Independence – Freedom - Happiness
No: 33/2017/TT-BGDDT
Hanoi, December 22 2017
Pursuant to Law on
Education dated June 14, 2005 and the Law on amendments thereto dated November
25, 2009;
Pursuant to the Resolution
No. 88/2014/QH13 of the National Assembly on renovation of curriculum and
textbooks in general education;
Pursuant to the
Government's Decree No. 75/2006/ND-CP dated August 02, 2006, elaborating and
providing guidance on the implementation of a number of articles of the Law on
Education; the Government's Decree No. 31/2011/ND-CP dated May 11, 2011 on the
amendments to the Government's Decree No. 75/2006/ND-CP dated August 02, 2006,
elaborating and providing guidance on the implementation of a number of
articles of the Law on Education; the Government's Decree No. 07/2013/ND-CP
dated January 09, 2013 on amendments to Point b Clause 13 Article 1 of Decree
No. 31/2011/ND-CP;
At the proposal of the
Director General of Primary Education Department, the Director General of
Secondary Education Department;
The Minister of Education and Training
promulgates a Circular on the standards and procedures for development and
revision of textbooks; standards for textbook developers and organization and
operation of the National Textbook Appraisal Council.
1. The Regulation on standards and procedures for development
and revision of textbooks; standards for textbook developers and organization
and operation of the National Textbook Appraisal Council are promulgated
together with this Circular.
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This Circular replaces
the regulation on the organization and operation of National Textbook Appraisal
Councils promulgated together with Decision No. 37/2001/QD-BGDDT dated August
10, 2001 of the Minister of Education and Training on the organization and
operation of National Textbook Appraisal Councils; Circular No.
31/2015/TT-BGDDT dated December 14, 2015 of the Ministry of Education and
Training on criteria for evaluating English textbooks in general education.
3. Chief of Office, Director Generals of Primary Education
Department and Secondary Education Department, Heads of relevant units
affiliated to the Ministry of Education and Training, Chairmen of provincial
People’s Committees, Directors of Departments of Education and Training and
relevant organizations, individuals shall implement this Circular.
Nguyen Huu Do
(Attached to Circular No. 33/2017/TT-BGDDT dated December 22, 2017 by the
Minister of Education and Training)
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1. Scope and regulated entities
1. This document provides
for the standards, compilation and editing process of textbooks; standards for
organizations, individuals compiling textbooks and the organization and operation
of the National Textbook Appraisal Council.
2. This document applies
to organizations, individuals developing textbooks (hereinafter referred to as
“textbook developers”), National Textbook Appraisal Council and other related
organizations, individuals.
2. Definitions
For the purposes of this
document, the terms below shall be construed as follow:
1. ”textbook” means
the a published material concretizing the requirements on educational objectives
and contents, which are approved by the Ministry of Education and Training and
allowed to be used as the official teaching materials at general education
2. ”sample textbook” means
the complete draft of the textbook which has been edited, plated and printed
out in the form of a book, on the first cover and the title page shall have the
word “sample”.
3. Textbook development rules:
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2. Specify targets,
contents, methods of education and evaluation of general education results;
ensure the transferability among different levels, subjects and educational
3. Be appropriate for
conditions of Vietnam and consistent with the global trends in education, and
ensure the interests of students.
4. Prerequisites for textbooks
1. The content and
appearance of textbooks shall comply with regulations of Vietnamese laws and
the national standards for publications.
2. The content and
appearance of textbooks shall not discriminate against ethnicities, religions,
professions, genders, ages and social status;
5. Contents of textbooks
1. The contents of
textbooks must present accurately and adequately the contents of the subject’s
program or the educational activity; ensure the basic, scientific and practical
characteristics and be consistent with the reality of Vietnam.
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3. New scientific
achievements relating to the subject's program, educational activities shall be
updated on the textbook to meet the requirements of international integration
and the objectives of the subject’s program and educational activity.
4. The contents of
national sovereignty, human rights, children’s rights, gender equality,
sustainable development, environment protection, adaptation to climate change
shall be presented properly.
6. Methods of education and evaluation of educational outcomes of textbooks
1. The lessons of the textbook
shall enable teachers to creatively apply student-centered teaching method and
related activities; encourage students to be active, creative in learning and
develop their potentials.
2. The lessons of the
textbook shall present precisely, sufficiently, clearly the qualities and
capabilities students have to achieve and the requirements for evaluation of
educational outcomes prescribed in the program, which serve as a basis for
accurate educational assessment.
7. Structure of textbooks
1. A textbook shall be
divided into sections, chapters or topics; have lessons, glossary and table of
2. A lesson in a textbook
shall have the following components: introduction, knowledge of the lesson,
practice and application.
1. The language used in
textbooks is Vietnamese (except for textbooks of foreign languages and ethnic
languages). The language used in textbooks must follow rules of spelling
and grammar, abbreviations, signs, transcription, measurement units of
measurements stipulated by the Ministry of Education and Training on. The
writing style of textbooks must be clear, comprehensible, suitable for
students’ ages and precisely presenting the content of lessons.
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3. Pictures, photographs,
charts, tables, maps in the textbook shall be clear, accurate, updated, to the
contents of lessons, students’ ages and indication of cited sources.
9. Procedures for textbook development and revision:
1. Procedures for
textbook development:
a) The textbook developer
shall submit the draft of the textbook to a publisher which meets the standards
prescribed in Clause 1 Article 18 of this Circular.
b) The publisher shall
edit and complete the draft of the textbook and cooperate with its developer in
running the pilot application of the textbook;
c) The Minister of
Education and Training shall organize the appraisal of the textbook in
accordance with regulations prescribed in Chapter IV of this Circular;
d) The publisher shall
cooperate with its developer in completing the sample textbook after appraisal;
dd) The Minister of
Education and Training shall consider approving the textbook.
2. Procedures for
textbook revision:
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b) The procedures for
revising the textbook is the same as the procedures for textbook development
prescribed in Clause 1 of this Article, except for the regulation on pilot
implementation. The Minister of Education and Training shall decide whether the
revised textbook needs to undergo pilot application.
10. Standards for organizations
An organization may develop
textbooks if:
1. It is established
according to regulations of Vietnam’s laws;
2. It has a textbook
development team which meets the standards prescribed in Article 11 of this
3. It finds a publisher which
meets the standards prescribed in Clause 1 Article 18 of this Circular
and agrees to organize the textbook development, complete the textbook
sample, cooperate in organizing the pilot implementation and requesting
appraisal of the textbook.
11. Standards for individuals:
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a) has at least a
bachelor’s degree and thorough knowledge about educational sciences and content
of the textbook;
b) has full citizenship, good
moral qualities and ideology.
2. An individual that has
participated in development of a textbook shall not participate in the
appraisal of the same textbook.
12. National Textbook Appraisal Council
1. A National
Textbook Appraisal Council (hereinafter referred to as “the Council”) is an
organization established specifically for a particular subject, educational
activity in a particular educational stage by the Minister of Education and
Training to assist the Minister in appraising textbooks.
2. The members of the
Council are scientists, educators, experienced education managers and
representatives of related organizations. At least one-thirds of the Council’s
member must be teachers who are teaching the subject at the same educational
stage. The number of the Council’s members shall be an odd number, the minimum
of which shall be 7 (seven) people.
3. Tasks of the Council
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b) Propose the Minister
of Education and Training to consider the approval for use of the textbook;
4. The Council shall
consist of the chairperson, vice-chairperson, secretary and members of the
5. The Council and its
members shall be responsible for the content and quality of the appraisal.
13. Standards for members of the Council
A member of the Council
1. Have good moral
qualities and ideology; adequate health and time for textbook appraisal.
2. Have at least a
bachelor’s degree and knowledge about educational sciences and content of the
3. Have participated in
one the following works: general education program development or appraisal,
textbook development or appraisal; or have at least 3 years’ teacher at the
educational stage that uses the textbook.
14. Responsibilities and entitlements of the chairperson, vice-chairperson,
secretary and members of the Council
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a) Take responsibility
for the operation of the Council to the Ministry of Education and Training;
b) Contact the appraising
unit in accordance with regulations prescribed in clause 1 Article 19 of this
c) Prepare and implement
the working plan of the Council in accordance with the schedule; assign tasks
to members of the Council;
d) Chair the meetings of
the Council, ratify the minutes of each meeting of the Council;
dd) Report and cooperate
with the appraising unit to handle any unusual case during the appraisal;
e) Propose addition or
change of members of the Council (if necessary);
g) Authorize the
vice-chairperson to perform certain tasks. The authorization shall be recorded
in writing and attached to the working file of the Council;
h) Perform other tasks
and entitlements as prescribed in clause 4 of this Article;
2. Responsibilities and entitlements
of the vice-chairperson of the Council
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b) Assist the chairperson
of the Council in preparing the documents of the Council’s meetings and
convening meetings of the Council.
c) Perform other tasks
and entitlements as prescribed in clause 4 of this Article;
3. Responsibilities and
entitlements of the secretary of the Council:
a) Assist the chairperson
and vice-chairperson of the Council in preparing the documents of the Council’s
b) Prepare minutes of
meetings, consolidated reports on opinions and requests offered during the
meetings of the Council; take responsibility for the adequacy and truthfulness
of the minutes.
c) After the Council has made
the report on conclusion, gather and transfer all related documents to the
textbook appraising unit;
d) Perform entitlements
and responsibilities of the member of the Council as prescribed in clause 4 of
this Article;
4. Responsibilities and
entitlements of members of the Council:
a) Carry out the textbook
appraisal in accordant with regulations prescribed in Article 16 of this
Circular and other tasks assigned by the chairperson of the Council;
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c) Take responsibility
for the opinions offered during the textbook appraisal;
d) Have the rights to
request documents relating to the appraisal, offer opinions; send their opinions
in writing to the appraising unit.
15. Working principles of the Council:
1. The Council’s
operation shall ensure concentration, democracy, objectivity and transparency.
2. The meeting of the
Council shall be considered legitimate if at least two-thirds of the members is
present, including the chairperson, vice-chairperson and the secretary; absent
members shall sent their written evaluation of the sample textbook in a sealed
envelope to the appraising unit before the date of the meeting. The
representative of the appraising unit must attend all meetings of the Council.
3. The minutes of each
meeting of the Council shall have signatures of the participating members and
the representative of the appraising unit.
4. During the appraisal
process, the Council may request the appraising unit to seek professional
opinions of the relevant organizations and individuals if necessary.
16. Procedures for textbook appraisal
1. Within 15 days before
the first meeting of the Council, copies of the sample textbook shall be sent
to the members of the Council by the textbook appraising unit.
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2. The Council shall
discuss the content of the sample textbook in accordance with Article 4,
Article 5, Article 6, Article 7 and Article 8 of this Circular.
3. The members of
the Council shall:
a) Evaluate and classify
the sample textbook as "satisfactory”, “partially satisfactory” or
“unsatisfactory” in accordance with Article 4, Article 5, Article 6, Article 7
and Article 8 of this Circular;
b) Make general
evaluation and classify the sample textbook as "satisfactory”,
“Acceptable” or “unsatisfactory”;
- The sample textbook is
classified as “Satisfactory" if all the contents prescribed in Article 4,
Article 5, Article 6, Article 7 and Article 8 of this Circular are classified
as "satisfactory”;
- The sample textbook is
classified as “partially satisfactory" if all the contents prescribed in
Article 5, Article 6, Article 7 and Article 8 of this Circular are classified
as "satisfactory” or “partially satisfactory”, and the contents
specified in Article 4are classified as “satisfactory”;
- The sample textbook is
classified as “unsatisfactory” in cases other than those mentioned above.
4. The Council shall
classify the sample textbook as:
a) “satisfactory” if the
sample textbook is classified as “satisfactory” by at least 3/4 (three-fourths)
of the members of the Council;
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c) “unsatisfactory” in
cases other than those mentioned above.
17. Application for textbook appraisal
1. An application for
textbook appraisal (hereinafter referred to as “the application”) consists of:
The application form
b) The sample textbook.
c) Descriptions of the
sample textbook, including: the name of the textbook, name of the authors,
editors, chief editor (if any); purposes , objectives and scope of the
textbook; structure, content of the textbook; the progress and result of pilot
application and other relevant information (if any).
d) Academic credentials
of the authors, editors, chief editor (if any).
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a) The revised sample textbook;
b) The report on
consenting or dissenting opinions about the Council’s conclusion.
18. Applicants for textbook appraisal
1. Applicants for
textbook appraisal shall be publishers that are legally established and
permitted to publish textbooks as stated in their certificates of publisher
2. Applications for
textbook appraisal must be submitted by publishers which meet the requirements
specified in Clause 1 of this Article.
19. Appraising units
1. The Primary Education
Department and Secondary Education Department shall organize textbook
appraisals (hereinafter referred to as “appraising units”.
2. Appraising units shall
take charge and cooperate with relevant agencies in assisting the Minister of
Education and Training in organizing textbook appraisal by performing the
following tasks:
a) Propose the list of
members of the Council;
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c) Receive and transfer
copies of sample textbooks to every member of the Council; receive applications
and reports, proposals of the Council and submit them to the Minister of
Education and Training;
d) Request the Minister
of Education and Training to consider granting approval for textbooks;
20. Procedures for processing applications for textbook appraisal
1. The textbook
appraising unit shall submit the application for textbook appraisal to the
Ministry of Education and Training.
2. The Ministry of
Education and Training shall receive and examine the validity of the application.
In case the application does not meet the requirements prescribed in Article 17
of this Circular, it will be returned to the applicant within 20 working days
from the date of receipt of the application.
3. Within 20 working days
from the date of receipt of the valid application, the textbook appraising unit
shall compile a list of members of the Council and submit it to the Minister of
Education and Training for establishment of the Council.
4. The Ministry of
Education and Training shall convene the first meeting of the Council. The
chairperson of the Council shall manage the activities of the Council in
accordance with the regulations of this Circular.
5. The chairperson of the
Council shall send the Council’s report on the textbook appraisal to the
textbook appraising unit.
6. Depending on the
result of appraisal, the textbook appraising unit shall:
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b) If the result is
“partially satisfactory”, request the Ministry of Education and Training to
send a notice to the applicant requesting supplementation of the application
and submit it again to the Ministry of Education and Training for re-appraisal
in accordance with Clause 2 Article 17 of this Circular.
c) If the result is
“unsatisfactory”, send a notice to the applicant. The textbook developers may
re-develop the textbook and submit the application for appraisal from the
21. Copyright of textbooks and related rights
Issues relevant to
copyright of textbooks and related rights shall be handled in accordance with
regulations of law.
22. Settlement of complaints, denunciations
The settlement of
complaints, denunciations shall comply with current regulations of law on
complaints and denunciations.
The application form for textbook appraisal and approval
(Attached to Circular No. 33/2017/TT-BGDDT dated December
22, 2017)
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To: Ministry of Education and Training
[Name of the
applicant], [address of the workplace/office/legal status]
Requests the Ministry of
Education and Training to appraise the following sample textbook(s) for use in
[primary/secondary/high school]:
1. Name of the textbook:
[name of the textbook, book no. ..., grade ...] [list all the names of the
sample textbooks if there are more than one]
2. b) Names of the
authors/agency representing the authors/editors/chief editor (if any): [list
all the names of the sample textbooks].
3. Educational
institution using the textbook: [primary/secondary/high school]
4. The application
consists of:
a) ………..
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5. Address: ……….
6. Telephone number:
7. Email: ……….
[name, position, signature and seal]
1. Basic information about
the applicant: the certification of establishment, the decision of
establishment, textbook development profile.
2. Basic information
about the developers:
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- As for individuals:
academic credentials and textbook development tasks
3. Opinions of other
organizations and individuals about the textbook (if any).
4. Commitment to
comply with current regulations of law on intellectual property rights.
5. Other relevant
documents (if any).