10 significant Circulars coming into force from July 01, 2018

16/07/2018 09:51 AM

THƯ VIỆN PHÁP LUẬT introduces some contents of 10 significant Circulars that come into force from July 01, 2018.

Mỹ Duyên

1. Guidelines on preparing statement of funding from state budget for duplication, photocopying and sending of information

Ministry of Finance promulgated Circular No. 46/2018/TT-BTC on fees for printing, duplication, photocopying and sending of information as prescribed in clause 2, Article 12 of the Law on access to information.

According to this Circular, the guidelines for preparing statement of funding from state budget for printing, duplication, photocopying and sending of information are provided as follows:

The expenditures for printing, duplication, photocopying and sending of information as prescribed in this Circular shall be covered  by state budget and classified as state management expenditures (within the level of recurrent state management expenditures).

Preparation of estimate, payment and statement of expenditures shall be made in accordance with regulations in Chapter VI of the Law on state budget 2015 and its constructional documents. 

2. New regulations on remedial measures for banking supervision

On March 12, 2018, the State bank of Vietnam promulgates Circular No. 04/2018/TT-NHNN on amendments to Circular 08/2017/TT-NHNN. />
According to this Circular, the remedial measures for banking supervision include:

- Recommendations and warnings.

- Administrative penalties prescribed by laws.

- Early intervention action.

- Other banking supervisory actions that are suggested to competent authorities in accordance with laws.

The new regulations hereby added 01 more remedial measure for banking supervision: Early intervention action.

This Circular also added the following measures for making the contents clear:

- Article 18a. Imposition of early intervention measure on entities subject to banking supervision.

- Article 19a. Oversight, stimulation and assessment of implementation of recovery and resolution plans of entities subject to banking supervision to whom early intervention action is applied.

3. Amendments to regulations on credit information activity of the State Bank of Vietnam

Circular No.
27/2017/TT-NHNN on amendments to Circular No. 03/2013/TT-NHNN that provides credit information activity of the State bank of Vietnam as follows:

- Amendment to the definition of the term “Borrowers” in Article 3, Circular 03.

- Replace the Appendix enclosed with Circular 03 with Appendix 01 hereto.

- Amend the terms “Credit Information Center” to “National Credit Information Center”; “Director of Credit Information Center" to “General Director of National Credit Information Center" in Articles 01 and 12 in Clause 1 and Article 21 of Circular 03.

- Amend the terms “Department of Monetary Statistics and Forecast" to “Department of Statistics and Forecast”; "Credit Department" to “Credit Department of economic sectors” in point b, d, Clause 2, Article 13 of Circular 03.

4. Criterion for assessing the legal popularization and education

On March 10, 2018, the Ministry of Justice promulgated the Circular No. 03/2018/TT-BTP on Criterion for assessing the legal popularization and education.

According to this Circular, 02 regulated entities are: Ministerial agencies and People’s Committees of provinces or central-affiliated cities. 

The criterion shall include 05 following criteria groups: 

- A group of criteria for performing state management in legal popularization and education. (with a maximum of 30 points)

- A group of criteria for carrying out legal popularization and education activities (with a maximum of 20 points).

- A group of criteria for ensuring the implementation of legal popularization and education (with a maximum of 20 points) <0}

- A group of criteria for assessing the influence of the legal popularization and education on the society (with a maximum of 20 points).

- Other groups of criteria (with a maximum of 10 points).

5. Application documents for approval for the operation process of irrigation works

This is a noble content specified in Circular No. 05/2018/TT-BNNPTNT guiding the Law on Irrigation.

According to this Circular, the organizations and individuals that apply for the approval for the operation process of irrigation works shall send 01 set of documents (01 written application and 01 electronic application) in person or by post to the receiving agency including:

- An application form for approval for the operation process of irrigation works, using form No. 04 in Appendix I hereto.

- A draft document on the operation process of irrigation works, using form No. 02 in Appendix I hereto.

- Explanations for the results of technical measurement.

- A document on opinions from the Grassroots-level irrigation institutions, organizations that obtain permission for exploitation and utilization of irrigation works, and other related agencies or units.

- A map of the current irrigation works.

6. Guidelines on training professional animals

The Ministry of Public Security promulgated the Circular 16/2018/TT-BCA on guidelines on certain articles of the Law on Management and Use of Weapons, Explosives and Combat Gears. According to this Circular:

The professional training for animals shall be carried out by the specialized unit of the Ministry of Public Security and assigned by the Minister of Public Security.

The unit that carries out the professional training for animals shall assign professional trainers and have suitable facilities, equipment, means, contents and programs for the training, to be specific:

- The professional trainer who is assigned to train professional animals shall have qualifications in managing, training and using professional animals as prescribed by laws;

- The facilities, equipment and means used for nurturing and training professional animals shall meet the standards and norms approved by the Minister of Public Security.

- The unit that carries out the professional training for animals shall assign professional trainers and have suitable facilities, equipment, means, contents and programs for animal professional training, to be specific:

The Circular No. 16/2018/TT-BCA replaces the Circular No. 30/2012/TT-BCA and Circular No. 31/2012/TT-BCA dated May 29, 2012.

7. Certain forms for the state compensation work

The Ministry of Justice’s Circular No. 04/2018/TT-BTP dated May 17, 2018 promulgating the forms for state compensation work.

According to this Circular, the application forms for state compensation work are classified into 4 groups for:

- Resolving compensation claim.

- Restoring dignity

- Paying for the compensation.

- Reimbursing.

Circular 04/2018/TT-BTP shall apply for:

- Compensation body.

- Compensation-managing authority

- Victims, applicants.

- Compensation person.

- Law enforcer causing damage and other related organizations or individuals.

8. 03 cases in which the adjustment to the list of ordered publications is allowed  

This content is specified in Circular No. 07/2018/TT-BTTTT on guidelines on ordering publications using State Budget. 

According to this Decree, the adjustment to the list of ordered publications will be made if:

- The topics of ordered publications are approved but the manuscripts cannot be accepted; the topics shall be changed to be compatible with the contents, or the writers or translators shall be changed (as for publications that need to be translated);

- The quantity of printed publications is approved to be changed. 

- The address of the publisher is approved to be changed.

The adjustment to the list of ordered publications shall be made until October 30 inclusive of the planned year.

The adjustment shall be considered and made by the Ministry of Information and Communications (when using central budget to produce ordered publications); by the People’s Committees of Provinces and central-affiliated cities (when using local budget to produce ordered publications).

9. Circular No. 12/2018/TT-BYT on regulations on health standards for railway staff on board

10. Circular No. 64/2018/TT-BQP on regulations on providing information within the Ministry of National Defense


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