Headlines 28/07/2016 14:01 CH

Prominent regulations in force as of August 01, 2016 (Part 2)

Trọng Nhân

THƯ VIỆN PHÁP LUẬT introduces other prominent regulations taking effect as of August 01, 2016.

5. Increase of pension by 8%

Such important detail is defined in the Decree No. 55/2016/ND-CP on adjustment of monthly pension, compensation for loss of working capacity and allowance.

The monthly pension and allowance for the following individuals who received the initial pension and allowance per month on January 01, 2015 to before May 01, 2016 shall be increased by 8%:

- Public officials, public employees, public workers; servicemen, police officers and cipher-related personnel who are given monthly pension.

- Public officials at communal level, who are given monthly pension and allowance.

Pension and allowance are adjusted upon the first month that they are given.

Individuals who have already received an 8% increase according to the Decree No. 09/2015/ND-CP shall retain their current benefits.

6. Additional guideline for imposition of base salary

Circular No. 05/2016/TT-BNV regulates the following favor for individuals with a salary rate of 2.34 or lower, who have received a salary raise according to the Decree No. 17/2015/ND-CP:

If the total salary plus relevant allowances according to the base salary of VND 1,210,000 per month in May 2016 is lower than the total salary plus relevant allowances and additional pay according to the base salary of VND 1,150,000 per month in April 2016, such individuals shall be compensated with an amount that compensate the difference with the total salary paid in April 2016.

Such compensation amount(s) shall not constitute any contributions to social insurance, health insurance and unemployment insurance or salary-related allowances.

7. Support for overseas workers employed on a contract basis

Joint Circular No. 09/2016/TTLT-BLDTBXH-BTC defines the following supports for overseas workers employed on a contract basis as per the Decree No. 61/2015/ND-CP:

- Coverage of the tuition of language courses based on the actual nature and duration of each course to a maximum aid of VND 3 million per person per course;

- Maximum aid of VND 750,000 per person for health examination based on the actual health care fees of medical facilities licensed to provide health checkup to overseas workers;

- Aids as defined in Point a, Section 3, Article 3 of the Decision No. 144/2007/QD-TTg to workers facing difficulties during their overseas employment.

Joint Circular No. 09/2016/TTLT-BLDTBXH-BTC also defines other aids to the workers, such as: travel expense, meal and formalities for overseas work permit.

8. One-time support on merit for participants in the resistance

Pursuant to the Decision No. 24/2016/QD-TTg the following one-time support shall be given to the persons recognized for their participation in the resistance and awarded a certificate of merit from the Prime Minister or a ministerial-level agency or provincial authority:

- A holder of a certificate of merit from the Prime Minister receives VND 1,815,000;

- A holder of a certificate of merit from a ministerial-level or provincial authority receives VND 1,210,000.

The one-time support shall be given to a relative who represent a deceased holder of the certificate of merit.

Participants in the resistance, who have been awarded with a medal of resistance, shall not be eligible for the support.

9. Three decrees on workforce and salary in state-funded enterprises

- Decree No. 51/2016/ND-CP regulates the management of labor, salary and incentive for employees of single-member limited liability companies whose charter capital is fully held by the state.

- Decree No. 52/2016/ND-CP regulates remunerations and incentive for managerial personnel of single-member limited liability companies whose charter capital is fully held by the state.

- Decree No. 53/2016/ND-CP regulates the labor, remunerations and incentive in state-invested enterprises.


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