidation and compilation of national statistical indicators; the GDP and GRDP compilation;

d) instructing, inspecting and submitting reports on compliance with the national statistical indicator system; providing professional guidelines for implementing the GDP and GRDP compilation process, the GDP and GRDP review and reassessment.

2. Ministries, ministerial agencies, Governmental agencies, Supreme People’s Court, Supreme People’s Procuracy and relevant authorities shall:




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b) Collect, consolidate and compile national statistical indicators as assigned;

c) Share administrative data with central statistics agencies; pay attention to developing, signing and effectively implementing regulations on information sharing between central statistics agencies and ministerial- or sectoral statistics agencies;

d) Apply information technology, develop the electronic statistical reporting system; send statistical reports to the Ministry of Planning and Investment of Vietnam (General Statistics Office of Vietnam) in accordance with regulations of law on statistics.

3. Each provincial People’s Committee shall:

a) direct provincial-level departments and agencies to collect, consolidate and provide information to provincial statistics agency;

b) consistently use statistical data and information released by statistics agencies to serve their management, direction and formulation of provincial socio-economic development strategies and plans;

c) apply information technology, develop the electronic statistical reporting system from provincial-level departments and agencies to facilitate the provincial statistics agency’s collection and consolidation of national statistical indicators.

4. State-owned groups or corporations shall collect, consolidate and provide information in accordance with the provisions of this Decree.

Article 15. Effect




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2. The Government’s Decree No. 97/2016/ND-CP dated July 01, 2016 prescribing contents of statistical indicators listed in the national statistical indicator system shall be null and void from the effective date of this Decree./.




Le Minh Khai



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Decree No. 94/2022/ND-CP dated November 07, 2022 on prescribing statistical indicators listed in national statistical indicator system and compilation of gross domestic product and gross regional domestic product of provinces and provinces and central-affiliated cities
Official number: 94/2022/ND-CP Legislation Type: Decree of Government
Organization: The Government Signer: Le Minh Khai
Issued Date: 07/11/2022 Effective Date: Premium
Gazette dated: Updating Gazette number: Updating
Effect: Premium

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Decree No. 94/2022/ND-CP dated November 07, 2022 on prescribing statistical indicators listed in national statistical indicator system and compilation of gross domestic product and gross regional domestic product of provinces and provinces and central-affiliated cities

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