Headlines 03/04/2020 09:46 SA

Any act of quarantine evasion must be prosecuted under criminal laws

Hồng Thuận

The People’s Supreme Court has issued the Official Dispatch No. 113/TANDTC-VP regarding control and prevention of COVID-19 in the context of complicated developments of the disease and the rapidly increased number of persons infected with and died of the disease that seems to be unstoppable.

According to this document, Chief Justices of Courts and Heads of affiliates to the People’s Supreme Court must perform the following tasks:

- Directing imposition of strict sanctions under criminal laws for persons posting fake information, refusing to make health declaration, making false health declaration; evading health quarantine resulting in transmission of the disease to other people, excessive speculation or profiteering on goods, etc.  

- From March 31, 2020 to end of April 15, 2020, Courts must play their leading roles in performing the following tasks:

+ Strictly observing the Directive No. 02/2020/CT-CA dated March 10, 2020 regarding Covid-19 prevention and control in the people’s court system;

+ With respect to cases and claims of which the period of trial (including extension) has expired, if trials or meeting sessions have to be held to try these cases or claims, these trials or meetings must observe laws and strictly conform to disease prevention and control measures.

+ Requesting all staff under their management to thoroughly understand and strictly comply with disease prevention and control measures as well as laws on disease prevention and control.

For more details, please read the Official Dispatch No. 113/TANDTC-VP promulgated on March 30, 2020.



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