Various legislative documents losing effect as of July 01, 2016

28/06/2016 14:41 PM

As of July 01, 2016, the 2015’s law on promulgation of legislative documents shall come into force.

Trọng Nhân

The prominent detail thereof is that upon the expiration of a legislative document, the documents elaborating it shall simultaneously expire.

Therefore, a variety of guiding documents for expired legislative documents shall lose effect officially as of July 01, 2016.

As of July 01, 2016, new laws shall also come into force.  For instance:

1. Law on occupational safety and hygiene in 2015

The law combines every current regulation on occupational safety and hygiene. As follows:

If an employee engages in labor contracts with various employers, each employer shall contribute to the employee’s occupational accident and disease insurance according to each labor contract with the employee who is subject to compulsory social insurance.

At present, an employee engaging in labor contracts with various employers only benefits from compulsory social insurance and unemployment insurance with the initial employer.

Other employers shall include in the employee’s salary an amount equivalent to their regulated contributions to compulsory social insurance and unemployment insurance for that employee.

As of July 01, 2016, other employers thereof shall contribute to the employee's occupational accident and disease insurance as well as include in the employee's salary an amount equivalent to the periodic contributions to compulsory social insurance and unemployment insurance.

2. Law on network information safety in 2015

As of July 01, 2016, personal information online shall be thoroughly protected as the law stipulates that organizations and individuals processing personal information are held responsible for:

- Collecting personal information only after acquiring the consent by the owner of such personal information to the extent and purpose of the collection and use of the information.

- Using personal information collected for other varying purposes only after obtaining the approval by the owner of such information.

- Not distributing, sharing or dispersing personal information that they have collected, accessed and controlled to a third party, unless the owner of the information consents or a competent government authority issues a related request.

Violations of the Law, according to their nature and degree, may lead to criminal prosecution.

3. Law on natural resources and environment of sea and islands in 2015

The law regulates the foundation of entities’ protection of our natural resources and environment of sea and islands. As follows:

- The week of Sea and Islands in Vietnam shall be organized from June 01 to 08 on annual basis.

- Islands must be undergo fundamental investigation, comprehensive assessment of natural conditions, natural resources and environment; statistical reporting, classification for documentation and orientation of exploitation and appropriate and effective use of natural resources.

- Dumping of matters into the sea shall only occur upon permission by competent state management authorities.

Such regulation is truly vital to prevent hazardous impacts against human beings, to protect the nation's economic development potentials, and to minimize atrocious effects against the sea environment and ecosystem.

4. Law on veterinary medicine in 2015

The law regulates the prevention, treatment and fighting against animal epidemic diseases; quarantine of animals and animal products; control of the slaughter, preparation and processing of animals and animal products; inspection of veterinary hygiene; management of veterinary drugs; veterinary practice.

As of July 01, 2016, the 2004’s Ordinance on veterinary medicine shall lose effect.

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Địa chỉ: 17 Nguyễn Gia Thiều, P. Võ Thị Sáu, Q.3, TP.HCM
Điện thoại: (028) 3930 3279 (06 lines)