According to the Resolution, several social-economic development targets of the Red River Delta by 2030 are specified as follows:
- During 2021-2030, the average GRDP growth will be approximately 9% per year.
By 2030, the regional GRDP will increase by approximately 3 times compared to 2030 (current price): Agriculture, forestry, and fishery will account for 3,5%; industry and construction will account for 47%; service will account for 41%, and taxes less subsidies on products will account for 8,5%.
GRDP per capita will be approximately 274 million VND per person per year. The growth speed of the average labor productivity will reach > 7%.
The average contribution of the general factor productivity to the growth during 2021-2030 will reach 55%.
The digital economy will account for 35% of the GRDP. Urbanization rate will reach >55%; 100% of communes will meet new rural standards, and at least 50% of communes will meet new and enhanced rural standards; 20% of communes will meet new model rural standards.
- The percentage of schools meeting national standards: preschool will reach 76%, primary schools will reach 95%, middle schools will reach 90%, and high school will reach 68%.
The percentage of trained workers with degrees or certificates will be approximately 48 - 52% and the unemployment rate will remain at <3%.
The multidimensional poverty standard will decrease by 1,5% per year. Achievement of 32 hospital beds and 11 doctors per ten thousand people. Health insurance participation will reach > 95% of the population.
- Percentage of households using clean water according to standards in urban areas will reach 100% and 85% in rural areas; 100% of operating industrial zones and processing zones will have a centralized wastewater treatment system meeting environmental standards.
See more details in Resolution No. 30-NQ/TW dated November 23, 2022.
Above are the summary and notification of new documents for customers of THU VIEN PHAP LUAT. For more information, please send an email to [email protected].