The Decree specifies that, as from July 1, 2022, building contractors are obliged to purchase compulsory insurance coverage for workers working at construction sites and compulsory third-party liability insurance.
Also, it sets out more regulations on compulsory third-party liability insurance, specifically as follows:
- Insurance premiums are charged into production and business costs;
- Insurance term is a specified period ranging from the start date to the end date of the construction period specified in the construction contract and the insurance contract;
- The minimum coverage for protection against damage to health and life is one hundred (100) million dong per a person involved in a case without being limited to the number of occurrence cases.
Compulsory construction insurance contracts and third-party liability insurance contracts signed before July 1, 2022 will remain valid according to regulatory provisions in force at the time of contract conclusion.
If amendments or supplements to the insurance contract and amendments or supplements prescribed in the Decree No. 20/2022/ND-CP overlap each other, the latter will prevail.
For more details, please read the Decree No. 20/2022/ND-CP in force from July 1, 2022.