According to this document, the Ministry of Education and Training requests provinces to perform several tasks as follows:
Based on classification, assessment and identification of the risk levels of specific local jurisdictions, they can consider issuing decisions to organize offline classes to adapt to the epidemic control situation.
Instruct implementation of Covid-19 safety and control measures under regulations as follows:
- Local jurisdictions reaching the risk level 3 (high risk):
+ Organize mixed offline and online or television program-based classes.
+ Based on practical conditions, local jurisdictions can decide academic plans varying according to grades and grade levels.
+ At the general education level, prefer grade-1, 2, 6, 9 and 12 students to learn offline, and ensure compliance with distancing rules, depending on school facilities, and epidemic safety and management requirements.
- Local jurisdictions reaching the risk level 1 and the risk level 2 (low and medium risk):
+ Organize offline classes;
+ Improve information technology infrastructure, equipment and means prepared for other forms of teaching to respond to the complicated development of the epidemic.
For more details, please read the Official Dispatch No. 4726/BGDDT-GDTC dated October 15, 2021.