Employees in Vietnam still receive rent support during maternity leave or sick leave

23/06/2022 15:36 PM

This is a content of Official Dispatch No. 410/CVL-TTLD dated June 08, 2022 of the Employment Department of Vietnam on the implementation of policies on rent support for employees according to Decision No. 08/2022/QD-TTg of the Prime Minister of Vietnam.

Ninh Thương

According to the Official Dispatch, entities eligible for rent support as prescribed in Decision No. 08/2022/QD-TTg include:

- Employees who have labor relations, are living in rooms/houses for rent, or working in:

+ Registered enterprises, cooperatives and household businesses.

+ Representative offices, lawyer practicing organizations; etc. established and operating according to regulations of Laws on Enterprises and Cooperatives of Vietnam.

+ Companies which are established according to regulations of Vietnam’s laws on enterprises, and have certificates of education business registration (if they are eligible as prescribed).

- Employees taking paid maternity leave or sick leave:

According to point a clause 3 Article 8 of Decree No. 145/2020/ND-CP, total actual duration that employees work for employers also includes paid maternity leave and sick leave according to regulations of laws on social insurance.

If duration of paid maternity leave and sick leave is at least 14 working days in a month, employees are not required to pay social insurance but they still have to participate in compulsory social insurance of the social insurance agency.

Thus, employees taking paid maternity leave and sick leave are eligible for rent support, whether they are Vietnamese or foreign employees.

For more details, see Official Dispatch No. 410/CVL-TTLD promulgated on May 16, 2022.


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