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Independence – Freedom – Happiness

No: 1291/QD-BYT

Hanoi, May 16, 2024





Pursuant to Law on donation, removal and transplantation of human tissues and organs and the donation and recovery of cadavers dated November 29, 2006;

Pursuant to Decree No. 95/2022/ND-CP dated November 15, 2022 of the Government on functions, tasks, powers and organizational structure of the Ministry of Health.

At the request of the Director General of the Department of Medical Service Administration and the Director General of the Department of Legal Affairs.


Article 1: Issuance of forms for pilot online registration for donation of human tissues and organs, donation of cadavers




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Article 2: Receiving agencies and forms of issuance of cards of online registration for donation of deceased donor tissues and organs

1. Agencies receiving registration for donation of deceased donor tissues and organs

a) Hospitals and health centers in Vietnam;

b) Vietnamese Red Cross at all levels;

c)  Vietnam Tissue and Organ Donation Advocacy Association at all levels;

d) Vietnam National Coordinating Centre for Human Organ Transplantation.

2. Location for online registration for donation of deceased donor tissues and organs: Vietnam National Coordinating Centre for Human Organ Transplantation and hospitals eligible to perform organ transplantation.

3. Agencies receiving online registrations for donation of cadavers: Department of Anatomy of Universities and Colleges providing training in medical majors that meet requirements regarding facilities for cadaver preservation, equipment, personnel and have a memorial room.

Article 3. Effect




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Article 4. Responsibility for implementation

1. Vietnam National Coordinating Centre for Human Organ Transplantation is responsible for:

a) Building, managing, granting IP addresses, user accounts for software for registration for donation of deceased donor tissues and organs, and guiding hospitals eligible to perform organ transplantation on receiving organs, guiding donation registrations by donors' wishes;

b) Issuing cards of online registration for donation of deceased donor tissues and organs

2. Hospitals eligible to perform organ transplantation are responsible for guiding donation registrations by donors' wishes.

3. Department of Anatomy of Universities and Colleges providing training in medical majors is responsible for:

a) Issuing cards of online registration for donation of cadavers;

b) Sending information about donors to the Vietnam National Coordinating Centre for Human Organ Transplantation

Article 5. Organization of implementation




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During the implementation process, any difficulties and issues that arise must be reported to the Ministry of Health (Department of Medical Service Administration) for resolution./.




Tran Van Thuan


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Decision No. 1291/QD-BYT dated May 16, 2024 on pilot online registration for donation of deceased donor tissues and organs, donation of cadavers in 2024-2025 period
Official number: 1291/QD-BYT Legislation Type: Decision
Organization: The Ministry of Health Signer: Tran Van Thuan
Issued Date: 16/05/2024 Effective Date: Premium
Gazette dated: Updating Gazette number: Updating
Effect: Premium

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Decision No. 1291/QD-BYT dated May 16, 2024 on pilot online registration for donation of deceased donor tissues and organs, donation of cadavers in 2024-2025 period

Address: 17 Nguyen Gia Thieu street, Ward Vo Thi Sau, District 3, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
Phone: (+84)28 3930 3279 (06 lines)
Email: inf[email protected]

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