This document requires the temporary suspension from business of temporarily imported, re-exported medical masks, gloves and protective suits for disease prevention and control purposes in the list attached to the Circular No. 44/2020.
This List is compiled based on the list of exported and imported goods of Vietnam annexed to the Circular No. 65/2017/TT-BTC dated June 27, 2017, including:
- Chapter 39: Sub-heading code: 3926.20.90 (Description: Medical gloves).
- Chapter 40:
+ Subheading code: 4015.11.00 (Description: Medical gloves).
+ Subheading code: 4015.19.10 (Description: Medical gloves).
- Chapter 62: Subheading code: 6210.10.90 (Description: Protective suits for disease prevention and control purposes, including: clothes, eyeglasses, medical masks, protective head covers, gloves, boots or shoes).
- Chapter 63:
+ Subheading code: 6307.90.40 (Description: Medical masks).
+ Subheading code: 6307.90.90 (Description: Medical masks).
Those shipments of medical masks, gloves and protective suits for disease prevention and control purposes which have already passed customs clearance procedures by January 22, 2021, will be re-exported under the provisions of the Decree No. 69/2018/ND-CP and other regulations currently in force.
Circular No. 44/2020/TT-BCT is in effect from January 22, 2021 to end of December 31, 2021.