08 new policies coming into force from the middle of November, 2017

13/11/2017 15:08 PM

Following the article “New regulations coming into force from the middle of November, 2017", THƯ VIỆN PHÁP LUẬT would like to continue introducing some noticeable regulations coming into force from November 11 to November 20, 2017:

Văn Dũng

1. Cases in which examinees lose their marks during foreign language proficiency tests

This noticeable regulation is provided by the Circular No. 23/2017/TT-BGDĐT providing regulations on the assessment of foreign language proficiency according to the Vietnam's language proficiency framework, which is coming into force from November 15, 2017.

According to the Circular, an examinee will lose his/her mark in the following cases:

- An examinee who receives a reprimand during a skill test will lose 25% of his/her mark;

- An examinee who receives a warning during a skill test will lose 50 % of his/her mark;

- An exam paper that is found marked up by the examinee will lose 50% of its mark.

- The mark of 0 (zero) will be given in one of the following cases:

+ The test is copied from the documents illegally brought into the test room;

+ The test is found written by at least two people;

+ The test is written on a piece of draft paper or an invalid piece of paper.

2. Instructions on providing monthly benefits for ex-servicemen/ex-servicewomen

This noticeable regulation is provided by the Circular No. 242/2017/TT-BQP providing instructions on adjustments to monthly benefits provided for servicemen/servicewomen and cipher officers who are paid salaries similar to ex-servicemen/ex-servicewomen.

The following entities shall be regulated by this Circular:

- Ex-servicemen/ ex-servicewomen who are receiving monthly benefits in accordance with regulations of the Decision No. 142/2008/QĐ-TTg and the Decision No. 38/2010/QĐ-TTg promulgated by the Prime Minister.

- Servicemen/servicewomen and cipher officers who are paid salaries similar to ex-servicemen/ex-servicewomen and are receiving monthly benefits in accordance with regulations of the Decision No. 62/2011/QĐ-TTg dated November 09, 2011.

- Relevant organizations and individuals.

Particularly, the monthly benefits shall be adjusted as follows:

- Regarding a person whose serving period is from 15 years to under 16 year, the monthly benefit shall be 1,650,000 VND;

- Regarding a person whose serving period is from 16 years to under 17 year, the monthly benefit shall be 1,725,000 VND;

- Regarding a person whose serving period is from 17 years to under 18 year, the monthly benefit shall be 1,800,000 VND;

- Regarding a person whose serving period is from 18 years to under 19 year, the monthly benefit shall be 1,875,000 VND;

- Regarding a person whose serving period is from 19 years to under 20 year, the monthly benefit shall be 1,950,000 VND;

This Circular is coming into force from November 20, 2017 and the new monthly benefits shall be applied from July 01, 2017.

3. Cases in which extra scores are given in military recruitment

The Circular No. 241/2017/TT-BQP on selection and recruitment of professional servicemen/servicewomen and national defense workers and officials is coming into force from November 15, 2017.

According to the Circular, a person who satisfies all recruitment conditions and standards will get extra scores if he/she satisfies one of the following conditions:

- 20 points shall be added to his/her result if:

+ He/she obtains excellent bachelor's degree and obtains MA/MSc degree or higher degree;

+ He/she has high-level technical and professional qualifications and his/her occupation is conformable with the workforce that are not trained by the armed force; or

+ He/she is an ethnic minority.

- 10 points shall be added to his/her result if:

+ He/she is awarded in national or international skill competitions, or

+ He/she has special talents to meet mission requirements and the workforce of the People’s Army of Vietnam related to physical training and sports and art.

4. Limits on transport of discarded products which are hazardous wastes

This noticeable regulation is provided by the Circular No. 34/2017/TT-BTNMT on recall and treatment of discarded products which is coming into force from November 20, 2017.

According to the Circular, transport of discarded products which are hazardous wastes from consumers to recall stations shall not require the license for hazardous waste management or license for hazardous waste treatment but each shipment shall not exceed the following limits:

- 100 kg or 50 pieces, whichever comes first, of small electronic equipment, discarded batteries or accumulators, compact lights or fluorescent lights;

- 01 piece of large electric or electronic equipment, a car or motorbike;

- 20 liters of waste oil;

- The transport of discarded products that are hazardous wastes exceeding the abovementioned limits shall be carried out by an organization having an appropriate license for hazardous waste management or hazardous waste treatment.


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Địa chỉ: 17 Nguyễn Gia Thiều, P. Võ Thị Sáu, Q.3, TP.HCM
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E-mail: info@ThuVienPhapLuat.vn