This Decree prescribes that work permits must be revoked in the following cases:
1. Their work permits are expired.
2. Their labor contracts are terminated.
3. Their labor contracts are inconsistent with information shown on their work permits.
4. Their work is inconsistent with information about work positions shown on their work permits.
5. Contracts arising in the sectors which serve as the bases for existence of work permits are expired/terminated.
6. Written notices received from employers on the foreign side state that they discontinue seconding foreign employees working in Vietnam.
7. Enterprises, entities and partners on the Vietnamese side or foreign organizations in Vietnam that hire foreign employees close their business.
8. Overseas employers or employees fail to strictly comply with regulations of this Decree.
9. Foreign employees, whilst working in Vietnam, fail to comply with Vietnamese laws, causing adverse impacts on social security, order and safety.
(current regulations regarding revocation of work permits stated in Article 17 of the Decree No. 11/2016/ND-CP have been abolished as of October 8, 2018).
Please see more details in the Decree No. 152/2020/ND-CP (in force from February 15, 2021).