- Law on Amendments and Supplements to certain Articles of the Law on Promulgation of Legislative Documents;
- Law on Adolescents (amended);
- Law on Public-Private Partnership Investment;
- Law on Mediation and Dialogues at Court;
- Law on Amendments and Supplements to certain Articles of the Law on Judicial Survey;
- Law on Amendments and Supplements to certain Articles of the Law on Prevention and Control of Natural Disasters and Law on Dykes and Dyke Maintenance;
- Law on Amendments and Supplements to certain Articles of the Law on Construction;
- Law on Amendments and Supplements to certain Articles of the Investment Law and the Enterprise Law;
- Law on Vietnamese Workers Working Abroad on Contract Basis (amended);
- Law on Border Defence;
- Law on International Agreement;
- Law on Amendments and Supplements to certain Articles of the Law on Environmental Protection;
- Law on Amendments and Supplements to certain Articles of Law on Administrative Sanctions;
- Law on Medical Examination and Treatment Services (amended);
- Law on Amendments and Supplements to certain Articles of the Land Law.
This Resolution 78/2019/QH14 is ratified on June 11, 2019.