Rent support for employees in industrial zones (IZs) and export processing zones (IPZs)

30/03/2022 14:12 PM

On March 28, 2022, the Prime Minister promulgated Decision No. 08/2022/QD-TTg on implementation of policies on rent support for employees.

Thục Uyên

To be specific, an employee who is working for an enterprise in an IZ or IPZ or a key economic zone (KEZ) will be eligible for support if he/she fully satisfies the following conditions:

- He/she rents an accommodation from February 1, 2022 to June 30, 2022.

- He/she has an indefinite-term employment contract or a fixed-term employment contract with a duration of at least 01 month which was concluded and executed before April 01, 2022.

- He/she is participating in compulsory social insurance (included in the list of participants in compulsory social insurance of social insurance agency) in the month preceding the month in which the enterprise makes the list of employees applying for rent support.

In case the employee is not a participant in compulsory social insurance as specified in Clause 4 Article 2 of Decree No. 115/2015/ND-CP , he/she must be included in the enterprise's payroll of the month preceding the month in which the enterprise makes the list of employees applying for rent support.

Employees who are working in enterprises meeting all of the above-mentioned conditions will receive a support of 500.000 VND/person/month from the State.

Support duration: up to 3 months.

Support will be provided monthly.

Decision No. 08/2022/QD-TTg comes into force from March 28, 2022.


Đây là nội dung tóm tắt, thông báo văn bản mới dành cho khách hàng của THƯ VIỆN PHÁP LUẬT. Nếu quý khách còn vướng mắc vui lòng gửi về Email [email protected].

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Địa chỉ: 17 Nguyễn Gia Thiều, P. Võ Thị Sáu, Q.3, TP.HCM
Điện thoại: (028) 3930 3279 (06 lines)
E-mail: inf[email protected]