According to this document, Social Security services of cities and provinces attest the lists of employees subject to temporary suspension of their labor contracts or taking unpaid leave submitted by enterprises (Form No. 01) as follows:
- Social Security services of provinces, municipalities, districts and provincially-controlled cities where enterprises pay their social security contributions will have to check consistency and accuracy of these lists with:
+ Documentation on notification of decreases in social security, health insurance and unemployment insurance contributions of enterprises;
+ Data about social security, health insurance and unemployment insurance contributions which are available in the Collection – Book and Card management software.
- If a list is correct, Social Security services will:
+ Give their certification on the Form No. 01 if it is submitted in paper form;
+ Send their reply, including digital signature and certification, if the Form No. 01 is submitted in electronic form.
Notes: This regulation excepts cases in which any employee resigns to enjoy retirement pensions, or leaves work to retain their social security contribution period or get his/her unemployment benefits (if any).
See more details in the Official Dispatch No. 1391/BHXH-BT dated May 6, 2020.