Independence - Freedom - Happiness
Hanoi, December 18, 2011
Pursuant to Government
Organization dated December 25, 2001;
Pursuant to Resolution
No.13/2011/QH13 dated November 09, 2011 by the National Assembly on the program
of objectives in phase 2011-2015;
Pursuant to Decision
No.135/2009/QD-TTg dated November 04, 2009 of the Prime Minister promulgating
the Regulation on management and implementation of national target programs;
At the proposal of the
Minister of Planning and Investment,
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1. National Target Program of
Employment and Vocational Training
a) The component projects:
- Project 1: Innovation and development
of vocational training;
- Project 2: Vocational training
for rural laborers;
- Project 3: Loans for job
creation from the National Employment Fund;
- Project 4: Support for sending
laborers to work overseas under contracts;
- Project 5: Support for labor
market development;
- Project 6: Improvement of
capacity, communication, and monitoring and evaluation of implementation of the
b) Assignment of management and
program implementation:
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2. National target program on
sustainable poverty reduction
a) The component projects:
- Project 1: Support for
infrastructure investment in poor rural districts, communes with special
difficulties of “bai ngang” areas, coastal areas and islands;
- Project 2: Support for
infrastructure investment in specially-difficult communes, border communes and
communes of zone safety; the specially-difficult villages;
- Project 3: Expansion of model
of poverty reduction;
- Project 4: Improvement of
capacity of poverty reduction, communication, and monitoring and evaluation of
implementation of the Program.
b) Assignment of management and program
- Ministry of Labour - Invalids
and Social Affairs manages, administers and generally synthesizes all the
situation of implementing program; presides over and coordinates with concerned
ministries, branches and localities to manage and organize the implementation
of Project 1, Project 3 and Project 4;
- Nationality Committee shall
preside over and coordinate with the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural
Development and other concerned ministries, branches, localities to manage and
organize the implementation of Project 2.
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a) The component projects:
- Project 1: rural water supply,
rural environment;
- Project 2: Rural Sanitation;
- Project 3: Improvement of capacity,
communication, and monitoring and evaluation of implementation of the Program.
b) Assignment of management and
implementation of the program:
- Ministry of Agriculture and
Rural Development manages, administers and generally synthesizes all the situation
of implementing program; presides over and coordinates with concerned
ministries, branches and localities to manage and organize the implementation
of Project 1 and Project 3;
- Ministry of Health shall
preside over and coordinate with the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural
Development and other concerned ministries, branches, localities to manage and
organize the implementation of Project 2.
4. National target program on
a) The component projects:
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- Project 2: The expanded immunization;
- Project 3: Reproductive health
care and improvement of the nutritional status of children;
- Project 4: Combination in
civil and military medicine;
- Project 5: Improvement of
capacity, communication, and monitoring and evaluation of implementation of the
b) Assignment of management and
implementation of the program:
Ministry of Health shall preside
over and coordinate with the concerned ministries, branches, localities to
manage and organize the implementation of Program.
5. National target program on
population and family planning.
a) The component projects,
- Project 1: Assurance of
logistics and provision for family planning service;
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- Project 3: Improvement of
capacity, communication, and monitoring and evaluation of implementation of the
- Scheme to control the
population at the sea areas, islands and coastal areas.
b) Assignment of management and
implementation of the program:
Ministry of Health shall preside
over and coordinate with the concerned ministries, branches, localities to
manage and organize the implementation of Program.
6. National target program on
safety and food hygiene
a) The component projects:
- Project 1: Improvement of
management capacity of quality of hygiene and food safety;
- Project 2: Information of
education and communication to ensure quality of hygiene and food safety;
- Project 3: Strengthening of
capacity of quality test systems for hygiene and food safety;
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- Project 5: Assurance of
hygiene and food safety in production of agriculture, forestry and fisheries;
- Project 6: Assurance of hygiene
and food safety in production, sales of food of branch of industry and trade.
b) Assignment of management and
implementation of the program:
- Ministry of Health manages,
administers and generally synthesizes all the situation of implementing
program; presides over and coordinates with concerned ministries, branches and
localities to manage and organize the implementation of Project 1, the Project
2, Project 3 and Project 4.
- Ministry of Agriculture and
Rural Development shall preside over and coordinate with Ministry of Health and
concerned ministries, branches and localities to manage and organize the
implementation of Project 5.
- Ministry of Industry and Trade
shall preside over and coordinate with Ministry of Health and concerned
ministries, branches and localities to manage and organize the implementation
of Project 6.
7. National target program on
a) The component projects:
- Project 1: Prevention of
degradation, repair and improvement of monuments;
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- Project 3: Strengthening of
investment in the construction and development of systems of cultural
institutions, sports at the mountainous districts, remote areas, border areas
and islands;
- Project 4: Support for
development of system of entertainment establishments for children in
mountainous areas, remote areas, border areas and islands;
- Project 5: Investment in the
development of traditional art forms;
- Project 6: Strengthen capacity
of basis officials of culture, communications, and monitoring and evaluation of
implementation of the program.
b) Assignment of management and
implementation of the program:
Ministry of Culture, Sport and
Tourism shall preside over and coordinate with concerned ministries, branches,
and localities to manage and organize the implementation of Program.
8. National target program on
education and training
a) The component projects:
- Project 1: Support for
preschool universalization at age 5, anti-illiteracy and anti-relapse into
illiteracy, maintenance of the results of primary education universalization,
implementation of education universalization for secondary school at the right
age and support for high school education universalization;
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- Project 3: Support for
education in mountainous areas, ethnic minority and disadvantaged areas;
material facilities support for specialized schools, schools of education;
- Project 4: Improvement of
capacity of officials managing Program and monitoring and evaluation of
implementation of the Program.
b) Assignment of management and
implementation of the program:
Ministry of Education and
Training shall preside over and coordinate with the concerned ministries,
branches, and localities to manage and implement the Program.
9. National target program on
prevention and combat of drug
a) The component projects:
- Project 1: Equipment with
facilities of fighting and examination of drug of the people's public security
- Project 2: Equipment with
facilities and improvement of capacity of prevention, combat of drug crime for
specialized and responsible forces of
prevention, combat of drug to be of the Border Guard and Coast Guard - Ministry
of Defense;
- Project 3: Strengthening of
capacity of fighting against drug crimes of customs forces;
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- Project 5: Improvement of the
effectiveness of detoxification of drug addiction, management after
detoxification and research, deployment of application and evaluation of
medicines, medical methods in treatment and rehabilitation for people of drug
- Project 6: Information,
propagation for prevention and combat of drug and monitoring, evaluation of the
implementation of Program.
b) Assignment of management and
implementation of the program:
Ministry of Public Security
shall preside over and coordinate with the concerned ministries, branches, and
localities to manage and implement the Program.
10. National target program on
prevention and combat of crime a) The component projects:
- Project 1: Investment in
facilities, weapons, support tools, professional equipment for the combat of
the investigation police agencies at all levels;
- Project 2: Strengthening of
capacity of prevention and combat of environmental crime;
- Project 3: Prevention and
combat of crimes using high technology;
- Project 4: Construction of
national information center on crime;
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- Project 6: Strengthening of
education, communication and monitoring and evaluation of implementation of the
b) Assignment of management and
implementation of the program:
Ministry of Public Security
shall preside over and coordinate with the concerned ministries, branches, and
localities to manage and implement the Program.
11. National target program on
use of effective and economic energy
a) The component projects:
- Project 1: Promotion of
education, information dissemination, community mobilization, to raise
awareness, promotes use of effective and economic energy, environmental
- Project 2: Development and
dissemination of high-performance equipment, equipment of energy saving,
gradually removing low-performance equipment;
- Project 3: Use of effective
and economic energy in buildings;
- Project 4: Promotion of energy
saving in the transport sector.
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Ministry of Trade and Industry
shall preside over and coordinate with the concerned ministries, branches and
localities to manage and implement the Program.
12. National Target Program on
Respond to Climate Change
a) The component projects:
- Project 1: Assessment of
climate change and sea level rise;
- Project 2: Develop and
implement action plans to respond to climate change.
- Project 3: Improvement of
capacity, communication, and monitoring and evaluation of implementation of the
b) Assignment of management and
implementation of the program:
Ministry of Natural Resources
and Environment shall preside over and coordinate with the concerned
ministries, branches, and localities to manage and implement the Program.
13. National target program on
the new rural construction.
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14. National target program on
prevention, combat of HIV/AIDS
a) The component projects:
- Project 1: Information,
education and communication for behavior change of prevention, combat of
- Project 2: Monitoring epidemic
of HIV/AIDS and intervention for harmful reduction, provision for HIV
- Project 3: Support for
HIV/AIDS treatment and prevention of HIV transmission from mother to child;
- Project 4: Strengthening of
the capacity for the Centers of prevention, combat of HIV/AIDS.
b) Assignment of management and
implementation of the program:
Ministry of Health shall preside
over and coordinate with the concerned ministries, branches and localities to
manage and implement the Program.
15. National target program on
sending information to the establishments in mountainous areas, remote areas,
border areas, and islands.
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- Project 1: Strengthening of
capacity for officials of information and communications of the establishments
in mountainous areas, remote areas, border areas and islands;
- Project 2: Strengthening of
material facilities for information and communications systems of the
establishments in mountainous areas, remote areas, border areas and islands;
- Project 3: Strengthening of
the contents of information and communication to the establishments in
mountainous areas, remote areas, border areas, and islands.
b) Assignment of management and
program implementation:
Ministry of Information and
Communications shall preside over and coordinate with the concerned ministries,
branches, and localities to manage and implement the Program.
16. National target program on
remedy and improvement of environmental pollution
a) The component projects:
- Project 1: Overcoming of the
pollution and environmental improvement in the craft villages particularly
serious polluted;
- Project 2: Improvement and
rehabilitation of the environment in some areas particularly serious polluted
caused by residues of plant protection chemicals;
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b) Assignment of management and
program implementation:
Ministry of Natural Resources
and Environment shall preside over and coordinate with the concerned
ministries, branches, and localities to manage and implement the Program.
Article 2. Organization of
1. Ministry of Planning and
Investment shall
- Preside over and coordinate
with the Ministry of Finance and other concerned ministries, branches, central
agencies and localities to organize the appraisal of the national target
Programs for the period of 2012 - 2015, submit to the Prime Minister for
- Guide the management and
investment management decentralization of the national target Programs in 2012
and 3-year plan 2013-2015 for the ministries, branches and localities to
actively set up and implement investment;
- Preside over and coordinate
with concerned ministries and branches to guide the integration of the capital
sources of the national target Programs implemented in the area to ensure
effective use, and avoid coincidence;
- Announce 2012 investment
capital of each national target Program before December 21, 2011 for the
Program management agencies to allocate specifically;
- Preside over and coordinate
with the Ministry of Finance to review the content, synthesize capital
allocation plans for the national target Programs in 2012 to submit to the
Prime Minister for reporting to the National Assembly Standing Committee prior
to January 05, 2012;
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2. Ministry of Finance shall
- Coordinate with the Ministry
of Planning and Investment and concerned ministries, branches, central agencies
and localities to organize the appraisal of the national target Programs -
period 2012 - 2015;
- Guide financial mechanism of implementing
the national target Programs in 2012 and 3-year plan 2013-2015 for the
ministries, branches and localities to implement;
- Notify the 2012 administrative
capital of each national target Program before December 21, 2011 for the
Program management agencies to allocate specifically;
- Coordinate with the Ministry
of Planning and Investment to review the content and method of allocating
capital of the 2012 national target Program;
- After consulting the National
Assembly Standing Committee, notify expenditure estimates of the 2012 national
target Programs to the ministries, branches, and localities before January 15,
3. Agencies managing the
national target Programs shall
- Preside over and coordinate
with ministries, branches and localities to review objectives and tasks of
building the detailed contents of the national target program for the period
2012 - 2015 with the Ministry of Planning and Investment before December 31,
2011 to appraise and submit to the Prime Minister for approval;
- Preside over to set up content
and plans for capital allocation of the 2012 national target Program (including
investment capital and administrative capital), sending to the Ministry of
Planning and Investment, Ministry of Finance before December 28, 2011 to synthesize
and submit to the Prime Minister.
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a) The ministries,
ministerial-level agencies, central agencies implementing the national target
Programs shall:
- Coordinate with the agencies
managing the national target Programs to build the detailed content of the
national target Programs for the period 2012 - 2015;
- Allocate and assign
expenditure estimates of the 2012 national target Program for the units using
subordinate budget prior to February 28, 2012.
b) The Chairmen of the People’s
Committees of provinces and cities directly under the Central Government shall:
- Develop a plan implementing
the national target Programs for the period 2012 - 2015 in the area consistent
with the orientation of social - economic development of the localities and
objectives and tasks of the national target Programs;
- Direct and inspect and
supervise the implementation of the national target Programs in localities
according to regulations; strengthen the Steering Committee of the national
target Programs for period 2012 - 2015 in the localities;
- Develop plan to distribute
expenditure estimates of the 2012 national target Programs to report to
Standing People’s Council the same level to get opinions before implementation
prior to February 28, 2012 and report to the People's Council report in the
latest session.
Article 3. This Decision
takes effect from its signing date.
Article 4. The ministers,
heads of ministerial-level agencies, heads of governmental agencies, the heads
of other central agencies, the presidents of the People's Committees of
provinces and cities under central authority are responsible for the
implementation of this Decision./.
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Nguyen Tan Dung