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Independence - Freedom – Happiness

No. 22/NQ-CP

Hanoi, May 28, 2009





Pursuant to the December 25, 2001 Law on Organization of the Government;
Pursuant to Resolution No. 31-NQ/TW of February 2, 2009, of the 9"' plenum of the Party Central Committee of the Xth Congress on a number of major tasks and solutions to continue implementing with success the Resolutions of the X11' National Party Congress;
At the proposal of the Minister of Planning and Investment,


Article 1. To promulgate together with this Resolution the Government's action program for materialization of the Resolution of the 9th plenum of the Party Central Committee of the Xth Congress on a number of major tasks and solutions to continue implementing with success the Resolutions of the Xth National Party Congress.

Article 2. This Resolution takes effect 15 days from the date of its signing.

Article 3. Ministers, heads of ministerial-level agencies, heads of government-attached agencies and presidents of People's Committees of provinces and centrally run cities shall implement this Resolution.




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Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ: ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66



Nguyen Tan Dung



(Promulgated together with the Government's Resolution No. 22/NQ-CP of May 28, 2009)

The 9th plenum of the Central Committee of the Xth Congress issued Resolution No. 31-NQ/TW of February 2, 2009, on a number of major tasks and solutions to continue implementing with success the Resolutions of the Xth National Party Congress.

In order to materialize the above-said Resolution of the 9lh plenum of the Party Central Committee of the Xth Congress, the Government promulgates its action program with the following principal contents:


Based on the objectives, tasks, solutions and a number of important tasks to be implemented with concentrated leadership and direction from now till the Xth National Party Congress, which were resolved by the 9lh plenum of the Party Central Committee of the Xth Congress in Resolution No. 31-NQ/TW of February 2, 2009, the Government concentrates its direction on the performance of the following major tasks:




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Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ: ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66

Ministries, branches and localities shall apply synchronous measures to actively stop the recession, prevent inflation, stabilize the macro economy, create favorable conditions for production and business to develop, and maintain reasonable and sustainable economic growth.

a/ To boost production, business and export and raise product quality and competitiveness.

To further apply strong policy solutions with a view to creating a favorable environment and conditions for investment and production as well as business development; to continue implementing commitments to international economic integration, to step up economic restructuring, addressing economic weaknesses, creating improvements in growth quality, investment efficacy and competitiveness of the economy. To further revise and promulgate adequate documents guiding the Enterprise Law and relevant laws; to further simplify administrative procedures and publicize all administrative processes and procedures.

To concentrate on implementing and fulfilling programs and projects assigned in the Government's Resolution No. 24/2008/NQ-CP of October 28, 2008, promulgating its action program for materialization of the Resolution of the 7th plenum of the Party Central Committee of the Xth Congress on agriculture, peasants and rural areas.

To take measures to remove difficulties for, and support agricultural, forestry and fishery production. To further support the procurement of production machinery and equipment while paying attention to boosting the development of domestic engineering to manufacture agricultural equipment. To expenditiously restore economic and social infrastructure works support and create conditions for stabilizing of the life of people in storm- and flood-stricken areas. To provide monetary support to buy rice and subsidiary food crop strains and domestic animal, cattle and fishery breeds for peasants to restore agricultural and fishers production in areas hit by natural disasters and epidemics. To mobilize capital from various sources and step up capital disbursement for efficiently using of state budget funds for the repair and consolidation of dyke systems, repair and upgrading of drainage and irrigation systems and infrastructure in aquaculture areas, storm shelters for vessels, to provide support for canals embankment, afforestation, and agricultural, forestry and fishery extension.

To support investment in post-harvest technologies for agricultural, forest and fishery products, particularly the drying systems for annual Summer-Autumn harvests, the systems of commodity rice storehouses in the Mekong river delta region and processing technologies in order to assist peasants in reducing losses and selling their commodity farm produce. To provide support for building marketing centers in provinces with large-scale and concentrated agricultural production, agricultural production service-providing establishments and export aquatic product quality-inspection centers in regions with concentrated production.

To provide resolute and strict direction in order to ensure adequate supply of irrigation water, fertilizers and insecticides; not to let crop and animal diseases and epidemics spread. To address the recent situation of "bumper crop but lower prices" and unsaleability of food and agricultural products. To adequately supply peasants with high-quality strains for timely harvests. To provide preferential loans to peasants for procuring agricultural machines, housing materials, and purchasing on installment payment some consumer goods items such as motorbikes, television sets.... To continue with the purchase of commodity farm produce for temporary storage when market prices drop. Through these solutions, to create conditions for boosting agricultural production, stimulate demand and expand rural markets.

For industrial production and construction, to further simplify procedures related to investment and production as well as business activities. To concentrate on removing difficulties and problems in ground clearance, access to credit sources and tax payment procedures, reconsidering the application of high electricity prices in the morning, reducing seaport service charges, allowing the delayed payment of contributions by enterprises meeting with difficulties....

To step up the production of consumer goods for domestic consumption, particularly foodstuffs, beverage, garments and textiles and medicines, prioritizing supports for production branches with advantages in production of import substitutes, using domestic raw materials and employing large numbers of laborers such as enterprises manufacturing consumer goods, construction materials and fertilizers, and engineering, manufacturing and shipbuilding enterprises.... To support the sale of a number of industrial products currently in stock such as steel cast, construction steel, cement, fertilizer, paper, chemicals on the principle of rescheduling the lending terms, exempting or reducing interests rates for loans subject to high interest rates.




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Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ: ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66

To intensify trade promotion at home and abroad, attaching importance to the development of the rural market. To expand export markets according to commodity lines and big export contracts. To intensify high-level contacts for market expansion and lobbies through official and non-official channels in order to actively cope with trade protectionism and remove tariff and non-tariff barriers in order to boost export. To take advantage of the agreements on free trade areas as well as bilaterial economic treaties and agreements in order to boost export, reduce trade deficit in markets with high trade deficit; to promote the early conclusion of agreements on free trade areas between ASEAN and Australia. New Zealand, India while proceeding with preparation for free trade area negotiations with other important partners.

To direct the flexible regulation of business activities and strictly control transaction and bidding activities in order to ensure the highest efficiency of the export of crude oil, coal and other minerals; to flexibly administer border trading activities in the direction of encouraging export, controlling import, balancing sources of imported raw materials and adopting policies to encourage the processing, increasing export turnover of branches employing large number of laborers and using domestic raw materials; to provide supports for exporting enterprises by mode of goods delivery at bonded warehouses and intensifying combat smuggling and trade frauds in order to protect domestic production.

To raise export competitiveness (in terms of business environment, competitiveness of enterprises and competitiveness of commodity groups); to continue with the policy on import substitutes by promoting support industries, manufacturing industries and petro-chemical industry in order to make full use of resources, technologies, supplies, equipment and machinery made at home up to standards and reduce trade deficit.

To remove obstacles in order to step up the execution of key national projects on tourism; to raise the efficiency and step up promotion and advertisement of tourism in close combination

with trade and investment promotion for expanding tourism advertisement scope and contents. To upgrade the existing airports in localities with tourist towns and national tourist resorts, attracting tourists from markets with high tourist spending potential. To raise the quality of tourist services up to international standards while formulating programs and tourist products deeply imbued with Vietnam's cultural identity so as to increase the rate of tourists returning to Vietnam.

b/ To stimulate investment, to mobilize and efficiently use investment capital and spur consumption demands

To arrange and efficiently use domestic demand-stimulation investment capital for effective domains, for proper provide purposes and objects, actively stopping economic decline and contributing to economic restructuring. To prioritize investment in the construction of socio-economic infrastructure, programs and projects on development of branches, key regions and areas meeting with exceptional difficulties. To scrutinize and wipe out inefficient investment projects, to reschedule unurgent projects, concentrating capital to complete key national works and allocating adequate capital for necessary programs and projects defined in the Resolutions of the Party Central Committee, the Political Bureau or the National Assembly.

To strictly manage investment capital from the state budget and government bonds and the use of capital by state-run economic groups and corporations. To focus on the application of measures to speed up the disbursement of capital from the state budget, government bonds, official development assistance (ODA), investment credit, investment capital of state enterprises, particularly for large-scale projects and works, foreign direct investment (FDI) and investment projects on infrastructure construction and agricultural and rural development.

To improve the investment environment with a view to creating favorable conditions for. and encouraging domestic and foreign investors to invest their capital in business. To submit to the National Assembly for promulgation the law amending and supplementing a number of articles of the laws concerning investment in capital construction. To further revise and promulgate adequate documents guiding the Investment Law, the Bidding Law and relevant laws. To promulgate appropriate policies in order to remove lingering problems in land recovery compensation, ground clearance and resettlement.




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To continue attracting FDI. particularly projects on infrastructure construction, investment projects on manufacture of hi-tech projects of high export value and projects creating more jobs. To intensify investment promotion activities. To synchronously implement six groups of urgent solutions already approved by the Government to attract and better manage FDI sources in the coming period[1].

To tap to the utmost ODA sources in order to supplement capital for development investment. In parallel with the acceleration of negotiation and conclusion Of agreements and the capital disbursement under the existing agreements or projects, to step up the mobilization of preferential ODA loans of international financial institutions such as the World Bank and the Asian Development Bank.

To apply appropriate measures to tap the domestic markets. To encourage the use of home-made goods in order to boost domestic production and limit import. To develop networks of distribution of essential goods, focusing on food, gasoline and oil, fertilizer, iron and steel, cement and curative medicines in order to ensure that the production of these goods items are managed by the State against trade frauds, speculation and price raising, which destabilize the market, and to protect consumer interests.

To continue with the policy of eliminating price subsidies through a reasonable roadmap. To enhance measures to manage of market, prices, goods quality and food hygiene and safety; to strictly handle violations according to current laws, particularly acts of illegal trading, tax evasion, coordinated monopoly, aiming to control market and prices.

To encourage and support enterprises in organizating drives of discount in order to stimulate consumption demand in various forms such as discount trade fairs, sales day, sales weeks; sales at the beginning and the end of seasons, on festive days or important national events.

c/ To implement financial and monetary policies and ensure macro-economic stability

To flexibly administer tax policies in order to support enterprises and control trade deficits. To well implement urgent tax-related solutions.

aiming to curb recession, maintain growth and ensure social welfare.

To raise the efficiency of the use of state funds, resolutely practicing thrift, combating waste, putting off unnecessary spending tasks, particularly meetings and conferences, overseas trips, festivals, public procurement,... To strictly control foreign loans and debt payment.




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Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ: ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66

To actively and flexibly apply monetary policy, aiming to maintain macro-economic stability, prevent inflation and meet the capital demand of the economy. To flexibly and cautiously administer monetary policy tools, interest rates and exchange rates; to apply the interest rate support mechanism and efficiently expand credit in accordance with law. to increase credit for the agricultural and rural sector, credit for poor households and other social policy beneficiaries, contributing to ensuring social welfare. To reduce conditions for credit guarantee for small and medium-sized enterprises while reforming procedures to consider and approve credit for them.

To actively handle bad debts and prevent new ones arising in the system of commercial banks; to intensify inspection and supervision, ensuring safety for the banking system and international payment balance.

To develop tools on the foreign exchange market so that market members may select them and actively prevent risks. To intensify examination, supervision and handling of violations in order to ward off speculation and illegal trading of foreign exchanges.

In couple with financial and monetary policies against economic decline, measures should be enhanced to stabilize the macro economy, first of all to ensure the stability of major balances: state budget revenue and expenditure, export and import, money, credit and international payment balance.

d/ To enhance and raise the quality of socio­economic forecast, planning and plans

To enhance the forecast and warning of the economic situation; to formulate a process of coordination and information supply, formulating analyzing and forecasting methods in order to promptly provide advice to leaders at different levels in economic and social direction and administration. To strictly monitor world and domestic economic developments in order to anticipate circumstances which may occur and formulate appropriate response plans and solutions.

To adjust, supplement and raise the quality of planning on development of big and important branches, regions and products and publicize such planning and policies to all economic sectors for making investment.

To step up planning work; to renew and improve the work of formulating monitoring and evaluating the implementation of. socio­economic development plans. To proceed with the formulation of the ten-year (2011-2020) strategy for socio-economic development and five-year (2011-2015) socio-economic development plan.

e/To perfect, renew and efficiently implement economic institutions and policies




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Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ: ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66

Committee (the Xlh Congress) on improvement of the institutions on socialist-oriented market economy, the Resolution of the 4lh plenum of the Party Central Committee (the Xlh Congress) on major undertakings and policies when Vietnam becomes a member of the World Trade Organization (WTO) and the Government's action programs for materialization of these Resolutions. To enhance and consolidate elements ensuring the socialist orientation of the market economy. To organize the preliminary review of the Political Bureau's Resolution No. 48/NQ-TW on development strategy, and improve the Vietnamese legal system till 2010 with orientations towards 2020.

To adopt policies so that regions in the country bring into the fullest play their advantages and develop faster; promote the roles of motive economic zones with importance being attached to investment in the development of regions meeting with difficulties and ethnic minority regions. To encourage the development of various economic sectors in couple with further renewal, development and higher efficiency of the state-run economy, collective economy which play the leading role and act as foundations in the socialist-oriented market economy.

2. Education and training, science and technology, culture, healthcare and social affairs

a/ Education and training development

To concentrate on raising the quality of education, comprehensive training and development of human resources meeting the requirements of socialist-oriented industrialization and modernization. To formulate programs for development of human resources for major economic and social branches and key economic regions. To elaborate the 2011-2020 education development strategy aiming for educational reform in the spirit of the Resolution of the X1'1 National Party Congress and the Resolution of the 4th plenum of the Party Central Committee (the Xth Congress). To renew educational curricula, contents and methodology as well as educational administration; to address the imbalance in the education and training structure; to raise the quality of comprehensive education. To attach importance to raising people's intellectual level, human resource development, talents training with both knowledge teaching, vocational training and personality teaching conduct, attaching special importance to education in ideal, personality, ethical quality and lifestyle.

To increase state investment while stepping up the socialization of mobilization of resources for education and training development; to basically address prolonged negative phenomena in education and training. To step up vocational training to meet the requirements of industrialization and modernization. To proceed with the program on job training for one million rural laborers. To orient and strictly manage the cooperation with foreign countries in the field of education and training; to build an advanced, national, independent and socialist education.

b/ Scientific and technological development

To continue with the comprehensive renewal of management mechanisms and policies on scientific and technological development; to study, formulate, supplement and improve strategies, planning and plans for scientific and technological development of the nation, branches and important products.

To renew the financial mechanisms, increasing autonomy for scientific research institutions. To continue promoting democracy in scientific research. To develop science and technology market. To raise the quality of scientific research, linking scientific research with production, business, education and training. To adopt peferential policies and regimes and create better working conditions for scientific researchers, particularly top ones with high qualifications.




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To quantitatively and qualitatively train enough medical personnel and intensify the rotation of health workers to help lower levels raise the quality of their medical examination and treatment; to conduct on-spot training of health workers and raise their professional ethics and qualifications, repelling negative phenomena in medical examination and treatment. To strictly manage private medical examination and treatment, the medicine market; to ensure food hygiene and safety; to enhance measures to prevent and control epidemics; to prevent and combat drug addiction. HIV infection.... To renew and improve the health insurance regime. To develop traditional medicine and pharmacy. To well implement policies on population, family planning, striving for lower birth rate and preventing gender imbalance.

d/ Job creation, poverty reduction and social welfare assurance

To perform the tasks of job creation, poverty reduction, social welfare assurance and improvement of people's living conditions. To adopt policies to encourage job creation; to expand forms of vocational training, to provide lending supports for job learning and creation, particularly to laid-off laborers of enterprises hit by recession, under Decision No. 30/2009/QD-TTg of February 23, 2009. To step up labor export, contributing to job creation, income increase and sustainable poverty reduction, particularly in rural districts with high poverty rates, under the Prime Minister's Decision No. 71/2009/QD-TTg of April 29. 2009. To better manage and protect the legitimate interests of laborers working overseas. To build healthy labor relations, to ensure labor hygiene and safety in enterprises of various types.

To fully and promptly implement social welfare policies, providing supports for policy families, people in regions hit by difficulties or natural disasters and ethnic minority people; to concentrate on fast and sustainable poverty reduction in rural districts with high poverty rates under the Government's Resolution No. 30a/2008/NQ-CP of December 27, 2008. on the program to support fast and sustainable poverty reduction in 61 poor rural districts.

To well implement policies on medical examination and treatment as well as health insurance for the poor. To well implement the increase of basic salary and allowance policies for a number of subjects in accordance with the approved wage reform program.

The State shall invest in and adopt policies to encourage enterprises to build social houses for low-income earners, dormitories for students, to improve the material and spiritual life of workers in industrial parks, export processing zones as well as low-income earners. To study the establishment of funds for house purchase with installment payment in order to support low-income earners meeting with housing difficulties. To adopt policies on partial support for laid-off laborers in order to sustain their life. To materialize the undertaking to build dormitories for students with capital from government bonds, striving to ensure in 2009 and 2010 lodgings for about 40% of students entitled to stay in school campuses.

dd/Culture, family, physical training and sport, information and communication

To develop and raise the quality of cultural, physical training and sport activities. To step up the realization of the strategy on culture: to closely associate cultural development with economic development so that culture is the motive to boost economic development and also the spiritual foundation of the society. To increase state investment in culture; to socialize appropriate domains in order to mobilize resources for cultural development. To strictly manage cultural, entertainment and recreation activities, festivals and rituals.

To strongly develop physical training and mass sports, aiming to further realize the campaign "All people do physical exercises as exemplified by great Uncle Ho" in order to involve large social forces in such activities in various flexible forms, contributing to raising the spiritual and cultural life and enhance the physical strength of people. To maintain high-achievement sports for a higher position of Vietnamese sports in the international arena. To raise the quality of the "All people unite to build a cultured life" movement. To well preserve and promote the values of national cultural heritages. To encourage the creation of cultural, literary and art works of high ideological and artistic values. To further step up the propagation for. and education in, moral values and healthy lifestyle in families.




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To spur the post and telecommunications market in couple with higher and higher competitiveness of enterprises in the sector. To intensify the application and development of information technology, attaching importance to information technology in managerial activities and administrative procedures. To step up the popularization of internet to commoners, particularly people in deep-lying, remote and ethnic minority regions.

3. Protection of natural resources and environment

To substantively improve the legal system of laws on land: to bring into play land resources in the process of accelerated national industrializa­tion and modernization. To efficiently address weaknesses in land management; to complete and develop a modern land management system.

To tap and use water resources in a reasonable, thrifty and efficient manner, aming to meet water demands of people's daily life and sustainable socio-economic development in association with environmental protection. To raise the proportion of water contribution to economic growth, orienting toward the policy of economization in the management of water resource. To formulate a national target program for sustainable development of water industry.

To intensify the investigation and assessment of mineral resources, further clarifying mineral potential, structural conditions and geological environment in the service of socio-economic development planning and strategy. To raise the efficiency of the state management of mineral resources, ensuring the rational, thrifty and efficient use of mineral resources on the basis of intensive processing, maximizing the recovery of ores and useful components in mineral exploitation, meeting sustainable, stable and long-term development requirements while raising economic efficiency, minimizing environmental impacts, maintaining defense, security and social order and safety in mineral activities.

To further improve mechanisms, policies and laws on environmental protection, adopting strong measures to prevent and severely handle violations. To study the provisions on legal persons' penal liability in the Penal Code, aiming to increase deterrence to acts of causing environmental pollution by legal persons. To include environmental protection contents in strategies, planning and plans on development of branches or domains, investment programs and projects. To step up the socialization of environmental protection; to formulate and materialize the national target program on environmental protection; to resolutely settle "black spots" and "hot spots" on environment.

To actively ward off and limit environmental pollution and improve environment quality; to basically settle the environmental degeneration in industrial parks, populated quarters in cities and some rural areas; to address environmental pollution on rivers, ponds, lakes and canals: to effectively respond to and redress environmental incidents; to ensure ecological balance at a high level, to conserve nature and preserve bio­diversity; to actively meet environmental requirements in international economic integration, restricting adverse impacts of globalization amd ensuring sustainable national development.

To formulate and complete necessary legal frameworks and appropriate financial mechanisms, creating conditions for raising the capacity and efficiency of activities of the meteorological sector, creating marked qualitative improvements in forecasts, particularly storm and flood forecasts; to incrementally make warnings of flash floods, land slides,  tsunamis, ensuring the consistency; to adopt mechanisms to link meteorological activities with socio-economic development, defense and security maintenance activities; to prevent, combat and reduce damage caused by natural disasters; to formulate and implement the national target program on reduction of natural disasters and adaptation to climate change.

To actively implement the action program for materialization of the Resolution of the 4th plenum of the Party Central Committee of the Xth Congress on Vietnam Sea Strategy till 2020. To step by step modernize and raise the quality of basic surveys and management of marine resources and environment to actively serve marine-economy development in a comprehensive and focal manner, early making Vietnam a regional nation strong in marine economy, in association with defense and security maintenance and international integration.




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Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ: ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66

To raise the awareness and responsibility of ministries, branches, localities and people about the tasks of defending the socialist Fatherland in the new situation; to include the national defense tasks in socio-economic development strategies, programs and projects. To closely combine defense with security, economy and external relations. To further renew and raise the quality of defense education and training.

To well perform the task of building the all-people defense, building defense areas under Resolution No. 28-NQ/TW of the Political

Bureau (the Xth Congress), strengthening the defense potential under Resolution No. 27-NQ/TW of the Political Bureau on defense industry and Resolution No.29-NQ/TW on equipment strategy for the Defense Ministry: to consolidate the "people's heart-winning disposition"; to build the regular, crack and incrementally modernized revolutionary people's army highly ready for combat to successfully cope with all circumstances, protecting the Party and regime and firmly defending national independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity.

To intensify education in. and to raise people's awareness of. major challenges to the tasks of protecting the national security, social order and safety in the new situation. To actively detect and resolutely frustrate all sabotage schemes and activities of hostile forces.

To continue fruitfully implementing national programs on crime and social vice prevention and combat. To build the regular, crack and incrementally modernized revolutionary people's public security force absolutely loyal to the Fatherland, the Party and socialist regime and fully devoted to people.

To continue expanding external relations while deepening, stabilizing and sustaining the already established international relations: to step up the application of comprehensive diplomacy based on the close combination between state diplomacy, diplomatic activities of the Party and people's diplomacy; between political diplomacy and economic as well as cultural diplomacy: between external relations with defense, security and economy.

To be active and dynamic for international economic integration while expanding international cooperation in other domains in conformity with national requirements and interests; to continue well fulfilling the role of non-permanent member of the United Nations

Security Council; to successfully organize the ASEAN Year 2010.

To further perform tasks related to the realization of the agreement on land border demarcation with China; to thicken and re-embelish the system of border markers with Laos; to speed up the border demarcation and marker placement with Cambodia according to the agreed schedule and the determination of continental shelf boundaries in conformity with the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea; to resolutely struggle to firmly defend the national independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity and maintain the environment of peace and stability for national development.




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5. To build the state management apparatus, promote social democracy, step up administrative reform and intensify corruption prevention and combat as well as thrift practice and waste combat

To further renew and consolidate the organizational apparatuses of state bodies. To perfect the functions and tasks of ministries and government-attached agencies towards building a modern, smooth and unified system of executive agencies.

To further step up the decentralization between the Government and provincial administrations in association with the clear definition of their functions, tasks, powers and responsibilities, raising the capabilities of cadres and quality of planning work and planning management, to enhance inspection and supervision, ensuring the concentrated and unified leadership of the central government and promoting the dynamism and creativity of authorities at different levels and of branches in the implementation.

To study the reorganization of professional bodies under provincial and district People's Committees, suitable to the results obtained in the process of experimenting models of reorganization of local administrations at each level; to continue separating the function of state management consultancy with professional management activities in each branch and domain in order to form organizations providing public administrative services through bidding and order placement at the district level. To lead and closely direct the experimentation of non-organization of People's Councils in rural and urban districts in 10 provinces and centrally run cities.

To synchronously renew personnel work, promote democracy and raise the quality of personnel work, meeting the requirements and tasks of the period of national industrialization and modernization as well as international economic integration. To establish and implement an unified, democratic, public and transparent regime of official duties strictly according to competence and with inspection and supervision. To formulate specific statutes and regulations for personnel management and facilitation of replacement and dismissal of unqualified cadres who fail to fulfill their tasks, lose their prestige and commit wrongdoings and for the detection, training, fostering, appointment and promotion of young cadres with good virtues and talents as well as female cadres to appropriate positions. To reform wage policies, proceeding to ensure the above-national average living standards for cadres and civil servants.

To direct and implement the work of personnel planning, arranging, appointing, transferring, training and fostering cadres, preparing personnel for the Party congresses at all levels, then the XI"1 National Party Congress and the Government of the XIIIth tenure.

To continue building and consolidating the law-ruled socialist state. To step up administrative reform, raising the management and administration efficacy and efficiency of the Government, ministries, branches and administrations at all levels. To further the comprehensive and fruitful realization of the general program on administrative reform, firstly in domains with prolonged social discontent.

To apply measures to heighten the combativeness, sharpness and persuasiveness of ideological work. To further renew the contents, modes and measures of education in Marxism-Leninism and Ho Chi Minh Thought, propagating the Party's lines and the State's policies and laws, fostering patriotism and ideal for national independence and socialism; to preserve and promote national cultural identities while absorbing the cultural quintessence of mankind, formulating a system of values of Vietnamese man in the period of national industrialization and modernization as well as international integration.

To step up and raise the quality of the "Learning and following the moral examples of Ho Chi Minh" campaign, creating a substantive improvement in warding off and repelling degeneration in political ideology, morals and lifestyles in a section of cadres and people. To actively prevent and combat "self-evolution" and "self-conversion" and early detect and struggle against erroneous viewpoints, reject reactionary propagation and frustrate the "peaceful evolution" ploys and activities of hostile forces in the ideological domain.




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Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ: ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66

To create vigorous improvements in the practice of thrift, the prevention and combat of corruption, waste and red tape. To further the implementation of the Resolution of the 3rd plenum of the Party Central Committee (the X"1 Congress) on corruption and waste prevention and combat. To focus on reviewing, supplementing and perfecting mechanisms and policies; to strictly observe the regulations of the Party and State on corruption and waste prevention and combat. To expeditiously complete the legal procedures for competent authorities to ratify the United Nations Convention Against Corruption.

To intensify examination, inspection, audit and supervision; to well coordinate examination, inspection, auditing and supervision bodies, particularly in the handling of cases with signs of corruption and waste. To administratively and criminally handle cases of corruption and confiscate involved assets. To consolidate the system of full-time corruption prevention and combat agencies. To bring into play the role of people, socio-political organizations and press in the prevention and combat of corruption, waste and red tape, adopting policies and measures to protect persons who bravely struggle against corruption, waste....

To intensify propagation and education about the undertakings and policies of the Party and state law on democracy promotion; to further detail in law citizens' basic rights defined by the Constitution; to raise the quality and efficiency of implementation of the Regulation on grassroots democracy. To build the political

system clean, strong and firm, particularly at the grassroots level.

The contents of major tasks of ministries, branches and localities are defined in the enclosed appendix (not printed herein).


1. Based on their assigned functions, tasks and delegated powers, ministries, branches and provincial/municipal People's Committees shall perform the tasks and contents of major work specified in this action program and detail them into tasks of annual plans; continue formulating, reviewing, amending and supplementing mechanisms, policies, planning, plans, programs, projects and schemes for submission to the Government and the Prime Minister from now till the XIth National Congress of the Party.

2. Ministers, heads of ministerial-level agencies, heads of government-attached agencies and presidents of provincial/municipal People's Committees shall concentrate on direction and intensify the examination and urging of the imple­mentation of this action program; annually report to the Prime Minister on the implementation and concurrently to the Ministry of Planning and Investment for sum-up reports to the Prime Minister.

3. If deeming it necessary to amend or supplement any specific contents in this action program, ministries, branches or localities shall actively coordinate with the Ministry of Planning and Investment in reporting such to the Prime Minister for consideration and decision.-




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Nguyen Tan Dung

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Resolution No. 22/NQ-CP of May 28, 2009, promulgating the Government's action program for materialization of the Resolution of the 9th plenum of the Party Central Committee of the Xth congress on a number of major tasks and Solutions to continue implementing with success the Resolutions of the Xth National Party Congress.
Official number: 22/NQ-CP Legislation Type: Resolution
Organization: The Government Signer: Nguyen Tan Dung
Issued Date: 28/05/2009 Effective Date: Premium
Gazette dated: Updating Gazette number: Updating
Effect: Premium

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Resolution No. 22/NQ-CP of May 28, 2009, promulgating the Government's action program for materialization of the Resolution of the 9th plenum of the Party Central Committee of the Xth congress on a number of major tasks and Solutions to continue implementing with success the Resolutions of the Xth National Party Congress.

Address: 17 Nguyen Gia Thieu street, Ward Vo Thi Sau, District 3, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
Phone: (+84)28 3930 3279 (06 lines)
Email: inf[email protected]

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