The Circular sets out the following regulations on the scope of practice of medical practitioners:
- If a practitioner is a doctor allowed to provide general medical services, he/she will be entitled to:
+ Perform professional techniques prescribed in Appendix I to this Circular.
+ Provide first aid, emergency care, medical surveillance, care and treatment for patients referred to other healthcare establishments if patient’s medical needs surpass the primary care provider's capabilities.
- If a practitioner is a doctor allowed to provide specialized medical services, he/she will be entitled to:
+ Perform professional techniques prescribed in Appendix II to this Circular.
+ Provide first aid, emergency care, medical surveillance, care and treatment for patients until patients are referred to other healthcare establishments.
Based on the scope of practice specified in practicing certificates, degrees, diplomas, or other certificates and capabilities of medical practitioners, persons in charge of professional and medical services at health establishments must assign these practitioners duties to perform specific professional and medical activities at health establishments under their authority.
Circular No. 35/2019/TT-BYT is entering into force on March 1, 2020.