Summary of new contents from 11 decrees in effect in early January 2017 (Part 2)

29/12/2016 09:49 AM

THƯ VIỆN PHÁP LUẬT hereby introduces other decrees that take effect from the 01st to 10th of January 2017.

Ngọc Liêu

6. Exemption of the charge on registration of buses powered by clean fuel

Such prominent content is prescribed in the Decree No. 140/2016/ND-CP (in force as of January 01, 2017).

The registration of public buses powered by clean fuel, therefore, shall not incur any charge.

Moreover, firearms for shooting sports, subjected to the registration charge pursuant to Section 2, Article 2 of the Decree No. 45/2011/ND-CP, are specified in this Decree to include guns for training and sporting competitions.

7. Raise of the proportion of increased revenues allocated to the city of Da Nang

Such prominent content is defined in Article 5 of the Decree No. 144/2016/ND-CP , in effect as of January 01, 2017, on specific policies of investment, finance, budget and administration for the city of Da Nang.

The central state budget, therefore, shall appropriate to the city of Da Nang 70% (currently 30%) of the over-collected portion of the estimated revenues allocated to the central state budget and local budget (minus the amount rewarded for over-collection of revenues pursuant to the Law of state budget).

8. New form for declaration of licensing charge

The government issued the new form for declaration of licensing charge under the Decree No. 139/2016/ND-CP , in effect as of January 01, 2017.

An application for licensing charge declaration (the application) shall be submitted to the direct supervisory tax authority, as follows:

- If the payer of the charge and its dependent entity carry out business activities in the same province, the payer shall submit the dependent entity‘s application to the tax authority directly supervising such payer.

- If the dependent entity of the payer of the charge carries out business activities in a province different from that in which the payer’s headquarter is based, the payer shall submit the dependent entity‘s application to the tax authority directly supervising such dependent entity.

9. Exemption of adoptee registration charge for people with meritorious services to the revolution

Such prominent content is newly defined in Section 1, Article 4 of the Decree No. 114/2016/ND-CP , in effect as of January 01, 2017, on the charges for registration of adoptees and for licensing of foreign adoption organizations.

Such charge is also waived in the following circumstances:

- Step-father or step-mother adopts a step-child of his or her spouse; uncle or aunt adopts his or her biological niece or newphew.

- Adopters of the children who are  handicapped, infected with HIV/AIDS or fatal disease(s) pursuant to the Law of adoption and guiding documents.

10. Order of priority over the use of temporarily idle state funds

The following order of priority applies to the use of temporarily idle state funds pursuant to the Decree No. 24/2016/ND-CP , in effect as of January 01, 2017, on the management of state funds:

- Advances to the central state budget.

- Advances to provincial budgets.

- Time deposit of temporarily idle state funds in commercial banks ranked highly in the safety scale defined by Vietnam State Bank. Such deposit shall prioritize safer commercial banks that have higher liquidity and offer higher interest.

- Reverse repurchase of government bonds.

11. Decree No. 120/2016/ND-CP , in effect of January 01, 2017, on details and guidelines for the implementation of certain articles of the Law of fees and charges.

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