According to the Decision, suspected cases of SARS-CoV-2 infection must be screened and detected soon to avoid infection and other disease severity, especially patients in the high-risk group, intensive care unit, patients undergoing dialysis (artificial kidney) and postoperative patients.
To be specific, each public or private hospital which has one or multiple gates must put up a sign with the following content: “Hướng đi dành cho người bị ho, sốt, chảy mũi, đau rát họng, tức ngực, khó thở, đau mỏi người, mất vị giác khứu giác” ("Direction for people with cough, fever, runny nose, sore throat, chest tightness, difficulty breathing, body pain, loss of taste or smell”) at the gates that through which patients enter.
The signs may have other contents such as other symptoms, hotlines, etc. Each sign must be lighted to ensure visibility at night.
Behind each sign, there should be a signpost showing the way to the COVID-19 screening area (or to an infectious disease faculty/ward of the hospital where screening is carried out).
The screening area shall have transportation facilities such as stretchers and wheelchairs for COVID-19 cases with acute respiratory infection and have a clear process of cleaning and disinfecting them after each use.
In special cases such as large hospitals or other reasons, it is permissible to set up and organize screening right at the hospital gate(s) or some faculties/centers, blocks of the hospital according to general rules.
Decision No. 1226/QD-BYT comes into force from May 17, 2022 and replaces Official Dispatch No. 1385/CV-BCDQG dated March 19, 2022.