Headlines 26/12/2021 19:09 CH

Tariff quotas for import of salt and poultry eggs to take effect in 2022

Trung Tài

On December 16, 2021, the Minister of Industry and Trade promulgates the Circular No. 24/2021/TT-BCT regarding the principles of regulation of tariff quota-based import of salt, poultry eggs and tobacco in 2022. According to this Circular, the tariff quotas on imports of salt, poultry eggs and tobacco in 2022 are as follows:

- Quota on imports of chicken eggs (subheading 0407.21.00 and 0407.90.10), duck eggs (subheading 0407.29.10 and 0407.90.20), others (subheading 0407.29.90 and 0407.90.90) is 63,860 dozen (commercial clear eggs).

- Quota on imports of salt (heading 2501) is 80,000 tonnes (estimated in the first stage of 2022).

- Quota on imports of salt (heading 2401) is 65,156 tonnes.

In addition, import tariff quotas are allocated to the followings:

- Tariff quotas on imports of salt are allocated to traders directly using salt as ingredients for manufacturing of chemicals, pharmaceuticals and medical products.

- Tariff quotas on imports of poultry eggs are allocated to traders having import demands.

- Tariff quotas on imports of tobacco are allocated to traders licensed to manufacture cigarettes and having demands for imported tobacco for manufacturing of cigarettes.

Circular No. 24/2021/TT-BCT is in effect from February 1, 2022 to end of December 31, 2021.



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