Headlines 12/12/2019 10:10 SA

Every Circular coming into force during the middle of December 2019

Quỳnh Như

THƯ VIỆN PHÁP LUẬT would like to introduce the following notable Circulars that will come into force during December 11 – 20, 2019:

1. Criteria for award of the title "Chiến sĩ thi đua cơ sở" to bank employees

The State bank has promulgated Circular No. 17/2019/TT-NHNN commendation in the banking industry, which comes into force from December 16, 2019.

According to the Circular, an employee of a credit institution or foreign bank branch will be awarded the title “Chiến sĩ thi đua cơ sở” if he/she:

- is qualified for the title “Lao động tiên tiến”;

- has initiatives to improve productivity and efficiency or a scientific research that have been recognized by the employer.

 (“Recognized fulfillment of duties” in Circular No. 08/2018/TT-NHNN dated March 30, 2018 is no longer a criterion for award of this title).

2. Issuance of certificate of registration of organic certification service

According to Circular No. 16/2019/TT-BNNPTNT which comes into force from December 18, 2019, an organization certifying organic agriculture products (hereinafter referred to as “certifying organization”) shall submit the registration application to one of the following authorities:

- Directorate of Fisheries for aquatic products.

- Vietnam Administration of Forestry for forestry products.

- Department of Crop Production for farming products.

- Department of Livestock Production for husbandry products.

In case the applicant’s operation involves more than one category, it may choose 01 authority to submit the application.

The authority that issues the certificate of registration shall publish announce the issuance on its website and the website of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development within 05 working days from the date of issue.

3. Increases in meal allowances for athletes in the army

Circular No. 164/2019/TT-BQP provides for meal allowances for athletes in the army. For instance:

- VND 115.000/day/person for players of football teams competing in the National Cup, grandmasters (increased by VND 21.000/day/person)

- VND 102.000 /day/person for players of National A1 football teams, grandmaster candidates (increased by VND 19.000/day/person);

- VND 90.000 /day/person for candidates for A1 football teams, athletes of elite teams established by the Chief of the General Staff (increased by VND 17.000/day/person);

- VND 78.000 /day/person for other amateur athletes that participate in training courses offered by the Chief of the General Staff (increased by VND 17.000/day/person);

Circular No. 164/2019/TT-BQP will come into force on December 20, 2019.

4. Expenses of Vietnam Maritime Administration (VMA)

In Decision No. 32/2019/QD-TTg expenses of VMA, 2 Sub-departments of Maritime and inspecting authorities of VMA are specified in as follows:

- Average salary: 1,8 times the salaries for officials and public employees prescribed by the State (with various ranks, steps and allowances, except overtime pay and nightshift pay);

- Maritime safety and security bonus: 15% of the rank-based and position-based salary (excluding allowances) for officials holding the positions of managers and supervisors of maritime safety and maritime security.

- Payments for workwear prescribed by the Ministry of Transport and the Ministry of Finance.

These regulations shall apply from the fiscal year of 2019 until the end of 2020.

Decision No. 32/2019/QD-TTg will come into force from December 15, 2019.

5. Circular No. 18/2019/TT-BTNMT on criteria and indicators for assessment of quality of public services funded by state budget regarding survey of information about land pricing will come into force from December 16, 2019.

6. Circular No. 14/2019/TT-BNNPTNT on economic – technical norms for water source forecasting and water utilization planning, water quality supervision and monitoring in irrigation works, supervision and forecasting of salinization will come into force in December 18, 2019.

7. Circular No. 16/2019/TT-BLDTBXH which amends Circular No. 14/2015/TT-BLDTBXH on inspectors, specialized officials and inspector collaborators in labor authorities will come into force from December 15, 2019.

8. Circular No. 20/2019/TT-BCT on internal inspection of compliance with law during performance of duty by market surveillance officials will come into force from December 15, 2019.



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