Remarkable policies coming into force from the beginning of December 2018

06/12/2018 11:00 AM

After the article “Policies on social insurance and health insurance and education coming into force from December 01, 2018”, THƯ VIỆN PHÁP LUẬT would like to introduce more remarkable policies that come into force from the beginning of December 2018:

Thanh Trúc

5. Guidelines for taking action against illegal possession of wild animal products

This is a remarkable content of Resolution No.05/2018/NQ-HDTP providing guidelines for enforcement of Article 234 of the Criminal Code.

According to the Resolution, actions against illegal possession of wild, endangered or rare animals and vital parts and products thereof shall be taken under the following guidance:

- Any offence that is committed from 00:00 on January 01, 2018 and constitutes a crime shall face criminal prosecution as prescribed in Article 234 or 244 of the Criminal Code 2015 on a case-by-case basis.

- Offences committed before January 01, 2018 shall not face criminal charges, except for the purpose of illegal trade or illegal earning.

More details can be found in Resolution No.05/2018/NQ-HDTP which comes into force from December 01, 2018.

6. New regulations on maximum postage rate of basic mail services

Circular No.12/2018/TT-BTTTT promulgated by the Minister of Information and Communications on October 15, 2018 provides for maximum postage rate of universal postal services.

According to the Circular, new postage rates of domestic and international basic mail service shall be changed as follows:

- New postage rate shall not be determined based upon delivery mode such as surface mail or airmail.

- Postage rates of mail delivery from Vietnam to other countries shall not be determined depending on continents or Asian-Pacific Postal Union (APPU) but based upon regions.

- Weight standard for letter-post (including postcards) shall be domestically and internationally unified.

Circular No.12/2018/TT-BTTTT comes into force from December 01, 2018.

7. Method to declare names and information of Vietnamese investors in outbound investment forms

Circular No.03/2018/TT-BKHDT promulgated by the Ministry of Science and Investment provide for guidelines on issuance of forms for outbound investment procedure.

According to the Circular, outbound investment forms shall contain the following information about Vietnamese investors:

- In case the investor is an enterprise/organization:

+ Name of the enterprise/organization in capital letter;

+ Series number of the business registration certificate/certificate of eligibility for investment/decision on enterprise establishment and issuance date and issuer thereof;

+ Address of the office (detailed address number, name of street, ward, district, city/province);

+ Contacting address, telephone number, fax number and email address (if any);

+ For legal representative: full name, nationality, job position, ID card number/passport number, issuance date and issuer thereof, permanent residence registration place and current residence

- In case the investor is an individual: specify full name, nationality, date of birth, ID card number/passport number and issuance date and issuer thereof, permanent residence registration place, current residence, telephone number, fax number and email address (if any).

Circular No.03/2018/TT-BKHDT comes into force from December 01, 2018 and will replace Circular No.09/2015/TT-BKHDT dated October 23, 2015.

8. List of cyberinformation security products imported under license

This is a content of Circular No.13/2018/TT-BTTTT providing for list of cyberinformation security products imported under license and procedures and application for issuance of license for import of cybeinformation security products.

According to the Circular, the list of cyberinformation security products imported under license includes:

- Automatic data processing machines and units thereof;

- Magnetic or optical readers, machines for transcribing data onto data media in coded form and machines for processing such data, not elsewhere specified or included.

Circular No.13/2018/TT-BTTTT comes into force from December 01, 2018.

(To be continued…)



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