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Independence - Freedom - Happiness

No. 22/2018/TT-NHNN

Hanoi, September 05, 2018




Pursuant to the Law on the State bank of Vietnam dated June 16, 2010;

Pursuant to the Law on Credit Institutions dated June 16, 2010 and Law on amendments to some Articles of the Law on Credit Institutions dated November 20, 2017 (hereinafter referred to as “the Law on Credit Institutions);

Pursuant to the Government’s Decree No. 16/2017/ND-CP dated February 17, 2017 defining functions, tasks, entitlements and organizational structure of the State Bank of Vietnam;

At the request of the Chief Inspector of the Central Banking Inspection and Supervision Authority;

The Governor of the State Bank of Vietnam hereby promulgates a Circular on guidelines for procedures and application for approval for provisional lists of personnel of commercial banks, non-bank credit institutions and foreign banks’ branches.

Chapter I




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Article 1. Scope

1. This Circular provides guidelines for procedures and application for approval for provisional lists of elected or appointed members of the Board of Directors, members of Board of Members, members of Board of Controllers or Director General (Director) (hereinafter referred to as “personnel”) in accordance with regulations of the Law on Credit Institutions with respect to commercial banks, non-bank credit institutions and foreign banks’ branches that have been issued with the license for establishment and operation by the State Bank of Vietnam (hereinafter referred to as “the State Bank”).

2. The approval for the provisional list of personnel of a state-owned commercial bank, and approval for the provisional list of personnel appointed or introduced by the owner of state capital as members of Board of Directors, members of Board of Controllers or Director General of a joint stock commercial bank over 50% of charter capital of which is held by the State shall comply with documents about human resource management promulgated by the Governor of the State Bank.

Article 2. Regulated entities

1. Commercial banks (except state-owned commercial banks), non-bank credit institutions (hereinafter referred to as “credit institutions”).

2. Foreign banks’ branches.

3. Organizations and individuals related to procedures and application for approval for provisional lists of personnel of credit institutions and foreign banks’ branches.

Article 3. Rules for preparing and submitting applications

1. An application for approval for provisional list of personnel of a credit institution or foreign bank’s branch shall be prepared according to the following rules:




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b) Translations from a foreign language into Vietnamese must be notarized or bear the translator’s signature as prescribed by law;

c) Copies of documents of personnel to be elected or appointed must be copies from the master register or certified true copies as prescribed by law;

d) The documents prepared by personnel to be elected or appointed must bear signatures as prescribed by law.

2. The document of a credit institution or foreign bank’s branch requesting the State Bank to approve the list of its personnel must be signed by the legal representative or the authorized representative (hereinafter referred to as “the legal representative”).

In case the authorized representative appends his/her signature, the application must include a power of attorney made as prescribed by law.

3. The application enclosed with a list of documents prepared by the credit institution/foreign bank’s branch shall be submitted by post or directly to the State Bank.

4. The credit institution, foreign bank’s branch and personnel to be elected or appointed shall take legal responsibility for the adequacy, accuracy and truthfulness of the application.

Article 4. Power of the State Bank

The Governor of the State Bank of Vietnam shall consider approving provisional lists of personnel of credit institutions and foreign banks’ branches.




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The State Bank’s written approval for provisional lists of personnel of credit institutions and foreign banks’ branches shall remain valid within 06 months from the date on which it is signed. After the effective period, if the election or appointment of personnel of credit institutions and foreign banks' branches fail to be completed, the State Bank's written approval will become automatically null and void.

Chapter II


Article 6. Application for approval for provisional lists of personnel of credit institutions

An application for approval for provisional list of personnel of a credit institution includes:

1. A document of the credit institution requesting the State Bank to approve the list of its personnel application for approval for provisional lists of personnel of the credit institution, which contains at least:

a) Reasons for election or appointment;

b) Provisional list of personnel, which specifies full names, titles and supervisory unit; titles before and after election or appointment carried out at the credit institution;

c) Composition and list of members of Board of Directors, members of Board of Members and members of Board of Controllers before and after the election or appointment (in the case of election or appointment of members of Board of Directors, members of Board of Members or members of Board of Controllers). To be specific:




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(ii) Regarding the credit institution being a limited liability company: clearly state the number of members of Board of Directors, the number of members of Board of Controllers, the number of full-time members of Board of Controllers.

d) A document about the assessment of fulfillment of conditions and standards in accordance with the Law on Credit Institutions and relevant regulations of law by personnel to be elected or appointed, including the assessment of fulfillment of each condition.

2. A document ratifying the provisional list of personnel of the credit institution (clearly stating the term of the Board of Directors, Board of Members or Board of Controllers), to be specific:

a) The credit institution that is a joint-stock company shall submit a Resolution of the Board;

b) The credit institution that is a single-member limited liability company shall submit a document issued by its owner;

c) The credit institution that is a multi-member limited liability company shall submit:

(i) a document issued by the competent representatives of the capital contributors (in case of the appointment of members of Board of Members or members of Board of Controllers);

(ii) the Resolution of Board of Members (in case of appointment of Director General (Director)).

3. Resumé of personnel to be elected or appointed, made using the sample in the Appendix 01 hereof.




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a) In case the proposed personnel holds Vietnamese nationality, his/her criminal record must be issued by the agency managing criminal record database and contain sufficient information about criminal records (including the criminal records that have been or not been expunged) and prohibition from holding certain positions, incorporation and management of enterprises and cooperatives;

b) In case the proposed personnel does not hold Vietnamese nationality, his/her criminal record or an equivalent document (which contains sufficient information about criminal records, including the criminal records that have been or not been expunged, and about prohibition from holding certain positions, incorporation and management of enterprises and cooperatives) must be issued by a Vietnamese competent authority or foreign competent authority as prescribed.

The criminal record or equivalent document must be issued by a competent authority before the credit institution submits the application for approval for the provisional list of personnel for a maximum of 06 months.

5. A list of the persons relating to the personnel to be elected or appointed, made using the sample in the Appendix 02 hereof.

6. Copies of diplomas and certificates proving professional qualifications of the personnel to be elected or appointed; if diploma of a Vietnamese person is issued by a foreign educational institution, it must be recognized by the Ministry of Education and Training in accordance with relevant regulations of law.

7. Documentary evidences for fulfillment of standards and conditions by the personnel expected to hold the position of member of Board of Director or member of Board of Members of the credit institution as prescribed in Point d Clause 1 Article 50 of the Law on Credit Institutions, to be specific:

a) Regarding the condition “have at least 03 years’ experience of working as a manager or executive of a credit institution or at least 05 year’s experience of working as a manager or executive of a finance, banking, accounting or audit enterprise”:

(i) A copy of the enterprise registration certificate (regarding the enterprise that is not a credit institution);

(ii) Contents of Charter of the credit institution or enterprise about the manager and executive;




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b) Regarding the condition “have at least 05 years’ experience of working as a manager or executive of an enterprise whose equity is not smaller than the legal capital of a credit institution”:

(i) Contents of Charter of the credit institution or enterprise about the manager and executive;

(ii) Copies of financial statements audited by the independent audit organization of the enterprise where the proposed personnel worked or is working;

(iii) A document issued by the competent representative of the enterprise where the personnel worked or is working, which certifies his/her position and period of time over which he/she has held the position or copies of documents proving his/her position and period of time over which he/she has held the position.

(c) Regarding the condition “have at least 05 years’ experience of working in a finance, banking accounting or audit department”: A document issued by the competent representative of the unit where the personnel worked or is working, which certifies he/she has worked in the finance, banking accounting or audit department and period of time over which he/she has worked in such department or copies of documents proving the department where he/she has worked and period of time over which he/she has undertaken his/her tasks in such department.

8. Documentary evidences for fulfillment of standards and conditions by the personnel expected to hold the position of Director General (Director) of the credit institution as prescribed in Point d Clause 4 Article 50 of the Law on Credit Institutions, to be specific:

a) Regarding the condition “have at least 05 year’s experience of working as an executive of a credit institution”:

(i) Contents of Charter of the credit institution or enterprise about the executive;

(iii) A document issued by the competent representative of the credit institution where the personnel worked or is working, which certifies his/her position and period of time over which he/she has held the position or copies of documents proving his/her position and period of time over which he/she has held the position.




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ii) Copies of financial statements audited by the independent audit organization of the enterprise where the proposed personnel held or is holding the position of Director General (Director) or Deputy Director General (Deputy Director);

(ii) A document issued by the competent representative of the enterprise where the personnel worked or is working, which certifies his/her position and period of time over which he/she has held the position or copies of documents proving his/her position and period of time over which he/she has held the position;

(iii) A document issued by the competent representative of the unit where the personnel worked or is working, which certifies he/she has worked in the finance, banking accounting or audit field and period of time over which he/she has worked in such field or copies of documents proving the field that he/she has been in charge of and period of time over which he/she has undertaken his/her tasks in such field.

(c) Regarding the condition “have at least 10 years’ experience of working in the finance, banking, accounting or audit field”: A document issued by the competent representative of the unit where the personnel worked or is working, which certifies he/she has worked in the finance, banking accounting or audit field and period of time over which he/she has worked in such field or copies of documents proving the field that he/she has been in charge of and period of time over which he/she has undertaken his/her tasks in such field.

9. Documentary evidences for fulfillment of the standard and condition “have at least 03 years’ experience of working in the finance, banking, accounting or audit field” by the personnel expected to hold the position of member of Board of Controllers of the credit institution as prescribed in Point c Clause 3 Article 50 of the Law on Credit Institutions: A document issued by the competent representative of the unit where the personnel worked or is working, which certifies he/she has worked in the finance, banking accounting or audit field and period of time over which he/she has worked in such field or copies of documents proving the field that he/she has been in charge of and period of time over which he/she has undertaken his/her tasks in such field.

10. Regarding the personnel to be elected or appointed in the cases specified in Points dd and e Clause 2 Article 33 of the Law on Credit Institutions: a document issued by the competent authority appointing the proposed personnel as the representative of the State’s stakes at the credit institution.

Article 7. Application for approval for proposal for appointment of Director General (Director) of a foreign bank’s branch

1. A document issued by the foreign bank's branch requesting the State Bank to approve  the proposal for appointment of Director General (Director) of a foreign bank’s branch in Vietnam, which contains at least:

a) Reasons for appointment of Director General (Director) of the foreign bank’s branch;




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c) A document about the assessment of fulfillment of conditions and standards in accordance with the Law on Credit Institutions and relevant regulations of law by the Director General (Director) to be appointed, including the assessment of fulfillment of each condition.

2. A document issued by the competent representative of the foreign bank ratifying the proposal for appointment of Director General (Director) of the foreign bank’s branch in Vietnam.

3. Documents prescribed in Clauses 3, 4, 5, 6 and 8 Article 6 of this Circular.

Article 8. Procedures for approval for provisional lists of personnel of credit institutions and foreign banks’ branches

1. The credit institution or foreign bank’s branch shall prepare an application as prescribed in Articles 6 and 7 of this Circular and submit it to the State Bank (Central Banking Inspection and Supervision Authority). If the application is unsatisfactory, within 07 working days from the receipt of the application, the State Bank (Central Banking Inspection and Supervision Authority) shall request the credit institution or foreign bank’s branch in writing to complete it.

2. The credit institution or foreign bank’s branch shall complete the application at the request of the State Bank within up to 45 working days from the date on which additional documents are requested in writing by the the State Bank (Central Banking Inspection and Supervision Authority). After the aforementioned time limit, the credit institution or foreign bank’s branch shall re-submit an application as prescribed in this Circular to the State Bank for consideration and approval.

3. Within 30 working days from the receipt of satisfactory application prescribed in Articles 6 and 7 of this Circular, the State Bank shall send a written approval or written rejection of the provisional list of the credit institutions or foreign bank’s branch. In case of rejection, a written explanation shall be provided.

Chapter III





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Article 9. Reviewing standards and conditions to be satisfied by personnel

Credit institutions and foreign banks’ branches shall review and assess personnel's fulfillment of standards and conditions as prescribed by law and take legal responsibility for the adequacy, accuracy and truthfulness of the documents provided for the State Bank.

Article 10. Following procedures related to election or appointment of personnel

1. Prepare and complete applications upon request and follow procedures for requesting the State Bank to approve provisional lists of personnel in accordance with regulations of this Circular and relevant regulations of law.

2. Elect or appoint personnel as prescribed by law and on the basis of the provisional lists of personnel approved by the State Bank.

Article 11. Complying with reporting regulations

1. Promptly notify the State Bank (Central Banking Inspection and Supervision Authority) in writing of:

a) Changes related to fulfillment of standards and conditions by personnel to be elected or appointed that occur during the State Bank’s approval for provisional lists of personnel.

b) Changes related to fulfillment of standards and conditions by personnel to be elected or appointed that occur from the date on which the State Bank grants the written approval for provisional lists of personnel to the date on which the personnel is elected or appointed.




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a) The credit institution that is a limited liability company, credit institution that is a joint-stock company whose headquarters is located in a province or central-affiliated city (hereinafter referred to as “province or city”) where the Banking Inspection and Supervision Department is located shall submit the notification to the Central Banking Inspection and Supervision Authority.

b) The credit institution that is a joint-stock company whose headquarters is located in a province or city where the Banking Inspection and Supervision Department is not located shall submit the notification to the branch of the State Bank of the province or city where the headquarters of the credit institution that is a joint-stock company is located and the Central Banking Inspection and Supervision Authority.


Article 12. Responsibilities of the Central Banking Inspection and Supervision Authority

1. Within 20 working days from the receipt of satisfactory application submitted by the credit institution or foreign bank’s branches as prescribed, Central Banking Inspection and Supervision Authority shall be in charge of assessing the fulfillment of application requirements, standards and conditions by credit institutions and foreign banks’ branches in accordance with regulations of the Law on Credit Institutions and this Circular; see opinions of relevant units; consolidate and submit applications for approval for provisional lists of personnel of credit institutions and foreign banks’ branches to the Governor of the State Bank who will grants written approval or written rejection.

2. Receive notifications sent by credit institutions and foreign banks’ branches as specified in Clause 1 Article 11 of this Circular; consider and give opinions to the Governor of the State Bank about the fulfillment of standards and conditions by proposed personnel or propose solutions therefor.

3. Receive and review notifications of credit institutions (except the credit institution that is a joint-stock company whose headquarters is located in a province or city where the Banking Inspection and Supervision Department is not located) and foreign banks’ branches as specified in Clause 2 Article 11 of this Circular. If errors are found, the Central Banking Inspection and Supervision Authority shall request the credit institutions and foreign banks’ branches to correct them or propose correction measures to the Governor of the State Bank.

Article 13. Responsibilities of branches of the State Bank of provinces or cities where the headquarters of the credit institution that is a joint-stock company is located (except for provinces or cities where the Banking Inspection and Supervision Department is located)

1. Branches of the State Bank of provinces or cities shall give written opinions at the request of the Central Banking Inspection and Supervision Authority within 05 working days from the date on which the written request is received.




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Article 14. Responsibilities of other relevant affiliates of the State Bank

Relevant affiliates of the State Bank shall give written opinions at the request of the Central Banking Inspection and Supervision Authority within 05 working days from the date on which the written request is received.

Chapter IV


Article 15. Transition clause

The application for approval for provisional lists of personnel of credit institutions and branches of foreign banks that is received before the effective date of this Circular shall continue to be considered and processed under the guidance of the State Bank at the time of receipt.

Article 16. Effect

1. This Circular comes into force from November 01, 2018.

2. The following regulations are repealed:




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b) Regulations on approval for personnel specified in Section II Part III; Section III Part III; Circular No. 03/2007/TT-NHNN dated June 05, 2007 of the Governor of the State Bank;

c) Decision No. 516/2003/QD-NHNN dated May 26, 2003 of the Governor of the State Bank and Decision No. 14/2006/QD-NHNN dated April 04, 2006 of the Governor of the State Bank.

Article 17. Implementation organization

The Chief of Office, the Chief Inspector of the Central Banking Inspection and Supervision Authority, heads of affiliates of the State Bank, Directors of branches of the State Bank of provinces and cities, Presidents and members of Board of Directors and Board of Members, heads and members of Board of Controllers, Directors General (Directors) of credit institutions and Directors General (Directors) of foreign banks’ branches are responsible for the implementation of this Circular./.




Nguyen Dong Tien






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Independence – Freedom – Happiness



1. Self introduction


Passport photo

- Full birth name.


- Full name.




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- Aliases.


- Date of birth.


- Place of birth.

- Nationality/nationalities (if any)

- Permanent address according to the registration book, address according to the ID card/citizen identification and current residence address.

- ID/citizen identification number (or passport/equivalent legal identification document number); Date and place of issue of the ID card/citizen identification (or passport/equivalent legal identification document);

- Name and address of the juridical person whom the declarant represents, the holding represented (in case the declarant represents stakes of shareholders or contributing members who are juridical persons or persons assigned to represent the stakes owned by the State at credit institutions).




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- Formal education.

- Academic titles and diplomas (specify name and address of education institute; major; education period; degree (fully list all degrees)).

3. Work experience:

 - Professions, employers and titles from 18 years of age until present(2).


Period (from mm/yyyy to mm/yyyy)(3)



Sectors of enterprises and assigned tasks




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- Commendations, disciplines and responsibilities according to inspection conclusions resulting in imposing of administrative sanctions upon credit institutions or foreign branch bank (FBB)(6).

4. Legal capacity(7)

5. Declaration




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- I satisfy standards and conditions to hold the position of …… at credit institution or FBB.

- I do not violate regulations and law in monetary and banking sectors.

- To inform the credit institution or FBB about any change related to this declaration contents arising during the period in which the State Bank of Vietnam considers request of ……… (credit institution or foreign bank’s branch).

- The personal information I provided for the credit institution or FBB is truthful. I hereby claim legal responsibility for adequacy, honesty and accuracy of information declared above.


...., (Date)
Signature and full name of declarant
(Signature authentication)



1. The declarant must fully declare information as requested and be responsible to the law and the credit institution or FBB for adequacy, accuracy and honesty of the document, specify no additional information in case of no additional information.




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3. Ensure chronological continuity.

4. Specify clearly if the declarant holds managerial or executive rank according to regulations and law and charter of the credit institution or enterprise.

5. Specify if the employer is:

a) A subsidiary of the credit institution; or

b) An enterprise whose charter capital is owned by the State for more than 50%; or

c) An entity specified in Point e Clause 2 Article 33 of Law on credit institutions; or

d) An entity specified in Points c and d Clause 1 Article 33 of Law on credit institutions;

6. Specify if it is any of the cases mentioned in Points dd and h Clause 1 Article 33 of Law on credit institutions

7. Write “full legal capacity”, “limited legal capacity” or “incapacitated”.




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Attached to Circular No. 22/2018/TT-NHNN dated September 05, 2018 of Governor of State Bank of Vietnam providing guidelines of procedures and application for approval of list of provisional personnel of financial banks, non-bank credit institutions and foreign branch bank)

Independence – Freedom – Happiness


Related persons declaration


Declarant and his/her “related persons”

Relationship with the declarant




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Position at requesting credit institution

Position at subsidiary of requesting credit institution

Holding in the requesting credit institution (%)










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Nguyen Van A









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Nguyen Thi B










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I hereby guarantee truthfulness of the information above. I hereby claim legal responsibility for adequacy, honesty and accuracy of information declared above.






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(Signature authentication)


- With respect to column (3) of the related persons declaration: Refer to actual relationship with the related persons in column (2) according specific cases set forth under Clause 28 Article 4, Clause 2 Article 62 of Law on credit institutions and relevant law provisions to fill in this column.

(Apart from basic information above, the declarant may add other information if necessary)



Attached to Circular No. 22/2018/TT-NHNN dated September 05, 2018 of Governor of State Bank of Vietnam providing guidelines of procedures and application for approval of list of provisional personnel of financial banks, non-bank credit institutions and foreign branch bank)

Independence – Freedom – Happiness




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List of persons elected or assigned to be members of the Board of Directors, members of the Board of Members, members of the Board of Controllers or General Director (Director)


Based on the provisional list of persons elected or assigned to be members of the Board of Directors, members of the Board of Members, members of the Board of Controllers or General Director (Director) approved by the State Bank of Vietnam in document No. ………… dated ……………….., the credit institution/foreign bank’s branch has adopted procedures to elect and assign personnel as per the law.

The credit institution/FBB hereby inform the State Bank of Vietnam about results of the personnel election and assignment:

1. Board of Directors/Board of Members (…… tenure)

a) Results of the personnel election and assignment:


Full name




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Voter turnout at the General Meeting of Shareholders (if the credit institution is a joint-stock company)

Resolution/Decision on personnel election/assignment (*)






b) Structure of the Board of Directors as specified in Article 62 of Law of credit institutions (applicable to credit institutions that are joint-stock companies), in which must specify independent members, members that hold/do not hold executive ranks in the credit institution and members of the Board of Directors that are related persons.

2. Board of Controllers (…… tenure)




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Full name

Elected and/or assigned title(2)

Voter turnout at the General Meeting of Shareholders (if the credit institution is a joint-stock company)

Resolution/Decision on personnel election/assignment (*)








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b) Structure of the Board of Controllers as specified in Article 44 of Law on credit institutions, in which must specify full-time/part-time members of the Board of Controllers.

3. General Director (Director):


Full name

Decision on assignment (*)








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(Location and date)
Legal representative of credit institution/FBB
(Signature, full name and stamp)



1. Specify in details title of Chairperson or member of Board of Directors/Board of members, or member of independent Board of Directors.

2. Specify in details title of head or member of the Board of Controllers (full-time/part-time)

(*) Specify in details type, number, date of issue and entry into force of that document and copy(s) of that document.

(Apart from basic information above, the credit institution/FBB may add other information if necessary)


Address: 17 Nguyen Gia Thieu street, Ward Vo Thi Sau, District 3, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
Phone: (+84)28 3930 3279 (06 lines)

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