This document provides instructions about several criminal charges prescribed in the Penal Code as follows:
- Persons informed of their infection with the disease, persons suspected of being infected with the disease or persons returning from covid-19-hit areas that have received quarantine notices will be charged with crimes if they commit the following violations:
+ Fleeing from quarantine zones; failing to comply with quarantine regulations;
+ Refusing or evading self-isolation or compulsory quarantine procedures;
+ Do not make health quarantine declaration, incompletely or fraudulently make health quarantine declaration.
If one of the aforesaid acts leads to transmission of Covid-19 to others, the violator will be charged with a crime of spreading communicable diseases to people as prescribed in point c of clause 1 of Article 240.
- Persons posting fake, misleading or confusing information about Covid-19 developments that may frighten the public via computer or telecommunications networks will be charged with a crime of illegal use of computer and telecommunications networks as per Article 288 in the Penal Code.
Cases related to prevention and control of Covid-19 must be tried during the Covid-19 outbreak period provided that disease prevention and control regulations are strictly observed.
For more details, please read the Official Dispatch No. 45/TANDTC-PC dated March 30, 2020.