According to this document, residential areas must meet the following fire safety requirements:
- Have firefighting plans approved by competent authorities.
- Establish self-defence forces receiving fire fighting and prevention and other groups getting ready to perform firefighting duties to meet on-the-spot fire control demands.
- Set rules for fire fighting and prevention, use of electricity, fire and combustible or explosive materials which are consistent with fire fighting and prevention technical regulations or standards or regulations of the Ministry of Public Security.
- Have transportation systems and water resources used for firefighting purposes, flame spread prevention solutions, fire fighting and prevention equipment that meets quantity and quality requirements in accordance with fire safety technical regulations or standards or regulations of the Ministry of Public Security.
The aforesaid fire safety requirements must be implemented and maintained during the period of existence of residential areas by Presidents of commune-level People's Committees.
This means that, in comparison to current regulations laid down in Article 8 in the Decree No. 79/2014/ND-CP the following regulations no longer exist:
- Electricity systems must meet fire safety standards.
- Have fire fighting and prevention designs, and have these designs inspected with respect to newly-developed residential areas.
Decree No. 136/2020/ND-CP is entering into force on January 10, 2021, replacing the Decree No. 79/2014/ND-CP dated July 31, 2014.