Ministry of Health’s direction for post-Covid examination and treatment

26/04/2022 16:14 PM

On April 22, 2022, the Ministry of Health promulgated Official Dispatch No. 2055/BYT-KCB on examination and treatment for people who had COVID-19.

Ngọc Ánh

According to the Official Dispatch, the Ministry of Health directs treatment facilities to:

- Provide examination and treatment for people with post-COVID symptoms in particular and examination and treatment in general within the scope of professional operation of each treatment facility, according to specialties that are suitable for these symptoms; avoid giving unnecessary prescriptions.

- Provide examination and treatment for adults and children who are during and after they have Covid-19 according to professional guidelines promulgated by the Ministry of Health, such as:

+ Guideline for COVID-19 diagnosis and treatment, including guidelines on rehabilitation for COVID-19 cases after discharging from hospitals and mental health care;

+ Guideline for rehabilitation for acute respiratory infections caused by SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19), etc.

- Carry out communication and advertising about post-Covid examination and treatment in compliance with regulations in Circular 09/2015/TT-BYT dated May 25, 2015 on certifying advertising contents for special products, goods and services under the Ministry of Health’s management.

- Increase inspection and supervision of medical examination and treatment at professional departments and divisions.

For more details, see Official Dispatch No. 2055/BYT-KCB dated April 22, 2022.


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